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                                                                 Tax License Application 

                                               CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE 
                                                                 6060 South Quebec Street 
                                               Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 

General Information 

Business Name:  

Trade Name (DBA):  

Business Physical Address: 
                                    Street (Include Suite Number)                   City  State                       Zip Code 

  Mailing Address: ________________________________________________ 
                     Street (if different than Business Address)                        City                    State   Zip Code 

Business (Local) Phone Number:                                   First Day of Business in Greenwood Village: 

Contact Information for Tax Related Matters: 

Name                                   E-mail Address                                                      Telephone Number 

Name                                   E-mail Address                                       Telephone Number 

Type of Ownership:  Sole Proprietor    Partnership               Corporation    LLC  Other (All exempt organizations must 
include copy of 501(c) (3) form) 

List Owner(s) or Corporate Officer(s): (attach supplemental sheet, if necessary)

Name                                                             Address                                   Telephone Number 

Name                                                             Address                                   Telephone Number 

Name                                                             Address                                   Telephone Number 

Federal Employer I.D. (FEIN): 

2017 NAICS Code:  
                                 (A link to the 2017 NAICS Codes is available at www.greenwoodvillage.com) 
Nature of Business: 
                    (Description of Goods Sold or Services Provided. Food Establishments Must Supply a Copy of Approved Tri-County Health License) 

  Emergency Contact:___________________________
                    Name                                         Telephone                                 E-mail Address 
                    This information will be shared with the Greenwood Village Police for the sole purpose of contact in case of police or 
                    fire emergency. For this reason, please provide a local contact name. Attach supplemental sheet, if necessary. 

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Occupational Privilege Tax:                                                                                             $  
                                                                                                                           (License Fee) 
All businesses located in the Village, as well as those with employees working in our community must obtain an 
Occupational Privilege Tax License. The tax consists of two portions, the employee portion and the employer 
portion. Both portions are $2.00 per month ($4.00 combined) and both apply when an employee earns $250.00 or 
more in a calendar month. The employer is responsible for reporting and remitting both portions of the tax. A one- 
time application fee of $10.00 is required at the time of licensing. 

Monthly                                    Quarterly (Available if 10 or fewer employees) 

Annual (Available if 2 or fewer employees) 

Sales and Use Tax:                                                                                                      $  
                                                                                                                           (License Fee) 
If your firm conducts sales of tangible personal property at retail, a Sales and Use Tax License is required. The 3.0 
percent municipal tax must be charged, collected and remitted directly to the Village for sales that take place in our 

Virtually every business located in the Village will have a use tax liability. Use tax eliminates any sales tax 
advantage that out-of-Village retailers may have.  If a retail vendor fails to collect and remit the correct sales tax, 
the purchaser may owe a “use tax” to the Village. 

A one-time application fee of $10.00 is required at the time of licensing. 

Monthly                                    Quarterly (Only if tax due is $180 or less) 

Lodging Tax: 

The 3.0 percent Greenwood Village Lodging Tax applies to all lodging services furnished within the Village.  This 
is in addition to the 3.0 percent Greenwood Village Sales Tax. Every furnisher of lodging services is required to 
collect this tax and remit it to the Village on a monthly basis. No application fee is required. 


This Section Applies Only to Businesses Located in Greenwood Village: 

Approximate Square Footage of Business: 

Number of Employees at this Location:               Number of Vending Machines on Site:  

Did you Purchase this Business?                   if yes, please provide date of acquisition: 

Prior GV Tax License Number or Name of Former Business: 

Purchase Price of Business:   

Price of Tangible Personal Property (i.e. Furniture, Fixtures, Computer Hardware and Software): 

Applicant’s Name/Title                            Signature                                                     Telephone Number 

Section Completed by City Staff: 

Account Number:                         Date Entered: 
OPT Filing Frequency:                   Lodging Filing Frequency:          Sales/Use Filing Frequency:

Mail Form and Payment to: City of Greenwood Village 
                              6060 South Quebec Street 
                              Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 

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