The Calc Helper test version resides at this location and interacts with a Calc Tool Server which is a new extension and also resides at this location: \\PDC\FormsProgramming\Harry\CalcHelperTest -------------- A Note about version control: I am not continuously updating the version number on the extension for now. Once it has been fully designed and implemented the versioning will begin. I am not continuously updating the version number on the Calc Helper tool for now. Once it has been fully designed and implemented [for what I envisioned it to do initially] the versioning will begin. -------------- Perform steps 1) and 2) if you are installing the latest version of the Calc Tool Server, i.e. you have installed a prior version previously. This will allow Calc Helper to communicate with Visual Studio Code [Vscode]. You only need to do step 2) if you are installing for the very first time, i.e. you NEVER installed it before. 1) First manually remove the current calc-tools-server if installed: Click the Extension icon on the left side of the Vscode screen - it looks like a square, it is on the very bottom of the list of icons. 1a) Click on the gear in vscode next to the extension and uninstall it. You may see a 'reload required', click it. 1b) Go to C:\Users\yourname[ex:htruax]\.vscode\extensions and delete the calc-tools-server-ext-0.0.1 folder. 2) Install the calc-tools-server-ext-0.0.1.vsix: Click on that square Extensions icon on the left side of the Vscode screen if you don't see the list of installed extensions. At the top of the screen to the right of 'EXTENSIONS' click on the '...' and click 'Install from VSIX...' and select: \\PDC\FormsProgramming\Harry\CalcHelperTest\calc-tools-server-ext-0.0.1.vsix 3) You need to make a change to your visual studio code settings for the Calc Tools extension so you can launch the test version of Calc Helper: File->Preferences->Settings->Extensions->calc-tools-ext Original Setting: \\PDC\FormsProgramming\Shared Code\Calc Tools\CalcHelper.exe Change To: \\PDC\FormsProgramming\Harry\CalcHelperTest\CalcHelper.exe These settings tell the Calc Tools extension where to get the executible for launching. 4) ctrl-8 will now launch Calc Helper from the above folder.