11 errors in a row - Page not available?

Bookmark: Sales and Use Tax
URL: https://edgewaterco.com/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90

Open saved file:
  • New version (09-Mar-2023)
  • Old version (09-Mar-2023)
  • Highlight Changes


    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - WebSite-Watcher 2014 (14.3)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - checkid: 451119555.4239008.20141031104606
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - date: 2023-05-12 10:17:53
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - bookmark: Sales and Use Tax
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - filename: 2010062408553033521231.htm
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - check webpage (automatic method): https://edgewaterco.com/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open (InternetOpen)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) - https://edgewaterco.com/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Connect done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open request done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Set additional headers
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Send request done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Location: http://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 14:17:55 GMT
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Content-Length: 200
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> GET /index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90 HTTP/1.1
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Accept-Language: en
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Pragma: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Host: edgewaterco.com
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Connection: Keep-Alive
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Cache-Control: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Cookie: _ga=GA1.2.1246731819.1621356655
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - Relocation: http://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - Statuscode: 301
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - WSW> done (relocation available)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Close
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open (InternetOpen)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) - http://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Connect done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open request done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Set additional headers
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Send request done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Server: AkamaiGHost
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Content-Length: 0
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Location: https://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Cache-Control: max-age=0
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Expires: Fri, 12 May 2023 14:17:55 GMT
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 14:17:55 GMT
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Connection: keep-alive
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> GET /index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90 HTTP/1.1
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Accept-Language: en
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Pragma: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Host: www.edgewaterco.gov
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Connection: Keep-Alive
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Cache-Control: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - Relocation: https://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - Statuscode: 301
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - WSW> done (relocation available)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Close
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open (InternetOpen)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) - https://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Connect done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Open request done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Set additional headers
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Send request done
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> X-XSS-Protection: 0
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Expect-CT: max-age=31536000
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> GranicusServer: mse2p-viscmshb4
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Content-Length: 0
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Cache-Control: max-age=86371
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Expires: Sat, 13 May 2023 14:17:27 GMT
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 14:17:56 GMT
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Connection: keep-alive
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Set-Cookie: TS01af151e=0106cf681b1b4a5f5fd1dd717a4ba28458a6ee83ab8b4147279dfee6a39bea9050236fec455c2436d00782839f4eabf343aef5416dc0cab7266ba5587c6fa92c2a2dde3a6a; Path=/; Secure; HTTPOnly
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cookie> TS01af151e=0106cf681b1b4a5f5fd1dd717a4ba28458a6ee83ab8b4147279dfee6a39bea9050236fec455c2436d00782839f4eabf343aef5416dc0cab7266ba5587c6fa92c2a2dde3a6a; Path=/; Secure; HTTPOnly
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> GET /index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90 HTTP/1.1
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Accept-Language: en
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Pragma: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Host: www.edgewaterco.gov
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Connection: Keep-Alive
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Cache-Control: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - hdr> Cookie: BIGipServer~AUTO-VISION~visionlive~www.edgewaterco.gov_443=!ATwTJiaeSbH3Ry+aW6ViAan+cTqua4+4EMj/DtgaEAxWfNrfPPU+DgGavLroblVbw2qqi9bkqzLcmQ==; TS01af151e=0106cf681b81fd452eb3989f599cabc81dd1a7998be9e478d9b5edd8c3bda922f7f0e51a24d6fb6a0dbe134a750628f47b6bd0c3e91cc142f80e99e3470fcfc932402036c4
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - Statuscode: 404
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - WSW> done (OnBeforeDocDownload -> bCancel)
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - cmd> Close
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - WSW> Current URL is: https://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:17:53 - Status: Page not available?
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - === Second check ===
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - WebSite-Watcher 2014 (14.3)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - checkid: 451119555.4239008.20141031104606
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - date: 2023-05-12 10:20:55
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - bookmark: Sales and Use Tax
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - filename: 2010062408553033521231.htm
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - check webpage (automatic method): https://edgewaterco.com/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open (InternetOpen)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) - https://edgewaterco.com/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Connect done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open request done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Set additional headers
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Send request done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Location: http://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 14:20:58 GMT
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Content-Length: 200
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> GET /index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90 HTTP/1.1
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Accept-Language: en
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Pragma: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Host: edgewaterco.com
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Connection: Keep-Alive
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Cache-Control: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Cookie: _ga=GA1.2.1246731819.1621356655
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - Relocation: http://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - Statuscode: 301
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - WSW> done (relocation available)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Close
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open (InternetOpen)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) - http://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Connect done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open request done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Set additional headers
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Send request done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Server: AkamaiGHost
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Content-Length: 0
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Location: https://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Cache-Control: max-age=0
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Expires: Fri, 12 May 2023 14:20:58 GMT
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 14:20:58 GMT
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Connection: keep-alive
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> GET /index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90 HTTP/1.1
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Accept-Language: en
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Pragma: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Host: www.edgewaterco.gov
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Connection: Keep-Alive
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Cache-Control: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - Relocation: https://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - Statuscode: 301
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - WSW> done (relocation available)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Close
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open (InternetOpen)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) - https://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Connect done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Open request done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Set additional headers
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Send request done
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> X-XSS-Protection: 0
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Expect-CT: max-age=31536000
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> GranicusServer: mse2p-viscmshb4
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Content-Length: 0
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Cache-Control: max-age=86351
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Expires: Sat, 13 May 2023 14:20:09 GMT
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 14:20:58 GMT
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Connection: keep-alive
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> GET /index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90 HTTP/1.1
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Accept-Language: en
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Pragma: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Host: www.edgewaterco.gov
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Connection: Keep-Alive
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Cache-Control: no-cache
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - hdr> Cookie: BIGipServer~AUTO-VISION~visionlive~www.edgewaterco.gov_443=!ATwTJiaeSbH3Ry+aW6ViAan+cTqua4+4EMj/DtgaEAxWfNrfPPU+DgGavLroblVbw2qqi9bkqzLcmQ==; TS01af151e=0106cf681b1b4a5f5fd1dd717a4ba28458a6ee83ab8b4147279dfee6a39bea9050236fec455c2436d00782839f4eabf343aef5416dc0cab7266ba5587c6fa92c2a2dde3a6a
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - Statuscode: 404
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - WSW> done (OnBeforeDocDownload -> bCancel)
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - cmd> Close
    2023-05-12 10:20:55 - WSW> Current URL is: https://www.edgewaterco.gov/index.asp?SEC=632A0494-06B3-4115-87F9-25D008CBDE90

    WebSite-Watcher error message