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                                                                Schedule ATTC-1
                                                                                                                                                                                                         West Virginia 
                                          Apprenticeship Training Tax Credits
AT T C - 1ATTC-1                                            (For periods AFTER January 1, 2015)                                                                                                          State Tax 
Rev. 1/16                                          Part A – Businesses employing apprentices                                                                                                             Department
Businesses employing apprentices and earning the credit must complete the following: Part A of the Schedule (immediately 
below), the Apprentice Detail, and the Pass-Through Allocation Detail (if credit if passed through to owners).
BUSINESS                                                                                IDENTIFICATION 
   NAME                                                                                   NUMBER
                                                                     TAX PERIOD

             BEGINNING                                                            ENDING
                                MM             DD               YYYY                              MM                                                                                              DD YYYY
NAME OF                                                                         PERSON TO CONTACT 
TAXPAYER                                                                     CONCERNING THIS RETURN

CITY OR POST OFFICE                                      STATE       ZIP CODE                                                                                                                   DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER
Note: The Apprenticeship Training Tax Credits are only available for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2008. In order to claim an Apprenticeship 
Training Tax Credit, all of the following must be satis ed:
   1. Wages were paid to apprentices in the construction trades who are registered with the United States Department of Labor, West Virginia State
      O  ce, by the taxpayer in the tax year that an apprentice and taxpayer participate in a quali ed apprenticeship training program;
   2. The quali  ed apprenticeship training program is jointly administered by labor and management trustees;
   3. The quali  ed apprenticeship training program is administered pursuant to 29 U.S.C. Section 50;
   4. The quali  edapprenticeship training program is certi  edin accordance with regulations adopted by the United States Bureau of Apprenticeship
      and Training; and
   5. The quali  ed apprenticeship training program is required to consist of at least 2,000 but not more than 10,000 hours of on the job apprenticeship
If items 1 through 5 have been satis ed, please complete the following:

1. Sum of allowable credit from attached detail pages (Claims without supporting documentation will be denied).......................                                                           1                       .00

2.  Corporation Net Income Tax Liability.........................................................................................................................................               2                       .00

3.  Total of other tax credits claimed against the Corporation Net Income Tax..............................................................................                                     3                       .00
4. Corporation Net Income Tax liability remaining after application of all other tax credits (if line 3 is greater than line 2 enter 
   zero, otherwise subtract the amount on line 3 from the amount on line 2 and enter the remainder here)................................                                                        4                       .00
5. Application of the Apprenticeship Training tax Credit to offset Corporation Net Income Tax liability (Enter the lesser of the 
   amount on line 1 and the amount on line 4 here and on the Corporation Net Income Tax Recap Schedule)...........................                                                              5                       .00
6. Sub-total of Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit Remaining (Subtract the amount on line 5 from the amount on line 1 and 
   enter here)................................................................................................................................................................................. 6                       .00
7. If any of the amount on line 6 is to be passed through to members of the business enter the amount here and complete
   the Pass-Through Allocation Detail Schedule...........................................................................................................................                       7                       .00
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this credit form (including accompanying schedules and statements) and, to the best of my 
knowledge, it is true and complete.

Signature of Taxpayer                              Title                                                                             Date

Signature of Preparer other than Taxpayer          Title                                                                             Date

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                                                                             Schedule ATTC-1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  West Virginia 
                                           Apprenticeship Training Tax Credits
AT T C - 1ATTC-1                                                          (For periods AFTER January 1, 2015)                                                                                                              State Tax 
Rev. 1/16                               Part B – Businesses and individuals receiving an allocation of credit                                                                                                              Department
Businesses and individuals receiving an allocation of credit must complete Part B below.
BUSINESS                                                                                               IDENTIFICATION 
    NAME                                                                                                          NUMBER
                                                                                     TAX PERIOD

                 BEGINNING                                                                             ENDING
                                  MM                DD                       YYYY                                     MM                                                                        DD         YYYY
NAME OF                                                                                           PERSON TO CONTACT 
TAXPAYER                                                                                        CONCERNING THIS RETURN

CITY OR POST OFFICE                                                STATE             ZIP CODE                                                                                                 DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER

Name of entity from which credit was received                                    Identi cation number (FEIN of SSN) of the                                                                      Amount of credit received.
                                                                                 Entity from which credit was received.

