Id xsdName Name LineNumber Description 47f5b2ac-ab1d-4ebe-9882-2c3e0e94a98b FormCIFT620 FedTaxableIncome B Federal Taxable Income e3a33e1f-2b95-47ec-a7ed-6e5f264272f4 FormCIFT620 FedIncomeTax C Federal Income Tax b617641d-9a20-4bff-a771-98c5e70d2440 FormCIFT620 IncomeTaxPercentage D Income Tax Apportionment percentage 97b83b25-34bd-4583-b50b-0bf06d0dfef2 FormCIFT620 GrossRevenues E Gross Revenues 4f9a0eed-4ff1-487e-9913-6893ca94c659 FormCIFT620 TotalAssets F Total Assets 89ae0a33-3fba-4396-beb8-23634913abda FormCIFT620 NAICS G NAICS Code 75d17a1e-24da-4592-84f5-5e08e789c19d FormCIFT620 PrincipalPlace H Indicate state abbreviation of principal place of business 026ce3ee-5406-4b8e-b07b-1067ecd9127b FormCIFT620 HasDisregardedEntityIncome I Does the income of this corporation in clude the income of any disregarded entities? 4635a8dc-c930-4e90-b722-cdcb541e3bbc FormCIFT620 WasIncludedInFedTxRtn J Was the income of this corporation included in a consolidated federal income tax return? bce191c9-d0df-4d51-9c8b-f9e9d0419cd7 FormCIFT620 IsIntercompanyDebtContained J Do the books of the corporation contan intercompany debt? ad787684-4aa6-443f-bb89-baf2274d97c3 FormCIFT620 LaNetIncomeBeforeDeduction 1A Louisiana Net Income before loss adjustments and fed income tax deduction. b46c367e-6ec3-4811-9e7c-43c89b3e5c5a FormCIFT620 SubchapterSCorpExclusion 1B Subchapter S corporation exclusion edb78f78-c534-4d94-8fec-68b2c04190ba FormCIFT620 NetLossCarryforward 1C Net operating Loss Carryforward cdd30f74-f227-4ed3-8901-3fa4b995695d FormCIFT620 LossCarryforwardUtilized 1C1 Loss carryforward utilized 977d90a6-fd00-4d9e-85ab-fe3ad6f8e2b4 FormCIFT620 FedIncomeTaxDeduction 1D Federal Income Tax deduction ae4001ec-8cc6-4735-bd36-cc16f3c5d23f FormCIFT620 FedDisasterReliefCredits 1D1 Federal Disaster Relief Credits 0f3761f1-6098-4c69-a2cc-76f0cb62ff1f FormCIFT620 LaTaxableIncome 1E Louisiana Taxable Income e8756953-faa9-4558-8b21-ffb9defcf469 FormCIFT620 LaIncomeTax 2 Louisiana Income tax 9fbe9718-0deb-41c1-8045-ac027a1e67f4 FormCIFT620 NonrefundableIncomeTxCredits 3 Total nonrefundable income tax credits 725db034-4d13-4dcd-825b-48c1c4fcf219 FormCIFT620 IncomeTaxAftNonrefCredits 4 Income Tax after nonrefundable credits cde1cfc0-b06f-4607-8e80-d0d4c9ccb1a5 FormCIFT620 TotalCapitalStock 5a Total Capital Stock, surplus, undivided profitsl. a45c19f3-876e-4f28-a7fa-661837fed7cb FormCIFT620 FTApportionmentPercentage 5b Franchise tax apportionment percentage bb5ea1a5-7896-44c5-8a62-12ec40d2eba9 FormCIFT620 FranchiseTaxableBase 5c Franchise taxable base fffee022-501d-4092-bb6d-547b7cb19f5a FormCIFT620 LaCrtYrPropertyAssessedValue 6 Amount of assessed value of real and personal property in Louisiana in Current Year d7f48c9b-8b8f-41c7-9b41-ef154d58d2f3 FormCIFT620 LaFranchiseTax 7 Louisiana Franchise Tax 6d16711f-b62e-460e-98f1-d33a61c942fb FormCIFT620 NonrefundableFTCredits 8 Total nonrefundable franchise tax credits e1be0ba2-98db-4fb1-a07f-491bf74e3857 FormCIFT620 FTAfterNonrefundableCredits 9 Franchise tax after nonrefundable credits 0bbb581f-3536-4f66-98f5-05246d8a284a FormCIFT620 TaxAfterNRCInc 10 Tax after nonrefundable credits - Income ec8d85d6-518a-401c-8d8e-2e7002ab62e2 FormCIFT620 