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                                           Colorado Department of Labor and Employment 
                                           Unemployment Insurance Employer Services 
                                                P.O. Box 8789, Denver, CO 80201-8789 
                          303-318-9100 (Denver-metro area) or 1-800-480-8299 (outside Denver-metro area) 
                                SOCIAL  SECURITY  NUMBER  CORRECTIONS 
 This form should be used to correct worker wages misreported under an incorrect social security number (SSN).  
 Use an additional form for each year requiring the correction.  Please complete all items. 
1. Employer Account Number                                                                           2. Indicate the year being corrected. 
                                                                     ●           ―
                                                                                                     YEAR 20___ 
3. Owner, Partners, or Corporation Name 
4. Doing Business As 
                                                 EXPLANATION OF ITEMS 
 Item 5. List the incorrect SSN that was used in previous reports of workers’ wages. 
 Item 6. List the correct SSN. 
 Item 7. List the employee's name. 
 Item 8. Report thetotal wages paid     in the calendar quarter.  If correcting wages, do not report the difference. 
 Item 9. This section must be completed by the individual completing and submitting this document.  Please include the telephone number. 
                                                                                              8. Total Wages Paid in Quarter 
  5. Incorrect              6. Correct                                                                                             
                                                 7. Employee Name 
  Employee SSN           Employee SSN                                                                                              4th 
                                                                                 1st Quarter         2nd Quarter      3rd Quarter  Quarter 
9. Preparer's Signature                                                                       10. Telephone Number 
                                                                                                (           ) 
 UITR-6c (R 11/2010) 

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