1.  Total credit received (sum of amount of credit received)............................................................................................................                      1                            .00
2.  Corporation Net Income Tax liability..........................................................................................................................................            2                            .00
3.  Total of other tax credits claimed against the Corporation Net Income Tax..............................................................................                                   3                            .00
4.  Corporation Net Income Tax liability remaining after application of all other tax credits (if line 3 is greater than line 2, enter 
zero. Otherwise subtract the amount on line 3 from the amount on line 2 and enter the remainder here)...............................                                                          4                            .00
5.  Application of the Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit to Offset Corporation Net Income Tax liability (Enter the lesser of the 
amount on line 1 and the amount on line 4 here and on the Corporation Net Income Tax Credit Recap Schedule)................                                                                   5                            .00
6.  Subtotal of Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit Remaining (Subtract the amount on line 5 from the amount on line 1 and 
enter here).................................................................................................................................................................................  6                            .00
7.  Personal Income Tax liability.....................................................................................................................................................        7                            .00
8.  Total of other tax credits claimed against the Personal Income Tax..........................................................................................                              8                            .00
9.  Total income apportioned from trade or business that initially quali ed for the ATTC or if a sole proprietor the income 
attributable to the business from which the tax credit was earned............................................................................................                                 9                            .00
10.   Line 9 x 1.5%.........................................................................................................................................................................  10                           .00
11.   Personal Income Tax liability remaining after application of all other tax credits (if line 8 is greater than line 7 enter zero. 
    Otherwise subtract the amount on line 8 from the amount on line 7 and enter the remainder here)......................................                                                     11                           .00
12.   Application of the Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit to offset Personal Income Tax liability (Enter the lesser of the 
    amount on line 6 and the amount on line 10, with amount on line 11, here and on the Personal Income Tax Recap 
    Schedule................................................................................................................................................................................. 12                           .00
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this credit form (including accompanying schedules and statements) and, to the best of my 
knowledge, it is true and complete.

Signature of Taxpayer                                    Title                                                                         Date

Signature of Preparer other than Taxpayer                Title                                                                         Date

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                              Schedule ATTC-1

                        Pass-Through Allocation Detail Tax Credits             West Virginia 
AT T C - 1ATTC-1           Apprenticeship Training Tax Credits                        State Tax 
Rev. 10/15                    (For periods AFTER January 1, 2015)              Department
BUSINESS                                     IDENTIFICATION 
NAME                                         NUMBER
                              TAX PERIOD

         BEGINNING                          ENDING
                        MM DD YYYY                  MM            DD YYYY
If the business is an electing small business corporation, a partnership, a limited liability company that is treated as a partnership for federal income tax 
purposes, or a sole proprietorship; and if any credit unused by the business employing the apprentices is to be allocated to its members, the schedule 
below must be completed.
                                                                     Allocated Credit (Member
                              Member Identi cation Member           ownership percentage times the 
                                   Number           Ownership % of  total amount to be allocated, as 
           Member Name        (FEIN or SSN)         the Business     shown on Part A, Line 12)

                                     TOTAL ALLOCATED CREDIT

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                                                                              Schedule ATTC-1

                                                                              Apprentice Detail                                           West Virginia 
AT T C - 1ATTC-1                                                      Apprenticeship Training Tax Credits                                 State Tax 
Rev. 10/15                                                                    (For periods AFTER January 1, 2015)                         Department
BUSINESS                                                                                               IDENTIFICATION 
NAME                                                                                                          NUMBER
                                                                                             TAX PERIOD

         BEGINNING                                                                           ENDING
                   MM                                                      DD YYYY                             MM     DD              YYYY

                                                                                                                                      Allocated credit per 
                                                                                             Total hours                              apprentice: Lesser of $2 
                                                                                             worked during the Total wages paid 
                                                                      Paid                                                            times hours worked, or 
                                                                           Apprentice Social tax year for the  during the tax year by 50% of wages paid or 
Apprentice Name             State Where                Withholding is      Security Number   business entity.  the business entity        $2,000.

                                                                                                       TOTAL ALLOCATED CREDIT
NOTE: Attach additional detail pages, as needed.

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