Corporate Income Tax

If your business is incorporated in West Virginia or does business or participates in certain other activities in West Virginia, you may have to file an annual West Virginia State Corporation tax return.

The Corporation Net Income Tax is a tax on the West Virginia taxable income of every domestic or foreign corporation which enjoys the benefits and protections of the government and laws in the State of West Virginia or derives income from property, activity or other sources in West Virginia.

Filing Status

Separate Entity Based

Use this method if you are filing a separate return and you are not engaged in a unitary business with one of more other corporations.

  • Approved vendors for separate-entity electronic filing are listed here.

Combined Unitary Based

Corporations that are members of the same unitary business group must file a combined report including all required information of every business engaging in the unitary business with the corporation.

This report must be filed with each member’s separate return unless the group elects to designate a corporation as surety and file a group combined return.

  • Approved vendors for combined-entity electronic filing are listed here.

Filing Methods

Separate Entity Based: Corporation Wholly in West Virginia

When filing a separate return as a Corporation Wholly in West Virginia, you may/will need to complete certain forms and schedules:

Separate Entity Based: Corporation With Multistate Activity

When filing a separate return as a Corporation With Multistate Activity, you may/will need to complete the following forms and schedules:

Combined Reporting Based §11-24-13A (j)

For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2009, any taxpayer engaged in a unitary business with one or more other corporations shall file a combined report which includes the income, allocation, and apportionment of income of all corporations that are members of the unitary business.

Worldwide Unitary Combined reporting

You may choose to file Worldwide Unitary Combined Reporting, to do so, please fill out and sign West Virginia Form CIT-120OPT and attach to your return.

This election is binding for 10 years unless a written request to withdraw for reasonable cause has been sent to commissioner and granted.

Water’s Edge Reporting

Water’s Edge Reporting is mandated, absent an affirmative election to report based upon a worldwide unitary combined report.

Separate Combined Reporting

Use this method if you are filing a combined report but a separate return. Forms and schedules you may/will need to complete are the same as required for Separate Entity Filers with Multistate Activity.

You must use the correct UB-CR for the year which you are filing. To file a prior version, please see Prior Year Forms

Group Combined Reporting

Corporations use this method if they are members of the same unitary business group and elect to designate surety. Taxpayers must designate a surety FEIN in the space provided.

Forms and Schedules you may/will need to complete a group combined return are:

About Reporting the UB-CR

All Combined Reporting Corporate Income Tax returns are required to be filed electronically using an approved software vendor.

Note: A vendor that does not support electronic filing of the UB-CR for 2021 will not be approved for any Combined Filing. West Virginia only supports electronic filing of the Combined returns that include the UB-CR. Paper returns will be rejected.

Do Not email the UB-CR spreadsheet. Emailed UB-CR spreadsheets will not be accepted.

Remember: If you file as Combined Separate or Combined Group, you must:

  1. File your West Virginia CIT-120 electronically.
  2. Use the same taxable year and method of accounting as you use for Federal Tax Purposes.
  3. Attach to your West Virginia Corporate return a copy of pages 1 through 5 of your signed Federal Return as filed with the Internal Revenue Service.

If you attach a Proforma Federal Income Tax Return, the following consolidated return data is also required:

  • A copy of pages 1 through 5 of the consolidated return, plus
  • Supporting schedules showing the consolidation of the income statement, balance sheet, eliminations and adjustments;
  • A copy of Federal Form 851;
  • A signed statement explaining the differences, if any, between the income statement and balance sheet reported for Federal Consolidated filing.
  • Federal Schedule M-3, when applicable.

Estimated Taxes

Estimated Corporation Net Income Tax payments are required for any Corporation which can reasonably expect its West Virginia taxable income to be in excess of $10,000 (which equals a tax liability after tax credits in excess of $650.00) and are due in four equal installments on the 15th day of the fourth, sixth, ninth, and twelfth months of the tax year.

Filing your Business Returns

Returns should be filed by the due date.

Please file all required tax returns even if you owe no tax for the reporting period.

All applicable pages of the return must be filed.


Mailing Address

West Virginia State Tax Department
Taxpayer Services Division
PO Box 3784
Charleston, WV 25337-3784

Contact Us

(304) 558-3333
1-800-982-8297 toll free within West Virginia and area code 614
1-800-282-9833 TDD for the hearing impaired


Payment of Tax

Due Date

A corporation’s annual West Virginia Net Income Tax Return is due on or before the 15th day of the fourth month after close of the taxable year.

A tax exempt organization’s annual return is due on or before the 15th day of the fifth month after the close of the taxable year. Make remittance payable to the West State Tax Department.

Where to File

West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Returns should be mailed to:

West Virginia State Tax Department
Tax Account Administration Division
PO Box 1202
Charleston WV 25324-1202

Extension of Time to File

An extension of time to file a Federal Return is automatically accepted by West Virginia as an extension of time to file the West Virginia return.

