Enlarge image | 190301 KANSAS K-34(Rev. 8 9-1 ) BUSINESS AND JOB DEVELOPMENT CREDIT For the taxable year beginning, _________________ , 20____ ; ending _________________ , 20____ . Name of taxpayer (as shown on return) Social Security Number or Employer ID Number (EIN) If partner, shareholder or member, enter name of partnership, S corporation, LLC or LLP Employer ID Number (EIN) PART A – DESCRIPTION OF QUALIFIED BUSINESS FACILITY 1. Name of legal entity making investment: ___________________________________ EIN: ____________________________ 2. Location of qualified business facility: a. Street Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ b. City __________________________________ County No. _______________ County Name ______________________ c. NAICS __________________________________ 3. Date operation began at this qualified business facility (mm/dd/yyyy): ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 4. Indicate the type of business activity conducted at this facility (check appropriate box): Retail or Service Nonmanufacturer - Regular Manufacturer Nonmanufacturer - Business Headquarters Contractor - Retailer Nonmanufacturer - Ancillary Support Contractor - Nonmanufacturer Nonmanufacturer - NAICS 45411_____, 511210_____, 711212_____ (auto racetracks only) 5. Please check the box that best describes the type of qualified investment made at this facility: New facility Investment or expansion at an existing facility Move from old Kansas location to new Kansas location Move from out of state to new location in Kansas Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ No new investment (for recomputing credits) 6. Date of investment made during the tax year for the qualified business facility (mm/dd/yyyy): ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 7. Attach description of the investment made (see instructions). PART B – COMPUTATION OF CREDIT (a) (b) Retail or Service Manufacture / Nonmanufacturer 8a. Number of qualified business facility employees .......................... ______________________________ _____________________________ 8b. Total Kansas payroll for employees identified on line 8a ............... ______________________________ _____________________________ 9. Qualified business facility employee credit ................................... ______________________________ _____________________________ 10. Qualified business facility investment ........................................... ______________________________ _____________________________ 11. Qualified business facility credit factor ......................................... ______________________________ _____________________________ 12. Qualified business facility investment credit ................................. ______________________________ _____________________________ 13. Total credit or prior year’s carry forward (must complete worksheet ) ....... ______________________________ _____________________________ 14. Amount of credit used ................................................................... _____________________________ 15. Carry forward amount (must complete worksheet) .................................... _____________________________ Retail or Service 16. Qualified business facility income (attach schedule) .................... ______________________________ I would like to defer this 17. Tax on qualified business facility income (must complete worksheet) ........ ______________________________ credit to __ __ __ __ . 18. Business and job credit limitation (50%) ........................................ ______________________________ (not to exceed 3 years) 19. Business and job development credit ............................................ ______________________________ Shareholder or Partner (attach schedules) 20. Ownership percentage ................................................................. ______________________________ _____________________________ 21. Shareholder or partner amount of credit ....................................... ______________________________ _____________________________ 22. Shareholder or partner Kansas tax liability (must complete worksheet) ..... ______________________________ _____________________________ 23. Amount of credit used ................................................................... ______________________________ _____________________________ 24. Carry forward amount (must complete worksheet) .................................... _____________________________ Payroll Information A. Total employment in the state of Kansas ....................................... ______________________________ _____________________________ B. Total payroll in the state of Kansas ............................................... ______________________________ _____________________________ |
