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                                   Use this form for tax period 4/1/2022 - 10/31/2022 only.

                          Nebraska and Local Sales and Use Tax Return                                                                                FORM
                                      If applicable, complete Schedule Ion reverse side.
                                      •  See Nebraska Net Taxable Sales and Use Tax Worksheets.                                                      10
                                                                                  Please Do Not Write In This Space
Tax Category    Nebraska ID Number Rpt. Code                Tax Period

                                                                                                      PRINT        RESET
                                             Due Date:

                  Name and Location Address                                                            Name and Mailing Address

    •  Name, address, or ownership changes? See instructions.
    Check this box if your business has permanently closed, has been sold to someone else, or your permit is no longer needed. 
    New owners must apply for their own sales tax permit.

  1 Gross sales and services in Nebraska (see instructions and worksheets) .........................................                           1              00

 2 Net Nebraska taxable sales as shown on line 2, Form 10 Worksheets (see instructions) ..................                                     2              00

  3 Nebraska sales tax (line 2 multiplied by .055) ....................................................................................   3

  4 Nebraska use tax (see instructions) ............................................................. 4
      Complete Nebraska Schedule  I   prior to completing lines 5 & 6.
  5 Local use tax from Nebraska Schedule  I......................................................     5

  6 Local sales tax from Nebraska Schedule  I.........................................................................................         6

  7 Total Nebraska and local sales tax (line 3 plus line 6) ........................................................................           7

  8 Sales tax collection fee (line 7 multiplied by .025; if the result is $75.00 or more, enter $75.00) ........                               8

  9 Sales tax due (line 7 minus line 8) .....................................................................................................  9

 10 Total Nebraska and local use tax (line 4 plus line 5) ...........................................................................          10
 11 Total Nebraska and local sales and use tax due (line 9 plus line 10) .................................................                     11
 12 Previous balance with applicable interest at
              % per year and payments received through                                                                                   12

    Check this box if your payment is being made electronically.
 13 Balance due (line 11 plus or minus line 12). Pay in full with return .....................................................                 13
                    Under penalties of law, I declare that as taxpayer or preparer I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and 
                statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is correct and complete.
              Authorized Signature                    Title                       Daytime Phone        Date        Email Address
 use only    Preparer’s Signature                     Date                        Preparer’s PTIN
             Print Firm’s Name (or yours if self-employed), Address, and Zip Code EIN                                                            Daytime Phone
                                         For tax assistance, call 800-742-7474 (NE and IA) or 402-471-5729.
                       This return is due on or before the 20 thday of the month following the tax period indicated above.
                                                Use NebFile to electronically file and pay your taxes.
                Paper filers mail this return and payment to: Nebraska Department of Revenue, PO Box 98923, Lincoln, NE 68509-8923.
                                                                                                            6-002-1967 Rev. 2-2022 Supersedes 6-002-1967 Rev. 7-2020

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                                                                                      PRINT                 RESET

                      Nebraska Schedule  — Local Sales and Use Tax
                      •  Attach to Form 10. I                                                                                          FORM 10
                      •  If applicable, complete the “Multivendor Marketplace Platform (MMP) Users Only” section on Page 3.            Schedule I
                      •  MVL, ATV, UTV, and Motorboat Leases or Rentals is on Page 3.                                                  Page 1 of 3
    Name on Form 10                                           Nebraska ID Number                            Tax Period

