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Print Form
Refund to be made payable to, and mailed to:
(If this is different from the name and address on the Department records for the accounts number(s) used,
provide an explanation and details specific to this refund claim.)
1. Taxpayer Name 2. City Account Number
3. Taxpayer DBA (if applicable)
4. Mailing Address
5. City 6. State 7. Zip
8. Period (mo/yr -mo/yr) - can be combined if periods are consecutive
A list of transactions verifying the amounts in boxes 9 through 12 below is required on the back page, and
evidence for each sale must be attached.
9. Purchase Price 10. Original Tax Paid 11. Correct Tax Amount 12. Refund Requested
13. Reason (Explain below or on a separate sheet of paper if needed).
I declare under penalty of perjury, that this claim including attachments is to the best of my knowledge true and
correct. I further understand that the claim and documentation may be subject to the City of Steamboat Springs
verification process.
14. Print Taxpayer Name
15. Taxpayer Signature (this line must be signed by an officer, partner, or owner of the firm claiming the refund)
16. Title 17. Telephone 18. Date
For City of Steamboat Springs use only