Enlarge image | 190302 Name ___________________________ EIN _______________ Location _________________________________ PART C – DETERMINING QUALIFIED EMPLOYEES AND CREDIT (see instructions for available credit amounts) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Month Number of Base Employees Number of Employees Number of Employees Number of Employees Number of Employees 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Total No. of Employees 38. Average Employees 39. Base Employees 40. Qualified Employees 41. Decrease in Employees 42. Adjusted Employees 43. TOTAL Employee Credit PART D – DETERMINING QUALIFIED INVESTMENT AND CREDIT (see instructions for available credit amounts) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Month Monthly Base Investment Monthly Investment Monthly Investment Monthly Investment Monthly Investment 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Total Monthly Investment 57. Average Investment 58. Capitalized Rents 59. Total Investment 60. Base Investment 61. Increase in investment 62. Nonrelated Investment 63. Avg. Qualified Investment 64. Decrease in Investment 65. Adjusted Investment 66. Investment Credit Factor 67. TOTAL Investment Credit 68. TOTAL Credit 69. Credit Used 70. Carry Forward 2 |
Enlarge image | 190303 Name___________________________ EIN _______________ Location _________________________________ PART C – (continued) (G) (H) ( I ) (J) (K) (L) Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Number of Employees Number of Employees Number of Employees Number of Employees Number of Employees Number of Employees 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. PART D – (continued) (G) (H) ( I ) (J) (K) (L) Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Year End Date: __ __ __ __ Monthly Investment Monthly Investment Monthly Investment Monthly Investment Monthly Investment Monthly Investment 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 3 |
Enlarge image | K-120 FILERS: EXAMPLE FOR LINE 16 and 17 OF SCHEDULE K-34 This example was created for businesses that are unable to determine their exact property and payroll factors. You will need to complete a property and payroll factor for each credit. If inventory is included in the numerator, then it must be included in the denominator. PROPERTY FACTOR: Investment in New Business Facility $ 115,737.00 Line 65 – Part D (original year) Average Inventory & Allocation Ratio 0 .00 Total Qualifying Kansas Property $ 115,737.00 Kansas Beginning Property (Current Year) $ 9,417,250.00 Kansas Ending Property (Current Year) 4,330,710.00 Total Property $ 13,747,960.00 Multiply by 50% 50 % Average Property $ 6,873,980.00 Total Rents in Kansas X 8 (Current Year) 4,842,928.00 Total Average Kansas Property $11,716,908.00 Property Factor (Total qualifying Kansas 0.9878% property divided by total average Kansas property) PAYROLL FACTOR: Total Kansas wages (Current Year) $ 5,461,204.00 Divide by Kansas Employees (Current Year) 188 Average Kansas Salary (Current Year) $ 29,049.00 Multiply by Number of Qualified Business Facility Employees 11 Line 40 – Part C (original year) Total Facility Wages $ 319,539.00 Total Kansas Wages (Current Year) $ 5,461,204.00 Payroll Factor 5.8511% Property Factor 0.9878 % EXAMPLE Payroll Factor 5.8500 % Total Percent 6.8389 % Divide by 2 2 Average Percent 3.4195 % Kansas Taxable Income (Current Year) $ 271,184,00 K-120: Line 20, Kansas Taxable Income K-121: Line 19, Combined Report Income Allocated Qualified Business Income $ 9,273.14 K-34: Line 16 Tax on Total Kansas Taxable Income (Current Year) $ 18,257.00 K-120: Line 23, Total Tax K-121: Line 22, Total Tax Multiply by Average Percent 3.4195 % Tax on Qualified Business Income $ 625.00 K-34: Line 17 4 |
Enlarge image | K120S FILERS: EXAMPLE FOR LINE 16 OF THE SCHEDULE K-34 (Individuals see next page) This example was created for business’ that are unable to determine their exact property and payroll factors. You will need to complete a property and payroll factor for each credit. If inventory is included in the numerator then it must be included in denominator. PROPERTY FACTOR: Investment in New Business Facility $ 406,022.00 Line 63 – Part D (original year) Average Inventory & Allocation Ratio 0 .00 Total Qualifying Kansas Property $ 406,022.00 Kansas Beginning Property (Current Year) $ 202,067,263.00 Kansas Ending Property (Current Year) 271,976,820.00 Total Property $ 474,044,083.00 Multiply by 50% 50 % Average Property $ 237,022,042.00 Total Rents in Kansas X 8 (Current Year) 3,438,576.00 Total Average Kansas Property $ 240,460,618.00 Property Factor (Total qualifying Kansas 0.1689% property divided by total average Kansas property) PAYROLL FACTOR: Total Kansas wages (Current Year) $ 4,668,101.00 Divide by Kansas Employees (Current Year) 673 Average Kansas Salary (Current Year) $ 6,936.00 Multiply by Number of Qualified Business Facility Employees 5 Line 40 – Part C (original year) Total Facility Wages $ 34,680.00 Total Kansas Wages (Current Year) $ 4,668,101.00 Payroll Factor 0.7429% Property EXAMPLEFactor 0.1689 % Payroll Factor 0.7429 % Total Percent 0.9118 % Divide by 2 22 Average Percent 0.4559 % Kansas Total Income (Current Year) $ 10,130,145,00 K-120S: Line 18 Allocated Qualified Business Income $ 46,183.00 K-34: Line 16 Sole proprietorship, Partnership or S Corporation stop here. Please provide a copy of the property and payroll factor calculation sheet to the sole proprietor, partners or shareholders. 5 |
