Enlarge image | Application Fee: City of Federal Heights th 2380 West 90 Ave. Business License Information $15.00 Federal Heights, CO 80260 License Required: All businesses operating in the City of Federal Heights who maintain a permanent physical address are required to obtain a City business license. Sales tax licenses are required if the business sells tangible personal property. If a sales tax license is required, it will automatically be mailed to your business address along with sales tax returns. No additional applications are required. Application Questions Schedule Building Inspection Schedule Fire Inspection 303-412-3540 303-412-3527 303-412-3564 Each location of a business requires a separate business license. New businesses must be inspected first by the Building Department and then by Fire Department before a business license can be issued. Please contact them individually to schedule all inspections and reviews. Generally the Building Department needs to inspect the location as early as possible to assist you with building code compliance. Inspections with the Fire Department should happen after your business is stocked and nearly ready to open. Appointments for inspections must be made twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the requested time. Renewing Business Licenses: Licenses expire on December 31 each calendar year. You will automatically be mailed a license renewal application. Renewals of business licenses will automatically occur on January 1st assuming no information has changed from the previous year’s application and the City has received the renewal application and payment prior to that date. Otherwise, they will occur once any changed information has been verified and payment has been received. Paper copies of the official license will be mailed to the applicant at that time. Yearly business license inspections for existing businesses in the City will occur on a regularly scheduled basis between the months of January and November. Failure to pass that inspection could result in the revocation of the business license. Page 1 of 4 |
Enlarge image | Application Fee: City of Federal Heights th 2380 West 90 Ave. Business License Application $15.00 Federal Heights, CO BUSINESS AND LOCATION INFORMATION Business Name: Date of Application (day/month/year) Street Address of Business in Federal Heights: (Including Space or Unit Numbers) Phone Number of Business in Federal Heights Email Address for Business Owner or Manager Local Legal Registered Agent of the Business: Phone Number of Local Legal Registered Agent: (Responsible Party) (Responsible Party) Mailing Address for Business: (Street, City, State, Zip) Corporate Headquarters if Applicable: (Contact, Street, City, State, Zip) State Sales Tax Number: Federal Employee ID Number: ANCILLARY LOCATIONS (other sites used to support the operation of this business) Will the operation of this business make use of any ancillary locations within the City of Federal Heights? Yes No (If so, complete the section below. -If not, skip to Description of Business Activities.) Street Address of Ancillary Location: Phone Number of Ancillary Property Owner: Property Owner as listed with the Adams County Assessor: (Printed Name) Signature of Ancillary Property Owner: Description of Activities on Ancillary Property: HOURS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (Businesses open to the public after midnight or before 5:00 a.m. require a Conditional Use approval by City Council) Please describe the hours that your business will be open to the public. Please note that this is not the same as hours of operation if your business is operating at times outside of the window when it is open to the public. DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Please describe your business and any other activities you wish to conduct as a part of the business: BUSINESS PROMOTION Would like a ribbon cutting ceremony with City Council for your grand opening event? Yes No Would like to have your business website listed on the City’s local business guide online? Yes No If so, provide your business website address:_ Page 2 of 4 |
Enlarge image | Application Fee: City of Federal Heights th 2380 West 90 Ave. Business License Application $15.00 Federal Heights, CO Federal Heights Business License Application Contd. REQUIRED CITY REVIEWS AND INSPECTIONS (Office Use Only) Approval Date: Comments: Planning & Zoning: Inspector: Approval Date: Comments: Building Department: Inspector: Approval Date: Comments: Fire Department: Inspector: SUSPENSION, REVOCATION AND NON-RENEWAL OF A BUSINESS LICENSE A business license may be suspended, revoked or not renewed for any of the following acts or omissions: (§14 -78) (1) Failing to comply with any of the licensing responsibilities. (2) Knowingly allowing or permitting any other person, firm, partnership, joint venture, or other entity to use the license of the licensee. (3) Acting alone or with any other person in any attempt, whether successful or not, to evade any provision of the ordinance under which he is licensed. (4) Conviction of any violation of a federal, state or municipal law having any bearing upon or relation to the work or services performed under the license, or the licensee's ability to perform any work or services under the license. (5) Participating in any conduct constituting fraud or misrepresentation in or connected with any activity licensed. (6) Failing to keep or maintain the necessary insurance or state licenses. (7) Conducting the licensed business in a manner as to constitute a breach of the peace or a menace to the health, safety or welfare of the public. OPENING A NEW BUSINESS It is illegal to open or operate a business within the City of Federal Heights without a business license. A business license has not been issued until you receive it in the mail. During the application period, a business may not open or operate. Changes of signage require building permits with the City. Contact the Building Department at 303-412-3527 for more information. Both the business license and the sales tax license must be displayed in a prominent location. PROPERTY OWNER’S SIGNATURE Property Owner as listed with the Adams County Assessor: Signature of Property Owner: (Printed Name) Phone Number of Property Owner: APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE Printed Name: Signature: Date of Signature: PAYMENT RECEIVED (day/mo./year) DATE: (day/mo./year) Page 3 of 4 |
Enlarge image | Emergency Service Providers AFTER HOURS BUSINESS CONTACT Federal Heights Businessperson: The Federal Heights Police Department maintains a list of people who should be contacted for problems concerning Federal Heights businesses. In order to contact the proper person in case of a problem at your business, we request that you complete this form and return it along with your application. Each time you have a change of contact for your business, please notify us so we can maintain current information. Business Name: Hours of Operation: Business Address: Business Phone: ( ) - Business Fax: ( ) - ** Please do not list the same number for all contacts** st 1 Contact Name: Home Phone: ( ) - Pager: ( ) - Cell Phone: ( _) - 2nd Contact Name: Home Phone: ( ) - Pager: ( ) - Cell Phone: ( _) - 3rd Contact Name: Home Phone: ( ) - Pager: ( ) - Cell Phone: ( _) - Alarm Company: Phone: ( ) - If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Communications at (303) 428-8539. Please return this form along th with your application to the City of Federal Heights, 2380 W 90 Ave, Federal Heights, CO 80260. Page 4 of 4 |