PDF document
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Tax Division (303)235-2820
7500 W. 29th Ave. www.ci.wheatridge.co.us
Wheat Ridge, CO  80033 $20 LICENSE FEE REQUIRED

Please fill in BOTH PAGES using PDF Reader or handwrite carefully. Incomplete/illegible applications will be returned.
1) Legal/True Name of Business (last, First if Individual), Repeat on Page 2 CITY USE ONLY
2) Trade Name (DBA) of Business (if any, up to 30 characters) Area-Geo
Location Code
3) Federal Employer ID 4) CO Sales Tax Account 5) Other Wheat Ridge Accounts Zoning
6) Reason for filing this form (choose one) 7) Legal Form (choose one) Comment
New Application Account Number Individual/Sole Proprietor (Lawful Presence Affidavit Required)
New Address/Moved Corporation (including PC)
Business Purchased or Merged Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Change in Legal Form Partnership (General or Limited)
Part A - Basic Information
8) Location/Account Type (choose all applicable) Limited Liability Partnership (LLP or LLLP)
Commercial/Retail/Office/Industrial Non-Profit Government Trust
Home Occupation (additional form) Festival/Farmers' Market Medical Marijuana 
Out of City Location/Catalog/Internet Mobile Food Sales Kennel
Solicitor/Peddler Massage Parlor Pawn Broker
Location Information
Out of City, internet and catalog sellers please skip to line 17
9) Location Manager Name 10) Location Number 11) Location Phone Number

12) Location Street Address With Suite Number (No PO Boxes) 13) Building Owner and Phone Number

14) City 15) State 16) ZIP Code 17) Website, if any

Business License Information
18) Send Business License Correspondence in Care of 19) Licensing Phone Number 20) Licensing Fax Number

21) Check if the licensing address is 22) Mailing Address for Business Licensing Correspondence
Same as Location Address Given Above
23) City 24) State 25) ZIP Code

Tax Compliance Information
Part B - Contact Information 26) Send Tax Correspondence in Care of 27) Tax Phone Number 28) Tax Email Address

29) Check one of the following if the Tax address is: 30) Mailing Address for Tax Forms, Notices and Correspondence
Same as Location Address
Same as Licensing Address 31) City 32) State 33) ZIP Code

34) Check one of the following if the Records address is: 35) Address Where Tax Records May Be Inspected (No PO Boxes)
Same as Location Address
Same as Licensing Address 36) City 37) State 38) ZIP Code
Same as Tax Address

- 2 -
39) Legal/True Name of Business (from Line 1)

40) Name of principal officer, owner, partner, member or manager 41) Title

42) Address of principal residence 43) City 44) State 45) ZIP Code

46) Name of other officer, owner, partner, member or manager 47) Title

48) Address of principal residence 49) City 50) State 51) ZIP Code

52) Has any owner or principal ever been convicted of a felony? No Yes
Part C - Ownership Information 53) If yes, what was the convicted charge and year?
Additional officers, owners, partners, members or managers may be included on attachments.
54) Legal Name of Prior Registrant (if purchased or merged) 55) Prior FEIN (if known) 56) Purchase/merge date

57) Start Date in Wheat Ridge Local businesses must file an Initial Use Tax Return by the 20th of the month after the 
license is issued.  The form is included in this packet. 
58) Number of Employees at the Wheat Ridge Location Full time Part time Seasonal
59) Business Activities (choose all applicable)
Auto Repair Food Related Liquor Store Realty/Leasing Retail

Auto Sales/Rent Government Manufacture/Process Food related businesses are subject to 
Business Service Health & Dental Non-profit Jefferson County regulation.              
Construction Liquor Drinks Personal Service Food Safety 303-271-5700
60) General Details of Goods Sold or Services Provided 61) State Massage Therapist License Nbr.