Enlarge image | K-40 & K-41 FILERS: EXAMPLE FOR LINES 16 THROUGH 21 OF SCHEDULE K-34 To determine the tax amount on the individual’s QBF income, the sole proprietor, partner or shareholder must multiply the total QBF income by the percentage owned or per share basis to arrive at the individual’s share of QBF income. The individuals share of QBF income must then be multiplied by an effective tax rate. The effective tax rate is the individual’s total Kansas tax liability divided by that individual’s total Kansas taxable income. Sole proprietor, partner or shareholder percentage (owned or per share basis): 35% Allocated qualified business income: $ 46,183.00 K-34: line 16 Times Percentage owned: 35 % Your share of qualified business facility income: $ 16,164.05 The following two lines calculate your tax rate for the qualifying business income: Your total Kansas tax liability: $ 2, 277.00 K-40: line 8 or 12 (whichever is applicable) Divided by your taxable income: $ 49,647.00 K-40: line 7 Effective tax rate: 4.5864 % Your share of qualified business facility income: $ 16,164.05 Multiply by effective tax rate: 4.5864 % Tax on qualified facility income: $ 741.00 50% of tax: $ 370.00 Total qualified employees and investment credit: $ 7,000.00 K-34: line 13 Times your percentage owned: 35 % Your share of credit: $ 2,450.00 Credit allowable: (50% of tax or your share of credit, whichever is less) $ 370.00 K-34: line 21 EXAMPLE 6 |
Enlarge image | Credit denied. Credit denied. No No No Yes No Yes Does the employees 2 or more? taxpayer qualify as a retailer? Is the increase in Is this the corporate or business headquarters or an ancillary support under NAICS 45411, 511210 or 711212? Credit: $100 for each qualified employee; $100 for each $100,000 of qualified investment. facility of a retail business? Is the taxpayer classified Yes Yes No Yes Is the increase 20 or more full time positions? qualified investment. Business is located in “any other” region. Credit: $1,500 for each qualified employee; $1,000 for each $100,000 of No Credit denied. No No DEFINITIONS Manufacturing: All commercial enterprises identified under the manufacturing NAICS Codes. Nonmanufacturing: Any commercial enterprise other than a manufacturing business or a retail business. (Includes corporate or business headquarters of a “retail business” for years commencing after 12-31-93.) Manufacturing and nonmanufacturing: Credit is computed once and the remainder of the credit is carried over until utilized for as long as the taxpayer maintains the minimum number of qualified employees of that type of business. Retail business: Any commercial enterprise primarily engaged in the sale at retail of goods or services, or both. Credit must be recomputed each year for a ten year period. Corporate or business headquarters: A qualified investment where principal officers of the corporation or business are housed and from which direction, management or administrative support for transactions is provided for a corporation, business or a division of a business or regional division of a business. Ancillary support: A facility which is operated by a business and whose function is to provide services in support of the business, but is not directly engaged in the business’ primary function. NAICS 45411: Catalog and Mail-Order Houses NAICS 511210.: Prepackaged Software NAICS 711212: Auto Racetrack Income Tax Quick Reference Flowchart business? Yes 5 or more? Yes Is the increase in employees For Facilities Which Began Operations On or After January 1, 1993 Is the taxpayer a nonmanufacturing located in a Yes of qualified investment. Credit: $2,500 Is the investment nonmetropolitan region? (Declared by Department of that Department to determine location. for each qualified employee; $1,000 for each $100,000 Commerce) Contact For a quick reference as to whether you qualify for the credit please use the flowchart below. Credit denied. No No No business? Yes Yes Johnson, Is the taxpayer a manufacturing Is the increase in employees 2 or more? located in a metropolitan Leavenworth, or Wyandotte. Yes Is the investment county? Douglas, after 12-31-2010. Sedgwick, Shawnee credits for qualified business located in Metropolitan counties Credit denied. No new 7 |
