Enlarge image | Town of Parker Sales Tax Administration Address: Web site: www.parkeronline.org/salestax PO Box 5602 Email: salestax@parkeronline.org Denver, CO 80217-5602 Phone: 303.805.3228 Fax: 303.805.3219 SALES TAX RETURN FOR THE PURCHASE OF A BUSINESS TRADE (DBA) NAME OF BUSINESS LOCAL BUSINESS PHONE TAXPAYER NAME (Owner(s), Partner(s), or Corporation name) BUSINESS LOCATION ADDRESS (No PO Box) CITY STATE ZIP + 4 MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP + 4 CONTACT NAME CONTACT PHONE CONTACT FAX CONTACT EMAIL NUMBER NUMBER New Owner Information FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (or Social Security Number) STATE OF COLORADO SALES TAX NUMBER (For all retail and exempt businesses) PRIOR OWNER’S NAME PRIOR LICENSE NUMBER PRIOR OWNER ADDRESS (No PO Box) CITY STATE ZIP + 4 Prior Owner Information FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (or Social Security Number) STATE OF COLORADO SALES TAX NUMBER (For all retail and exempt businesses) DATE OF PURCHASE OF PURCHASE PRICE OF BUSINESS PRICE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY (Fixtures and equipment) BUSINESS Estimated Actual Include a copy of the sale/purchase agreement with this return. 3% TAX ON PERSONAL PENALTY: 15% OR $10.00 MIN (If 1.5% PER MONTH INTEREST TOTAL DUE PROPERTY paid after 20 days of purchase) (If paid after 20 days of purchase) Information DESCRIBE THE TRANSACTION Purchase and Sales Tax I declare under penalty of perjury, that this return has been examined by me; that the statements made herein are made in good faith and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, are true, correct and complete. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME DATE Signature Rev. 3.9.16 |
Enlarge image | INSTRUCTIONS SALES TAX RETURN FOR THE PURCHASE OF A BUSINESS 1. Complete this form in its entirety, leaving no sections blank unless you do not have the requested information available to you. If you need more space to provide the information requested please attach an additional sheet of paper. 2. Under the “Purchase and Sales Tax Information” section, the “Purchase Price of Business” is the full amount paid for the business. The “Price of Personal Property” is the total amount that was paid for the tangible personal property only (such as furniture, fixtures, appliances, equipment, other applicable fixed assets, and inventory that is NOT for resale). PLEASE NOTE: If the tangible items purchased are being placed on a depreciation schedule for Federal and State income tax purposes, then the “Price of Personal Property” amount reported to the City should be the greater of the property price included in the purchase agreement OR the original cost amount placed on the depreciation schedule. 3. Please provide a complete description of the property items included on this return. If necessary, a separate listing of property purchased can be attached. 4. The Town requires a full copy of the Sale/Purchase Agreement be provided in addition to the completion and filing of this form. 5. After calculating the full amount of tax due, including penalty and interest if applicable, please make payment to: Town of Parker Sales Tax Administration PO Box 5602 Denver, CO 80217-5602 Rev. 3.9.16 |