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                                                     West Virginia                                                         West Virginia  
WV/AG-1                                                                                                                    State Tax 
REV 9/15                Environmental Agricultural Equipment Tax Credit                                                    Department
Business                                                       WV Tax ID 
Name                                                           Number

                                                     Tax Period


Part 1   Eligible Purchases
Date placed into use or                  Description                                                                   Cost

Total eligible purchases during the taxable year (Add costs above)..............................

Part 2   Claiming the Credit – Corporations

1.  Available credit from this year (25% of total eligible purchases from Part 1).............
2.  Excess credit carried forward from previous years
                        Year of Purchase             Excess amount carried forward
 5 thpreceding  year
 4 thpreceding  year
 3 rdpreceding  year
 2 ndpreceding  year
 1  stpreceding year
3.  TOTAL credit carried forward from previous years.....................................................
                                         FIGURING THE CREDIT
4.    West Virginia corporate net income tax...................................................................
5.    Gross income from agricultural operations in West Virginia....................................
6.    Gross income from all operations everywhere.........................................................
7.    Eligible income ratio (line 5 divided by line 6. State as a decimal. Not more than 1.0)
8.    West Virginia net income tax eligible for credit (line 4 multiplied by line 7).............
9.    Other tax credits claimed against liability on return..........................................................
10.  Adjusted West Virginia corporate net income tax liability (line 8 minus line 9. If 
 zero or less, enter 0.)...............................................................................................
11.  Excess of credit from last five years (Enter amount from line 3, Part 2)..................
12.  Amount of credit carried forward from previous years and applied this year 
 (lesser of line 10, $2,500.00, or line 11)...................................................................
13.  Remaining tax liability (line 10 minus line 12).........................................................
14.  Maximum credit left to apply ($2,500 minus line 12. If zero or less, enter 0)..........
15.  Amount of current years credit applied (lesser of line 13 or line 14, or line 1).........
16.  Total credit applied this year (Sum of lines 12 and 15)............................................
                                                                                                                       Continued on next page…
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…Part 2 Continued from previous page
17. Excess credit from current year available to carryover (line 1 minus line 15)................
18. Excess credit from previous years available to carryover
                                                                                                                       Column 3
                                             Column 1           Column 2                                               Excess available to 
                                 Excess amount carried      Amount used this                                           carryover 
                            Year             forward            year                                                   (Col. 1 minus Col. 2)
         5 thpreceding  year                                                                                           Forfeited
         4 thpreceding  year
         3 rdpreceding  year
         2 ndpreceding year
         1 stpreceding  year

Part 3       Claiming the Credit – Sole Proprietors
1.  Available credit from this year (25% of total eligible purchases from Part 1).............
2.  Excess credit carried forward from previous years
                            Year of Purchase         Excess amount carried forward
 5 thpreceding  year
 4 thpreceding  year
 3 rdpreceding  year
 2 ndpreceding  year
 1  stpreceding year
3.  TOTAL credit carried forward from previous years.....................................................
                                             FIGURING THE CREDIT
4.    West Virginia corporate net income tax...................................................................
5.    Gross income from agricultural operations in West Virginia....................................
6.    Gross income from all operations everywhere.........................................................
7.    Eligible income ratio (line 5 divided by line 6. State as a decimal. Not more than 1.0)
8.    West Virginia net income tax eligible for credit (line 4 multiplied by line 7).............
9.    Other tax credits claimed against liability on return..........................................................
10.  Adjusted West Virginia corporate net income tax liability (line 8 minus line 9. If 
 zero or less, enter 0.)...............................................................................................
11.  Excess of credit from last five years (Enter amount from line 3, Part 2)..................
12.  Amount of credit carried forward from previous years and applied this year 
 (lesser of line 10, $2,500 or line 11).........................................................................
13.  Remaining tax liability (line 10 minus line 12).........................................................
14.  Maximum credit left to apply ($2,500 minus line 12. If zero or less, enter 0)..........
15.  Amount of current years credit applied (lesser of line 13 or line 14, or line 1).........
16.  Total credit applied this year (Sum of lines 12 and 15)............................................
                                                                                                                       Continued on next page…