Enlarge image | Credit: $100 for each qualified employee; $100 for each $100,000 of qualified investment.** qualified investment.* Business is located in “any other” region. Credit: $1,500 for each qualified employee; $1,000 for each $100,000 of No Credit denied. Yes that Department to determine location. qualified employee; Commerce)? Contact Is the investment located Credit: $2,500 for each of qualified investment.* $1,000 for each $100,000 in a nonmetropolitan region (Declared by Department of No No No Privilege Tax (Banks and Savings & Loans) Quick Reference Flowchart For a quick reference as to whether you qualify for the credit please use the flowchart below. Yes Yes Yes Is the increase in Was the qualifying Douglas, Johnson, Credit denied. No new located in Metropolitan employees 2 or more? investment the principal creation of at least 20 new full-time positions? Leavenworth, Sedgwick, Shawnee, or Wyandotte. credits for qualified business counties after 12-31-2010. Credit is computed once and the remainder of the credit is carried over until utilized as long as the taxpayer maintains the minimum number of qualified employees. Credit must be recomputed each year for a ten year period. place from which the trade or business of the taxpayer is directed or managed and did the facility facilitate the Is the investment located in a metropolitan county? * ** 8 |
Enlarge image | INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHEDULE K-34 GENERAL INFORMATION LINE 3: Enter the date the QBF originally commenced operations at this location, if this is a new location enter K.S.A. 79-32,160(f) requires that taxpayers claiming the date used on line 6. the business and job development credit provide information aimed at helping the legislature assess the LINE 4: Mark the box which best describes the business economic impact of this credit. This information is captured activity performed at the QBF. on line 8b and lines A & B under Payroll Information – Retail or Service: these lines are not to be used to calculate the credit. • any commercial enterprise primarily engaged in the The Business and Job Development Credit sale at retail of goods or services taxable under the (K-34) Defined. This credit is a non-refundable tax credit Kansas retailers’ sales tax act; applied against income tax or privilege tax. It is allowable • any service provider set forth in K.S.A. 17-2707 to any Kansas taxpayer who shall invest in a qualified (doctor, lawyer, accountant, engineer, etc. - refer to business facility (QBF) and who shall hire a certain listing in the Q & As, available on our website at number of qualified business facility employees (QBFE) ksrevenue. gov) and amendments thereto; as a direct result of that QBF investment. There is no • any bank, savings and loan or other lending minimum amount of investment necessary to qualify; institution; however, some investment must have been made. • any commercial enterprise whose primary business Schedule K-34 tracks employees and investments for activity includes the sale of insurance; and the life of each credit. Schedule K-34, Part B should be • any commercial enterprise deriving its revenue from completed and submitted for every credit claimed; Parts noncommercial customers in exchange for personal C and D of the K-34 should be filled out once per facility services such as, but not limited to, barber shops, and added to as needed for the life of the credit. beauty shops, photographic studios and funeral services. Effective with tax year 2011, this credit is no longer Manufacturer: All commercial enterprises identified available in metro counties. Beginning in tax year under the manufacturing standard industrial classification 2012, it will not be available in metro and non-metro codes 20 through 39 or appropriate manufacturer NAICS counties. code.See pages 21 through 25. When to File. Schedule K-34 should be filed with the Contractor - Retailer: Any contractor other than a tax return in the tax year the investment became available. contractor-nonmanufacturer. Taxpayers electing to defer the credit must complete and Contractor - Nonmanufacturer: A contractor that enclose their K-34 with the tax return for which qualified primarily (more than 50%) engages in the following investment became available for use. If establishing a services shall be considered as a contractor- credit for the first time, the K-34 should be filed with the nonmanufacturer: original or amended return for the year qualified. If an • the service of installing or applying tangible personal entity is claiming both a retail or service credit and a property in connection with the original construction manufacturer