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                        Wyoming Department of Revenue 
               Sales & Use Tax Return for Licensed Vendors 
                    Form 41 (monthly & quarterly filers) 

Important Information                        Please ensure that you sign and date the 
                                             form       before  submitting    to         the 
 All returns must be postmarked by the      department.        Any unsigned             or 
  last day of the month following            incomplete tax returns will be rejected 
  the last month in the reporting period.
                                             and a new return will be sent to the 
  i.e. Report period 8/1/09 through 8/31/09
                                             vendor  for  completion.    The  new 
  postmarked by 9/30/09.
  If the last day of the month falls         return  must  be  completed  in  its 
  on  a  weekend  or  holiday  the           entirety,  and  the  return  must  be 
  returns must be postmarked by              signed.   
  the following business day.
                                              Part – I- Summary 
 Please make a copy of this return for
  your records.
                                             Line A.  Enter the total amount of all sales, 
 You must file a return even if there were
                                             leases, rentals and services made by your 
  no sales or taxes to report.
                                             business for the reporting period.  Include 
                                             sales  made  to  yourself;  this  includes  all 
 Submit completed returns and payment       inventory  purchases   that         were 
  to:                                        used/consumed by you.  Do not include the 
  Wyoming Department of Revenue              amount of sales tax collected or the amount 
  122 West 25th Street, Suite E301           of use tax due on purchases on this line.   
  Cheyenne, WY 82002
                                             Line  B.   Enter  the  total  amount  of 
 If  you  are  filing  an  amended  return, deductions for the reporting period.  This 
                                             would  include  sales  or  services  that  are 
  please check the box at the top of the
                                             exempt  from  tax  and  supported  by  a 
  form  under  the  return  due  date  to    Streamlined  Sales/Use  Tax  Agreement 
  indicate this is an amended return.        Certificate of  Exemption  or a Direct  Pay 
                                             Permit  and  sales  or  services  that  are  not 
 Please do not use dashes for numbers,      subject to tax.   
  punctuation such as decimals, commas,
                                             Line C. Subtract the total deduction amount 
  dollar signs etc. on the returns.
                                             (line B) from the gross sales and services 
                                             amount (line A) and enter the difference. 
 If you made no sales at all during this    This figure represents the amount of sales 
  filing period and you owe no use tax on    which are subject to sales tax.  
  purchases,  please  check  the  box
  indicated for no sales or taxes to report.

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Skip to Part II Jurisdictional Tax             Column 3:   Enter the tax rate in effect for 
                                               the reporting period for the jurisdiction you 
Information                                    are reporting sales in or use tax is owed in.  
                                               (Refer to the current sales/use tax rate chart 
This section is used to itemize sales/use tax  on our website.)   
to the jurisdiction where the sale or delivery 
took place.   All sales/use tax due will be    Column 4:   Enter the total amount of sales 
reported  using  only  the  county  level      tax  due  for  the  jurisdiction  entered  in 
jurisdiction name and digit code, as sales     column 1.   
and use tax is only imposed at the state 
and  county  level.    Example:    Natrona     Column 5:   Enter the total amount of use 
County,  jurisdiction  name  code  to  be      tax  due  for  the  jurisdiction  entered  in 
entered NATR.  Jurisdiction digit code to      column  1.    Use  tax  is  due  on  items 
be entered (County/City code) 0100.            purchased  out  of  state  and  brought  into 
                                               Wyoming for storage, use or consumption, 
If the tax jurisdiction name, digit code and   where no tax or not enough tax was charged 
tax rate is not pre-printed or is incorrect on by the vendor at the time of purchase.  This 
your  return,  please  enter  the  correct     would include items such as office supplies, 
jurisdiction  name,    digit code       and    cleaning  supplies,  etc;  items  that  will  be 
corresponding  tax  rate,  in      Part II     used/consumed by your business.  Use tax is 
Jurisdictional Tax Information.                not due on inventory purchases made from 
                                               out  of  state  suppliers  that  you  intend  to 
If  additional  room  is  needed,  complete    resell.   Do  not  include  the  purchases 
Part III Supplement (form 41-2)                subject to this tax on Line A (Gross Sales 
                                               and Services) of the return. 
Column  1:     Enter  the  four  letter 
jurisdictional  name  code  for  the  first    Column 6:  Enter the total amount of excess 
jurisdiction you made sales in or owe use tax  tax  due  for  the  jurisdiction  entered  in 
in for purchases made out of state where no    column 1.  This  would include any over 
tax or not  enough tax was paid  on  your      collected tax due to calculation errors and or 
taxable purchases.  Example:  Tax owed in      rate collection errors. 
Laramie County Wyoming, enter      LARA in 
this column.  (Refer to the Jurisdiction Code  Column 7:   Add columns 4, 5, and 6 and 
Table.)                                        enter the total.   