TaxAfterNRCFran 10 Tax after nonrefundable credits - Franchise 99597760-2515-4584-9aab-5a9f2c160be4 FormCIFT620 LaCitInsAsmntPaidInc 11 Louisiana Citizens Insurance Assessment Paid bd0838e1-01da-4200-8582-48c47300de07 FormCIFT620 LaCitInsCreditInc 11A Louisiana Citizens Insurance Credit 3cc5e3b2-90dd-4e03-83a0-76cedc944bf3 FormCIFT620 OtherRCInc 11B Other refundable credits - Income 35417bde-c85c-4a00-b1a0-0fc417216ea3 FormCIFT620 OtherRCFran 11B Other refundable credits - Franchise 8a98326c-8828-4901-bd8b-6524cd5db8bd FormCIFT620 CreditCarryForwardInc 11C Other refundable credits - Income 9697e08e-cac7-4e96-8b6a-1ccfcd1ce798 FormCIFT620 CreditCarryForwardFran 11C Other refundable credits - Franchise 4600fd88-b95b-4479-9e26-22c954e69316 FormCIFT620 EstimatedPaymentsInc 11D Estimated payments ed260ba5-e1e1-4840-96ec-025342ffed83 FormCIFT620 ExtensionPaymentInc 11E Payment made with extension - Income 24a76865-0bc1-4644-886c-9bbfb3918285 FormCIFT620 ExtensionPaymentsFran 11E Payment made with extension - Franchise 14790f28-6b6a-4a40-a006-fa3f50b3b4dd FormCIFT620 TotalRCPInc 11F Total refundable credits and payments - Income e5be7bfb-4a63-491c-8475-3ff6a8e2143f FormCIFT620 TotalRCPFran 11F Total refundable credits and payments - Franchise bb26ac03-16a4-48cb-9434-e8a3b3f69861 FormCIFT620 OverpaymentInc 12 Overpayment - Income 21e258f2-5dc8-4875-baf6-71cb801aa889 FormCIFT620 OverpaymentFran 12 Overpayment - Franchise 93cb7667-0756-4802-93d5-3ed52d0ed206 FormCIFT620 Overpayment 12 Overpayment edfb049b-bd81-485c-9277-4a500f315f17 FormCIFT620 TaxDueInc 13 Tax Due - Income eb55ceeb-fbf1-4a5e-96be-0e3b42927b1f FormCIFT620 TaxDueFran 13 Tax Due - Franchise fc88ac7c-b26e-4174-be96-3962cb9ac85d FormCIFT620 IncOverpaymentToFran 14 Amount of Income tax overpayment applied to franchise tax 19b91b89-c45d-43ba-8add-877ec07d5b33 FormCIFT620 NetTaxDueFran 15 Net tax due a92c2ca3-d972-4864-9321-da3ac4655aaf FormCIFT620 InterestInc 16 Interest - Income 23a80f3a-8828-494d-97e3-be90a584c70b FormCIFT620 InterestFran 16 Interest - Franchise 23736eb5-d7db-4d1d-9ece-872a946eb535 FormCIFT620 FilingPenaltyInc 17 Delinquent Filing Penalty - Income 49137e9a-472e-41a4-a66b-2df9aa86ea78 FormCIFT620 FilingPenaltyFran 17 Delinquent Filing Penalty - Franchise b7e22402-3f1c-4bfd-b809-29cb21c4eb54 FormCIFT620 PaymentPenaltyInc 18 Delinquent Payment Penalty - Income e2b0da9a-7176-4dd5-b4e0-f23004902a3a FormCIFT620 PaymentPenaltyFran 18 Delinquent Payment Penalty - Franchise c2a68929-1a02-4f45-beeb-dc754b357e44 FormCIFT620 DonationToMFAFInc 19 Additional donation to the Military Family Assistance Fund - Income 092368d6-d97c-41d4-aba4-bb6e25fcd06f FormCIFT620 DonationToMFAFFran 19 Additional donation to the Military Family Assistance Fund - Franchise 9be66bf9-7bc0-421a-9375-1de660940915 FormCIFT620 TotalAmountDueInc 20 Total Amount Due - Income 34777feb-8de8-4db2-9a73-dc5298fe5810 FormCIFT620 TotalAmountDueFran 20 Total Amount Due - Franchise 0753651c-592a-44ed-b625-35c5a78b1e9b FormCIFT620 TotalAmountDue 20 Total Amount Due ac8d630c-2c21-41cc-8ebb-da7d23e9955b FormCIFT620 NetOverpaymentInc 21 Net Overpayment - Income 715d5b9f-7299-4afd-8d1e-0e3423647022 FormCIFT620 NetOverpaymentFran 21 Net