or nonmanufacturer credit, complete a of a building or facility; separate K-34 for each type of business activity credit. • the original construction, reconstruction, restoration, SPECIFIC LINE INSTRUCTIONS remodeling, renovation, repair or replacement of a residence; or Complete the name and EIN information required at the top of Schedule K-34. If the taxpayer is a shareholder, • the construction, reconstruction, restoration, partner or member, enter the name of the S Corporation, replacement or repair of a bridge or highway. Partnership, LLC or LLP and the EIN of that entity on the Original construction shall mean the first or initial second line. construction of a new building or facility. The term “original construction” shall include the addition of an entire room PART A – DESCRIPTION OF QUALIFIED BUSINESS FACILITY or floor to any existing building or facility, the completion LINE 1: Enter the name and EIN of the legal entity making of any unfinished portion of any existing building or facility the investment at the QBF. and the restoration, reconstruction or replacement of a building or facility damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, LINE 2: Enter the location information for the QBF. tornado, lightning, explosion or earthquake, but such term, a. Street address or legal description of the qualified except with regard to a residence, shall not include business facility (cannot be a post office box). replacement, remodeling, restoration, renovation or b. City, county number (page 31) and county name reconstruction under any other circumstances. where the QBF is located. This information will Nonmanufacturer - Regular: Any commercial enterprise determine whether the credit is located in a other than a manufacturing business or retail business. metropolitan county, nonmetropolitan region or other region. (Note: Tax year 2010 is the last year Nonmanufacturer - Business Headquarters: A qualified this credit is available for metropolitan counties) facility where principal officers of the business are housed c. North American Industry Classification System and from which direction, management or administrative (NAICS) code for the type of activity conducted at support for transactions is provided for a business or the QBF. division of a business or a regional division of a business. 9 |
Enlarge image | Nonmanufacturer - Ancillary Support: A facility which is LINE 10 (column b): If this is a new credit, enter the operated by a business and whose function is to provide QBF investment from the appropriate column in Part D, services in support of the business but is not directly line 63. If this is a carry forward leave blank. engaged in the business’ primary function. To be considered ancillary support a declaration must be made LINE 11 (column a): If this is a new credit, enter credit by the Department of Commerce. factor from the appropriate column in Part D, line 66. For each of the nine succeeding tax years, enter credit Nonmanufacturer - NAICS codes: 45411 catalog and factor from the appropriate column in Part D, line 66. mail-order houses; 511210 pre-packaged software; or 711212 auto racetrack. LINE 11 (column b): If this is a new credit, enter credit LINE 5: Mark the box that best describes the type of factor from the appropriate column in Part D, line 66. If qualified investment made at this facility. this is a carry forward leave blank. New Facility: A new building at a new location. LINE 12 (column a): If this is a new credit, enter Investment or expansion at an existing facility: A building investment credit amount from the appropriate column addition or a new investment such as machinery and in Part D, line 67. For each of the nine succeeding tax equipment at an existing location. years, enter investment credit amount from the Move from old Kansas location to new Kansas location: appropriate column in Part D, line 67. A business whose operation relocates from one location LINE 12 (column b): If this is a new credit, enter the to another within Kansas. investment credit amount from the appropriate column Move from out of state to a new location in Kansas: An in Part D, line 67. If this is a carry forward leave blank. operation that relocates their physical business from another state to within Kansas. LINE 13 (columns a or column b): Add lines 9 and 12. Other: Describe the type of qualified investment that This should equal Part D, line 68 in the appropriate does not meet any of the above. column. No new investment: There is no new investment at the LINE 14 (column b): Corporate or Privilege Taxpayers: QBF during this tax year. Schedule K-34, Part C and D Enter the amount from line 13 orKansas tax liability (less are being completed to recompute an existing Retail or any other non-refundable credits), whichever