Enlarge image | City of Manitou Springs, Colorado APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE This application is for a: New Business:_______ Renewal of an existing business:_______ Business license required: It is unlawful for any person, either directly or indirectly, to conduct any business, for seven days or more within one calendar year, without first obtaining a business license. Said license must be kept current at all times during which the business is operated. (Ord. 1717, Municipal Code Section 5.04.030 A.) "Business” includes vocations, occupations, professions, enterprises, establishments, and all other kinds of activities and matters, together with the devices, machines, vehicles and appurtenances used therein, any of which activities are conducted for the purpose of producing gain or income, either directly or indirectly, on any premises in this City or anywhere else within its jurisdiction. This definition shall not include long-term rental of dwellings containing less than five units. Nor shall it include activities of nonprofit state corporations, and of federal, state or municipal corporations. (5.04.020 Definitions.) No business license should be issued for the sale or offering for sale of goods or services from public property, except when such activity is permitted pursuant to a valid City-issued special event permit. Event permits are obtained through the event organizer. (5.04.030 B.) “Public property” means any property owned or controlled by the City and open to the public or available for public use, including but not limited to public streets, rights of way, sidewalks, parks, and public buildings. (5.04.020 Definitions.) All licenses shall expire twelve months from the date of application unless otherwise indicated. Whenever any license fee payment therefore is not received on or before the expiration date of any business license, and the licensee continues to engage in business past said renewal date, a penalty of fifty percent of the renewal fee shall be imposed and collected for renewal of the license, and an additional five percent of the renewal fee shall be added on the first of each month thereafter; provided, however, that the total cumulative penalty shall not exceed one hundred percent of the renewal fee. (5.04.050 and 5.04.060) BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Specifically describe your business activities (e.g. if retail, what products you are selling, if hotel/motel, number of rooms*, if restaurant/bar, number of seats provided) and a percentage for each activity (e.g. 60% retail – artwork; 20% service – painting; 20% professional – computer consulting ) ________% activity____________________________________________________ *Please note number of hotel/motel rooms per building if applicable ________% activity____________________________________________________ ________% activity____________________________________________________ 1. BUSINESS INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS OWNER PHYSICAL ADDRESS OF BUSINESS BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER BUSINESS FAX NUMBER BUSINESS EMAIL ADDRESS FORM OF BUSINESS (sole proprietor, partnership, LLC, etc.) COLORADO SALES TAX NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE (attach a copy of license/application) ARE ALL APPLICABLE TAXES PAID? DO YOU HAVE ANY OUTSTANDING DEBT WITH THE CITY? 2. APPLICANT INFORMATION APPLICANT NAME BUSINESS CONTACT PERSON BUSINESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON EMERGENCY CONTACT PHONE NUMBER 3. BUSINESS TYPE AND FEE (OR AFIRMATION OF BEING A NON-PROFIT) Please select your business type(s) and provide any additional required information as noted. Applications that are submitted without all required information will NOT be processed. _____ __NONPROFIT CORPORATION - Must attach letter from IRS establishing tax exempt status. Business License will not be required upon verification of non-profit status. (Municipal Code Section 5.04.020). _______ SALES (NON-RETAIL)/PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/LONG TERM LODGING: Municipal Code Section 5.05. Must include a completed Use Tax Return. Fees are as follows: New $62.00, Renewal $44.00 _______SALES (RETAIL)/ SHORT TERM LODGING: Municipal Code Section 5.05. Must include a completed Use Tax Return. Must include copy of Colorado Sales Tax License/Application. Short Term Rentals must submit a 2% Camping & Lodging Tax return (see MunicipalCode Sections 3.24.030 and 3.24.040 ) by the 20th of every month following sales and must undergo a review by the Planning Department each year before renewal. Fees are as follows: New $124.00, Renewal $62.00 1of 3 |
Enlarge image | ______ENTERTAINMENTAND AMUSEMENT: Municipal Code Section 5.05.010. Must include a completed Use Tax Return. Must submit a 5% Excise Tax return (see Municipal Code Section 3.16) by the 20th of every month following sales. Fees are as follows: New $124.00 plus $25.00 for each additional amusement, Renewal $62.00 plus $19.00 for each additional amusement. ______RESTAURANT: Municipal Code Section 5.05.020. Application must be accompanied by a CURRENT HEALTH INSPECTION REPORT from El Paso County Health Department, Must include a completed Use Tax Return . Must include a copy of Colorado SalesTax License/Application. Fees are as follows: New $124.00, Renewal $62.00 _______ GAS STATION: Municipal Code Section 5.05.030. Must include a completed Use Tax Return. Fees are as follows: New: $124.00, Renewal $62.00. _______HORSE DRAWN VEHICLES AND PEDICABS: Muncipal Code Section 5.05.040. Must include a completed Use Tax Return and proof of insurance (please see Municipal Code Section 5.05040 for further information and requirements). Applicant must submit a 5% Excise Tax return (see Municipal Code Section 3.16) by the 20th of every month following sales. Fees are as follows: New $124.00, Renewal $62.00 _______ MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT: Municipal Code Section 5.07 Must include a completed Use Tax Return. Fees are as follows: New: $124.00, Renewal $62.00 (please see Municipal Code Section 5.07030 for further information and requirements). _______ TOBACCO PRODUCT RETAIL LICENSE: Municipal Code Section 5.10 Must include a completed Use Tax Return. Fees are as follows: New: $175.00, Renewal $175.00 _______ HOME OCCUPATION: Municipal Code Section 18.40 Must include a completed Use Tax Return. Home Occupation Form must be signed and accompany application. Fees are as follows: New: $32.00, Renewal $32.00 4. PREMISE INFORMATION PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS HOW MANY OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES WILL YOU PROVIDE? DO YOU PLAN NEW-ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE OR CHANGES TO CURRENT SIGNAGE? IS BUSINESS LOCATION A RESIDENCE? IS BUSINESS IN A COMMERCIAL BUILDING? WILL FLAMMABLES OR ANY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BE USED? WHO WILL MAINTAIN SIDEWALK, TO INCLUDE SNOW REMOVAL? 5. FIRE (All in-City businesses are subject to inspection by the Fire Department) Fire Inspector:________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________ Fire Department Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. PLANNING (All in-City Businesses are subject to review by the Planning Department) Planning Official:______________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________ Planning Department Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE (All in-City businesses are subject to inspection) Code Enforcement Officer:______________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________ Code Enforcement Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. WATER TREATMENT Backflow devices are required on ALL commercial properties. All non-home based businesses must submit a copy of the annual backflow preventer inspection to the Water Treatment Department. A listing of approved backflow testers is available on the City of Manitou Springs website (See Cross Connection Control Program section). Please direct questions regarding this program to Water Treatment, Jeanne Muth (685-5597) Completed backflow inspections may be emailed to jmuth@manitouspringsco.gov. 9. APPLICANT SIGNATURE I declare under penalty of perjury in the second degree that the statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Printed Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ After completing application, please attach required forms and remit to the City of Manitou Springs, Finance Office, 606 Manitou Ave, Manitou Springs 80829. 2of 3 |