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…Part 3 continued from previous page
17. Excess credit from current year available to carryover (line 1 minus line 15)................
18. Excess credit from previous years available to carryover
                                                                                                                     Column 3
                                             Column 1           Column 2                                             Excess available to 
                                 Excess amount carried      Amount used this                                         carryover 
                            Year             forward            year                                                 (Col. 1 minus Col. 2)
         5 thpreceding  year                                                                                         Forfeited
         4 thpreceding  year
         3 rdpreceding  year
         2 ndpreceding year
         1 stpreceding  year

Part 4       Claiming the Credit – Partners, Shareholders and Members

                                 IDENTIFICATION OF PASS-THROUGH ENTITY
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
WV Tax Identification Number: ___________________________________________________
Type of Pass-through Entity (mark one):       S Corporation      Partnership                                          Limited Liability Co.
1.  Available credit from this year (25% of total eligible purchases from Part 1).............
2.  Your percentage of ownership of the pass-through entity (state as a decimal)..........
3.  Your share of the available credit (line 1 multiplied by line 2)....................................
4.  Excess credit carried forward from previous years
                            Year of Purchase         Excess amount carried forward
 5 thpreceding  year
 4 thpreceding  year
 3 rdpreceding  year
 2 ndpreceding  year
 1  stpreceding year
5.  TOTAL credit carried forward from previous years.....................................................
                                             FIGURING THE CREDIT
6.    Distributive share from pass-through entity..............................................................
7.    Total West Virginia agricultural income of pass-through entity.................................
8.    Total income of pass-through entity..........................................................................
9.    Eligible pass-through entity income ratio (line 7 divided by line 8. State as decimal)....
10. Tentative distributive share eligible for credit (line 6 multiplied by line 9).................
11. Total distributive income from pass-through entity reported on your tax return........ 
12. Federal AGI or Federal taxable income, as applicable.............................................
13. Distributive eligible income ratio (line 11 divided by line 12. State as a decimal).....
14. Reported distributive share eligible for credit (line 10 multiplied by line 13).............
15. Eligible income ratio (line 14 divided by line 12. State as a decimal. Not more than 1.0)..
16. West Virginia income tax liability...............................................................................
17. West Virginia income tax eligible for credit (line 15 multiplied by line 16)................
18. Other tax credits claimed against liability on return......................................................
                                                                                                                     Continued on the next page…
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…Part 4 continued from previous page
19.  Adjusted West Virginia income tax liability (line 17 minus line 18. If zero or less, 
 enter 0......................................................................................................................
20.  Excess credit from last five years (Enter amount from line 5, Part 4)......................
21.  Amount of credit carried forward from previous years and applied this year 
 (lesser of line 19, $2,500.00, or line 20)...................................................................
22.  Remaining tax liability (line 19 minus line 21).......................................................................
23.  Maximum credit left to apply ($2,500.00 minus line 21. If zero or less, enter 0).....
24.  Amount of current years credit applied (lesser of line 22 or line 23 or line 1)..........
25.  Total credit applied this year (Sum of lines 21 and 24)................................................
26. Excess credit from current year available to carryover (line 1 minus line 24)................
27. Excess credit from previous years available to carryover
                                                                                                                              Column 3
                                     Column 1               Column 2                                                          Excess available to 
                                     Excess amount carried  Amount used this                                                  carryover 
                            Year     forward                      year                                                        (Col. 1 minus Col. 2)
         5 thpreceding  year                                                                                                  Forfeited
         4 thpreceding  year
         3 rdpreceding  year
         2 ndpreceding year
         1 stpreceding  year

Part 5       Certification/Signature

I hereby certify, under penalties of perjury, that all information on this credit schedule and all accompanying attachments 
are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that all items that are the basis of this credit 
are qualified agricultural equipment.

Signature                            Name – type or print   Title                                                             Date

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