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CITY OF      LONGMONT        Salesand  Use Tax            Division                

SALES  AND USE                            TAX                        LICENSE              APPLICATION                                                        There is      a one time   
City      of Longmont www.longmontcolorado.gov ‐                                                                                                           $25.00 Processing       Fee      
Civic Center Complex         350 ‐ Kimbark                   Street  Longmont, ‐      CO 80501                                                                with  Application         
(303) 651    8672‐    

                                                                                          GENERAL  INFORMATION                        

Business  Owner(s)      

Doing  Business As      or   Trade name                      

Business  Ownership Name              

Type of      Ownership                                                Individual                       Corporation                                Partnership 

             Do  you have    a                  SS # or ITIN          Yes 
                                                                                                      FEIN #FEIN#                                                                   

Colorado Department                                                   LLP                              LLC                                        NonProfit 
of Revenue   ID      Number      
                                                                     FEIN #FEIN#CDORExemption          #                                                                                

Physical location    of      business   


City                                                                                                            State                             Zip 

Mailing  address for   business      (enter                 only  if different      from  Physical  location)        


City                                                                                                            State                                  Zip   

Bus  Phone Include   Ext                                                                                        Alt Phone    Include   Ext       


Primary Contact      Information        

Name      of Contact person                                                                                     Roll      of Contact Person     

Mailing  address for   Contact         


     City                                                                                                       State                                Zip    

Contact Email address                                                                                 Contact Phone          Include ‐ Ext       

                                                                                                                                                                                            Page    1

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2nd Contact            Information                

Name      of Contact person                                                                                              Roll      of Contact Person          

Mailing  address for                   Contact         


           City                                                                                                           State                                              Zip    

Contact Email              address                                                                                    Contact Phone     Include ‐ Ext          

Filing Frequency                        

                              Annual  Filing no ‐ sales          tax generated                  
                              Quarterly  Filing less ‐         than    $50.00    City  tax per     month               

                              Monthly Filing           More ‐    than  $50.00     City  tax per      month               

Business Type                 
What  type of      business will                you   have?                                                                                     NAICS   

                             Apparel                                         Home Furnishings                                             Professional and           Other    Services                    Government 

                             Automotive                                      Retail  Sales                                                Utility                                                         Non‐ Profit 

                             Restaurant                                      Lodging/Hospitality                                          Home Occupation                                                 Wholesale 

                             Grocery                                         Construction                                                 Manufacturing                                                   Leasing 

Detailed  description of      business activities                            

Date business              activity       will  begin  in Longmont                

Will  your business                have       a permanent        location     in the      City of  Longmont?                             Yes                         * Business     in      the Home     
                                                                                                                                         No                          * Read   and  sign  section  below     
                             Business based            outside      of      Longmont                                                                                      for  Home Occupations        

                             Mobile food              vendor                  Commercial  Kitchen               ‐     Address 

                             Other                            Other Description              

                                                                            INFORMATION  FOR HOME                                OCCUPATIONS                      
Please read            and   check        the   acknowledgement              box  if your      business    will be    operated    out of your   private       residence                       
within  the City           of      Longmont            

You will       be  responsible            for   ensuring   that     your  business        meets    the following      criteria  for home   occupations                        

Section 15.10.020                  #      153 defines  a Home       Occupation,      it states:      "Home     Occupation        means  an accessory       use of a dwelling                        
unit (or       of      and accessory          structure  allowed       on a  residential       lot) for  gainful    employment        of the residents        of the dwelling                      
unit,  which use           does        not  change     the  essential     residential     character      or appearance           of the dwelling        unit."            

Longmont  Municipal; Code                          Section  15.04.030.C.4         states:           

It is      the intent  of      this subsection        to regulate      home   occupations            so that      the average    neighborhood     resident,  under normal                             
circumstances, will                    not  be  negatively     impacted       by and      will be  minimally    aware  of their      existence.  Home occupations                                
must meet          all          of the following      criteria:       

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           a.       Home Occupations                 shall  be       conducted        entirely       within  the principal         structure        or an accessory            structure                            
                    associated with             the  residential           use,  and  shall     be carried      on by  at least         one resident       of the principal                                  
                    dwelling as      well as      no more        than      one  additional           non resident.  ‐               

           b.       Home Occupations                 shall  be       clearly     incidental     and     secondary        to the      use of  the dwelling        for dwelling                               
                    purposes and             shall  not    change       the    residential      character       of the      property.                  

           c.       Size for       home     occupation:               

                                   i. Form      home     occupations             not  servicing      the public        at the location,        the total   area   used         for the       home                              
                                          occupation  shall not                exceed    an    area  representing           one  half (50‐    percent)        of the gross           floor     area    of                   
                                          the principal         dwelling       unit.      

