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                                Schedule AFTC-1
      **The following information, instructions and forms are not a substitute for tax laws and regulations.**

Signi cant changes to the Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit Program took e ect in 2013. These include:
       For purchases made on or after April 15, 2013, the only vehicles qualifying for tax credits are natural gas
         fueled vehicles.

       Alternative-Fuel Home Infrastructure Tax Credits only apply to quali  edinstallations made prior to
         April 15, 2013.

Due to the mid-year e ective date of these substantive tax changes, the bill of sale must be attached to every 
valid claim for tax credit in 2013.

Please note: claiming this credit may result in additional processing time and may delay the issuance of your 

These instructions are for the Schedule AFTC-1 for Periods beginning on or after January 1, 2015.
The purpose of the Alternative-Fuel Tax Credits is to encourage      2. Lique      ed natural gas;
the use of alternatively-fueled motor vehicles and possibly reduce   3. Lique      ed petroleum gas;
unnecessary pollution of the environment and reduce dependence 
on foreign sources of energy.                                        4. Fuel mixtures that contain eighty-  vepercent or more by
                                                                        volume, when combined with gasoline or other fuels, of the
An Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit is available for the following:          following:
    The purchase of a new dedicated or bi-fueled alternative-         A.     Methanol,
      fuel motor vehicle for which the purchaser then obtains a         B.     Ethanol, or
      valid West Virginia vehicle registration.                         C.     Other alcohols;
    The conversion of a motor vehicle that is presently registered 5. Natural gas hydrocarbons and derivatives;
      in West Virginia to operate exclusively on an alternative fuel.
                                                                     6. Hydrogen; and
    Constructs or purchases and installs a quali  ed vehicle
      refueling infrastructure that is capable of dispensing         7. Electricity, including electricity from solar energy.
      alternative fuel for alternative-fuel motor vehicles.          “Alternative-fuel motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle that is a new 
    Constructs and installs a quali  edalternative fuel vehicle  or retro tted or converted fuel vehicle:
      refueling infrastructure that is capable of dispensing
      alternative fuel for alternative-fuel motor vehicles.          1. Operates solely on one alternative fuel;
The Alternative-Fuel  Tax Credit is not available to any taxpayer    2. Is capable of operating on one or more alternative fuels,
under any obligation pursuant to any federal or state law, policy or    singly or in combination; or
regulation to convert to the use of alternative fuels for any motor  3. Is capable of operating on an alternative fuel and is also
vehicle.                                                                capable of operating on gasoline or diesel fuel.
Available Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit may be applied against tax     “Bi-fueled” means the ability of an alternative-fuel motor vehicle to 
liability attributable to Personal Income Tax (WV Code §11-21 et     operate on an alternative fuel and another form of fuel.
seq.), or Corporation Net Income Tax (WV Code §11-24 et seq.). 
                                                                     “Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle” means:
In no case may more than one credit be granted for the same 
alternative-fuel vehicle. No Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit may be      1. A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle manufactured by an
applied against employer Withholding Tax Imposed by WV Code             established motor vehicle manufacturer of plug-in hybrid
§11-21 et seq.                                                          electric vehicles that can operate solely on electric power
                                                                        and that is capable of recharging its battery from an on-
The Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit is available for tax years beginning 
                                                                        board generation source and an o     -board electricity source;
on or after January 1, 2011.
      ALTERNATIVE-FUEL TAX CREDIT                                    2. A plug-in electric vehicle conversion that provides an
                                                                        increase in city fuel economy of seventy- ve percent or more 
                      DEFINITIONS                                       as compared to a comparable non-hybrid version vehicle for
“Alternative fuel” includes:                                            a minimum of twenty miles and that is capable of recharging
                                                                        its battery from an on-board generation source and an o  -
1.    Compressed natural gas;                                           board electricity source. A vehicle is comparable if it is the
                                                                        same model year and the same vehicle class as established
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     by the United States Environmental Protection  Agency                  related or not.
     and is comparable in weight, size, and use. Fuel economy               Solar panels cannot store or dispense electrical power, therefore 
     comparisons shall be made using city fuel economy in                   they do not qualify for the alternative fuel vehicle home refueling 
     a manner that is substantially similar to the manner in                infrastructure tax credit, set forth in West Virginia Code §11-6D-1 
     which city fuel economy is measured in accordance with                 et seq. However, the “dispensing units” for “providing electricity to 
     procedures set forth in 40 C.F.R. 600 as in e         ect on January plug-in hybrid electric vehicles or electric vehicles” will qualify as 
     1, 2011.                                                               credit base for alternative fuel vehicle home refueling infrastructure.
“Quali ed alternative fuel vehicle refueling infrastructure” means 
property owned by the applicant for the tax credit and used for             Purchase, construction and installation costs for the following 
storing alternative fuels for dispensing such alternative fuels into fuel   will typically qualify for the quali ed alternative fuel vehicle home 
tanks of motor vehicles, including, but not limited to, compression         refueling infrastructure tax credit for providing electricity to plug-in 
equipment, storage tanks, and dispensing units for alternative fuel         hybrid electric vehicles or electric vehicles:
at the point where the fuel is delivered: provided, that the property 
is installed and located in this state and is not located on a private           Electric car charging stations, including plugs, sockets 
residence or private home.                                                       (other than standard domestic wall sockets), cables, 
                                                                                 circuit wiring, safety equipment, grid interface equipment, 
“Quali ed alternative fuel vehicle home refueling infrastructure”    1          including smart grid equipment, current sensors and 
means property owned by the applicant for the tax credit located                 monitors, feedback sensors and sensor wires and other 
on a private residence or private home and used for storing                      apparatus and equipment exclusively used to provide 
alternative fuels and for dispensing such alternative fuels into fuel            electricity to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles or electric 
tanks of motor vehicles, including, but not limited to, compression              vehicles, in West Virginia.
equipment, storage tanks and dispensing units for alternative fuel 
at the point where the fuel is delivered or for providing electricity to    An owner taxpayer desiring to claim Alternative-Fuel  Tax Credit 
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles or electric vehicles:       provided, that allocated by a Pass-Through Entity subsidiary must complete Parts 
the property is installed and located in this state.                        A and E of Schedule AFTC-1.