Overpayment - Franchise a5d475be-9c6c-4636-9a40-a1488454cf2c FormCIFT620 NetOverpayment 21 Net Overpayment 0ea83342-803b-4689-a002-c712570b471f FormCIFT620 OverpaymentMFAF 22 Amount of overpayment you want to donate to The Military Family Assistance Fund e164fef1-5c1b-49bf-944b-97c1552882e0 FormCIFT620 RefundedAmount 23 Amount of overpayment you want refunded b470efaf-b26d-4569-9fa0-e96f0481db37 FormCIFT620 CreditedToNextYrAmount 24 Amount of overpayment you want credited to Next Year f22de76d-8f54-4b5b-8578-4d96bd3c5f02 Sch2015B NetSalesAndCharges 1 Net sales of merchandise and/or charges for services 4a8a002d-697a-4702-b4c2-d8e2094cb237 Sch2015B Sales 1A Sales e4125f4d-d615-4ec8-83f9-e50b19ac0881 Sch2015B ServicesCharges 1B Charges for services 2f9de984-c0b9-4147-b097-c81c2f6d3e8f Sch2015B OtherApportionmentIncome 1C Other gross apportionment income 36ded17b-d9d7-4d32-8835-cd5e91b0b2ea Sch2015B Total 1D Total (Enter total of lines A, B, and C in Col. 2 and 3) ec68562b-0d18-4ef8-ab18-6d93700bdb94 Sch2015B ApportionmentRatio 1D Apportionment ratio (Line 1D Column 4) 3a03f911-eb12-42b2-a829-8bbdc6d833cd Sch2015B WagesAndSalaries 2 Wages, salaries, and other personal service compensation paid during the year 25e1a8a4-65a4-41e0-b442-c57516cf97af Sch2015B TotalPercents 4 Total of percents in column 4 e8251d8d-a973-41bf-bbbf-85ab81b1574c Sch2015B AverageOfPercents 5 Average of percents (use this ammount in determining income apportioned to Louisiana on Line 29, Schedule P) 05e00984-b466-4ba0-9dc8-913a577e82c3 Sch2015C Cash 1 Cash 2a1e46e4-f1c3-47a9-9ba8-23300aaf4c41 Sch2015C NotesAccountsReceivable 2 Notes and Accounts Receivable 785ef320-0265-409e-a56b-fe715cbb9288 Sch2015C ReserveForBadDebts 3 Reserve for bad debts cb9c6c6a-8462-46fc-a06f-2e91d24c6d8c Sch2015C InvestmentInUSGovt 4 Investment in US Govt obligations f9241bbd-08a0-4f31-9705-6d028e75ef8a Sch2015C SubsidiariesStock 5 Stock and obligations of subsidiaries fa9bd0a5-b683-4b56-a18c-867d74be4088 Sch2015C OtherInvestments 6 Other investments 44cdd592-698d-49ee-a9fc-13fd853ced16 Sch2015C LoansToStockholders 7 Loans to stockholders 1e69d47c-e508-4058-95b9-f2330a5e8d73 Sch2015C OtherIntangibleAssets 8 Other intangible assets 90972b27-7737-4c86-ba2e-c43e350cc811 Sch2015C AccumulatedDepreciation 9 Accumulated Depreciation 2b584382-4541-4ec6-b65b-396fde1b08cd Sch2015C TotalIntangibleAssets 10 Total intangible assets (add lines 1-9) 7029d275-e1f9-493d-ab3e-214dd8ba8789 Sch2015C Inventories 11 Inventories eda8f832-cc40-4258-b3fd-ec674528b850 Sch2015C OtherDepreciableAssets 12 Bldgs and other depreciable assets f6a56997-4e1f-44ab-a622-e24025e11561 Sch2015C AccumulatedDepreciation 13 Accumulated depreciation ae2257d4-328c-4968-a372-95316b0a162f Sch2015C DepletableAssets 14 Depletable assets 9cced8d0-4775-4e3d-a773-258746bb250c Sch2015C AccumulatedDepletion 15 Accumulated depletion bdfae67d-f61f-4b13-8317-aadec0535018 Sch2015C Land 16 Land f8096447-ea8a-4598-a4a7-1428abf0729d Sch2015C OtherTangibleAssets 17 Other real and tangible assets 9cf8f699-d928-4740-a5a2-00c297218af6 Sch2015C ExcessiveReservesAssets 18 Excessive reserves, asset not reflected on books or undervalued assets. 