62) Requested Tax Reporting Frequency
Monthly (Average monthly tax over $100) Check here if you will use your own forms.  The City will 
Quarterly (Average monthly tax $20 - $100) not send pre-printed forms.
Part D - Operations and Compliance Information Yearly (Average monthly tax under $20) Check here if you will file sales/use tax online.  The City 
Every business must file at least yearly even if no tax is due͖ ĐŚĞĐŬ ƚŽ ĂĐŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞ. will not send pre-printed forms.
 ŚĞĐŬ ƚŚĂƚ LJŽƵΖǀĞ ƌĞĂĚ͗  All businesses, even those not making taxable sales, will likely have a use tax liability.  ^ĞĞ ŽƵƌ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ ĨŽƌ ĚĞƚĂŝůƐ͘
Local businesses complete this part.  Home occupations and out of city/internet/catalog businesses do not.
This information is provided to the Wheat Ridge Police Communications Center.  In the event of a police, fire or natural disaster 
emergency a local responsible person will be contacted to file a report and take charge of the premises.
63) Primary After Hours Emergency Contact Name 64) Title 65) After Hours Phone Number

66) Secondary After Hours Emergency Contact Name 67) Title 68) After Hours Phone Number
Part E - Emergency Info
Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I have examined this application and it is true and correct  to the best of my 
knowledge and belief.
Signature of Applicant 
Signature Date
or Authorized Agent

Printed Name Title

Save! Print!

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                                       LAWFUL PRESENCE AFFIDAVIT
                                       Tax Division                                                          (303) 235-2825
                                       7500 W. 29th Ave.                                                 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us
                                       Wheat Ridge, CO  80033

Legal/True Name of Business (last, First if Individual),from Business and Tax License Application            City Use Only

Colorado state law requires individuals and sole proprietors applying for local public benefits complete both parts below. Submit this 
                  form with your completed and signed Business and Tax License Application.

I,                                                   , swear or affirm under penalty of perjury under the 
laws of the State of Colorado that (check only one):
          I am a United States Citizen.
          I am a Permanent Resident of the United States.
          I am lawfully present in the United States.

I understand that this sworn statement is required by law because I have applied for a public benefit. I understand that state law 
required me to provide proof that I am lawfully present in the United States prior to receipt of this public benefit. I further 
acknowledge that making a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation in this sworn affidavit is punishable under the 
criminal laws of Colorado as perjury in the second degree under Colorado Revised Statute 18-8-503 and it shall constitute a separate 
criminal offense each time a public benefit is fraudulently received. 

Signature                                                                                         Date

Colorado law also requires the applicant for a public benefit to produce one of the authorized documents listed below in order to 
verify lawful presence in the United States. The applicant may either (a) produce such document in person at the Tax Division office or 
submit this form fully executed and notarized below along with a clear, legible copy of such document.
Check the box which represents the authorized identification you will submit (check only one). 

          A valid Colorado driver's license or identification card.
          A valid United States military identification card or military dependent’s identification card.
          A valid United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariner card.
          A valid Native American tribal document.

          Submitted in person to ____________________________ at the City of Wheat Ridge or; 
          Notarized and mailed or emailed with a clear copy of one of the documents above.

STATE OF COLORADO                                                     )
COUNTY OF _____________________________________                       )
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __________ day of ____________________,
                                                                                                      S E A L
Witness my hand and official seal.

Notary Public

                                                                                                  Done here.  Check then print.