“Taxpayer” means any natural person, corporation, limited liability         PART A – ALTERNATIVE-FUEL TAX CREDIT 
company or partnership subject to the tax imposed under article                                        SUMMARY
twenty-one, article twenty-three, or article twenty-four of this 
chapter or any combination thereof.                                         Line 1  Enter the total Alternative-Fuel Motor Vehicle Tax Credit 
                                                                                    as shown on Part B, line 9. A completed Part B must 
                                                                                    be attached for each qualifying vehicle. Amounts not 
               AFTC-1 INSTRUCTIONS
                                                                                    supported by completed Part B information will be 
Taxpayers desiring to claim the Alternative-Fuel Motor Vehicle Tax                  denied.
Credit must complete Parts A and B of Schedule AFTC-1.
                                                                            Line 2  Enter the total Quali ed Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Home 
Taxpayers desiring to claim the Quali ed Alternative-Fuel Vehicle                  Refueling Infrastructure Tax Credit as shown on Part 
Home Refueling Infrastructure Tax Credit must complete Parts A                      C, line 7. Amounts not supported by completed Part C 
and C of Schedule AFTC-1.                                                           information will be denied.
Taxpayers desiring to claim the Quali ed Alternative-Fuel Vehicle          Line 3  Enter the total Quali  ed Alternative-Fuel  Vehicle 
Refueling Infrastructure Tax Credit must complete parts A and D of                  Refueling Infrastructure Tax Credit as shown on Part 
Schedule AFTC-1.                                                                    D, line 7.  A completed Part D must be attached for 
                                                                                    each qualifying refueling infrastructure.  Amounts not 
   ALTERNATIVE FUEL MOTOR VEHICLE                                                   supported by completed Part D information will be 
        INFRASTRUCTURE CREDIT AND                                                   denied.
        ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS                                            Line 4  Enter the amount of  Alternative-Fuel Motor Vehicle 
No part of any investment in or expenditure for commercial or non-                  Tax Credit Quali      ed Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Refueling 
home alternative fuel vehicle refueling infrastructure for charging                 Infrastructure Tax Credit, as shown in Part E, allocated 
or serving plug-in hybrid electric vehicles or electric vehicles will               to you as an owner of a Pass-Through Entity that 
qualify for the tax credit.                                                         earned the credit. A completed Part E must be attached. 
                                                                                    Amounts not supported by completed Part E information 
The tax credit base for, quali  edalternative fuel vehicle home                    will be denied.
refueling infrastructure for charging or serving plug-in hybrid 
electric vehicles or electric vehicles is limited to dispensing units       Line 5  Enter any Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit earned or allocated 
for providing electricity to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles or electric           in a previous year that was not used or allocated. An 
vehicles, in West Virginia.                                                         AFTC-1 supporting the entered amounts must have 
Purchase, construction and installation costs for quali  ed    home               been previously   led.      In order to claim previously 
infrastructure property that is exclusively dedicated to providing                  unclaimed Alternative Fuel Tax Credit for prior years, 
electricity to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles or electric vehicles, in            an amended tax return (IT-140, IT-140NRC, CIT-120, 
West Virginia, owned by the tax credit applicant, will qualify for the              and/or PTE-100) must be  led for each previous year 
tax credit without regard to whether the property is solar power                    that credit is being claimed.  Any and all supporting 
                                                                                    documentation must be presented or the claim for credit 
1      Applicable only if installed prior to April 15, 2013.                        will be denied.
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Line 6  Add the amounts on lines 1 through 5. This the total       Line 5 Enter the purchase date and purchase price or the 
        Alternative-Fuel  Tax Credit available to you for the             conversion date and actual cost of conversion for the 
        current tax period.                                               vehicle identi ed on line 1. Purchase price means the 
                                                                          sales price of the vehicle less any amount deducted 
Line 7  Enter your Personal Income Tax liability after application        therefrom for any trade-in allowance and/or rebates 
