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             PO BOX 0845 - LOVELAND, CO 80539-0845                               SALES TAX RETURN
             (970) 962-2708 FAX (970) 962-2927                                   CITY OF LOVELAND
             EMAIL: salestaxtax@cityofloveland.org

             TAXPAYER NAME & ADDRESS                                        PERIOD          DUE DATE           CITY LICENSE #

1.  GROSS SALES AND SERVICE:                                           5.  Amount of City Sales Tax:
    (TOTAL RECEIPTS, BEFORE SALES TAX,                                     3.0% of Line 4
    FROM CITY ACTIVITY MUST BE REPORTED                                6.  ADD: Excess Tax Collected:
    INCLUDING ALL SALES, RENTALS, LEASES, &                            7.  Total City Sales Tax:
    SERVICES, BOTH TAXABLE & NON-TAXABLE)                                  (Add lines 5 and 6)
2A. ADD: BAD DEBTS COLLECTED                                           8A:                  Penalty: 10% 
                                                                                            of line 7 or $15, 
2B: TOTAL OF LINES 1 & 2A                                                   Late Filing: If whichever is 
3.  A. Non-Taxable Service or Labor:                                        Return is Filed   greater
    B. Sales To Other Licensed Dealers                                      After Due Date 
    for Purposes of Taxable Resale                                     8B:    Then Add:     Interest: 1% 
                                                                                            per Month of 
D   C. Sales Shipped Out of City:                                                             line 7
E   D. Bad Debts Charged Off:                                          9A. Amount Subject to Tax
D   (on which tax was previously paid)                                     from Schedule B:
U   E. Trade-in For Taxable Resale:                                    9B. 3.0% of line 9A
C   F. Sales of Gasoline and Cigarettes:                               10. Total Tax Due & Payable:
T   G. Sales to Governmental, Religious,                                   (add lines 7, 8A, 8B, 9B)
I   and Charitable Organizations:                                      11. Adjustments Prior Periods:
O   H. Returned Goods:                                                     (attach copy of notice)
N   (on which tax was previously paid)                                     TOTAL DUE & PAYABLE:
S   I. Prescription Drugs & Prosthetic                                           Payable to:
    Devices:                                                                  City of Loveland
    J. Food Stamps:
    K. Lodging Over 30 Days:                                                                SCHEDULE B
    L. Other (Please Explain):                                                                                  Purchase Price
TOTAL DEDUCTIONS   (Total of Lines 3A - 3L)                            Building Materials Subject to Use Tax:  $
4.  TOTAL NET TAXABLE SALES & SVCS:                                       Sale/Purchase of Business Equipment: $
    (line 2B minus total deductions)
                                                                                 Total Price Subject to Tax    $

                                                                       I, hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the statements made herein 
                                                                                 are to the best of my knowledge true and correct.
    BUS. ADDRESS                    MAILING ADDRESS                    Phone:
DATE OF BUSINESS CLOSURE OR SALE:                                      E-Mail:

                                                                                                Revised November 2019   Page 1

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Line 1  Enter total receipts from all sales, services, rentals, Line 4    Enter the difference between Line 2B and
        leases (both taxable & non-taxable)                               total deductions
Line 2A Enter bad debts collected during the period, which      Line 5    Calculate the amount of Loveland sales tax
        were previously deducted on line 3D in prior periods              due by multiplying Line 4 by 3%
Line 2B Enter the total of lines 1 and 1A                       Line 6    Enter the amount, if any, of Loveland tax
                                                                          collected from customers in excess of the
                                                                          amounts on Line 5
Line 3A Enter receipts from non-taxable service charges,        Line 7    Enter the totals of Line 5 and Line 6
        fees, or labor                                          Line 8A   If the return is filed after the due date, add
Line 3B Enter sales to other licensed  dealers for resale                 10% of line 7 or $15, whichever is greater
                                                                Line 8B   If the return is filed after the due date, add
Line 3C Enter sales of goods shipped or delivered                         1% for each month late of line 7
         outside of Loveland  to a non-resident                 Line 9A   Enter the total from Schedule B
        (Including Building Materials)                          Line 9B   Calculate the amount of tax due by multiplying
Line 3D Enter unsecured bad debts from open accounts                      Line 9A by 3%
        written off during the reporting period.  Enter         Line 10   Enter the totals of lines 7, 8A, 8B and 9B
        only those bad debts upon which Loveland tax            Line 11   Enter the total amount due if you received a
        was previously remitted.  Bad debts are not                       deficiency notice.  If you are claiming a credit you
        deductible if returns are filed on a cash basis, or,              must attach documentation and enter the amount
        if the seller retains title to the merchandise as                 here or file a claim for refund
Line 3E Enter the amount allowed to customers for                                     SCHEDULE B
        trade-ins during the reporting period.  This            Calculate the amount of building materials subject to tax by
        deduction is only allowed if the exchanged              multiplying the purchase price by 3%.
        property will be resold at a retail by the              Calculate the amount of tax due on the sale/purchase of
        taxpayer                                                business equipment by multiplying the total assets by 3%.
Line 3F Enter receipts from sales of gasoline and               NOTE:     The City of Loveland DOES NOT have
        cigarettes.  Cigars and other tobacco products                    consumers use tax.
        are subject to tax
Line 3G Enter receipts from sales to religious, charitable,                 Sale/Purchase of a Business
        or governmental organizations, which are exempt         If your business has been sold to a new owner, sales tax may
        from Loveland tax and have a valid exemption            be due on the selling price of the tangible personal property
        number.  The number must be shown on the                assets, except for inventory to be resold.
        invoice to be exempt
Line 3H Enter the sales amount of any goods returned                        Interest Calculation Example
        during the period on which Loveland tax was             Late returns are assessed interest equal to 1% per month from
        previously submitted                                    the due date of the payment.  For example, interest on a late
Line 3I Enter receipts from sales of prescription drugs,        return for the period of May 1st through May 31st is
        wheelchairs, and other prosthesis devices               calculated as follows:
Line 3J Enter receipts from sales purchased with
        food stamps                                             Date Filed:            # of Months Late:       Interest Due:
Line 3K Enter receipts from lodging over 30 days                June 20th                      0               None
Line 3L           OTHER DEDUCTIONS: (Please list)               June 25th                      1               Tax Due x 1%
        Sales of building materials to building permit holders  July 23rd                      2               Tax Due x 2%
        when delivered within the City Limits                   August 18th                    2               Tax Due x 2%
        (Exclude pickups in the City        $                   August 21st                    3               Tax Due x 3%
        using County Permits)
        Trash Stamp Sales                   $
        Restaurant Utility Adjustment       $
        Miscellaneous Other                 $

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