                                  Column  A Column  B                                                       Column  A                  Column  B
        City        Code  Rate    Use Tax   Sales Tax          City                   Code  Rate            Use Tax                    Sales Tax
 Ainsworth           52-003  .015                      Clay Center                    188-104  .015
 Albion              81-004  .015                      Clearwater                     197-105  .015
 Alliance            27-008  .015                      Coleridge                      239-108  .01
 Alma                82-009  .02                       Columbus                       60-110  .015
 Ansley             234-015  .01                       Cordova                        208-114  .01 
 Arapahoe           157-016  .015                      Cortland**                     119-116  .01
 Arcadia            192-017  .01                       Cozad                          26-119  .015
 Arlington          206-018  .015                      Crawford                       20-122  .015
 Arnold             152-019  .01                       Creighton                      61-123  .01
 Ashland             50-021  .015                      Crete                          18-125  .02
 Atkinson            88-023  .015                      Crofton                        179-126  .01
 Auburn              57-025  .01                       Curtis                         51-129  .01
 Bancroft           198-030  .015                      Dakota City                    233-131  .01
 Bassett             99-035  .015                      Dannebrog                      153-134  .01
 Battle Creek       214-036  .015                      Davey                          248-137  .015
 Bayard              44-037  .01                       David City                     101-138  .02
 Beatrice**          17-039  .02                       Daykin                         180-140  .01
 Beaver City        141-040  .01                       Decatur                        217-141  .02
 Beaver Crossing    226-041  .01                       Deshler                        243-143  .01
 Beemer             199-043  .015                      DeWeese                        173-144  .01
 Bellevue            3-046  .015                       DeWitt                         235-145  .01
 Bellwood           223-047  .015                      Diller                         67-147  .01
 Benedict           215-049  .015                      Dodge                          148-150  .015
 Benkelman          176-050  .015                      Doniphan                       181-151  .01
 Bennet             147-051  .01                       Dorchester                     249-152  .015
 Bennington          42-052  .015                      City of Douglas                43-153  .015
 Bertrand           118-053  .015                      Duncan                         135-156  .015
 Big Springs        100-055  .01                       Eagle                          23-159  .01
 Blair               53-057  .015                      Edgar                          102-161  .01
 Bloomfield          83-058  .01                       Edison                         228-162  .01
 Blue Hill           71-060  .015                      Elgin                          142-164  .01
 Brainard           187-066  .01                       Elm Creek                      159-167  .01
 Bridgeport          32-068  .01                       Elmwood                        105-168  .015
 Broken Bow          66-072  .015                      Elwood                         218-170  .01
 Brownville         191-073  .01                       Eustis                         106-176  .01
 Burwell            132-081  .015                      Ewing                          250-177  .005
 Cairo              207-085  .01                       Exeter                         171-178  .015
 Callaway           216-086  .01                       Fairbury                       36-179  .02
 Cambridge          145-087  .02                       Fairfield                      212-180  .015
 Cedar Rapids       114-092  .01                       Falls City                     79-182  .015
 Central City        78-094  .015                      Farnam                         143-183  .01
 Ceresco             25-095  .015                      Fordyce                        255-187  .01
 Chadron             13-096  .02                       Fort Calhoun                   229-188  .015
 Chambers           177-097  .01                       Franklin                       209-190  .01
 Chappell            12-099  .02                       Fremont                        62-191  .015
 Chester            178-100  .01                       Friend                         124-192  .015
 Clarks             158-101  .015                      Fullerton                      30-193  .02
 Clarkson           227-102  .015                      Geneva                         136-198  .02
 Clatonia**         246-103  .005                      Genoa                          120-199  .015

 1  Total the amounts of use tax in Column A (enter here and on line 6, Column A, on Page 3) ...........   1

  2 Total the amounts of sales tax in Column B (enter here and on line 6, Column B, on Page 3) ..................................... 2 

                                            Complete Pages 2 and 3 of this Schedule I.      6-383-2000 Rev. 4-2022 Supersedes 6-383-2000 Rev. 7-2021

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                                                                                                                                                 FORM 10
                     Nebraska Schedule ILocal Sales and Use Tax                                                                                ScheduleI
                                                                                                                                                 Page 2 of 3
    Name on Form 10                                             Nebraska ID Number                                   Tax Period

