Enlarge image | Application for West Virginia Economic Opportunity Tax Credit EOTC-A Rev. 03/2020 For Investments Placed in Service On or After January 1, 2003 BUSINESS NAME IDENTIFICATION NUMBER TAX YEAR TO MM DD YYYY MM DD YYYY NAME OF TAXPAYER PERSON TO CONTACT CONCERNING THIS RETURN ADDRESS PREPARER’S EIN CITY, STATE, ZIP DAYTIME TELEPHONE Application is hereby made to the Tax Commissioner of West Virginia for allowance of Economic Opportunity Tax Credit with respect to quali fied investment property placed in service or use during Applicant’s tax year, as indicated above, and the new jobs created by the Applicant that are directly attributable to the quali fied investment property that are filled by persons who are domiciled in this State. 1. a. Application Status (Check only one): a.) One Year Investment, One Taxpayer b.) Multiple Year Investment, One Taxpayer – Must receive Certi fi cation from Tax Commissioner Note: An application must be filed for each year in which investment for purpose of the Economic Opportunity Tax Credit is placed in service or use. Additionally, the application must be approved by the State Tax Commissioner before any credit may be claimed. b. Type of Credit: Regular Credit Headquarters Relocation Small Business Speci fied High Technology Manufacturer Other (See instructions) 2. a. Investment Total Investment Quali fied Investment Year-1 (ending) Amount $ $ MM DD YYYY Year-2 (ending) Amount $ $ MM DD YYYY Year-3 (ending) Amount $ $ MM DD YYYY b. Location(s) of Investment in West Virginia ___________________________________________________ c. General Description of Quali fied Investment: EOTC-1 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/2020 |
Enlarge image | BUSINESS NAME IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Payroll and Employment: Payroll Jobs 3 a. . Total WV Payroll and Number of Jobs Prior to investment $ b. Total WV Payroll and Number of Jobs This Tax Year $ c. Projected WV Payroll and Number of Jobs After 3 Years: $ d. Jobs Percentage (see Instructions) and Projected Number of Jobs After 3 Years: % e. Median Compensation of New Jobs (Credit Type: High Technology Manufacturers): $ f. Minimum Compensation of New Jobs (Credit Type: Other) $ Percentage of Employees Average Annual Cost per Number of New Jobs Bene fits Covered Employee with the Bene fit 4 a. . Health % $ b. Retirement % $ c. Other Bene fits (Provide Description and Quantities ) %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ Business Activity in West Virginia: 5 a. North American Industry Classi fication System Code (NAICS): _________________________ b. Narrative Description of Business Activity in West Virginia: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Does the Taxpayer elect to begin the ten (10) year credit period with the next succeeding taxable year? yes no Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this credit claim form (including accompanying schedules and statements) and to the best of my knowledge it is true, and complete. (Signature of Taxpayer (Name of Taxpayer: Type or Print) (Title) (Date) (Person to Contact Concerning this Return) (Telephone Number) (Signature of Preparer other than Taxpayer) (Address) (Date) DO NOT attach the Application to your annual return. Return the completed application to the West Virginia State Tax Department, P.O. Box 1202, Charleston, WV 25324-1202. If you have any questions or need further information regarding this application, telephone (304) 558-3333 or toll free to 1-800-WVA-TAXS (1-800-982-8297). EOTC-1 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 03/2020 |
Enlarge image | Form EOTC-A APPLICATION FOR WEST VIRGINIA ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY AXT C REDIT F ORI NVESTMENTS PLACED SIN ERVICE O N ORA FTER JANUARY 1, 2003 Information & Instructions The Economic Opportunity Tax Credit is available to qualifi ed For purposes of the Specifi ed High Technology Manufacturer businesses that make a qualifi ed investment (on or after January component of the Economic Opportunity Tax Credit, the term 1, 2003) in a new or expanded business in West Virginia and, as “high technology manufacturing business” means and is limited a result of this investment, create new jobs. Qualifi ed businesses to only those businesses engaging in a manufacturing activity include only those engaged in the activities of manufacturing, properly classifi ed as having one or more of the following six-digit information processing, warehousing, non-retail goods distribution, North American Industry Classifi cation System code numbers: qualifi ed research and development, the relocation of a corporate headquarters, or destination-oriented recreation and tourism. The NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRY MANUFACTURING ACTIVITY minimum job creation requirements are as follows: CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM CODE 334111 Computer & Peripheral Equipment TYPE OF CREDIT MINIMUM N JEW OBS 334112 Electronic Computers Computer Storage Devices Regular 20 Electronic Components 334411 Corporate Headquarters Relocation 15 334414 Electron Tubes Small Business 10 Electronic Capacitors Specifi ed High Technology Manufacturer 20 (Additional criteria) 334413 Semiconductors Other Qualifi ed Business 1 (Additional criteria) 333295 Semiconductor & Related Devices Semiconductor Machinery The law provides that the required net increase in the taxpayer's Additionally, the Economic Opportunity Tax Credit Law requires employment in the State be determined and certifi ed for a that the median compensation of the new jobs attributable to controlled group instead of an individual subsidiary. Jobs saved the qualifi ed investment must exceed an infl ation adjusted value. by the making of investment in an ongoing business operation Through tax year 2009, the infl ation median compensation value do not count toward the new employee requirement unless the by tax year is as follows: Tax Commissioner determines that the taxpayer is insolvent or bankrupt or that the taxpayer’s business facility was destroyed by CRITERIA fi re, fl ood, or act of God. MEDIAN The term “full-time employment” is defi ned to mean employment YEAR COMPENSATION for at least one hundred forty (140) hours per month. The term 2008 $45,000 “small business” is defi ned to mean a business or controlled group 2009 $46,900 of foreign and domestic affi liated businesses with annual gross receipts of not more than an infl ation adjusted ceiling amount. Current information on the median compensation value can be Through tax year 2009, the infl ation adjusted gross receipts ceiling found on the Administrative Notice section at http://tax.wv.gov. by tax year is as follows. Taxpayers engaged in manufacturing, information processing, warehousing, non-retail goods distribution, qualifi ed research CRITERIA and development, the relocation of a corporate headquarters, or YEAR GROSS RECEIPTS destination-oriented recreation and tourism who do not satisfy 2003 $7,000,000 the new jobs creation requirements for the Regular, Corporate 2004 $7,159,600 Headquarters Relocation, Small Business, or Specifi ed High 2005 $7,324,500 Technology Manufacturers components of the Economic 2006 $7,552,050 Opportunity Tax Credit may qualify for a credit equal to $3,000 per new job annually for fi ve years. Each new job must satisfy the 2007 $7,846,850 following requirements: 2008 $8,026,350 2009 $8,368,450 1. Pay at least $32,000 annually; 2. Provide health insurance and may off er benefi ts including Current information on the gross receipts ceiling can be found on child care, retirement or other benefi ts; and the Administrative Notice section at http://tax.wv.gov. 3. Is a full-time permanent position. Finally, the law specifi es that no credit may be allowed or applied for |
Enlarge image | any qualifi ed investment property placed in service until the person invested in buildings, $500,000 to be invested in land, etc.). asserting a claim for the credit makes written application to the Tax Commissioner and receives written acknowledgement or such PAYROLL & EMPLOYMENT application from the Tax Commissioner. Failure to timely apply for credit will result in forfeiture of 50% of the annual credit allowance Enter your total West Virginia payroll and number of otherwise available under this requirement. Form EOTC-A is jobs attributed to that payroll for the twelve month designed to be a general application form for taxpayers wishing to period ending on the day prior to the day of the fi rst placement of claim the credit based upon investments placed into use or service qualifi ed investment subject to Economic Opportunity Tax Credit on or after January 1, 2003. The timely fi ling of this application is a into service or use. condition precedent to claiming tax credits. This application must be fi led annually no later than the due date of the taxpayer’s West Enter your total West Virginia payroll and number of jobs Virginia income tax return including any legally granted extension attributed to that payroll for the tax year to which this of time for fi ling such returns. application relates. APPLICATION STATUS Enter your total projected West Virginia payroll and number of jobs attributed to that payroll for the third tax Place a check mark in the box next to the applicable status year after the qualifi ed investment is fi rst placed into service or of your investment (Check only ONE box). use. For example, if you fi rst plan to place investment into service or use in 2003 then, you would use your projected 2005 payroll to (a.) In some cases qualifi ed investment property is placed in complete this question (Note: The information in 3b and 3c should service or use by