Enlarge image | Financial Operations 250 North 5th Street Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 244-1536 Fax (970) 256-4078 CITY CLAIM FOR TAX REFUND (SALES/USE) NAME OF TAXPAYER: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: CITY: STATE: ZIP: A. TAX INFORMATION 1. Kind of Tax: To Whom Paid: 2. Date Paid: Amount of Tax Paid: 3. Correct Amount of Tax Liability: $ 4. Amount Requested to Be Refunded: $ (All claims for refund must be accompanied by supporting documentation verifying the information stated above.) B. IF YOU ARE LICENSED WITH THE CITY: 1. City License Account Number: 2. Date Return was filed: Tax Period: C. REASON FOR CLAIM/ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I hereby certify that I have examined this claim (including any accompanying documentation) and that it is to the best of my knowledge and belief a true and complete claim made in good faith for the purpose stated above. Taxpayer Taxpayer Name: Signature: (Please print) Taxpayer Title: Date: Prepared By: Telephone: (Please print) (Claim for Refund must be signed by individual taxpayer or company official.) << Office Use >> Amount Claimed: $ Prepared: Amount of Claim Denied $ Reviewed: Amount of Claim Approved $ Approved: Comments: Form #GJ900 (9/2013) |