                                   Column  A Column  B                                                               Column  A                   Column  B
        City        Code  Rate     Use Tax   Sales Tax          City    Code  Rate                                   Use Tax                     Sales Tax
 Gering             37-200  .015                        Maywood         193-311  .015
 Gibbon             72-201  .015                        McCook          103-312  .015
 Gordon             8-206  .015                         McCool Junction 133-313  .015
 Gothenburg         21-207  .015                        Meadow Grove    225-317  .015
 Grand Island       34-210  .02                         Milford         63-322  .01
 Grant              200-211  .01                        Milligan        251-325  .015
 Greeley            230-212  .015                       Minden          55-327  .02 
 Greenwood          160-213  .01                        Mitchell        69-328  .015
 Gresham            125-214  .015                       Monroe          182-330  .015
 Gretna             161-215  .02                        Morrill         137-332  .01
 Guide Rock         126-217  .015                       Mullen          183-334  .01
 Harrison           49-227  .015                        Murray          210-336  .01
 Hartington         167-228  .015                       Nebraska City   16-339  .02
 Harvard            162-229  .01                        Nehawka         240-340  .01
 Hastings           33-230  .015                        Neligh          91-341  .01
 Hay Springs        68-231  .01                         Nelson          80-342  .01
 Hebron             127-235  .015                       Newman Grove    98-346  .015
 Hemingford         48-236  .015                        Niobrara        73-349  .01
 Henderson          112-237  .015                       Norfolk         15-351  .015
 Hickman            213-242  .015                       North Bend      92-353  .015
 Hildreth           89-243  .01                         North Platte    4-355  .015
 Holdrege           54-245  .015                        Oakland         35-358  .015
 Hooper             144-248  .01                        Oconto          172-360  .01
 Howells            189-251  .015                       Odell**         59-362  .01
 Hubbard            236-252  .015                       Ogallala        6-363  .015
 Hubbell            45-253  .01                         Omaha           1-365  .015
 Humphrey           146-255  .02                        O’Neill         39-366  .015
 Hyannis            154-257  .01                        Orchard         242-368  .015
 Imperial           163-258  .01                        Ord             115-369  .02
 Jackson            164-263  .015                       Osceola         131-371  .015
 Jansen             111-264  .01                        Oshkosh         10-372  .02
 Juniata            204-268  .015                       Osmond          117-373  .015
 Kearney            38-269  .015                        Oxford          84-376  .015
 Kimball            9-273  .015                         Palmer          252-379  .015
 Laurel             237-276  .01                        Palmyra         138-380  .01
 LaVista            14-274  .02                         Papillion       28-382  .02
 Lawrence           232-277  .01                        Pawnee City     168-383  .02
 Leigh              224-279  .015                       Paxton          128-384  .02
 Lewellen           5-281  .01                          Pender          174-385  .015
 Lexington          29-283  .015                        Peru            93-386  .01
 Lincoln            2-285  .0175                        Petersburg      130-387  .01
 Linwood            201-287  .01                        Pierce          139-390  .01
 Loomis             149-291  .01                        Pilger          231-391  .015
 Louisville         107-293  .015                       Plainview       46-392  .015
 Loup City          90-294  .02                         Platte Center   211-393  .015
 Lyons              108-298  .015                       Plattsmouth     121-394  .015
 Madison            113-299  .015                       Pleasanton      238-396  .01
 Malcolm            150-302  .01                        Plymouth        47-397  .015
 Manley             257-304  .005                       Ponca           194-399  .015
 Marquette          202-305  .015                       Ralston         151-407  .015

 3  Total the amounts of use tax in Column A (enter here and on line 7, on page 3) ..............................   3

  4 Total the amounts of sales tax in Column B (enter here and on line 7, on page 3) ........................................................   4

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                                                                                                                                            FORM 10
                               Nebraska Schedule ILocal Sales and Use Tax                                                                 ScheduleI
                                                                                                                                            Page 3 of 3
    Name on Form 10                                                                Nebraska ID Number                            Tax Period

