Enlarge image | CITY OF GRAND JUNCTION Finance 250 N. 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 244-1521 Fax (970) 256-4078 CITY USE TAX RETURN NAME OF TAXPAYER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE #: _________ A. SCHEDULE OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY USED, STORED, CONSUMED WITHIN THE CITY OF GRAND JUNCTION FOR THE MONTH(S) OF 20_______ {COVERED IN THIS RETURN}: PURCHASE VENDOR PURCHASE DATE DESCRIPTION VENDOR ADDRESS PRICE 1. $ 2. $ 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ (If there are additional purchases, please attach list) TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE LINE (A) $ B. USE TAX DUE: Total Purchase Price {line (A) } $ City of Grand Junction Use Tax Rate x 2.75% TAX DUE $ Interest of 1.5% of Tax Due (For each month or portion of month overdue) $ Penalty of 10% of Tax Due (Minimum $15.00) $ TOTAL AMOUNT UED {Make check payable to City of Grand Junction $ Mail to: City of Grand Junction Finance 250 N. 5 thSt Grand Junction, Colorado 81501} I hereby certify that I have examined this return and that it is to the best of my knowledge and belief a true and complete return made in good faith for the period hereinabove stated. Name: Title: (please print) Signed: Date: Form #GJ400 (02/18) |