is less. Also, Service credit, or to claim a manufacturer or enter this amount on the appropriate line of Form K-120 nonmanufacturer carry forward credit. or Form K-130. Individual Taxpayers: Skip this line. LINE 6: Enter the date the investment for this credit For taxpayers claiming carry forward only, enter the became operational or available for use by the taxpayer. amount of the available carry forward from line 15 of the LINE 7: Attach a description of the investment made at prior tax year’s Schedule K-34. the QBF during the tax year and how it directly relates to LINE 15 (column b): Corporate or Privilege Taxpayers: the hiring of the requisite number of additional employees. Subtract line 14 from line 13. Enter on line 70, Part D for PART B - COMPUTATION OF CREDIT FOR THIS K-34 the appropriate tax year. Amount cannot be less than zero. Individual Taxpayers: Skip this line. Complete Part C and D worksheet prior to filling in Part B. When computing Part B, use the column that Retail or Service coincides with the selection made on line 4, Part A. LINE 16 (column a): Enter the amount of QBF income. LINE 8a (column a): If this is a new credit, enter number Attach a schedule detailing how the QBF income was of QBFE from the appropriate column in Part C, line 40. determined. QBF income is the Kansas taxable income For each of the nine succeeding tax years, enter number derived by the taxpayer or legal entity making the of QBFE from the appropriate column in Part C, line 42. investment from the operation of the qualified facility. See LINE 8a (column b): If this is a new credit, enter number the example worksheet on page 8 of the Schedule K-34. of QBFE from the current year’s appropriate column in LINE 17 (column a): Corporate or Privilege Taxpayers: Part C, line 40. If this is a carry forward leave blank. The legal entity making the qualified investment must LINE 8b: Enter the total Kansas payroll for the qualified divide its QBF income by its total Kansas taxable income. business facility employees identified on line 8a. This percentage must then be multiplied by the legal entity’s Kansas income tax liability or privilege tax liability LINE 9 (column a): If this is a new credit, enter credit resulting in tax on the QBF income. See example on page amount from the appropriate column in Part C, line 43. 9. Individual Taxpayers: A sole proprietorship, partnership For each of the nine succeeding tax years, enter credit or S corporation must determine the QBF income. The amount from the appropriate column in Part C, line 43. sole proprietor, partner or shareholder must then multiply LINE 9 (column b): If this is a new credit, enter the credit the total QBF income by the percentage owned or per amount from the appropriate column in Part C, line 43. If share basis to arrive at the individual’s share of QBF this is a carry forward leave blank. income. The individuals share of QBF income must then LINE 10 (column a): If this is a new credit, enter the be multiplied by an effective tax rate. The effective tax QBF investment from the appropriate column in Part D, rate is the individual’s total Kansas tax liability divided by line 63. For each of the nine succeeding tax years, enter that individual’s total Kansas taxable income. The the QBF investment from the appropriate column in Part resulting amount is the tax on that individual’s QBF D, line 65. income. See example on page 10. 10 |
Enlarge image | LINE 18 (column a): Multiply line 17 by 50%. The determined by dividing the sum of the number of QBFE maximum amount allowed is 50% of the tax on QBF on the last business day of each full calendar month income. See example on page 9. during the portion of the taxable year in which the QBF LINE 19 (column a): Enter amount from line 13 or line was in operation by the number of full calendar months. In the case of an investment in a QBF which facility existed 18, whichever is less. Also, enter on the appropriate line and was operated by the taxpayer or related taxpayer of Form K-120 or Form K-130. prior to such investment, the number of QBFE employed Shareholder or Partner in the operation of the facility shall be reduced by the average number of individuals employed in the operation LINE 20 (column a or column b): Enter the percentage of the facility during the taxable year preceding the of ownership for this partner or per share basis for this taxable year in which the QBF investment was made at shareholder when credit was first qualified. the facility (base). LINE 21 (column a): Enter the partner or shareholder’s The information related to the number of QBFE must amount of credit. Multiply line 13 by line 20, or enter be computed on Part C of the Schedule K-34. Current amount on line 19 (whichever is less). year is the year for which the entity’s tax