                                         Column  A   Column  B                                                                   Column  A  Column  B
         City       Code  Rate           Use Tax     Sales Tax                     City             Code  Rate                   Use Tax    Sales Tax
 Randolph           190-408  .015                                           Upland          220-495  .015
 Ravenna            85-409  .015                                            Utica           221-496  .015
 Red Cloud          74-411  .015                                            Valentine       156-497  .015
 Republican City    64-412  .01                                             Valley                  41-498  .015
 Rising City        253-415  .01                                            Verdigre                76-502  .015
 Roca               254-418  .015                                           Wahoo                   95-506  .02
 Rushville          11-425  .015                                            Wakefield       169-507  .01
 St. Edward         175-452  .015                                           Waterloo                19-512  .02
 St. Paul           104-454  .01                                            Wauneta         241-513  .01
 Sargent            155-428  .02                                            Wausa           123-514  .01
 Schuyler           75-430  .015                                            Waverly         196-515  .015
 Scottsbluff        22-432  .015                                            Wayne                   58-516  .015
 Scribner           185-433  .015                                           Weeping Water   140-517  .015
 Seward             129-435  .015                                           West Point      184-519  .015
 Shelby             247-436  .015                                           Wilber                  96-523  .015
 Sidney               7-441  .02                                            Wisner          203-530  .02
 Silver Creek       116-442  .01                                            Wood River      222-533  .015
 S. Sioux City      40-446  .015                                            Wymore**                77-534  .015
 Spalding           256-447   .015                                          York                    97-536  .02
 Spencer            109-448  .01                                            
 Springfield        195-450  .015
 Springview         166-451  .01
 Stanton            219-456  .015
 Sterling           205-462  .01
 Stromsburg         186-467  .015
 Stuart             110-468  .015                                                                                     Column  A             Column  B
 Superior           65-470  .015                                             County         Code       Rate                      Use Tax    Sales Tax
 Sutton             94-473  .015                                            Dakota County*  134-922  .005
 Syracuse           122-475  .01                                            Gage County**   245-934  .005
 Tecumseh           86-481  .015                                        ** Dakota County tax is only collected 
                                                                            in areas outside of any city in Dakota 
 Tekamah            87-482  .02                                             County that imposes a city sales and 
 Terrytown          24-483  .01                                             use tax.
                                                                        ** Gage County tax is collected in the entire 
 Tilden             56-487  .015                                            Gage County, including in any city in 
 Uehling            70-491  .01                                             Gage County that imposes a city sales 
                                                                            and use tax. It is added to the state and 
 Unadilla           244-493  .015                                           any applicable city tax.
 5   Total the amounts of use tax in Column A and sales tax in Column B on this page .........................     5
  6  Enter the total amounts from Column A and Column B (lines 1 and 2) from Page 1 ........................       6
  7  Enter the total amounts from Column A and Column B (lines 3 and 4) from Page 2 ........................       7
 8   Total use tax to report (Column A, total of lines 5, 6, and 7). Enter here and on line 5, Form 10 ......      8
  9  Total sales tax to report (Column B, total of lines 5, 6, and 7). Enter here and on line 6, Form 10 ................................  9
                                     Multivendor Marketplace Platform (MMP) Users Only
      Retailers, including remote retailers – Enter the total dollar amount of your Nebraska sales made by MMPs
    collecting sales tax on your behalf. Subtract this amount from your total gross sales in Nebraska reported on
    line 1, Form 10, to determine your net Nebraska taxable sales (see Form 10 instructions) (Code 700-700)
                                         MVL, ATV, UTV, and Motorboat Leases or Rentals
                    To be completed by retailers who are leasing (1) motor vehicles to others for periods of more than 31 days; 
                                     (2) ATVs or UTVs; or (3) motorboats or motorized personal watercraft.
  1    Enter the amount of state sales tax included on Form 10, line 3, that was reported on long-term 
    leases (more than 31 days) of motor vehicles (see instructions) ........................................ (Code 600-600) 
    2Enter the amount of state sales tax included on Form 10, line 3, that  was reported on all leases or  
    rentals of all-terrain and utility-type vehicles (see instructions) .......................................... (Code 626-626)
    3Enter the amount of state sales tax included on Form 10, line 3, that was reported on all leases or  
    rentals of motorboats and motorized personal watercraft (see instructions) ....................... (Code 633-633)

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                       Nebraska Net Taxable Sales and Use Tax Worksheets                                                                   Form 10
                         • The online version of these worksheets expands for detailed information. 
                         • To see this information, complete these worksheets online.                                                      Worksheets
                         •  Keep a copy of these worksheets.
                                       Nebraska Net Taxable Sales Worksheet

 1.  Gross Sales and Services in Nebraska Regulation 1-007. Enter on line 1, Form 10 .......  

   Allowable Exemptions and Deductions from Gross Sales 

     A.  Sales of nontaxable services. See taxable services in Regulation 1-007 .............................  

     B.  Sales of items or taxable services sold for resale. Regulation 1-013 .....................................  

     C.  Sales to exempt purchasers. Regulation 1-012 ......................................................................  

     D.  Sales of exempt items or services. Regulation 1-012 ............................................................  

     E.  Exempt sellers. Regulation 1-012 ..........................................................................................  

     F.  Use-based exemptions. Regulation 1-012 .............................................................................  

     G.  Other allowable deductions (see our website for a list of allowable deductions and the
        applicable regulations). Retailers using a Multivendor Marketplace Platform (MMP) must
        include the total dollar amount of your Nebraska sales made by MMPs collecting and 
        remitting sales tax on your behalf ..........................................................................................
     H.  Total allowable exemptions and deductions (A through G) ...................................................  

 2.  Net Nebraska Taxable Sales (line 1 minus line H). Enter on line 2, Form 10 ..................  

                                           Nebraska Use Tax Worksheet

 1.  Cost of items and taxable services purchased for use in Nebraska on which
     tax was not paid. Regulation 1-002 .................................................................................................  

 2.  Cost of items withdrawn from inventory for personal or business use. Regulation 1-002.................... 

 3.  Total amount subject to Nebraska use tax (line 1 plus line 2) .........................................................  