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                    Instructions for Business and Tax License Application 
General Instructions                                                 also required. If the registrant is not a natural person, the title 
                                                                     of  the  officer  or  agent  completing  the  form  on  behalf  of  the 
Purpose  of  Form.   This  form  is  used  for  persons/entities     registrant must also be printed on the form. Forms without a 
engaged in business in the City of Wheat Ridge to obtain the         signature will be returned. 
required  business  and  tax  license.    Other  licenses  may  be    
required.  Please ask.                                               Keep information updated. The information in this Business 
                                                                     and Tax License Application  is used by a variety of City 
Every person engaged in business or collecting sales tax in          agencies  including  the  Tax  Division,  Police,  Fire,  Code 
the City must hold the appropriate licenses. Some businesses         Enforcement, Planning, Building and Economic Development 
are required to register even though they do not maintain a          for  health,  public  safety,  land  use,  and  other  regulatory  and 
fixed commercial location within the City.                           informational  concerns. It is critical  that you report any 
                                                                     changes in this information to the  Tax  Division  as  soon as 
There is a $20 annual fee for the combined business and tax          practicable. Please reference your assigned  Wheat Ridge 
license.  The initial fee is due at the time of application and is   account number/City ID on any correspondence. 
refunded if  the license is  not approved.  Certain  types  of        
businesses  will  be  required  to  complete  supplemental           Wheat Ridge taxes. The Tax Division collects Wheat Ridge 
registrations and pay the appropriate fees.                          taxes. For forms  and information, visit the Tax & Licensing 
                                                                     page of      the City       of Wheat     Ridge    website,
Submission. Complete all required line items and submit with         www.ci.wheatridge.co.us.   
the fee or fees to:                                                   
                                                                     Trade name registration.    An individual or entity transacting 
 City of Wheat Ridge                                                 business  in  the  state  of  Colorado  under  a  name  other  than 
 Tax Division                                                        their legal or true name must register such trade name (also 
 7500 W. 29  Ave.                                                    referred to as a “doing business as” or  “DBA”) with the 
 Wheat Ridge, CO  80033                                              Colorado Secretary of State. Additional  information  is 
                                                                     available at http://www.sos.state.co.us. 
Adobe PDF Fill-In.   In order to improve legibility, the City has    State tax registration. In addition to licensing with the City of 
enabled this form to be completed using the Adobe Reader.            Wheat Ridge, businesses must register with the Colorado 
This product can be downloaded at no charge from the Adobe           Department of Revenue and may be required to register with 
website (http://www.adobe.com).                                      other home rule cities. Additional information is available on 
                                                                     the department’s website:   http://www.taxcolorado.com  or  by 
Applicants  choosing not to complete  the form using Adobe           contacting the Taxpayer Services Division at (303) 238-7378. 
Reader  must  type or  carefully handwrite the form. Illegible       The department publishes a directory of home rule 
forms and the fee will be returned without processing.               municipalities  (publication  number  DR  1002)  which  is  also 
                                                                     available on their website. 
         Data entered into form fields using Adobe Reader             
         will not be transmitted to the City and cannot be           Business signs.  A permit from the City is required for some 
         saved.  Once  complete,  the  registration  must be         signs. Sign regulations are contained in  Chapter  26 of the 
         printed,  signed,  and  submitted  as  described            Wheat Ridge Code of Laws.   Contact the Community 
         above. Retain a photocopy of the completed                  Development  Department  at  (303)  235-2846  for additional 
registration for your records.                                       information. 
Review and approval.   License applications are reviewed by          County  taxes  and  information. Wheat  Ridge  is  located 
a  variety  of  City  departments  to  ensure  compliance  with      within Jefferson  County, Colorado. Property taxes are 
building, land use, taxation, and other laws and regulations.        collected by the county. For information on county resources 
This review process may take  three to four weeks. It is             and property taxes contact: 
unlawful for any person to  engage in  business in  the City          
without first obtaining the appropriate licenses.                                    Jefferson County:  (303) 279-6511 
It is important to submit the registration allowing sufficient time  Food service businesses.    Food service businesses  are 
for review and approval prior to the start of business. Please       required  to  obtain  a  permit  from  the  health  department.  For 
review the registration for  legibility,  errors, and omissions      more information contact: 
which will delay the time necessary to receive a license.             
                                                                          Jefferson County Food Safety: (303) 231-5700 
Additional Reminders & Resources                                     Specific Instructions 
This is a legal document.      Read all instructions carefully to    Line 1  –  Legal/True Name of  Business.     Enter the legal 
ensure this registration is accurate and complete. Licenses to       name of  the  individual or  entity registering exactly as it 
conduct business in the City may be denied, suspended, or            appears on the registrant’s social security card, charter, 
revoked  if  the  information  contained  in  this  registration  is articles of organization, or other legal document.  This is not 
incomplete  or  contains  false,  misleading,  or  fraudulent        normally the name of the individual completing this form. 
statements.                                                               Individuals/Sole Proprietors: Enter your last name 
                                                                     followed by your first name as it appears  on your social 
Signature  required.  The  person  completing  the  registration     security card.  
must sign and date the form at the bottom. A printed name is 