        of any other applicable tax credit (Line 10 of Form IT-           from the manufacturer or dealer.
                                                                   Line 6 Enter the appropriate credit factor for the vehicle 
Line 8  Enter the smaller of the value on line 6 and the value on         identi ed on line 1. Enter 0.35 (35%) if the vehicle was 
        line 7. This is the amount of Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit         purchase new; enter 0.50 (50%) if the vehicle was 
        to be applied against your Personal Income Tax liability.         converted to use alternative fuel and was previously 
        Also, enter this amount on the appropriate line of the            registered with the West Virginia Division of Motor 
        Tax Credit Recap Schedule of your Personal Income                 Vehicles.
        Tax return.
                                                                   Line 7 Compute the potential credit by multiplying the price 
Line 9  Compute the remaining Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit by              (line 5A) or the actual cost of conversion (line 5B) by 
        subtracting the amount on line 8 from the amount on               the value on line 6.
        line 6.
                                                                   Line 8 Enter the maximum allowable credit. Enter $7,500 if the 
Line 10 Enter your Corporation Net Income  Tax liability after            gross vehicle weight (from line 4) is less than 26,000 
        application of any other applicable tax credit (Line 16 of        pounds, otherwise enter $25,000.
                                                                   Line 9 Compute Available Alternative-Fuel  Motor  Vehicle 
Line 11 Enter the smaller of the value on line 9 and the value on         Credit as the smaller of the value on line 7 (potential 
        line 10. This is the amount of Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit        credit) and the value on line 8 (maximum allowable 
        to be applied against your Corporation Net Income Tax             credit). Also, enter this value on Part A, line 1. 
        liability. Also, enter this amount on the appropriate line 
        of the Tax Credit Recap Schedule of your Corporation       Check the boxes under line 9 to certify the following:
        Net Income Tax return.
                                                                       Payment for the vehicle entered on line 1 has been made 
Line 12 Compute the remaining Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit by             after January 1, 2011 and on or before April 14, 2013.
        subtracting the amount on line 11 from the amount on           Person claiming the credit on line 9 has taken possession 
        line 9.                                                          of the vehicle after January 1, 2011 and on or before April 
Line 13 If you are a Pass-Through Entity and any of the amount           14, 2013.
        on line 12 is to be allocated to the owners of the Pass-       Person claiming the credit on line 9 maintained ownership 
        Through Entity complete Part F and enter the total               of the vehicle entered on line 1 through December 31, 2013.
        amount of credit to be allocated.                          By checking these boxes and signing the tax return, the 
Line 14 Enter the amount of unused, unallocated Alternative-       purchaser certi ed this information to be true.
        Fuel Tax Credit for carry forward to subsequent years.
                                                                   PART C – QUALIFIED ALTERNATIVE-FUEL 
            VEHICLE TAX CREDIT                                                              CREDIT
NEW VEHICLE PURCHASES OR ANY INVOICES                              PRIOR TO APRIL 15, 2013**
                                                                   Line 1 Enter the city, state, and Zip Code of the location of 
Line 1  Enter the Vehicle Identi cation Number (VIN) for which           the Quali ed Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Home Refueling 
        an Alternative-Fuel Motor Vehicle  Tax Credit is to be            Infrastructure.
        claimed. A separate Part B must be completed for 
        each vehicle for which credit is to be claimed.            Line 2 Enter the date of installation. Submit all documentation 
                                                                          related to the construction of the Quali ed Alternative-
Line 2  Check the box for the predominant alternative fuel                Fuel Vehicle Home Refueling Infrastructure.  All 
        used by the vehicle identi  edon line 1. NOTE: Any              documentation submitted must have dates on or before 
        options other than Compressed Natural Gas (CNG),                  April 14, 2013.
        Lique ed Natural Gas (LNG) or Lique      ed Petroleum 
        Gas (LPG) are not available for vehicles purchased         Line 3 Enter the total cost of the construction or purchase of 
        on or after April 15, 2013.                                       the Quali ed Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Home Refueling 
                                                                          Infrastructure. Do not include costs associated with 
Line 3  Enter the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles                exploration, development, or production activities 