 4.  Nebraska use tax (line 3 multiplied by the rate identified on line 3, Form 10) .................................  

 5.  Credit for tax paid to other states on items in line 4. Regulation 1-002 ...........................................  

 6.  Nebraska Use Tax Due (line 4 minus line 5). Enter on line 4, Form 10 ...........................................  

                                                                                                                                           6-476-2008 Rev. 2-2022
                                                                                                                                           Supersedes 6-476-2008 Rev. 4-2019

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                                                              Instructions for Form 10
Who Must File. Every retailer must file a Form 10. Retailers include remote          Line 1. Enter the total dollar amount of ALL Nebraska sales, leases, rentals, 
sellers and Multivendor Marketplace Platforms (MMPs) with more than                  and services made or facilitated by your business or by an MMP on your 
$100,000 of gross sales or 200 or more transactions in Nebraska. All retailers       behalf. Enter both taxable and exempt sales. Line 1 does not include the 
must hold a Nebraska Sales Tax Permit.                                               amount of sales tax collected.
How to Obtain a Permit. You must complete a Nebraska Tax Application,                Line 2. Complete the Nebraska Net Taxable Sales and Use Tax Worksheets 
Form 20, to apply for a sales tax permit. After the application has been             for allowable exemptions or deductions, including the MMP deduction. Enter 
processed, you will receive your Nebraska sales tax ID number printed on             the Nebraska net taxable sales rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Retailers 
the permit.                                                                          making sales through MMPs refer to the MMP Users Only instructions below. 
When and Where to File.     This return and payment are due the 20th of              Lines 4 and 5. Transactions Subject to Use Tax.      Use tax is due on  
the month following the tax period covered by the return.     Paper returns          all taxable purchases when Nebraska and any applicable local sales tax is not  
must be mailed to the Nebraska  Department of Revenue, PO Box 98923,                 paid. Use tax is due on your cost of these items or taxable services. Examples 
Lincoln, NE 68509-8923. Retain a copy of this return and all schedules and           include, but are not limited to:
worksheets for your records.                                                           Purchases of uniforms, magazines, computers, software; or
Electronic Filing (e-filing). All retailers may e-file Form 10 using NebFile           Purchases of taxable services such as repair or installation labor on 
for Business. Retailers approved to file a combined return or required to              tangible personal property, pest control, building cleaning, or motor 
pay electronically, must e-file Form 10. If you have questions about e-filing          vehicle towing;
or payment options, visit the Department of Revenue (DOR) website                      Purchases of property from outside Nebraska, brought to Nebraska for 
revenue.nebraska.gov.                                                                  use or storage; and
Preidentified Return. Retailers will be mailed a preidentified paper return            Items withdrawn from inventory for use or donation.
if they did not e-file a Form 10 previously and are not required to pay              Line 6. Enter the total local sales tax from the Schedule I.
electronically. This return should only be used by the retailer whose name is 
printed on it. If you have not received your preidentified return for the tax        Line 8. The retailer is allowed to retain a fee for collecting the Nebraska 
period, you may print a Form 10 from DOR’s website. Complete the Nebraska            and local sales tax.
ID number, tax period, name, and address information.                                Line 12. A balance due resulting from a partial payment, mathematical or 
Name and Address Changes. If the business name has changed and it is                 clerical errors, penalty, or interest relating to prior returns is entered on this 
a name change only (for example, if the ownership or federal ID number has           line. The amount of interest includes interest on unpaid tax through the due 
not changed), mark through the previous name and plainly print the new               date of this return. If the amount due is paid before the due date, interest will 
name and write “name change only.” If you e-file, name changes should be             be recomputed and a credit will be on your next return. If you have already 
made on a Nebraska Change Request, Form 22.                                          paid the amount on this line with a previous remittance, please disregard it. 
If there is a change or correction in the name or address, mark through the          A credit is indicated by the word “subtract” and can be subtracted from the 
incorrect information and plainly print the correct information. If this is the      amount due on line 11. However, if your records do not support this credit, 
result of a relocation of your business, indicate this by writing “relocated”        please contact DOR.
next to the change made. If you are e-filing, you may make an address change         Line 13. All taxpayers are encouraged to make payments electronically. 
during filing; however, name changes must be done by filing a Form 22. See           Do not send a paper check if you are mandated to pay electronically. 
previous paragraph for     name change information.  Reminder: A sales tax           Electronic payments may be made using DOR’s free e-pay program (EFT 
permit is required for each location. If an additional location is opened, you       Debit), by ACH Credit, credit card, or by phone. Refer to DOR’s website 