6eddee9d-aade-4c88-9b93-6d953633fbea Sch2015C TotalTangibleAssets 19 Total Real and tangible assets (add lines 11 through 18) 395f4295-735a-4a64-9396-e0a7bf83be5f Sch2015C LessTangibleAssets 20 Less real and tangible assets not used in production of net apportionable income f698c1ba-a60d-4818-aca8-b84faeb678f9 Sch2015C Balance 21 Balance 1135344c-81a4-4911-a184-a1a3c8e07523 Sch2015C YearBeginningBalance 22 Beginning of year balance 0d3c8948-f4cf-4a5b-8b2b-2dc34f079e19 Sch2015C Total 23 Total (add lines 23 and 24) 4bb22e68-df3b-41d5-9580-c1069c3e5039 Sch2015C IncomeTaxPropertyRatio 24 Income Tax Property Ratio (Line 25, column 6 (LAITEndOfYear) / Line 25, column 3 (EndOfYear) ) 5753df77-7477-459f-8700-1b8f0fe76c76 Sch2015D GrossReceiptsLessReturns 1 Gross Receipts 92446064-a238-47a3-9a20-79f9de6738c6 Sch2015D Less 2 Less: Cost of goods sold and/or operations a50eee8f-e7b1-4a8e-9ff7-44e9f0b0604f Sch2015D GrossProfit 3 Gross Profit 6557b20e-54be-4ae3-a1ca-b65401ac5b70 Sch2015D GrossRents 4 Gross Rents 66a9eb49-600e-41dc-940c-fc26387634d6 Sch2015D GrossRoyalties 5 Gross Royalties c2c1001c-d58a-4d28-8180-99b4d808fa21 Sch2015D EstatesTrustsIncome 6 Income from estates, trusts, partnerships 8bd8cf80-b616-42bd-a4f6-d87c48edcfef Sch2015D ConstructionRepairIncome 7 Income from construction, repair, etc. 02ed7986-1412-4bde-8eec-66bba1744f73 Sch2015D OtherIncome 8 Other income 670569e8-5bd0-4379-970a-60a68fd0621c Sch2015D TotalIncome 9 Total Income (Add lines 3 through 8) 144adee4-563b-4151-9559-afdd12cebc03 Sch2015D OfficersCompensation 10 Compensation of officers de99a323-504a-465d-b52e-17d3e8002607 Sch2015D SalariesAndWages 11 Salaries and wages (not deducted elsewhere) 8993198d-399a-44fe-831c-c82ea32a9857 Sch2015D Repairs 12 Repairs (Do not include improvements or capital expenditures.) 41683e9f-934e-4abf-9af6-21c715c23340 Sch2015D BadDebts 13 Bad Debts 64c04cfa-5db7-4e82-b5fd-7d4a6615626a Sch2015D Rent 14 Rent b1a1de09-814b-4065-ba27-cabc1ebd4135 Sch2015D Taxes 15 Taxs e303093a-9d8a-4c45-9c9c-e8bbe45b0386 Sch2015D Interest 16 Interest aebc78b7-2ab0-4577-8edd-9aabd82bcd1c Sch2015D Contributions 17 Contributions b7d50979-9849-484c-9a14-2e0133a012b1 Sch2015D Depreciation 18 Depreciation 5b513f78-ddf7-4eee-b304-5747bbac4718 Sch2015D Depletion 19 Depletion 7724ebc1-610f-4047-a3af-b6fd3e6de63f Sch2015D Advertising 20 Advertising 04a20e52-5b66-4e48-bb55-b6879b766827 Sch2015D PensionAndAnnuityPlans 21 Pension, profit sharing, stock bonus, and annuity plans ddaeb85b-bbb9-4306-b5fb-d9900fd013cf Sch2015D OtherEmployeeBenefit 22 Other employee benefits afb9523f-f34f-4ec6-899b-453b521d748f Sch2015D OtherDeductions 23 Other deductions 780a6819-e3dc-4f1f-aa35-114849cbfd96 Sch2015D TotalDeductions 24 Total deductions (Add lines 10 through 23) 9cee5256-06dc-40bf-93dd-f5a5e1533f10 Sch2015D NetIncomeFromAllSources 25 Net income from all sources (Subtract Line 24, column 3 (TotalAmount) from line 9, column 3) 1608746e-6a6a-4e69-90e7-cde44d5693c0 Sch2015D NetPropertyRentsRoyalties 26A Allocable income from all sources - A. Net rents royalties from immovable or corpreal movable property e028781d-c082-4590-9409-29299012deb2 Sch2015D PatentsUsedRoyalties 26B Royalties from the use of patents, trademarks, etc. 