11 errors in a row - Error: Page or file not found

Bookmark: Sales Tax Return Form
URL: https://juneau.org/index.php?gf-download=2021%2F02%2FSales-tax-only-return-2020-FILLABLE-Not-Auto-Calculating.pdf&form-id=22&field-id=11&hash=dc3e91d6b3fbf20316be4521c30faf81075fd765ce0defd25f9ac6390a562055

Open saved file:
  • New version (12-Apr-2021)
  • Old version (12-Apr-2021)
  • Highlight Changes


    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - Wsw_BeforeCheck> Adjust pagetype and checkmethod
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    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - bookmark: Sales Tax Return Form
    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - filename: 201806071503578506688.htm
    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - check webpage (automatic method): https://juneau.org/index.php?gf-download=2021%2F02%2FSales-tax-only-return-2020-FILLABLE-Not-Auto-Calculating.pdf&form-id=22&field-id=11&hash=dc3e91d6b3fbf20316be4521c30faf81075fd765ce0defd25f9ac6390a562055
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    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - cmd> Open done
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    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - cmd> Connect done
    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - cmd> Open request done
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    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - cmd> Send request done
    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - hdr> HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - hdr> Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 12:09:57 GMT
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    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - WSW> Current URL is: https://juneau.org/index.php?gf-download=2021%2F02%2FSales-tax-only-return-2020-FILLABLE-Not-Auto-Calculating.pdf&form-id=22&field-id=11&hash=dc3e91d6b3fbf20316be4521c30faf81075fd765ce0defd25f9ac6390a562055
    2023-04-14 08:09:57 - WSW> No codepage defined/detected, use windows-1252
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    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - Wsw_BeforeCheck> Adjust pagetype and checkmethod
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    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - WebSite-Watcher 2014 (14.3)
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - checkid: 451119555.4239008.20141031104606
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - date: 2023-04-14 08:11:01
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - bookmark: Sales Tax Return Form
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - filename: 201806071503578506688.htm
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - check webpage (automatic method): https://juneau.org/index.php?gf-download=2021%2F02%2FSales-tax-only-return-2020-FILLABLE-Not-Auto-Calculating.pdf&form-id=22&field-id=11&hash=dc3e91d6b3fbf20316be4521c30faf81075fd765ce0defd25f9ac6390a562055
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - cmd> Open (InternetOpen)
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - cmd> Open done
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) - https://juneau.org/index.php?gf-download=2021%2F02%2FSales-tax-only-return-2020-FILLABLE-Not-Auto-Calculating.pdf&form-id=22&field-id=11&hash=dc3e91d6b3fbf20316be4521c30faf81075fd765ce0defd25f9ac6390a562055
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - cmd> Connect done
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - cmd> Open request done
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    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - cmd> Send request done
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - hdr> HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - hdr> Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 12:11:01 GMT
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - hdr> Content-Type: text/html
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    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - hdr> CF-RAY: 7b7bd95868666fa4-IAD
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - hdr> alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=86400, h3-29=":443"; ma=86400
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - hdr> GET /index.php?gf-download=2021%2F02%2FSales-tax-only-return-2020-FILLABLE-Not-Auto-Calculating.pdf&form-id=22&field-id=11&hash=dc3e91d6b3fbf20316be4521c30faf81075fd765ce0defd25f9ac6390a562055 HTTP/1.1
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - hdr> Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
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    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - hdr> Host: juneau.org
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - hdr> Connection: Keep-Alive
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - hdr> Cache-Control: no-cache
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - hdr> Cookie: _pk_id.2.25f3=fa80d34761209a4e.1678971133.
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - Statuscode: 502
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    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - WSW> Current URL is: https://juneau.org/index.php?gf-download=2021%2F02%2FSales-tax-only-return-2020-FILLABLE-Not-Auto-Calculating.pdf&form-id=22&field-id=11&hash=dc3e91d6b3fbf20316be4521c30faf81075fd765ce0defd25f9ac6390a562055
    2023-04-14 08:11:01 - WSW> No codepage defined/detected, use windows-1252

    WebSite-Watcher error message