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Bookmark: SeveranceTaxReportForSandAndGravel%28Form5400%29.pdf?attachauth=ANoY7cqlD1oE3efqTQoDIWRRgRHxl-d0wOMg9lsoCnrOTckyV-OOPsx4aOaQ1G9XtaI3lThMDQMaqrUxnTUAnHI155uFFP6zRwO7znBzOsuroWsjRQR4_NsylV3kY8ROdtty3WpdYEFhZBKHNjt-djMohs6OZAiawAzdEwqwbnEzD_XdhttJ_l20X2f2Rh8sK31Mi32pjtsLn-wCOgswIXbiGKVS-4jgW9roMj5jPZwHeQ0_6j5asdYyyeyIGMLV6EeoMSPTP81Y&attredirects=0

Open saved file:
  • New version (10-Sep-2019)
  • Old version (10-Sep-2019)
  • Highlight Changes


    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - Wsw_BeforeCheck> Adjust pagetype and checkmethod
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - WebSite-Watcher 2014 (14.3)
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - checkid: 451119555.4239008.20141031104606
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - date: 2021-06-30 09:21:02
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - bookmark: SeveranceTaxReportForSandAndGravel%28Form5400%29.pdf?attachauth=ANoY7cqlD1oE3efqTQoDIWRRgRHxl-d0wOMg9lsoCnrOTckyV-OOPsx4aOaQ1G9XtaI3lThMDQMaqrUxnTUAnHI155uFFP6zRwO7znBzOsuroWsjRQR4_NsylV3kY8ROdtty3WpdYEFhZBKHNjt-djMohs6OZAiawAzdEwqwbnEzD_XdhttJ_l20X2f2Rh8sK31Mi32pjtsLn-wCOgswIXbiGKVS-4jgW9roMj5jPZwHeQ0_6j5asdYyyeyIGMLV6EeoMSPTP81Y&attredirects=0
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - filename: 2018060814272711812822.htm
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - check webpage (automatic method):
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    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Open done
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) -
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Connect done
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Open request done
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Set additional headers
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Send request done
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    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - hdr> Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - hdr> Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 13:21:04 GMT
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    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - Relocation:
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - Statuscode: 301
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    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Close
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Open (InternetOpen)
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Open done
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) -
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Connect done
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Open request done
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    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - cmd> Send request done
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    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - hdr> Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - hdr> Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 13:21:04 GMT
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    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - hdr> Connection: Keep-Alive
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    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - hdr> Cookie: __utmz=96457375.1618423527.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utma=96457375.751249851.1618423527.1618423527.1618423527.1; __utmz=48474528.1624979515.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utma=48474528.1786966953.1624979515.1624979515.1624979515.1; __utmz=96457375.1618423527.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utma=96457375.751249851.1618423527.1618423527.1618423527.1; __utmz=48474528.1624979515.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utma=48474528.1786966953.1624979515.1624979515.1624979515.1
    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - Statuscode: 404
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    2021-06-30 09:21:02 - Status: Page not available?
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - Wsw_BeforeCheck> Adjust pagetype and checkmethod
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - === Second check ===
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - WebSite-Watcher 2014 (14.3)
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - checkid: 451119555.4239008.20141031104606
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - date: 2021-06-30 09:21:23
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - bookmark: SeveranceTaxReportForSandAndGravel%28Form5400%29.pdf?attachauth=ANoY7cqlD1oE3efqTQoDIWRRgRHxl-d0wOMg9lsoCnrOTckyV-OOPsx4aOaQ1G9XtaI3lThMDQMaqrUxnTUAnHI155uFFP6zRwO7znBzOsuroWsjRQR4_NsylV3kY8ROdtty3WpdYEFhZBKHNjt-djMohs6OZAiawAzdEwqwbnEzD_XdhttJ_l20X2f2Rh8sK31Mi32pjtsLn-wCOgswIXbiGKVS-4jgW9roMj5jPZwHeQ0_6j5asdYyyeyIGMLV6EeoMSPTP81Y&attredirects=0
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - filename: 2018060814272711812822.htm
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - check webpage (automatic method):
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    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Open done
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    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Connect done
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
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    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Send request done
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    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - hdr> Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - hdr> Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 13:21:25 GMT
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    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - hdr> Server: ESF
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - hdr> Content-Length: 0
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    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - Relocation:
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - Statuscode: 301
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - WSW> done (relocation available)
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Close
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Open (InternetOpen)
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Open done
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) -
    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Connect done
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    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Open request done
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    2021-06-30 09:21:23 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - cmd> Send request done
    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - hdr> HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
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    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - hdr> Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - hdr> Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 13:21:25 GMT
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    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - hdr> Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
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    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - hdr> Host:
    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - hdr> Connection: Keep-Alive
    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - hdr> Cache-Control: no-cache
    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - hdr> Cookie: __utmz=96457375.1618423527.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utma=96457375.751249851.1618423527.1618423527.1618423527.1; __utmz=48474528.1624979515.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utma=48474528.1786966953.1624979515.1624979515.1624979515.1; __utmz=96457375.1618423527.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utma=96457375.751249851.1618423527.1618423527.1618423527.1; __utmz=48474528.1624979515.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utma=48474528.1786966953.1624979515.1624979515.1624979515.1
    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - Statuscode: 404
    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - WSW> done (OnBeforeDocDownload -> bCancel)
    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - cmd> Close
    2021-06-30 09:21:24 - WSW> Current URL is:

    WebSite-Watcher error message