86b194ce-7400-4533-a240-907634988eb5 Sch2015D IncomeFromEstates 26C Income from estates, trusts, and partnerships aefe1bd3-3049-43cb-92e3-d38d9d187a24 Sch2015D ConstructionRepairIncome 26D Income from construction, repair, etc. 7adc81f5-cd2b-4d2e-9fb7-a638086cfd83 Sch2015D OtherAllocableIncome 26E Other allocable income 29f082ec-9ad7-4fba-a7ea-50a983960439 Sch2015D AllocableExpenses 26F Allocable expenses 86c511c7-bba4-41f7-a1dc-0e20743a53e8 Sch2015D TotalAllocableIncome 26G Allocable expenses a5b9226d-8875-4905-a94e-2d61f699cc6d Sch2015D NetApportionmentIncome 27 Net income subject to apportionment (Subtract line 26G from line 25) b12c94b0-2c13-44d7-bd24-8ff4961b7ae6 Sch2015D NetIncomeApportionedToLA 28 Net income apportioned to Louisiana 72db9eb5-a7d2-4f95-93b4-58c18cc9324e Sch2015D NetPropertyRentsRoyalties 29a Allocable Income from Louisiana sources - A. Net rents and royalties from immovable or corporeal movable property. 5d3e26aa-eda0-41e4-b08c-e7c8bbc91a78 Sch2015D PatentsUsedRoyalties 29b Royalties from the use of patents, trademarks, etc. 00d5f719-e478-48d2-89ad-0f3f344e62b6 Sch2015D EstatesTrustsPartnershipIncome 29c Income from estates, trusts, and partnerships 89060a4e-3da2-403b-aeb4-d6ed17125134 Sch2015D ConstructionRepairIncome 29d Income from construction, repair, etc 3b2424ce-5a51-4a7e-9ba1-ad1e752382af Sch2015D OtherAllocableIncome 29e Other allocable income 9435171e-7936-473d-990b-6e4378f26567 Sch2015D AllocableExpenses 29f Other allocable income ac6e14ed-16c6-4d14-a6c1-f6f089ac9592 Sch2015D TotalAllocableIncome 29G Allocable expenses 3aba1ed2-2287-463e-b9bb-232fe42ca251 Sch2015D LaNetIncome 30 Louisiana net income before loss adjustments and federal income tax deduction (Add line 28 to line 29g) 08e7a0c1-4fd4-401e-96b1-dbd7cf29e1a7 Sch2015E NetIncomePerBooks 1 Net Income Per Books 09ab140a-1e84-4bf2-95e2-6c1c6c724a8e Sch2015E LAIncomeTax 2 Louisiana Income Tax 276d1218-ff30-4050-a838-9678b39881a3 Sch2015E ExcessCapitalLossOverGains 3 excess of capital loss over capital gains a783aa6e-d033-4b2e-88ae-acc25013f77b Sch2015E TaxableIncome 4 Taxable Income Not Recorded on books this year (itemize) f12a7d8d-3c4b-4640-8d50-146f28d84cdd Sch2015E ExpensesOnBooks 5 Expenses recorded on books this year, but not deducted in this return 44715a86-9401-404e-8c05-694be0fbd194 Sch2015E Total 6 Total (Add lines 1 through 5.) 35b16e45-735b-4948-bd36-9ab9c9568aa8 Sch2015E IncomeNotIncludedInRtn 7 Income recorded on books this year, but not included in this return (itemize) a0d9ea37-8e92-4d1b-a96e-e6983cf990b5 Sch2015E Deductions 8 Deductions in this tax return not charged against book income this year 31003eb3-887a-4dac-8ab1-c6c2e13ea8c8 Sch2015E Total 9 Total (Add lines 7 and 8) afcba298-c228-4c6b-b18d-1fa98a2180bf Sch2015E NetIncomeFromAllSources 10 Net income from all sources per return (Subtract line 9 from line 6) fddd9673-533f-4480-a5e2-a43008727a98 Sch2015F TotalNetIncome 1 Enter total net income calculated under federal law before special deductions 16bd5480-afd6-4f6f-ba88-a4997931e4e5 Sch2015F EffectionsOnFedNetIncome 2 effections on federal net income 229ad4d5-3c23-4eb9-8780-3968266951dd Sch2015F LaNetIncome 3 Louisiana net income from all sources (same as Schedule P, Line 26, of CIFT-620A) 9ba2f961-54c3-4b76-88e4-aba793707757 Sch2015G AccountsPayable 20 Accounts payable 4b636b4e-8517-4ece-aa6b-f3190d2ee656 Sch2015G OneYearPayableMortgages 21 Mortgages, notes, bonds payable (one year old or less at balance sheet date and having a maturity of one year or less from original date incurred) a49a2e95-b852-4d5c-b80a-922037d20378 Sch2015G OtherCurrentLiabilities 22 Other current liabilities (attach schedule) cf602f32-16f5-428a-92b9-f7967ad58946 Sch2015G LoanFromStockholders 23 Loans from stockholders (attach schedule) e1de233b-51f8-480a-b7a1-378cddab6b1d Sch2015G DueToSubsidiaries 24 Due to subsidiaries and affiliates 7bad5a5f-8cb8-4f30-bc70-09bba6744e6c Sch2015G MoreYearsPayableMortgages 25 Mortgages, notes and bonds payable (more than one year old at balance sheet date or having a maturity of more than one year from original date incurred) 30f81756-ea06-4c8c-b94e-2d0d23da8967 Sch2015G OtherLiabilities 26 Other liabilities (Attach Schedule) d10593a7-a7d5-4d73-b661-fd1667be2bef Sch2015G CapitalStock 27 Capital Stock 0136428c-8837-41c7-8a26-9deff062da22 Sch2015G PreferredStock 27a Preferred Stock cebd6ef3-52f3-4bfb-bf2f-3a7de7c7e796 Sch2015G CommonStock 27b Common Stock 6e64f0cf-c4dc-4bff-86fe-e5bf3c2c2737 Sch2015G PaidInOrCapitalSurplus 28 Paid-in or capital surplus 32a12d38-4eba-46af-8172-3a6cc571c8e3 Sch2015G SurplusReserves 29 Surplus Reserves (Attach Schedule) a4c7d2b6-9f01-4421-847b-5a7eb0cd2b61 Sch2015G EarnedSurplusUndividedProfits 30 Earned surplus and undivided profits d31d1fda-55b1-41db-8802-d05a370c19a7 Sch2015G ExcessiveReserves 31 Excessive reserves or undervalued assets 2dd822a8-8a0f-456e-a756-5181ba7b6cbf Sch2015G Totals 32 Totals ( Add lines 20 through 31) e7f8f8e2-d587-41d0-aeaf-5d7ada1c1c07 Sch2015G1 CapitalStock 1 Capital Stock 13b2d860-6efe-4805-b601-39b4f51588d7 Sch2015G1 CommonStock 1A Common Stock (include paid-in or Capital Surplus) c4ac65a5-ee24-46a6-9377-c3517961ab7d Sch2015G1 PreferredStock 1B Preferred Stock (include paid-in or Capital Surplus) 4f63818f-6ad5-412d-809a-e2ec73179126 Sch2015G1 TotalCapitalStock 2 Total Capital Stock 21e5d86b-80a5-4e7c-8c1b-268ca91e9059 Sch2015G1 SurplusUndividedProfits 3 Surplus and undivided profits dfb46a8c-73c8-4340-8858-62be5f6f8e6b Sch2015G1 SurplusReserves 4 Surplus reserves (include any excessive reserves or undervalued assets 552254a5-7c87-4881-8f30-f3d15a719dbc Sch2015G1 Total 5 Total - Add lines 2,3, and 4 85b9b011-2e75-4548-80ae-9b6937f42255 Sch2015G1 DueToSubsidiaries 6 Due to subsidiaries and affiliates 23334c99-3d59-4c3c-9831-d89e24c99035 Sch2015G1 DepositLiabilities 7 Deposit liabilities to affiliates (included in the amount on line 6) 1216a4fa-7c14-4259-9278-4b92ecd42950 Sch2015G1 AccountsPayableLessThan180 8 Accounts payable less than 180 days old (included in the amount on line 6) 70198e3e-5d91-42d3-9aee-fb3e90a22a0d Sch2015G1 AdjustedDebtToAffiliates 9 Adjust debt to affiliates (subtract 7 and 8 from line 6) 6087c8c3-45a5-41b0-a35e-f4567564f76d Sch2015G1 SubtractionAmount 10A If Line 9 above is greater than 0, AND line 5 above is greater than or equal to 0, subtract line 5 from line 9. If both conditions of this line do not