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                           Annual Coal Severance Tax Return Instructions

1. Current SEV-401-C Form                                NOTE: The 0.35% local tax rate is not a new tax rate. 
2. Isopach Maps (Must be submitted on or before the      Legislative changes have made it necessary to separate the 
   due date of the return. Electronic copies of maps     0.35% local and county tax from the 4.65% general tax.
   are encouraged, preferably PDF  les.  These can     Line 13   Enter the Gross Value of all coal mined, and 
   be attached in MyTaxes to the return when it is       value added from processed coal.
    led or a web notice or sent as electronic media     Line 14    Tax rate
   by mail.)  Include the Low Seam Underground
   Coal Severance Tax Schedule with Isopach map          Line 15   Multiply Line 13 x Line 14 and enter total. 
   submission.                                                           REGULAR COAL
3. Credit Schedules (Schedules must be attached          This section is for coal that is not eligible for the 
   to the return. Credit without schedules that are      Thin Seam reduced rate.
   not attached to the return in MyTaxes will be         Line 16   Tons Mined: Enter the total short tons mined 
   disallowed).                                          and sold to electric power producers between  July 
4. Attach a spreadsheet with all active permit           1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 in the       rst column, 
   numbers.                                              the total short tons mined and sold to electric power 
5. Low Seam Underground Coal Severance Tax               producers between January 1, 2020 and June 30, 
   Schedule                                              2020 in the second column, and the total short tons 
                                                         mined and sold to others in the third column.
6. Power of Attorney (as needed)
                                                         Line 17   Tons Processed: Enter the total short tons 
7. Sign and Date                                         processed and sold to electric power producers 
          SECTION TC: TAX CREDITS                        between July 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 in 
Line 9    Enter $41.63 for 12th month engaged in         the rst column, the total short tons processed and 
   business in West Virginia in the rst column.  Enter  sold to electric power producers between anuary 1, 
   $500 per year or $41.67 per month engaged in          2020 and June 30, 2020 in the second column, and 
   business in West Virginia in the second column.       the total short tons processed and sold to others in 
   Only one annual exemption may be claimed by           the third column.
   each business entity.                                 Line 18   Add Line 16 to Line 17 of each column and 
Line 10   Enter the amount of the 12th month Investment  enter total. 
   Credit in the rst column. Enter the amount of the    Line 19   Gross Value: Enter the total gross value for 
   full year Investment Credit in the second column.     all coal mined and all value added from processed 
Line 11   Enter the amount of the 12th month credit      coal. Coal sold to electric power producers between 
   for Coal Loading Facilities in the rst column. Enter July 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 should be 
   the amount of the full year Coal Loading Facilities   entered in the  rstcolumn. Coal sold to electric 
   credit in the second column. Include Schedule CL.     power producers between anuary 1, 2020 and June 
                                                         30, 2020 should be entered in the second column. 
Line 12   Add lines 9 through 11 in the Full Year column Coal sold to other purchasers should be entered in 
   and report on Line 2 of Section A.                    the third column.
     SECTION B: TAX COMPUTATIONS                         Line 20   Tax rates
COAL PRODUCED FROM REFUSE, GOB PILES, SLURRY             Line 21   Multiply Line 19 by Line 20 and enter total in 
PONDS, POND FINES, OR OTHER SOURCES OF WASTE             correct columns.
                                                         Line 22   Multiply Line 18 by 0.75 and enter total in 
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correct columns.                                           in Column 3.
Line 23   Enter the greater of Line 21 or Line 22 for      Line 37   Enter gross value of coal severed from seams 
each column.                                               between 37” and 45” during the 12th month period 
                                                           in Column 1. Multiply Column 1 by Column 2 and 
Line 24   Add both columns on line 23 and enter total.
                                                           enter total in Column 3.
           THIN SEAM 37” TO 45”                            Line 38   Enter gross value of coal severed from 
NOTE:   ONLY QUALIFIED THIN SEAM COAL IS TO                seams less than 37” during the 12th month period 
BE REPORTED ON LINES 25 THROUGH 32.                        in Column 1. Multiply Column 1 by Column 2 and 
Line 25   Enter total short tons of coal qualied as thin  enter total in Column 3.
seam 37” to 45”.                                           Line 39   Sum all lines in Column 1 and enter total.