return is LINE 21 (column b): Enter the partner or shareholder’s being filed. amount of credit. Multiply line 13 by line 20. For taxpayers Retail or Service: When the taxpayer is considered claiming carry forward only, enter the amount of the as a “retail or service” or “contractor-retailer” business, available carry forward from line 24 of the prior tax year’s the number of QBFE must equal or exceed two. The Schedule K-34. number of QBFE will be the number computed the year LINE 22 (column a or column b): Enter the partner or the credit became available and will never increase, shareholder’s Kansas tax liability (less any other although it may decrease, if the number of QBFE for this nonrefundable credits). credit is not maintained for the succeeding nine years. LINE 23 (column a or column b): Enter the amount Manufacturer or Nonmanufacturer: When the from line 21 or line 22, whichever is less. Also enter this taxpayer meets the definitions of: amount on the appropriate line of Forms K-40 or K-41. a. manufacturer, the increase of QBFE must equal or exceed two. Credit Deferment: Enter the year the credit will be deferred (cannot exceed three years). Employees and investment b. nonmanufacturer, the increase of QBFE must equal must be maintained during the years the credit is or exceed five. deferred. Part C and Part D of Schedule K-34 must be c. business headquarters “ancillary support”, NAICS submitted for each of these years to report the QBFE code 45411, 511210 or 711212, the increase in and QBF investment. QBFE must equal or exceed twenty. LINE 24 (column b): Subtract line 23 from line 21. Enter Part C determines the number of qualified employees on line 70, PART D for the appropriate year. This amount at the facility and amount of employee credit. Data from cannot be less than zero. this schedule will be transferred to Part B, Schedule K-34. Part C displays all ten years that a retail or service Payroll Information credit has to be recomputed or each year that a LINE A: Enter the entity’s total number of employees in manufacturer or nonmanufacturer may have a carry the state of Kansas for this tax period. forward. Continue to use Part C Schedule K-34 from year to year until the ten years of the retail or service credit LINE B: Enter the total compensation paid during this tax has been exhausted or the carry forward is exhausted period for total number of employees reported on line A. for the manufacturer or nonmanufacturer. PART C - DETERMINING QUALIFIED EMPLOYEES AND CREDIT Retail or Service credit, use Columns A, B and C to A qualified business facility employee (QBFE) is defined establish a credit for the first time at a location, and a as a person who is employed by the taxpayer in the new column for each of the succeeding nine years to operation of the QBF as a direct result of the qualified recompute the credit or to start a new layer. A new column investment made during the taxable year for which the must be filled out to recompute the credit each year. credit is claimed. A person shall be considered engaged Manufacturer and Nonmanufacturer use Columns if such person performs duties in connection with the A, B and C to establish a credit at one location for the operation of the QBF on: A) regular, full-time basis, B) first time. The current year information must be filled out part-time basis, provided the person is customarily for each year that any carry forward is being claimed. performing such duties at least 20 hours per week Use the next column available for the current year to verify throughout the taxable year, or, C) seasonal basis, that the employees have been maintained. provided such person performs such duties for LINES 25 through 36 (column A): Enter the months in substantially all of the season customary for the position the order of the filing period being used by the legal entity. in which the person is employed. The number of QBFE during any taxable year shall be LINES 25 through 36 (column B): Enter year-end date determined by dividing by 12 the sum of the number of of the legal entity’s filing period for the prior taxable year. QBFE on the last business day of each month of the Column B is used to compute activity at the QBF prior to taxable year. If the QBF is in operation for less than the the year in which a credit is qualified. That is referred to entire taxable year, the number of QBFE shall be as the “base” year. 11 |
