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         Neighborhood iNvestmeNt Program Credit sChedule iNstruCtioNs
                                  (For periods aFter January 1, 2015)

         geNeral iNFormatioN                                      Advisory Board and has been certified by the West Virginia 
the  West  Virginia  neighborhood  investment  program            Development  Office.  The  allowed  credit  must  be  taken 
act (WV Code §11-13J) provides credit to individuals and          within a 5-year period, beginning with the tax year in which 
private sector businesses which make eligible contributions       the taxpayer irrevocably  transfers its eligible  contribution 
to community based nonprofit organizations that establish         to the project. the maximum amount of credit allowed per 
projects to assist neighborhoods  and local  communities.         year for any one taxpayer is one hundred thousand dollars 
these  projects provide  services such  as health  care,          ($100,000),  and the total maximum credit which  may be 
counseling,  emergency  assistance, crime prevention,             certified in any fiscal year is two million five hundred thousand 
education, housing, job training and physical and                 dollars ($3,000,000) in the aggregate.

environmental improvements.                                                               the  neighborhood  investment 
                                                                  Termination of Credit.
                                                                  program act is scheduled to terminate on July 1, 2021, and 
eligible projects are determined by application to the West 
Virginia  Development  Office and  the  neighborhood              no credit shall be available for contributions made after that 
investment advisory Board through one of two approaches:          date.  taxpayers  who  have  made eligible  contributions  to 
                                                                  certified projects prior to July 1, 2021, shall retain entitlements 
1. qualification  based  on  contributions  destined  for  a      to the credit for the remainder of their eligible period.
   certified economically disadvantaged area; or
                                                                         Claiming the Credit
2. qualification by need (regardless of location).
                                                                  the  neighborhood  investment  program  tax Credit  is 
Contribution  eligible  for the credit include  cash, tangible    claimed by  completing Form  WV/nipa-2, Neighborhood 
personal property (valued at  its  fair market value), real       Investment Program Tax Credit Schedule. please retain 
property (valued at its fair market value), and contributions of  this schedule in your records.
in kind professional services (valued at 75 percent of their fair 
market value). effective June 10, 1999, eligible contributions           iNstruCtioNs For ComPletiNg the 
were expanded to include publicly traded corporate stock,         Neighborhood iNvestmeNt Program Credit 
with the requirement that such stock must be sold within one                      sChedule
hundred eighty (180) days after its receipt by the transferee.    Line 1 enter the project number for each project for which 
no taxpayer is allowed more than $100,000 of tax credits for             credit is claimed, and the amount of project tax 
eligible contributions made during a taxable year, whether               credit from the corresponding tax credit schedule 
the contributions are made pursuant to one or more certified             WV/nipa-2 (rev. 1/16).  if there are more than 
project plans. the minimum contribution of a taxpayer that               three projects,  attach a separate page.  also, 
would qualify for the credit during a tax year is $500 and               attach a copy of the voucher for each project for 
the  maximum contribution is  $200,000.  the total  amount               which credit is claimed and proof that payment of 
of tax credits allowed pursuant to project plans certified by            the amount of each eligible contribution has been 
the West Virginia Development Office during any fiscal year              made. Failure to attach a copy of the voucher will 
is limited to $3,000,000. the credit is available for taxable            result in the credit being disallowed.
years ending after June 30, 1996. This credit expires July 
1, 2021.                                                          Line 2 enter the project number  and amount for each 
                                                                         project for which credit is carried forward from 
         Eligible Taxpayers                                              previous years.
eligible taxpayers may claim the credit as provided in WV 
Code §11-13J-5. an eligible taxpayer is any person or entity      Line 4 this is the lesser of the total allowable credit or 
subject to  the Corporation  net  income  tax or  personal               $100,000.
Income Tax that makes an eligible contribution to a qualified 
charitable organization pursuant to the terms of a Certified             PartNershiPs, s CorPoratioN or 
neighborhood investment program project plan.                     beNeFiCiaries oF aN estate or trust should 
                                                                         oNly ComPlete liNes 5a through 8f.
         amount of Credit
                                                                  Line 5a this is the amount of this year’s Corporate  net 
the amount of the allowed credit is 50 percent of the taxpayer’s  income tax liability determined before applying any credits.
eligible contribution to a qualified charitable organization that 
has received approval  from the  neighborhood  investment  Line 5d  this is the amount of credit which may be applied 

West Virginia state tax Department
nipa-2 instructions — rev. 9/16                                                                           page 1 of 2

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        against Corporation net income tax for the current    iNdividuals aNd sole ProPrietors should 
        year.  this amount should  be shown  on CNF-          oNly ComPlete liNes 8a through 8d.
        120TC, “Summary of Corporation Net Income 
        Tax  Credits” to claim the credit on CNF-120,         Line 7a  this the income  tax due  before applying  any 
        “West  Virginia  Corporation  Net  Income  Tax                credits.
        Return.” any portion of this amount which is not 
        used in the current tax year is forfeited and cannot  Line 7f this is the amount of credit which may be applied 
        be carried forward or back to any other tax year.             against personal income tax for the current year 
                                                                      on it-140.
Line 6a  this is the amount of West Virginia income tax 
        liability  of any estate or trust  determined  before Line 8a  this is the  personal  income  tax due before 
        applying any credits.                                         applying any credits.

Line 6d  Carry to four decimal places.                        Line 8d  this is the amount of credit that may be applied 
                                                                      against personal income tax for the current tax 
Line 6f this is the amount of credit which may be applied             year on it-140.
        against the  estate’s  or  trust’s  income tax  for 
        the current tax year on  it-141, “West  virginia 
        Fiduciary Income Tax Return.”

                     if you have questions concerning this credit schedule please contact the
                                       West Virginia state tax Department
                                         taxpayer services Division
                                                p.O. Box 3784
                                       Charleston, West Virginia 25337-3784
                                         telephone: (304) 558-3333 or
                                toll free: 1-800-WVa-taxs (1-800-982-8297)
                                         internet address: tax.wv.gov

                     If you have questions regarding project certification, you may contact:
                                         West Virginia Development Office
                                         Community Development
                                         1900 Kanawha Blvd. east
                                             Building 6 room 553
                                         Charleston, WV 25305-0311
                                         telephone: 304-558-2001

West Virginia state tax Department
nipa-2 instructions — rev. 9/16                                                              page 2 of 2

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