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Page 2                                             Instructions for Business and Tax License Application 
        Corporations:    Enter the name of the corporation as          
it appears in the articles of incorporation or corporate charter.     Line 6  –  Reason for Filing. Check the box which best 
        Limited Liability Company:    Enter the name of the           represents the reason you are submitting this form. Note that 
LLC as it appears in the articles of organization.                    business licenses are generally not transferrable, and that a 
        Partnerships: Enter the name of the partnership as            new registration will be required if the business is sold  or 
it appears in the partnership agreement.                              merged into another entity causing a requirement to change 
        Trusts:  Enter the name of the trust as it appears in         the FEIN/EIN.  
the trust instrument.                                                  
                                                                      Line 7 – Legal Form. Check the box next to the appropriate 
Line 2 – Trade Name. Enter the name by which the business             legal form.  
is  known to the public  if  it is different  from  the  legal  name.  
Trade  names  are  also  referred  to  as  “doing-business-as”  or                  
“DBA” names and must be registered with the Secretary  of                          Pursuant  to  C.R.S.  §  24-76.5-103,  individuals 
State (see above). If the trade name exceeds 30 characters,                        and  single member  sole  proprietorships are 
abbreviate it appropriately.                                                       required to submit a Lawful Presence Affidavit 
                                                                                   form in addition to this application. This form is 
If the  business  is known by multiple trade names, enter the         available in the  Tax & Licensing  section of the City website 
most common  name (i.e. the name which will appear  on                and is included with the application. Out of City and catalog 
business invoices and signage) and attach a sheet listing the         and internet only accounts not located in Wheat Ridge do not 
additional trade names.                                               need to complete this form. 
        It is particularly important that local businesses            Line 8 – Location/Account Type.   Check the box which best 
        list the name  displayed on premise  signage so               describes the location for which a license is sought. 
        that  police and fire personnel can easily locate               
        the business in case of an emergency.                          Commercial locations include all premises within the 
                                                                      City  (except residential dwellings) where any kind of trade, 
Line 3 – Federal Employer Identification Number. Enter the            vocation, occupation, profession, enterprise, establishment, or 
business’  nine digit Federal Employer  Identification  Number        other activity or matter, whether or not for profit, is operated, 
(EIN).                                                                excluding those activities operated from a residential address. 
                                                                      For licensing purposes, commercial locations include licenses 
If the  applicant  is an individual  or a single member               for businesses operating and maintaining hotels/motels, multi-
disregarded LLC without an EIN, do not enter your social              family dwellings, and residential care facilities. 
security  number  (or  taxpayer  identification  number).  Leave        
this line blank.                                                       Home Occupations           those commercial  or business 
                                                                      activities based in a dwelling unit (residence) in accordance 
If the applicant has applied for an EIN, leave this line blank        with the City  zoning code.  Special restrictions apply to in-
and  file  an  update  upon  receiving  the  EIN  from  the  Internal home  businesses  and  the  Home  Occupation  Supplement  to 
Revenue Service. For additional information on applying for           the Application form is required to be submitted with this form. 
an EIN visit, the IRS website: http://www.irs.gov.                     
                                                                       Out of  City/Catalog/Internet      accounts are for 
Line 4 – Colorado Sales Tax Account.     If applicable, enter         applicants making sales or collecting tax on sales in the City 
the retail sales tax or retailers use tax account number issued       who do not maintain a fixed premise in the City. Out of city 
to the registrant by the Colorado Department of Revenue. If           accounts are also for applicants with one or more locations in 
the applicant has applied for a state sales tax account, leave        the City to report sales of property and services originating 
this line blank and file an update upon receiving an account          from  location  outside  Wheat Ridge. Sales from multiple 
number from the Department of Revenue. For additional                 locations outside  Wheat Ridge  may be combined  under a 
information on registering with the Department of Revenue,            single out of city account, however, taxpayers may not report 
visit their website: http://www.taxcolorado.com.                      out of city sales using an existing local account. 
        Do not list  an  EIN or state sales tax account                Solicitor/Peddler          accounts are for short-term sales 
        number on tax returns, forms, and other                       or solicitations of sales in the City.   Peddlers  are  limited  to 
        correspondence with the City. Upon approval of                selling  from  a single location only and  must  obtain the 
        the  registration, the City will issue a  unique              property  owner’s  written  permission  to  do  so.    A  $100  site 
        Wheat Ridge tax account number.                               cleanup escrow deposit and a $100 tax deposit are required.  
                                                                      Solicitors must bear a valid ID issued by any state and a copy 
Line 5 – Other Wheat Ridge Tax Accounts.           Each location      of the license at all times while working in the City.  A $100 tax 
within the City requires a separate license.                          deposit  may be  required depending on the  nature of  the 
                                                                      solicited sales.   
Sales  made from locations outside  Wheat Ridge,  catalog              
sales,  and  sales  over  the  internet  may  be  reported  under  a   Festival/Farmers’          Market. Applicants        include 
single account that is separate from accounts for locations in        farmers’ market, other festival and Carnation Festival vendors. 
the City. Taxpayers must not add these sales to an account            The organizer of the event is responsible for site cleanup so 
for a location in the City.                                           no escrow is required of individual vendors.  A tax deposit is 
                                                                      required from festival  and farmer’s market  vendors, but the 
Provide any  other  Wheat Ridge  business and tax license             amount may be reduced based on City sponsorship or other 
account numbers this applicant owns.                                  considerations.   