Line 26    Enter total gross value of coal quali edas    Line 40  Sum all lines in Column 3 and enter total.
thin seam 37” to 45”.                                      SECTION E:  Report of Coal Production for 
Line 27   Tax rate.                                                         Taxable Year
Line 28   Multiply Line 26 by Line 27 and enter total.     This section must be completed by all producers.
           THIN SEAM UNDER 37”                             Processors of purchased coal are not subject to Section 
NOTE:   ONLY QUALIFIED THIN SEAM COAL IS TO                E production. All tonnage must be reported along with the 
BE REPORTED ON LINES 25 THROUGH 32.                        county in which the coal was extracted. Use a separate 
Line 29   Enter total short tons of coal qualied as thin  line for each mining permit/county of production.If you 
seam less than 37”.                                        produce coal from waste sources, the tonnage is to be 
                                                           reported on WV/SEV-401W Waste Coal return.
Line 30    Enter total gross value of coal quali ed as 
thin seam less than 37”.                                   Column 1   Enter the mining permit for the mine from 
                                                           which the coal was severed.
Line 31   Tax Rate.
                                                           Column 2   Enter the name of the county in which the 
Line 32   Multiply Line 30 by Line 31 and enter total.
                                                           coal was located when it was severed from the 
Line 33   Add Lines 15, 24, 28, and 32 and enter total.  
                                                           ground. Include all counties where coal was severed 
Enter this gure on Section A, Line 1.
                                                           from the ground for the period being reported, 
NOTE:To receive the reduced severance tax rate for low     including quali ed  thin seam coal. If additional 
seam coal (underground mines only), an Isopach Map         space is needed, please attach a separate sheet 
for each mining permit must be submitted on or before      with your return. 
the due date of the return. The Isopach Map must be        Column 3   Enter the county FIPS code from the key 
signed and certied by a professional engineer. Failure    code below Section E. Please ensure the county code 
to provide a copy of the Isopach Map will result in the    printed on your return is where the coal was severed 
recalculation of your tax at the (4.65%) rate. Information from the ground. All counties must be reported. 
can be found in Interpretive Rule 110-13AB.
                                                           Column 4   Enter the total tons produced for the 12th 
         SECTION C: SEVERANCE TAX                          month period. Round all tons to the nearest whole 
COMPUTATION 12TH MONTH PERIOD                              ton. Do not include decimal points or fractions. 
Line 34   Enter gross value of coal severed from seams     Column 5   Enter the total tons produced for the Full 
greater than 45” and not sold to electric power            Year. Round all tons to the nearest whole ton. Do 
producers during the 12th month period in Column           not include decimal points or fractions.  
1. Multiply Column 1 by Column 2 and enter total                SECTION A: TAX COMPUTATIONS
in Column 3.
                                                           Line 1   Enter the total from Line 33 of Section B.
Line 35   Enter the di erencebetween the price the 
                                                           Line 2   Enter the total from Line 12 of Section TC.
unprocessed coal was purchased for and the price 
the processed coal was sold for during the 12th            Line 3   Subtract Line 1 from Line 2 and enter total.
month period in Column 1. Multiply Column 1 by             Line 4  Enter the total of estimated payments made 
Column 2 and enter total in Column 3.                      for the year and any carry forward credits from                    
Line 36   Enter gross value of coal severed from           previous years.
seams greater than 45” and sold to electric power          Line 5  Enter the total of Line 3 minus Line 4. If Line 4 
producers during the 12th month period in Column           is greater than Line 3, enter $0 and move to Line 6. 
1. Multiply Column 1 by Column 2 and enter total           Line 6  If line 4 is greater than Line 3, subtract Line 5 
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    from Line 4 and enter total.                               next year’s tax return.
Line 7  Enter the amount of Line 6 to be credited to        Line 8  Enter the amount of Line 6 to be refunded.
