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 Filing                             CURRENT 2023 City Bus License. #    
 Period:  ____________                              
  Company or Business Name:                                                                            2023 SALES / USE / LODGERS TAX RETURN                                
                                                                                                        949 EAST SECOND AVENUE, DURANGO, CO 81301-5109 
  Location Address:                                                                              (970)375-5033; FAX (970)375-5038 FINANCE@DURANGOGOV.ORG  
                                                                                        WWW.DURANGOGOV.ORG/SALESTAX  ONLINE E-FILING AVAILABLE AFTER REGISTERING 

                                                                                                                                  COMPUTATION OF TAX                              
                                                                                           5. AMOUNT OF CITY SALES TAX:           3.5% (0.035)  OF LINE 4                
                   (TOTAL RECEIPTS FROM CITY ACTIVITY                                      6. ADD: EXCESS TAX COLLECTED:                                                 
  1. GROSS SALES    MUST BE REPORTED AND ACCOUNTED FOR                                     7. ADJUSTED CITY TAX: (ADD LINES 5 AND 6)                                     
        AND SERVICE    IN EVERY RETURN INCLUDING ALL SALES,                                8. DEDUCT 3 1/3% (0.0333) OF LINE 7 (VENDOR'S FEE, IF PAID BY DUE             
                   BOTH TAXABLE AND NON-TAXABLE.)                                          DATE), - MAXIMUM ALLOWED EQUALS $300.00                                       
  2A. ADD: BAD DEBTS COLLECTED                                                             9. TOTALMAXIMUMSALESALLOWEDTAX (LINEEQUALS7 MINUS$300.00LINE 8)               
  2B.  TOTAL LINES 1 & 2A                                                                                                                                                
         A. NON-TAXABLE SERVICES                                                         10. CITY USE TAX      SCHEDULEFROM      BAMOUNT SUBJECT TO TAX X3.5%   
  3.        SALES                                                                                                                                                        
            (INCLUDED IN ITEM 1 ABOVE)                                                   11. CITY LODGERS TAX:                                                 X 5.25%  
         B. SALES TO OTHER LICENSED                                                                                                                                      
            DEALERS FOR PURPOSES OF                  
            TAXABLE RESALE                                                                12. TOTAL TAX DUE: (ADD LINES 9, 10, AND 11)                                   
            AND /OR STATE (INCLUDED IN                                                             LATE FILING                    PENALTY:  10%                          
                                                                                              AFTER DUE DATE THEN                 (0.005) per month:               ➔   
            ITEM 1 ABOVE)                                                                13.    IF RETURN IS FILED    ADD:  INTEREST 0.50%                        Total  
         D. BAD DEBTS CHARGED OFF (ON                                                    14. TOTAL TAX PENALTY AND INTEREST DUE (ADD LINES 12                      ➔ 
  D         WHICH CITY SALES TAX HAS  BEEN                                               AND 13)                                                                           
  E         PAID) 
  D      E. TRADE-INS FOR TAXABLE                                                               ADJUSTMENT PRIOR      A - ADD UNDERPAYMENT:                              
  U         RESALE                                   
  C      F. SALES OF GASOLINE AND                                                             PERIODS ATTACH COPY                                                  ➔  
            CIGARETTES                                                                   15.       OF OVER OR                   B - DEDUCT OVERPAYMENT/BOND: 
  I      G. SALES TO GOVERNMENTAL                                                                     NOTICE                                                             
  O         RELIGIOUS AND CHARITABLE                                                                                                        MAKE CHECK OR MONEY          
            ORGANIZATIONS                                                                16. TOTAL DUE AND PAYABLE:                         ORDER PAYABLE TO       ➔ 
                                                                                                               SCHEDULE A - SPECIAL MESSAGE TO CITY 
  S      H. RETURNED GOODS                                                                                                                  CITY OF DURANGO              
         I. OTHER DEDUCTIONS (LIST)                                                       
         3. TOTAL DEDUCTIONS (TOTAL OF LINES 3A THRU K)                                   
  4. TOTAL CITY NET TAXABLE SALE S & SERVICE                                              
     (LINE 2B MINUS LINE 3)                                          
                                      SCHEDULE B - CITY USE TAX                           
  The Durango Code imposes a tax upon the privilege of using, storing, distributing,              or otherwise consuming in the City tangible property or taxable 
  services purchased, rented, or leased.   This only applies to vendors and consumers on items in which city sales taxes were not paid. 
   DATE OF                 NAME OF VENDOR ADDRESS                                                                   TYPE OF COMMODITY PURCHASED                         PURCHASE 
  PURCHASE                                                                                                                                                                 PRICE 
                                                     (A) LIST OF PURCHASES (IF ADDITIONAL  SPACE IS NEEDED, ATTACH SCHEDULE                 IN 
                                                                                   SAME FORMAT) 
                                                     (B) TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE OFPROPERTYSUBJECT TO CITY USETAX                                                     
                                                              ENTER TOTAL HERE AND ON LINE 10 OFRETURN                                                           $ 
  Sec. 23-19. - Vendor liable for tax.  Every retailer, also herein called vendor,              shall irrespective of the provisions of section 23-20 be           liable and      
  responsible for the payment of an amount equivalent to three and half                  (3-1/2) percent of all sales made by him of commodities or services as 
  specified in section 23-17 and shall from the twentieth day of each month,                  make a return to the finance director for the preceding calendar month 
  and remit an amount equivalent to three and half (3-1/2) percent of the                sales to the finance director. Less an amount equal to the lesser of three and 
  one-third (3-1/3) percent of the taxes remitted or the sum of three hundred                 dollars, ($300) to cover the vendor’s expense in the collection and                  
  remittance of the tax. Ord. No. 1985-23, § 1(5-13-5), 12-17-85; Ord. No. 1999-10, § 1, 5-18-99; O-2005-18, § 1, 5-17-05; Ord. No. O-2007-47, § 1, 12-18-

  I hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the statements made herein are to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. 

  Sign.__________________________________________                                                Date________/________/________ 
  Print Name____________________________________                                                Title_________________________________ 
  Contact Phone__________________________________                                  If you sold the business or need to close the business/sales tax license, go to      
                                                                          www.durangogov.org/salestax   to fill out the business license closure form. 

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