- 6 -
Instructions for Business and Tax License Application                                                                  Page 3 
                                                                 Line 19  –  Business Licensing Phone Number.          Enter the 
        Mobile Food Sales.  Sales of food and non-alcoholic      phone number  of the individual or department handling 
beverages from pushcarts or trucks are permitted subject to      business registration and licensing inquiries. 
specific rules.  The  rules  are viewable herein or  on           
www.ci.wheatridge.co.us.  You may also obtain a copy from        Line  20  –  Business  Licensing  Fax  Number.        Enter  the 
the Tax Division or the Zoning Division.                         facsimile number upon which correspondence regarding 
                                                                 business registration and licensing is received. 
        Massage Parlor.  Massage services by practitioners        
not  having  a Colorado  Massage  Therapy  license,  except      Line  21  –  Duplicate  Address. If  the  address  for  business 
exempt alternative modalities specified by C.R.S. 12-35.5-       licensing correspondence is the same as the location address 
110, are restricted as to location  and  subject  to additional  listed on lines 12 through 15, check the box on this line  and 
application requirements            and  regulation.       See   proceed to line 26. Otherwise, complete lines 22 through 25. 
www.ci.wheatridge.co.us or inquire with the Tax Division.         
                                                                 Lines 22 through 25 – Business Licensing Address.         Enter 
        Medical  Marijuana.    Medical  marijuana  centers       the mailing address of the individual or department to which 
(dispensaries), growing operations and infused products          correspondence  regarding  business  licensing  should  be 
production are regulated  by state and local laws  and are       directed. Post office boxes are permitted on this line. Enter the 
subject to  additional  application      requirements.     See   city, state, and zip code. Zip+4 entries are permitted. 
www.ci.wheatridge.co.us or inquire with the Tax Division.         
                                                                 Lines  26  through  33  –  Tax  Correspondence  and  Forms 
        Kennel.  A non-veterinary location that houses more      Addresses.  Enter the mailing address of the individual  or 
than three dogs or four cats or that sells, breeds, buys, trains department to which correspondence regarding Wheat Ridge 
or trades cats or dogs must obtain the City kennel license in    taxes    and forms should be  directed. Post office boxes are 
order to be approved for a business license.  The annual fee     permitted. Enter the city, state, and zip code. Zip+4 entries are 
is $35.  Call for an inspection at (303) 235-2220.               permitted. 
        Pawn  Broker.   Pawn  brokers  must  apply  for  the                 The  Wheat Ridge Code of  Laws  requires that 
pawn broker’s license, which  requires  an annual fee  of                    every person engaged in business in the City 
$5,000.  The application is available from the Police                        keep and preserve records  suitable  in content 
Department by calling (303) 235-2932.                                        and form to allow the City to determine such 
                                                                             person’s tax liability. Audits are often conducted 
Out of City, catalog and internet accounts do not need to        at the location where books and records are maintained, but 