                                        ADDITIONAL  INFORMATION
$500 Annual Exemption:                                      payment or remits less than the required amount is 
This exemption is allowed only for the period you were      subject to additions to tax. No additions are imposed if 
in business. The exemption may exceed the adjusted          a quarterly taxpayer timely pays estimated tax equal to 
tax but will not result in a refund. A refund is the result three-fourths (.75) or more of the actual tax liability. No 
of excessive actual tax paid. Only one exemption, not       additions are imposed if a monthly taxpayer timely pays 
to exceed $500.00 per year, may be claimed by each          estimated tax equal to eleven-twelfths (.92) or more of 
business entity although you may operate more than          the actual tax liability. The amount of the underpayment 
one location or le more than one type of Severance         is determined to be the dierence between the amount 
Tax return.                                                 that should have been paid and that which was actually 
                                                            paid. The period of underpayment of an installment is 
Example:    The exemption per month is $41.67 and           from the due date of the installment payment to the 
    per day is $1.37. if you were in business July 27       earlier of either the due date of the annual return for the 
    through December 31, 2007, your exemption is            taxable year or the date upon which such portion is paid. 
    $215.00 ($41.67 x 5 months = $208.35 and $1.37 
    x 5 days = $6.85, rounded to the nearest dollar).       Credit for Coal Loading Facilities (11-13E):
Non-waivable Interest:                                      This credit is available to taxpayers subject to 
                                                            severance tax. The credit is based on purchases of real 
Tax that is not paid by the due date of the tax return      or personal property or a combination thereof, for the 
interest will accrue at an adjusted rate established by     purpose of building or constructing a new or expanded 
the Tax Commissioner.  An extension to le a return is      coal loading facility or who revitalize an existing coal 
not an extension to pay. The annual rate will never be      loading facility which was in the state on April 1, 1983. 
less than eight percent (8%). The interest rate will be     The facility is to be used solely for the purpose of 
determined and in e ect for periods of six months. If     transferring coal from a coal processing or preparation 
there are any questions, please refer to TSD-365 on         facility, or from a coal storage facility, or both, or from 
our website at tax.wv.gov.                                  any means of transportation, to any means of rail or 
Additions to Tax:                                           barge transportation used to move coal, including such 
Additions to tax are imposed for failure to le the return  land as is directly associated with and solely used for 
on or before the due date and for failure to pay all tax    the coal loading facility. The coal loading facility credit 
due on or before the due date of the tax return (without    attributable to investment made on or after March 1, 
regard to an extension of time to le). The rate for late   1985 is limited to  ftypercent (50%) of the gross tax 
 ling is  ve percent (5%) per month or any part of a      payable for Severance Tax. 
month.  The rate for late payment of tax is one half of     Credit for Industrial Expansion and/or Revitalization 
one percent (0.5%) per month or any part of a month.        (11-13D):
An extension of time for ling does not extend the time     A credit is allowed against Business and Occupation 
for payment of tax. Where both the ve percent penalty      Tax, Severance Tax and Business Franchise Tax 
for late ling and one half of one percent penalty for      to certain industrial taxpayers who make capital 
late payment of tax are imposed, the maximum monthly        investments in a new or expanded industrial facility 
percent is ve percent (5%), the maximum amount of          in this state or who replace or modernize building, 
additions to tax imposed under either penalty is twenty-    equipment, machinery and other tangible personal 
 ve percent (25%); the maximum amount under both           property used in the operation of an industrial facility 
penalties is fty percent (50%) of the tax due. If there    located in this state, including the acquisition of any real 
are any questions, please refer to TSD-365 on our           property necessary to the expansion or revitalization.  
website at tax.wv.gov.                                      The amount of industrial expansion and revitalization 
Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Tax:                  credit taken may not exceed fty percent (50%) of the 
Any person required to make monthly or quarterly            tax attributable to the processing of purchased coal.  
payments of an annual tax and fails to make a timely 
                   Forms and schedules may be obtained from our website at tax.wv.gov.

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