A copy of Federal extension form (Federal Form 7004) must be attached to the West Virginia return when filed and the extended due date must be entered on top of the first page of the West Virginia State Tax Return.

A state extension of time to file may be obtained, even if a federal extension has not been requested, provided a written request is made to the West Virginia Tax Department prior to the due date of the return.

An extension of time to file does not extend the time for payment of tax due. If you have an extension of time to file, payment of any tax due may be made by filing a tentative return. (See the instructions for Form CIT-120EXT).

To avoid interest and penalties, payment must be received on or before the original due date of return.

Additions to Tax

Late Filing

Additions to tax are imposed for failure to file return on or before the due date (determined with regard to an extension to file).

On any amount of tax shown to be on the return, the additions to tax for late filing is five percent (.05) per month or any part of a month, not to exceed twenty five percent (.25).

Late Payment

Additions to tax are imposed for failure to pay all tax shown to be due on a return on or before the due date (determined without regard to an extension of time to file).

The additions to tax for late payment are imposed at the rate of one half of one percent (.005) per month or part of a month not to exceed twenty five percent (.25).

Late File and Late Pay

When both the five percent (.05) additions to tax for late filing and the one half of one percent (.005) additions to tax for late payment are imposed, the maximum monthly percent is five percent (.05) not to exceed forty-seven and one half of one percent (.475) of the tax due.

Failure to Pay Estimated Tax

Corporations that are required to make estimated payments of their tax liability are subject to additions to tax for failing to pay at least ninety percent (.90) of their annual tax liability.

The additions are imposed at the same rate as interest is imposed. See form CIT-120U for more information.

Completion and Signature

All applicable sections of the return must be completed and all required supporting documents must be attached. An incomplete return will not be accepted as timely filed.

The return must be signed by an authorized officer. If the return is prepared by someone other than the taxpayer, the preparer must also sign the return and enter his or her complete address.

Changes on Federal Return

Any corporations whose reported income or deductions are changed or corrected by the Internal Revenue Service are required to report the change or correction to the West Virginia State Tax Department.

This report must be made within 90 days of the final determination by filing an amended return and attaching a copy of the revenue agent’s report detailing such adjustments.

Tax Forms and Instructions

Credit Forms and Schedules

CIT-139 Five-Year Corporation Application for Refund from Carryback of Net Operating Loss. This Schedule is for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 tax periods and can be found in MyTaxes. The CIT-139 must be completed and submitted through the MyTaxes site. Taxpayers that file a combined return can not use the CIT-139; they need to file amended returns. Instructions Prior Year Forms

In accordance with the Tax Cuts and Job Act (TCJA) West Virginia has eliminated the NOL carryback beginning with tax year 2021 and future years.

  • DNG-1 Downstream Natural Gas Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit
  • DNG-A Application for Downstream Natural Gas Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit
  • DSV-1 Tax Credit for Donation or Sale of Vehicle Through a Qualified Charitable Organization That Provides Affordable Transportation to Low-Income Workers. The definition of what constitutes a "Qualified Charitable Organization" and other credit information can be found in the rule 110-13FF.
  • EOTC-A Application for West Virginia Economic Opportunity Tax Credit. For Investments Placed Into Service On or After January 1, 2003.
  • Schedule L Electric, Natural Gas, Sewer, and Water Utilities Rate Reduction Credit
  • MITC-A Application for West Virginia Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit for Investments Placed Into Service On or After January 1, 2003.
  • NGL-2 Natural Gas Liquids Property Tax Adjustment Credit Claims Against Personal Income Tax (for Tax Periods Beginning On or After July 1, 2020)
  • PCM-1 Post-Coal Mine Site Business Credit for Corporate and Pass Through Entities
  • PCM-A Application for Post-Coal Mine Site Business Credit
  • RBIC Historic Rehabilitated Buildings Investment Credit (For Investments Made After June 6, 1990)
  • RBIC-A Schedule RBIC-A Residential Historic Rehabilitated Buildings Investment Credit, For Investments Made After December 31, 1999.
  • SAAM-1 West Virginia Tax Credit for Federal Excise Tax Imposed Upon Small Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers (For Periods On or After July 1, 2021)
  • SAAM-A Application for West Virginia Tax Credit for Federal Excise Tax Imposed Upon Small Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers (For Periods On or After July 1, 2021) Instructions


  • BAR-0 Business Activity Report
  • CIT-120ES Estimated Corporate Net Income Tax Payment

Mailing Addresses

Please mail your completed Corporate Net Income Tax Return and supporting documents to:

West Virginia State Tax Department
Tax Account Administration Division
PO Box 1202
Charleston, WV 25324-1202

For tax information or assistance, call (304)558-3333 or 1-800-982-8297, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
