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                                                         CITY OF EVANS, COLORADO
                                      BUSINESS AND SALES TAX LICENSE APPLICATION

                           BUSINESS AND SALES TAX LICENSE FEE:                              $25.00  Annual Renewal Due NOT LATER THAN December 31st 
                                  AFTER EXPIRATION DATE, RENEWAL FEES INCREASE TO $50.00
                                                         Important:  Please keep a copy of this application for your records.
                                     Mail to:                                                                    For City Use Only
                                                                                        Monthly                  Sales Tax License
                                  City of Evans                                         Quarterly                General Registration
                           BUSINESS AND SALES TAX OFFICE                                Annual                   NAICS Code
                                  1100 37th Street                                                               GEO Code
                                  EVANS, CO  80620
                                  (970) 475-1109                                        Amount Paid:
                                  (970) 330-3472 Fax                                    Check No.
                           salestax@evanscolorado.gov                                   Property Zoning:
                           www.evanscolorado.gov                                        Zoning Approval:
           PLEASE TYPE OR COMPLETE IN BLACK INK.                                                  PLEASE COMPLETE APPLICATION IN FULL
                                                                                                  (Illegible and/or incomplete forms may be rejected)
SECTION ONE - All information provided in this section of the application is considered public information and is required to be released upon 
public request.
1. Type of Ownership:      Sole Proprietor               Partnership              Corporation       Limited Liability Corp.        Other
2. Taxpayer Name (Owner, Partners or Corporate Name):

3. Trade Name ("Doing Business As"):

4. Business Address:
                           Street                                                       City                     State                               Zip
5. Mailing Address: 
                           Street/ Post Office Box (If Different than Business Address) City                     State                               Zip
6. Business Phone No:                                                                   First Day of Business in Evans:               /         /    

7. Web Site Address:                                                                    E-mail Address:(required)

8. Nature of Business (Check all that apply):      Wholesale                        Manufacturing   Construction             Service                 Retail
   Office Only             Mail Order              Communications/Telecom                           Finance/Insurance/Real Estate
9. What is your main product/service?

10. Do you sell, distribute, deliver, or grow Medical Marijuana?            Yes         No

11. Is this business in a: Commercial Building            Private Residence             (if private residence, fill out Home Occupation Certificate form)
12. If a private residence, do your customer come to your home?             Yes         No
13. If located in Evans, what are your hours of operation?
14. If located in Evans, approximate sq. ft. of business:
15. If located in Evans, no. of employees (include self): Full Time                     Part-time

16. Do you have other locations in Evans?          Yes                      No
   If "YES", a separate application must be completed per business location.

17. Contact Person:

   Address                                         City                     State       Zip         Phone                    Email (required)

                                                   **PLEASE COMPLETE FRONT AND BACK OF APPLICATION**

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Business and Sales Tax License Application (con't)
SECTION TWO - All information provided in this section of the application is considered confidential.

18. Filing Frequency:    $300 tax/month or more, file monthly
                         Under $300 tax/month, file quarterly
                         $300 tax/year or less, file annually
19. List Owner(s) or Corporate Officers: (attach supplemental sheet if necessary)

    Name                                                         Position                                                      Home Phone

    Home Address                                                 City                      State                               Zip code

    Name                                                         Position                                                      Home Phone

    Home Address                                                 City                      State                               Zip code

20. Accountant or CPA or 
    Local Manager
    (person who can provide sales tax information if needed)

                         Address                                 City            State     Zip                                               Daytime Phone

21. Former Owner's Name:                                                                   Former Owner's License 
    (if applicable)                                                                                                                      No. 

22. Former Name of                                                                     Date of Purchase:                    /          /

23. Did the purchase price include fixed assets, machinery, or equipment? YES           NO Value $

24. State of Colorado Sales Tax License No.:                                                  Federal Employer I.D. (FEIN)

    I declare, under penalty of perjury in the second degree, that this application has been examined by me, that the statements made herein 
    are made in good faith pursuant to Colorado and the City of Evans tax laws and regulations, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, 
    are true, correct, and complete.

    Signed:                                                                                                                    Dated:
                          Name of Person Completing this Document

    Printed Name:                                                                                                              Title:

    When opening a new business in the State of Colorado call the Colorado Business Assistance Center, (303) 592-5920 in Denver, or (800) 333-7798 toll-free in 
    Colorado for information.   Taxpayers are still required to remit State and County taxes directly to the State of Colorado.
    To obtain a sales tax, wage withholding tax, or other business tax account number, visit the Denver Service Center at 1375 Sherman St., Denver, or at the Fort Collins 
    Service Center 1121 W Prospect Rd, Bldg D, Fort Collins or any Taxpayer Service Center in Colorado. You may also get the "Colorado Business Registration" Form 
    (CR 0100) through the Colorado Department of Revenue web site at www.taxcolorado.com, or call the Forms Hotline at (303) 238-FAST (3278).

    Please be sure to check with other departments of the City to ensure compliance with all other applicable laws and regulations.  Issuance 
                    of the Business and Sales Tax License does not mean conformance with Zoning provisions, and/or other requirements.

    Pursuant to Section 3.04.500 (l) of the City of Evans Tax Code "failure to obtain a renewal license by the December 31st expiration date 
                                                            shall result in payment of an increased renewal feeā€¦".  
                                                                 Thank You.

                                                            **PLEASE COMPLETE FRONT AND BACK OF APPLICATION**

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