complete lines 9 through 16. Proceed to line 17.                 may also be conducted at City offices. 
Line 9  –  Location  Manager  Name.     Enter the name  of  the  Line  34  –  Duplicate  Address. If  the  address  where  tax 
person  responsible  for  the  management  and  supervision  of  records are maintained is the same as the location address, 
activities carried on in the City.                               the business licensing address, or the tax address, check the 
                                                                 appropriate  box  on  this  line  33  and  proceed  to  line  38. 
Line  10  –  Location  Number.      Businesses with multiple     Otherwise, complete lines 34 through 37. 
locations often assign each location a  unique  identification    
number or code. If you refer to this location by such a code,    A street address where tax records are maintained  is 
enter it on this line.                                           required. Do not check a duplicate address box if you entered 
                                                                 a post office box for the business licensing or  tax address. 
Line 11  –  Location  Phone Number.      Enter the local phone   Complete lines 31 through 34. 
number,  including area code, of the location for which a         
license is sought.                                               Lines 35  through 38  –  Tax Records Address.         Enter the 
                                                                 street address where tax records are maintained. Do not enter 
Lines  12  through 16  –  Location Address  and Building         a  post  office  box.  Enter  the  city,  state,  and  zip  code.  Zip+4 
Owner Information.      Enter the street address of the location entries are permitted. 
for which a license is sought. Include the suite, space, or unit  
number if applicable. Do not enter a post office box. Enter the  Line 39 – Legal Name of Business.      In order to prevent the 
city, state, and zip code. Zip+4 entries are permitted.  In the  second page from being misplaced, enter the legal name of 
space allotted,  provide the name and phone number  of the       the registrant as it appears on line 1 of the first page. 
landlord for the location if you do not own it.                   
                                                                 Lines 40 through 53 – Owner, Officer, Partner, Manager, 
Line 17 –Website. Enter your company’s website address, if       or Member Information. Enter the name, title, e-mail 
one exists.                                                      address, home street address, city, state and zip code of each 
                                                                            owner, officer, partner, LLC manager, or principal 
Line 18 – Business Licensing Contact.     Enter the name of                 LLC member. Do not enter a post office box. Do 
the individual or department to which correspondence                        not enter the principal office or location address 
regarding business  registration  and  licensing should be                  unless the registrant is a home occupation.  
directed.  Such  correspondence  includes  without  limitation,              
licenses, renewal notices, and notices of adverse action.        If there  are  more than two individuals,  attach an additional, 
                                                                 typewritten sheet listing the legal name of the business (from 
                                                                 line 1) and containing all of the required information. Use only 
                                                                 white, 8½” x 11” paper. Duplex printing is permitted. 