Column 2:  Enter the four digit jurisdiction   Repeat steps listed for Column 1 through 
digit  code  (this  is  the  combined  County  Column 7 for each jurisdiction in which tax 
Code and City Code from the jurisdiction       is due.   
table) which corresponds to the jurisdiction 
name  code  you  entered  in  column  1.       Line K:   Add net tax due totals in column 7 
Example:      Tax  owed  in  Cheyenne,  WY     on form 41-1 and place sum here.   
(Laramie County) enter 0200. (Refer to the 
Jurisdiction Code Table.)  Note:  The last     If additional space is needed to report for 
two digits (city code) will always be 00       additional jurisdictions, please complete part 
unless reporting lodging tax, or reporting     III Jurisdictional Tax Information on Form 
resort district tax.                           41-2.  This form is completed the same as 
                                               the above steps.  Total all Net Tax Due in 

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Column 7 and enter the sum in Line 1 at the      located.  Example: Lodging establishment 
bottom of the Form 41-2.                         located within the municipal boundaries of 
                                                 Cheyenne, WY the Jurisdiction Name code 
Line  L:   If  you  reported  tax  due  for      to  enter  in  Column  1  on  the  form  41-3 
additional jurisdictions on Form 41-2, place     would be   CHEY.   The Jurisdiction Digit 
the total from Line 1 here.  Please indicate     code to be entered in Column 2 on the form 
the number of supplemental pages included        41-3 would be 0201.   
with this form in the box to the left of this     
line.                                            For a lodging establishment located outside 
                                                 of the municipal boundaries of the City of 
Line M:  Add lines K and L and place total       Cheyenne, WY the Jurisdiction Name code 
here.  This should be the total sales/use and    to enter in Column 1 of the form 41-3 would 
excess tax due for this reporting period.        be LARA.  The Jurisdiction Digit code to 
                                                 enter in Column 2 of the form 41-3 would 
If  you  are  not  a  lodging  vendor  in  a     be 0200.   
jurisdiction  that  has  enacted  a  lodging      
tax, skip to Line D Part I Summary on            If your lodging establishment is located in a 
Form 41-1 instructions.                          County  where  only  specific  cities/towns 
                                                 have  enacted  a  lodging  tax  and  your 
                                                 establishment  is  not  located  within  the 
Form  41-3  Supplement  for                      municipal boundaries of the city/town with a 
                                                 lodging tax you are not required to report on 
Lodging Vendors.   
                                                 a  form  41-3.   Example:    A  lodging 
                                                 establishment  located  in  Basin,  WY  (Big 
If  you  are  a  lodging  vendor  and  your      Horn County) would not complete a form 
lodging  establishment  is  located  in  a       41-3 as this establishment is not located in a 
jurisdiction that has enacted a lodging tax      city/town with a lodging tax enacted.   
you must complete  Form 41-3 Part IV              
Lodging    Tax Information,   before             Column  1:       Enter  the  four  letter 
proceeding.    Lodging  vendors  will  be        jurisdictional  name  code  for  the  first 
reporting the lodging tax rate only on the       jurisdiction  that  lodging  tax  is  owed  for.  
Form 41-3.  Example:  Lodging tax due for        Example:  Hotel located in Sheridan County 
a  hotel  located  within  the  City  limits  of within the City of Sheridan, enter SHRD in 
Sheridan, WY.  The lodging tax rate to be        this column.  Note:  The jurisdictional name 
reported on 41-3 is 4%.                          code to be used to report lodging tax will be 
                                                 the  City  or  Town  where  the  lodging 
If your lodging establishment is located in a    establishment is located.  Example:     Hotel 
jurisdiction that has enacted a lodging tax, at  located within the city limits of Cheyenne, 
the county level and you are located within      WY jurisdiction name code to be entered is 
the municipal boundaries of an incorporated      CHEY.   
city or town in that county you will report       
your  lodging  tax  to  that  city/town          Column 2:  Enter the four digit jurisdiction 
jurisdiction.  However if your establishment     digit  code  which  corresponds  to  the 
is  not  located  within  the  municipal         jurisdiction  name  code  you  entered  in 
boundaries of an incorporated city/ town you     column 1.  Example:   Lodging tax owed in 
will report your lodging tax to the county       the  City  of  Sheridan,  enter  0304  in  this 
jurisdiction  where  the  establishment  is      column.  Note:  The four digit jurisdiction 

