Enlarge image | CITY OF GRAND JUNCTION -- ACCOUNT CHANGE OR CLOSURE FORM ACCOUNT NAME________________________________________________________________ ACCOUNT #_________________________ (1)______Mailing Address Change (2)______Business Location Change New Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ (If your business moves to a location outside of the City limits and all business is conducted outside the City limits, you need to close your account--see (5) below.) New Location: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3)______Business Name Change (not ownership change) (If you have an ownership change where the ID # in the form of Social Security # or Federal Identification Number (FEIN) changes you must complete (4) below.) New Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (4)______Business Entity and/or Ownership Change New Type: ____________Individual ____________Partnership _____________LLC ____________Joint Venture ____________Corporation ____________Non Profit Corporation ____________Other____________________________ (ID # is Social Security # for individual entities or Federal Identification Number FEIN for all others.) NEW ID # ______________________ (5)______Business/Account Closure Closure Date of Old Business ______/______/______ Starting Date of New Business _______/_______/_______ (You must file all outstanding returns in order to close your sales tax account. You must file even if no tax was collected.) Closure Date ______/______/______ Reason for Closure_______________________ (6)______Request for Change in Filing Status: FROM TO Reason for request _______monthly _______quarterly _______annual (7)______ I choose_______notmonthly_______to use the Cityquarterly_______of Grand Junctionannual provided sales tax booklets.: _________________________________ I understand that a booklet will not be mailed to me next year. (Forms other than the booklet provided by the City must conform to the City's return format and include the filing period, due date, and account number in order to be accepted for processing.) Name of Person Completing This Form _________________________________________ Title _________________________________ Today's Date _________________________ Telephone # __________________________ Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this Account Change or Closure Form and it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Call (970) 244-1521 with questions. City processing date ______/______/______ Initials ______________ Account Change/Closure Form (9/2013) |