Enlarge image | CITY OF SAINT PAUL P.O. BOX 901 ST. PAUL ISLAND, ALASKA 99660-0901 (907) 546-3121 FAX (907) 546-3199 APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION FOR 2016 The Undersigned makes application for a certificate of authority to collect Sales Tax and submits the following information: 1. Name of Applicant ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Is this a renewal of a previous registration? Yes ____ No _____ 3. If yes, any changes from previous years? Yes_____ No _____ If yes, continue completing application. If no, your signature, printed name and application fee complete this application. 4. Date Business was started or was purchased by you:________________________________________________ 5. Type of Business:____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Alaska Business License Number:_______________________________________________________________ (Fill out a separate application for each ABL Number.) 7. Check type of ownership ___Individual ___Co-Partnership ___Corporation ___Other (specify):__________ 8. Are you the owner of premises where your business is conducted? Yes____ No ____: Owner_________________________ 9. The following is/are the name(s) and home address(es) of the owner, partners, or corporate officers: Name Title Home address 10. List below all locations where you conduct business: Name Location I HEREBY CERTIFY that the statements made herein have been examined by me, and are to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and complete. Signature Title Printed name Date Please submit this form to the City of Saint Paul by January 15 of each year for renewal, or within 24 hours after start of business operation within the City limits. A $40.00 fee must accompany this form. |