        Registration Number for the vehicle identi ed on line 1.         necessary for severing natural resources from the soil or 
Line 4  Enter the gross vehicle weight, in pounds, of the vehicle 
        identi ed on line 1.                                      Line 5 Compute the potential credit by multiplying the actual 
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       cost of the Quali  ed Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Home                 (b).  For tax periods after January 1, 2014 but prior 
       Refueling Infrastructure (from line 3) by the value on                     to January 1, 2018 – Maximum credit is 20% of the 
       line 4.                                                                    total cost per facility up to a maximum of $400,000.
Line 7 Compute the Quali ed Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Home        When the purchase and installation or quali  ed    alternative fuel 
       Refueling Infrastructure as the smaller of the value on    vehicle infrastructure begins prior to January 1, 2014, but is not 
       line 5 (potential credit) and the value on line 6 ($10,000 completed and placed into service until after January 14, the 
       maximum allowable credit).  Also, enter the value on       taxpayer may choose to fall under the rules of either (a) or (b) but 
       Part A, line 2.                                            not both.
                                                                  Line 7     Compute the Quali    ed  Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Refueling 
PART D – QUALIFIED ALTERNATIVE-FUEL                                          Infrastructure as the smaller of the value on line 5 (potential 
REFUELING INFRASTRUCTURE TAX CREDIT                                          credit) and the value on line 6 (maximum allowable credit). 
                                                                             Also, enter the value on part A, line 3.
Line 1 Enter the city, state, and Zip Code of the location of 
       the Quali ed Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Home Refueling 
       Infrastructure. A separate Part D must be completed           PART E – ALTERNATIVE-FUEL MOTOR 
       for each alternative-fuel refueling infrastructure for     VEHICLE TAX CREDIT AND/OR QUALIFIED 
       which credit is to be claimed.                                    ALTERNATIVE-FUEL REFUELING 
Line 2 Enter the total cost of the construction or purchase       INFRASTRUCTURE TAX CREDIT ALLOCATED 
       of the Quali  ed Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Refueling               FROM PASS-THROUGH ENTITY
       Infrastructure. Do not include costs associated with 
       exploration, development, or production activities         Enter the name and Employer Identi cation Number (EIN) of the 
       necessary for severing natural resources from the soil     Pass-Through Entity and the amount of  Alternative-Fuel Motor 
       or ground.                                                 Vehicle  Tax Credit and/or Quali  ed Alternative-Fuel  Refueling 
                                                                  Infrastructure Tax Credit allocated to you as an owner of the Pass-
Line 3 Enter the appropriate public accessibility factor.         Through Entity. The Pass-Through Entity must establish original 
       If the Quali  ed Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Refueling      entitlement to  Alternative-Fuel Motor Vehicle  Tax Credit and/
       Infrastructure identi ed above is generally available for or Quali ed  Alternative-Fuel Refueling Infrastructure  Tax Credit 
       public use enter 1.25, otherwise enter 1.00.               through the  ling of their own Schedule AFTC-1
Line 4 Enter the appropriate credit factor. If the value on line  Enter the total of credit allocated on Part A, line 4.
       3 is 1.25 then enter 0.625 (62.5%), otherwise enter 
       0.50 (50%).                                                PART F – UNUSED ALTERNATIVE-FUEL TAX 
                                                                         CREDIT ALLOCATION TO OWNERS
Line 5 Compute the potential credit by multiplying the actual 
       total cost of the Quali  ed Alternative-Fuel  Vehicle     When the Taxpayer that earns original entitlement to Alternative-
       Refueling Infrastructure (from line 2) by the value on     Fuel  Tax Credit is a pass-through entity, any credit unused to 
       line 4.                                                    o set the tax liability of the pass-through entity is to be allocated 
                                                                  to the owners of the pass-through entity in the same manner that 
Line 6 The maximum allowable credit is to be determined by        distributive share  ows through to the equity owners.
       following either of these two rules:
                                                                  Enter the name, identi cation number, ownership percentage, and 
       (a). For tax periods after December 31, 2010 but           amount of unused credit allocated for each equity owner.
            prior to January 1, 2014 – If line 3 is 1.00, the 
            maximum credit is $250,000. If Line 3 is 1.25,        Enter the total allocated credit on Part A, line 16.
            maximum credit is $312,000.

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