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digit code to be used to report lodging tax     tax due for this period, from Line 1 Part IV 
will be the code which corresponds to the       Lodging Tax Information Form 41-3.  
location  of  the  establishment.    Example:    
Hotel  located  within  the  city  limits  of   Line F.  Enter the total of all tax due for this 
Cheyenne, WY four digit code to be entered      period.  Add lines D and E and place the 
is 0201.                                        sum in Line F.   
Column 3:  Enter the lodging tax rate in        Line G.  This line is only to be used if the 
effect  for  the  reporting  period  for  the   return  and  payment  are  going  to  be 
jurisdiction  you  entered  in  column  1.      postmarked by the 15  of the month the 
Remember this is only the lodging tax rate      tax is due.    Example:  January 2012 return 
not  the  total  combine  rate  for  sales  and and  payment  must  be  postmarked  by 
lodging  tax.    (Refer  to  the  current       February 15, 2012 to qualify for the vendor 
sales/use/lodging tax rate chart.)              compensation credit.     
Column  4:   Enter  the  total  amount  of       Enter  the  total  amount  of  vendor 
lodging tax due on lodging services for the     compensation credit allowed for the filing 
jurisdiction entered in column 1.               period.  Note:  Vendors are allowed to take 
                                                a credit of 1.95% of the total tax due for the 
Repeat steps listed for Columns 1 through 4     first $6250.00 of tax due.  For any amount 
above  for  each  jurisdiction  you  need  to   exceeding $6250.00 of tax due vendors are 
report lodging tax.                             allowed to take a 1% credit, up to a total 
                                                vendor compensation credit of $500.00 per 
Total  all  tax  due  on  lodging  services  in filing  period,  per  vendor  (vendor  means 
column 4 and enter the sum in Line 1 at the     ownership).  To  calculate  the  vendor 
bottom of the Form 41-3.                        compensation  credit,  follow  the  example 
Line  D  Part  1  –  Summary  on                 
                                                Assuming total tax due of $7,500.00 for the 
Form 41-1 
                                                January 2012 filing period, (from line F of 
Line  D.     You  must  complete  Part  II      Part 1- Summary on Form 41) 
Jurisdictional Tax Information and Part III 
                                                1.95% X $6,250.00 = $121.88  
(form 41-2) Jurisdictional Tax Information 
Supplemental  page  (if  applicable). Enter 
                                                1%  X  $1,250.00  (amount  exceeding 
the total amount of sales, use and excess 
                                                $6250.00) = $12.50.   
tax due for this filing period from Line M 
Part  II  Jurisdictional  Tax  Information 
                                                $121.88 + $12.50 = $134.37 
Form 41-1 
                                                The  total  vendor  compensation  credit 
Line E.    If you are not a lodging vendor or 
                                                allowed for the January 2012 filing period is 
your lodging establishment is located in a 
                                                $134.37.  Place this amount on line G.   
jurisdiction that does not have a lodging tax 
enacted, please enter zero here.   
                                                For  additional  information  an  eligibility 
If  you  are  a  lodging  vendor  and  located 
                                                requirements please see the December 2011 
within a jurisdiction which has lodging tax 
enacted, enter the total amount of lodging      Taxing  Issues,  which  is  available  on  our 
                                                website at http://revenue.state.wy.us  
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Line H.  Enter the total amount of penalty,        
interest  and  department  billings  notices.       
Penalty for paying tax after the due date is       
10% of the total tax due.  Penalty for not 
filing the return by the due date is $10.00.  If 
the return is not filed within the next thirty     
days  an  additional  penalty  of  $25.00  is      
assessed.   Interest is calculated at a daily      
rate.  Interest rate information is on our web     
site.  If you have received a billing notice       
from the department that is unpaid, include 
this amount here.                                  
Line I:  Enter the amount of any Credit 
Notice  you  have  received  from  the 
department.  Note:    Do not enter a credit 
amount here until you have received notice 
from the department as this could cause an 
underpayment of your return.   
Line J:  Subtract line G from F, Add the 
figures  in  Line  H  then  subtract  figure 
entered in line I, enter the sum here.   This  is 
the total amount of tax due for this reporting 
If  your  business  has  had  informational 
changes pertaining to address, ownership, or 
contact  information  please  attach  an 
additional page indicating the changes.     
Please sign and date the return.               
                                                    Instructions form 41 issued 12/30/2011 
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