the taxpayer over a single tax year. be identical if this year is your third tax year). (b.) However, a multiple year project certifi cation enables the taxpayer to place investment into service over a period of up to three consecutive tax years. Enter the applicable jobs percentage you wish to claim (i.e. 20% if you expect to create at least 20 new jobs) and Note: An Application must be fi led for each year in which your projected number of new jobs created up through the third tax investment for purposes of the Economic Opportunity Tax Credit year corresponding to the increase in payroll from 3a to 3c. Note: is placed in service or use. Additionally, the application must be The new jobs percentage is applicable to the Regular, Corporate approved by the State Tax Commissioner before any credit may Headquarters Relocation, and Small Business components of the be claimed. Economic Opportunity Tax Credit. Type of credit: Place a check mark in the box indicating N EWJOBS PERCENTAGE TABLE the type of credit application sought (Check on ONE Number of New Jobs New Jobs Percentage box). 10 to 19 (small business only) 10% 15 to 19 (Corporate HQ relocation only) 10% INVESTMENT 20 to 279 20% Enter the year investment is placed into service or use in 280 to 519 25% the fi rst column, the total dollar amount of investment 520 or more 30% placed into service or use in the second column and the dollar amount of qualifi ed investment placed into service or use in the Note that is your business is a member of a controlled group, then third column. Qualifi ed Investment is determined according to the the controlled group’s West Virginia employment must show a following useful life (straight line depreciation): new increase equal to or greater than the necessary minimum new jobs threshold claimed by the member for credit to be available. Useful Life For projects having qualifi ed investment of $20 million or more that are constructed using construction labor and mechanics At Least But Less Than Percent Qualifi ed numbering 75 or more employees or equivalent employees, who 0 years 4 years 0% are paid an average wage of at least prevailing wage; the new jobs 4 years 6 years 33% percentage for the 20 or 520 employee range is increased by 5 6 years 8 years 66% percentage points. 8 or more years 100% If the box for “Specifi ed High Technology Manufacturer” in 1b (i.e., Type of Credit) was checked, enter the value of Enter the physical location(s) of the qualifi ed investment the median compensation for the new jobs created. property (e.g., Main Street, Weston, or 12 miles north of Pipestem at the Intersection of State Route 3 and State Route 20). If the box for “Other” in 1b (i.e., Type of Credit) was checked, enter the value of the minimum compensation Provide a general description of the qualifi ed investment for the new jobs created. property in the space provided (i.e. $100,000 to be |
Enlarge image | BENEFITS Describe the business expansion activity in West Virginia that is associated with your new investment Health insurance – Enter the percentage of your (e.g., construction of a reconstituted wood product manufacturing employees covered, the average annual cost per employee plant). (i.e., benefi t costs divided by number of covered employees), and the number of new jobs with health insurance. CREDIT PERIOD Retirement – Enter the percentage of your employees Taxpayers have an option of beginning their utilization covered, the average annual cost per employee (i.e. benefi t of tax credits with the year investment is fi rst placed costs divided by number of covered employees), and the number of into service or with the succeeding taxable year. Check yes or no new jobs with company-provided retirement benefi ts. depending upon which option you choose. Once an election is made either way it becomes irrevocable. Other Benefi ts – List other company benefi ts provided Within a reasonable time after receipt of the Application the (e.g., child care) and enter the percentage of your State Tax Commissioner or his designee will acknowledge, in employees covered, the average annual cost per employee (i.e., writing, receipt, of this application and authorize the Applicant to benefi t costs divided by number of covered employees), and the begin claiming Economic Opportunity Tax Credit benefi ts. Such number of new jobs with the benefi t. acknowledgement and authorization will not bar or otherwise prevent the Tax Commissioner from auditing or examining BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN WEST VIRGINIA Applicant’s books and records for compliance with the Economic Enter your North American Industry Classifi cation Opportunity Tax Credit law and regulations. Code (NAICS) that most closely describes your business This application must be signed by an offi cer of the company to activity in West Virginia. be valid. ❦ |