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P.O. Box 790
Montrose, CO 81402
Type or Print:
Name of Person/Business/Organization requesting refund:________________________________________
Mailing Address Physical Address
Name of Person/Business/Organization who collected and remitted sales tax to the City of Montrose:
Name __________________________________ City Sales Tax Account # ______________________
Mailing address _________________________ Physical Address _____________________________
_________________________ _____________________________
Refund should be payable to: Name ______________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________
The undersigned certifies that this statement is made on behalf of himself or the taxpayer named, that the facts given
below are true and complete, and avers that the claim should be allowed for the reasons stated below.
1. Date(s) of transaction(s)
2. Period(s) Filed
3. Character or Kind of Tax
4. Amount of Tax Paid
5. Correct Amount of Tax Liability
6. Amount to be Refunded
Reason for Claim:
(Attach letter size sheets if space is not sufficient)
Claims for disputed City of Montrose Sales or Use Tax Code 5-15-9, must be supported by affidavit of
purchaser accompanied by original paid invoice or sales receipt and certified by the seller.
I/We declare under the penalties of perjury, that this claim (including any accompanying schedules and statements) has been
examined by me/us, and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct, and complete return mad in good faith, for the
purposes stated pursuant to the ordinances of the City of Montrose and the Regulations issued under authority thereof.
(Signature of person, other than taxpayer, preparing return) (Signature of Taxpayer)
(Name of firm or employer, if any) (Date)