apply, skip to Line 10B c9fb9569-905b-4e4b-9ead-caa0ec9c4480 Sch2015G1 CalculatedAmount 10B If line 9 is greater than 0 and Line 5 is less than or = to zero, subtract line 5 from line 9, multiply the difference by 50% and print the result here. 470e0128-a67a-4a8b-a7ac-faeb12a1f196 Sch2015G1 AppropriateAmount 11 Print amount from either line 10a1 or 10b1 6c7172ae-b8cb-4736-9400-359c5807ad5f Sch2015G1 CapitalStock 12 Capital Stock 4691fe23-2901-4bdf-981d-8fe46d9da182 Sch2015G1 PaidInOrCapitalSurplus 13 Paid-in or capital surplus 165a7ef8-c88b-4442-9446-0e0be5610d16 Sch2015G1 SurplusReserves 14 Surplus reserves (Attach schedule) 188db9fb-99de-446b-8ab6-26285e1f8d90 Sch2015G1 EarnedSurplus 15 Earned surplus and undivided profits 6f0a3fbc-aa55-40b5-866d-f28ca36df192 Sch2015G1 ExcessReserves 16 Excess reserves or undervalued assets 570e4a54-ea8c-444c-ab11-3c8a06921978 Sch2015G1 AdditionalSurplus 17 Additional surplus and undivided profits, from line 11 above c8455200-6165-4696-acfa-c5e192e94aaf Sch2015G1 AllowableDeductions 18 Allowable Deductions ed2ac1dd-0956-4804-8531-ba04b7565c25 Sch2015G1 Total 19 Total captial, surplus and undivided profiles (Add Lines 12-17. Print the total in CIFT-620, Line 7A. Round to nearest dollar. a1522b0b-4c83-478f-aa8f-e7d98e191c6b Sch2015H FranchiseTaxPropRatio 21 Franchise tax property ratio (Line 20, Column 2 divided by Line 20, Column 1 7f236ad5-1722-47c3-9956-e6406b54078e Sch2015I Revenues 1 Net sales of merchandise, charges for services, and other revenues bbc5cdea-d4cd-4534-a179-9dabdf45f805 Sch2015I Sales 1A Sales 51444160-a94f-4901-93b9-56c9534db321 Sch2015I ChargesForServices 1B Charges for services 3b38fcd4-db40-4629-9c0d-ca7f61664106 Sch2015I RentsAndRoyalties 1Ci Rents and Royalties a01e26fa-ee6e-440e-a709-ecbab596d684 Sch2015I DividendsAndInterest 1Cii Dividends and interest from subsidaries 5ab5f25f-44b7-4d45-bb5b-c7db93381397 Sch2015I OtherDividendsAndInterest 1Ciii Other dividends and interest 118546a0-15e6-40f4-86b6-40d0c271990a Sch2015I AllOtherRevenues 1Civ All other revenues c33e81bb-daf2-41d8-a380-034d0ac5832f Sch2015I Total 1D Total 3c5f08ca-afe9-475a-941a-741aeb2697a4 Sch2015I FranchiseTaxPropertyRatio 2 Franchise Tax property ratio (Enter value from Schedule M, Line 26) be4eb1ad-009b-4286-baa4-1f72c19136c3 Sch2015I TotalApplicablePercent 3 Total of Applicable Percentages 95eba2b3-0a29-4cc1-bfb2-ca03c726b1f6 Sch2015I AverageOfPercents 4 Average of percents (Devide line 3 byt applicable number of ratioos. Enter here and on Page 2, Line 7b of CIFT-620 2dd14237-0dd0-406e-b129-e1e7f3e5e38c Sch2015J NetTaxableIncome 1 Enter the net taxable income from page 1, Line 1F 48e1af32-d306-481a-886a-29c32a61626b Sch2015J First25Thousand 2a first $25,000 of net income 8e5a03c6-b717-409e-b1bd-de62b98435d8 Sch2015J Next25Thousand 2b Next $25,000 c71a1221-4c9f-4359-b6f2-55ca31938bf1 Sch2015J Next50Thousand 2c Next $50,000 2b95bde7-a75b-4e08-a949-8bc4028ca448 Sch2015J Next100Thousand 2d Next $100,000 f9028358-0f15-4062-9c25-2dc02345cd35 Sch2015J Over200Thousand 2e Over $200,000 a12f3294-aef7-40eb-a16a-5fa853ec62e9 Sch2015J TotalNetIncome 3 Add lines 2a through 2e of column 1 and enter here a89b1ea8-31ff-4c2c-81da-c39f1d193d06 