                                   ii. For   home    occupations               engaged       in serving      the public     at the location,        the total  area            used  for the                               
                                          home  occupation shall                 not  exceed         an    area representing         15 percent        of the      gross floor         area    of the                         
                                          principal  dwelling unit               unless      the  area   of the      home    occupation          is a live/work          unit as defined                              
                                          in the  building       code      as      adopted by the      City of   Longmont.                      

           d.       There shall          be  no  advertising            of other      display  or indications          of a home          occupation,     with the  exception                  of                    
                    signage permitted               for  home           occupations      per    chapter      15.06       (Signs),    of this      development            code.                    

           e.       There shall          be  no  substantial            retailing     or wholesaling         of stocks,      supplies,     or products        conducted              on the                          
                    premises of          a home occupation;                however,          delivery    of retail      products     to the      consumer        off the premises,                                    
                    such as          in the course   of a          mail order  business,     shall be    permitted.                        

             f.     There shall          be    no exterior      storage        on the    premises       of supplies       of material       used in the    home            occupation.                                 
                    nor      of any chemically           hazardous,            explosive,    or combustible              material    within      the dwelling            or upon      the                     
                    exterior   of   the property.                 

           g.       A home         occupation        shall  provide            additional    off street  ‐   parking      area adequate             to accommodate             all                    
                    needs created            by      the home     occupation,            without     changing          the residential        character       of the premises.                                

           h.       A home         occupation        shall  not         generate      or result      in nuisances        such as   traffic,      on street  parking,‐          noise,                          
                    vibration,  odor, glare,             fumes,         electrical    interference,          or hazards       greater       than  that usually             associated          with                     
                    residential uses.              

                        By checking this          box,   I acknowledge            that   I have      read  and understand            the ordinance            stated above             agree                           
                to  abide by          it under penalty     of law      and to    notify      the City   of any  changes         in this home      occupation.                I understand                                 
                that  this application          is      intended to inform            applicants     of the      regulations       and in no     way      legitimizes          any use that                              
                does not    strictly      conform        to      the provisions       of the      ordinance     as stated      above.                   

Please continue     to      the signature       section     of the      application.         Information        for building,        zoning  and fire  is not                                
necessary for   a      business operated          out    of a          private residence.                

                                                            INFORMATION  FOR BUILDING,                                           ZONING,              AND       FIRE            
Please read    and  fill  out   this   section     if your      business         located     within     the City     of Longmont          is operating        from a commercial                                              
location and    not  a      private residence.               

Square  footage of      the tenant        space?            

Name      of Previous business         at      location?          

Nature      of previous business          at      location?        

will your  business    be  utilizing      space     inside      of an         already                                    Yes                       No 
existing business?         

Please give    name    of      the business     and   explain        how  much        space  you will        utilize     inside  their    tenant      space                           

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Did you    purchase       an     existing business?                                                       Yes                      No 

Was  sales or      use tax     paid  on the      fixed    business     assets          
purchased?                                                                                                Yes                      No 

Will you   be     changing        the  nature,     size   or equipment       of          
the business        you  purchased?                                                                       Yes                      No 

Please describe           

Are fire   alarms        installed  in      the tenant    space?                                          Yes                      No 

Are there   fire    sprinklers      installed?                                                            Yes                      No 

Will customers           be    coming  to      the site?                                                  Yes                      No 

Will there  be     any   cooking       done      on site    using  ovens,    stoves,            
fryers, grills,    smokers        or      other cooking      equipment            
(microwaves excluded)?                                                                                    Yes                      No 

Please describe          what     type  of      cooking equipment          will  be used.        

Is there   an    existing      kitchen  hood       at the      site?                                      Yes                      No 

Will there  be     any   hazardous        or flammable            materials    used           
or stored  on     site?                                                                                   Yes                      No 

If so      please describe         

Will there  be     any   manufacturing             or production         processes             
at this    site?                                                                                          Yes                      No 

Please give       a      brief description      of manufacturing         processes    on site.      

Will there  be     any   outdoor       activity    or storage         on site        
including outdoor              seating  or      keeping of work        vehicles?                          Yes                      No 

Please describe          all      outdoor activities.           

Will you   be     making       any  changes      to the      exterior  of the      property        
(e.g. lighting,     landscaping,          parking,      etc.)?                                            Yes                      No 

Please describe          any    changes   to      the premises.             

Will you   be     making       any  changes      to the      building,   including             
electrical wiring,       plumbing,        HVAC,       demolition,        or      
addition   of   walls or      rooms?                                                                      Yes                      No 

Please describe           

                                                                                         APPLICANT  SIGNATURE                     

I hereby   certify       under    penalty       of perjury,      that  the statements     made  herein  are to the  best      of my  knowledge,        true and     
Signature                                                                                                                             Date   

Print  Name        

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                                   OFFICE  USE ONLY     
Account  Number                                         GEO CODE    

Filing Status       NAICS Code                                      Payment  Type    Online 

Sub Category                                                                         Check 

Application  Type    Oline                  Hard Copy                                Cash 

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