- 7 -
Page 4                                                  Instructions for Business and Tax License Application 
Lines 54  through 56 –  Prior Registrant.    If this  application      Use of Self-Provided Forms. Check this box if your 
was  caused  by  the  purchase  of  an  existing  business,  a        business plans to file on substitute forms in accordance with 
merger, or a change in legal form, enter  the name and                tax regulations. Unless indicated, the City will print and send 
Federal  Employer  Identification  Number  (if  known)  of  the       tax forms for you to use.  
previous registrant. Enter the effective date of the purchase,         
merger, or change on line 57. The account of the previous              Online Filing.       Check this box if your business plans 
registrant will be closed and a final tax return will be required.    to file sales and use tax returns online using the City’s online 
                                                                      filing  portal  via  the  City  website  or www.salestaxonline.com. 
           In certain  circumstances,  a new owner may  be            Unless  indicated,  the  City  will  print  and  send  tax  forms  for 
           liable  for  taxes  owed  by  a  previous  owner.  For     your use.  
           more information, see Section 22-38 of the Wheat            
           Ridge Code of Laws at www.municode.com.                    Lines  63 through 68  –  Emergency Contact Information. 
                                                                      Local businesses, enter the name, title, and after hours phone 
Line 57  –  Start Date  in  Wheat Ridge.       Enter the date         number of two local emergency contacts. This information is 
business commenced or will commence in Wheat Ridge. All               used by  the Wheat Ridge  Police Communications Center  in 
registrants must enter a date in the form mm/dd/yyyy. If you          case of a police or fire emergency.  
are unsure of the exact date, enter  a date which best                 
represents your anticipated start date.                               The persons on this list must be able to report to the business, 
                                                                      make  police  reports,  take  charge  of  and/or  secure  the 
This  date  may  be  in  the  past  if  the  registrant  has  been    premises. Given the critical  nature of  this information, it  is 
operating without a license. Prior period tax returns may be          important  that  it  is  kept  current.  Report  any  changes 
required.                                                             immediately to the Tax Division. 
 New businesses in the City             should list the opening       Signature  After reviewing the registration  and any 
date excluding prior construction and setup time. An initial use      supplements required  for accuracy and completeness, sign 
tax return is due on the 20  of the month following this date.        them where indicated and provide a clear printed version of 
 Out of City businesses should list the date of the                   your name as well.    
first sale or contact within the City. 
Line 58 – Employees. Local businesses enter the number of 
employees  working  at  the  location  for  which  a  license  is 
sought. Out of City businesses should skip this line. 
Line 59– Business Activities.     Check the boxes which best 
describe the main business activities to be conducted under 
the license being sought.  
Line  61  –  General  Details  of  Goods  Sold  or  Services 
Provided.  Enter  a  brief  description  of  the  goods  to  be  sold 
and/or services to be provided.   
Along with the main business activities, this description will be 
used to evaluate the proposed use for public safety and land 
use compliance. This description will also aid the Tax Division 
in assigning a  class code  for  analytical  purposes.  Be  as 
specific as possible in the space provided.  
Line 62  –  Requested  Reporting  Frequency.            Every 
person/entity engaged in business in the City must file a tax 
return  at least  annually even if no tax is  due. Even  service 
businesses that do not make taxable sales will likely have a 
use tax liability. For additional information on use tax, refer to 
the Tax & Licensing page   of the City website or call the Tax 
Division at (303) 235-2820. 
Professional services and home occupations will usually be 
assigned an annual frequency. Depending upon the nature of 
the business and the average tax liability, some businesses 
will be required to file more frequently. Check the box 
representing your requested filing frequency.  
           If your business is occasional, making only one or 
           two sales in the City per year in excess of $1,000, 
           select  an  annual filing  frequency to avoid filing 
           zero liability returns monthly. 

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