Sch2015J TotalTax 4 Add lines 2a through 2e of Column 2. Enter here and on page 1, line 2 of CIFT-620 4c583f8b-41a3-4787-bf53-240a2e33436c Sch2015K PriorYearCredit 1 Credit from prior year return 18715a82-f32e-47d8-ae19-43bb6aae6265 Sch2015K FirstQuarterPayment 2 First Quarter estimated payment 4adc3fe0-a81d-43ea-a9bb-3398ef7fad7d Sch2015K SecondQuarterPayment 3 Second quarter estimated payment fae1e417-ff7e-4992-83c8-ba8f5b239b7b Sch2015K ThirdQuarterPayment 4 Third quarter estimated payment a6c54c1a-d7a7-4743-90c3-4a0939f79282 Sch2015K FourthQuarterPayment 5 Fourth quarter estimated payment a4bba8f6-0a47-40d9-b48e-5d0ec5353213 Sch2015K ExtensionPayment 6 Payment made with extension request cd7f149a-232d-4d32-93c4-cc73ed3cf35e Sch2015L GreaterAmount 1 Enter amount from Page 2, Line 7c or 8 of CIFT-620, whichever is greater. 357cf5c5-cf27-41d1-8d25-30b840a894f4 Sch2015L First300Thousand 2 Enter first $300,000 of line 1 above. e8f4e0b0-86de-4640-b22b-9fb525eef448 Sch2015L MultiplyBy1Point5 3 Multiply the amount on line 2 by $1.50 for each $1,000 or major fraction thereof and enter here. f46bd0c2-87ed-4a6e-83f0-8e4eeee501c7 Sch2015L Subtraction 4 Subtract line 2 from line 1 and enter here. 0645e99e-6be7-46a7-83e2-dada5eb16f1f Sch2015L MultiplyBy3 5 Multiply the amount on line 4 by $3.00 for each $1,000 or major fraction thereof and enter here ea617c7f-f03e-4be2-9675-e606a952be1d Sch2015L LaFranchiseTax 6 Add lines 3 and 5. Enter the result or $10, whichever is greater here and on page 2, line 9 CIFT-620. Round to the nearest dollar. 878a231d-77e1-4b50-8cbc-28086f753913 Sch2015M BalanceAtBeginning 1 Balance at beginning of year 23b7dfab-73bb-42e6-b98e-9de2b0dcc852 Sch2015M NetIncomePerBooks 2 Net income per books bc979b90-6f0e-4f67-b612-7cfbdf1669ce Sch2015M OtherIncreases 3 Other Increases a497156b-464e-4382-a4b7-cbd346cbdb2e Sch2015M TotalIncreases 4 Total (Add lines 1, 2, and 3) 6c76b7a6-c94a-4247-8766-92d68d37eba2 Sch2015M Distributions 5 Distributions 6a870985-acbe-4f49-9e5c-b7e8c8fae808 Sch2015M OtherDecreases 6 Other Decreases 5050dd0d-c416-45c6-b258-7ef98af15d8e Sch2015M TotalDecreases 7 Total (Add lines 5 and 6) b37bf4a3-5324-49b8-980a-4e72ff4f2b28 Sch2015M BalanceAtEnd 8 Balance at end of year (Subtract Line 7 from 4) cedb0713-00c2-4063-9ddf-f03ca676573a Sch2015N ProductServiceDescription 2 Describe the nature of your business activity and specify your principal product or service, both in Louisiana and elsewhere. 3c61b0c1-7cda-4920-8f02-a7bd5da9cf9e Sch2015N IncorporationDateAndState 3 Indicate the date and state of incorporation. 1b7a4dce-c005-4abc-b77c-6980ccc8652a Sch2015N PropertyLocation 4 Indicate parishes in which property is located. 3910d646-f2f3-4b47-93be-3efbc6954db7 SchNRC TotalIncomeTaxCredits 10 Total Income Tax Credits: Add amounts in Column A. Print here and on CIFT-620, Line 3 ae333b5b-95a5-4314-bf03-3b65b23d47c3 SchNRC TotalFranchiseTaxCredits 11 Total Franchise Tax Credits: Add amounts in column b, print here and on CIFT-620, Line 10 4e47a723-189e-4d9d-bcdb-747e4dede43f SchRC TotalIncomeTaxCredits 9 Total Income Tax Credits 81c682e2-884f-47dd-90cb-eb996ee1ad38 SchRC TotalFranchiseTaxCredits 10 Total Franchise Tax Credits