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                         CITY OF FEDERAL HEIGHTS 
                        SALES TAX LICENSE APPLICATION 
Please complete the following application and return it to the City of Federal Heights, 2380 West 
90  Ave. Federal Heights, Colorado 80260. 
__________________________________________          _______________________                                  
Name of Business                                    Date of Application 
__________________________________________          ________________________ 
Address of Business in Federal Heights              Business Phone Number 
___________________________________________         ________________________ 
Mailing Address     City     State  Zip Code        Corporate Headquarters 
Contact email address  
State Sales Tax Number __________________           FEIN  ____________________ 
Description of Primary Business Activity: 
Nature  of activities you wish permission to conduct (Please check all appropriate descriptions.) 
__Retail Sales         __Manufacturing            __Professional Services  
__General Sales        __Animal Care              __Repairs 
__Wholesale Sales      __Automobile Services      __Deliveries 
__Outside Repairs      __Amusements               __Personal Services 
__Outside Storage      __Offices                  __Recycling 
__ Warehousing         __Food Preparation         __Construction 
__ Leasing             __ Telecommunications 
Filing Frequency   Monthly _______           Quarterly *________ 
To file quarterly, sales tax must be less than $100 per month.                                              
There is no fee for a Sales Tax License.  
Contact the Finance Department with questions at 303-412-3540. 
___________________________                  _____________________ 
Signature                                    Date 
Print Name 
CITY APPROVAL            ________    

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