
What if you nestled a beautiful Downtown Manitou buildings and cars on the main roadhistoric town in between the awe-inspiring Garden of the Gods Park and majestic Pikes Peak? What if you then surrounded it with attractions from the Air Force Academy to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo? What if it had a Cog train that you could ride to the top of the world or a Cave of the Winds to explore its inner depths? What if it had a wonderful mix of shops and restaurants? What if you backed it all up with ample lodging ranging from quaint Bed and Breakfasts to the luxury of a four diamond hotel?

You would have Manitou Springs and we are open for business.

Business Licenses

You need a Manitou Springs Business License if you are doing business in Manitou Springs for 7 or more days per calendar year or if your business is based in Manitou Springs.

Tax Information

Camping / Lodging taxes, Amusement / Excise taxes and Use taxes are remitted directly to the Manitou Springs Finance Department.

  • Lodging / Camping Tax Reporting Form - Camping / Lodging taxes are due on the 20th of each month following the period the revenue is generated. These taxes are remitted directly to the Manitou Springs Finance Department and late returns are subject to a 10% penalty plus interest.
  • Excise / Amusement Tax Reporting Form - Excise/Amusement taxes are due on the 20th of each month following the period the revenue is generated. These taxes are remitted directly to the Manitou Springs Finance Department and late returns are subject to a 10% penalty plus interest
  • Use Tax Reporting Form (PDF) - Use tax is collected upon first opening a business and then upon each yearly renewal. 3.8% use tax is applied to items acquired for use by the business.

Sales Tax

Sales tax is remitted to the Colorado Department of Revenue.

To obtain a sales tax number contact the Colorado Department of Revenue. You can apply for a tax number online or by going directly to one of their Division Locations. It has been our experience that it takes longer (at least 6 weeks) when applying online. 

The Colorado Springs location is at:
2447 N Union Boulevard
Manitou Springs, CO 80829 

Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.