must apply for another sales tax permit by filing a Form 20.                         for payment options. 
Ownership  Changes.        A change in ownership, or type of ownership               Signatures. This return must be signed by the taxpayer, partner, officer, or 
(individual to a partnership, partnership to a corporation, etc.) requires           member. Include a daytime phone number and email address in case DOR 
you to cancel your permit and obtain a new permit for the new business. To           needs to contact you about your account. 
cancel the old permit, check the box in the upper left corner of the Form 10.        Email.  By entering an email address, the taxpayer acknowledges that 
The new owners must complete a Form 20 to obtain their own sales tax                 DOR may contact the taxpayer by email. The taxpayer accepts any risk to 
permit. The new owners of the business should not use the previous owner’s           confidentiality associated with this method of communication. DOR will 
preidentified sales and use tax return.                                              send all confidential information by secure mail or the State of Nebraska’s 
Credit Returns. If line 11 is a credit amount, documentation must be sent            file share system. If you do not wish to be contacted by email, write “Opt 
with the return to support the credit. This documentation must include a             Out” on the line labeled “email address.”
letter of explanation, invoices, or credit memos issued to customers. When            If the taxpayer authorizes another person to sign this return, there must be a 
e-filing, complete the explanation box with information on the credit. You will      power of attorney on file with DOR. Any person who is paid for preparing a 
be contacted if additional documentation is required. If a credit is shown on        taxpayer’s return must also sign the return as preparer. E-filers are required 
line 11, it may be applied to a balance shown on line 12, if any, or used on         to identify the person completing the return during the filing process.
future returns. If the credit cannot be used in a reasonable amount of time,                                 Nebraska Schedule I
a Claim for Refund of Sales and Use Tax, Form 7, may be filed. The statute           The Schedule I displays any city or county that has been reported in the last 
of limitations for filing the Form 7 is three years from the due date following      12 months. Enter the local sales and use tax due for each city and county. 
the end of the period for which the credit was created.                              Retailers that make sales using an MMP should enter the result of the total 
Amended Returns.       An  amended Form 10, available on DOR’s website,              city or county sales tax due by the retailer and the MMP less the city or county 
may only be filed by paper. Mandated retailers must pay all balance dues             sales tax remitted by the MMP on the retailer’s behalf. A city or county may 
electronically. If you e-file, you can make changes to your filed return any         be added by writing the information in the blank boxes on Schedule I. You 
time on or before the return’s due date. This feature is for current tax period      can find listings of the city and county taxing jurisdictions and the sales tax 
returns only.                                                                        rates on DOR’s website. 
Penalty and Interest. If a return is not filed and/or is not paid by the due date, a Line 1, Local Use Tax. Total the amounts reported in the use tax column 
penalty may be assessed in the amount of 10% of the tax due or $25, whichever        and enter the total from Nebraska Schedule I, on line 5, Form 10.
is greater. Interest on the unpaid tax will be assessed at the rate printed on       Line 2, Local Sales Tax. Total the amounts reported in the sales tax column 
line 12 from the due date until payment is received.                                 and enter the total from Nebraska Schedule I, on line 6, Form 10.
Retention of Records. Records to substantiate this return must be kept                     Multivendor Marketplace Platform (MMP) Users Only 
and be available to DOR for a period of at least three years following the           Retailers making sales into Nebraska using an MMP must enter the dollar 
date of filing the return.                                                           amount of Nebraska sales remitted by MMPs that are collecting Nebraska 
Additional information regarding sales and use taxes may be found in the             sales tax on your behalf. Retain documentation from your MMPs that 
Information Guides” section of DOR’s website.                                       substantiates this amount.
                           Specific Instructions                                             MVL, ATV, UTV, and Motorboat Leases or Rentals
Retailers must report the tax due for each type of tax. If no sales or use tax       Enter the portion of the state sales tax (reported on Form 10, line 3) that is 
is due, the retailer must indicate it by entering a zero, N/A, drawing a line,       from all leases or rentals of: (1) automobiles, trucks, trailers, semitrailers, 
writing a word, or statement on the appropriate line. Failure to do so extends       and truck tractors for periods of more than 31 days that are not classified 
the statute of limitations to six years for audit purposes.                          as transportation equipment, see the Nebraska Sales Tax on Leased Motor 
                                                                                     Vehicles Information Guide; (2) all-terrain and utility-type vehicles; or (3) 
Complete the Nebraska Net Taxable Sales and Use Tax Worksheets to assist             motorboats  and  motorized  personal  watercraft  (for  example,  jet  skis  or 
with the Form 10.                                                                    wave runners). 

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