Enlarge image | If this is a new facility in Kansas or the operations have facility in this taxable year, the average number of moved from out of state to a new location in Kansas, this transferred employees should be included in the base column will be left blank. If the facility was in operation in amount. the prior tax year or the taxpayer has moved from a prior LINE 40 (columns C through L): Subtract line 39 from Kansas location, enter the total number of employees at line 38. If amount is less than the minimum increase this facility as of the last business day of each month of required for this credit (2, 5 or 20) then no credit is the taxable year preceding the tax year the investment allowed. If amount is a negative figure it must be removed initially qualified. from the employee counts on previous retail or service LINES 25 through 36 (columns C through L): Enter credit years (see EXAMPLE 1 below showing analysis of year end date of the legal entity’s filing period for the the fourth year). current year. Use column C if establishing a credit for the LINE 41 (columns C through L): Enter the number of first time and complete columns D through L for each decreased qualified employees from line 40 from the succeeding tax year of the credit for recomputing a retail current year. This number must be equal to or less than or service credit or for a manufacturer or the number of qualified employees being claimed on line nonmanufacturer carry forward. 40 (see EXAMPLE 1 below). Enter the total number of employees at the facility as of LINE 42 (columns C through L): Subtract line 41 from the last business day of each month of the taxable year line 40. This is the adjusted number of qualified the investment qualified. employees to be carried to line 8a, Part B, Schedule K-34. If the adjusted average number of employees falls LINE 37 (column B through L): Add amounts on lines below the minimum number of employees required to 25 through 36. claim a credit, then the credit is forfeited. LINE 38 (column B through L): Divide line 37 by the LINE 43 (columns C through L): Retail or Service: number of full months in this tax year the facility was Taxpayers meeting the definition of “retail or service” or available for use. The resulting number of employees must “contractor-retailer” and computing the employee credit then be rounded down to the next whole number. for the first year, multiply line 40 by $100. For the LINE 39 (columns C through L): For Column C enter succeeding tax years, multiply line 40 or line 42 by $100 number of base employees from line 38 in Column B or as applicable. Manufacturer/Nonmanufacturer: When the the prior taxable year. For columns D through L the taxpayer meets the definition of “manufacturer or average employees on line 38 becomes the base on line nonmanufacturer” and the QBF is located in: 39 for the current year. If current tax year column contains • A “nonmetropolitan region” - multiply line 40 by $2,500 employees that were transferred from another Kansas • Any “other region” - multiply line 40 by $1,500 EXAMPLE 1 (for lines 40 and 41) – Retail or Service Credit Only (C) (D) (E) (F) First year Second year Third year Fourth year employees employees employees employees Line 38 Average Employees 12 15 15 10 Line 39 Base Employees 0 12 15 15 Line 40 Qualified Employees 12 3 0 -5 Line 41 Decrease in Employees -2** -3** * Line 42 Adjusted Employees 10 0 0 0 * No credit was established for this year, no employees to deduct. ** Line 41 was computed by decreasing by 3 of the 5 employees lost in the fourth year. Additional decreases of employees in succeeding years should be added to line 41, column C and line 42 adjusted accordingly. PART D - DETERMINING QUALIFIED INVESTMENT AND CREDIT The qualified business facility investment shall be determined by dividing by twelve the sum of the total Qualified business facility investment is the value of value of such property at that facility on the last business the real and tangible personal property, except inventory day of each calendar month of the taxable year. If the or property held for sale to customers in the ordinary QBF is in operation for less than an entire taxable year, course of the taxpayer’s business, which constitutes the the qualified business facility investment shall be qualified business facility, or which is used by the taxpayer determined by dividing the sum of the total value of such in the operation of the qualified business facility, during property at that facility on the last business day of each the taxable year for which the business and job full calendar month during the portion of such taxable development credit is claimed. The value of such property year during which the qualified business facility was in during the taxable year shall be: 1) its original cost if owned operation by the number of full calendar months during by the taxpayer; or 2) eight times the net annual rental the period. In the case of an investment in a QBF which rate if leased by the taxpayer. existed and was operated by the taxpayer or related 12 |
Enlarge image | taxpayer prior to such investment, the amount of the LINE 59 (column B through L): Add amounts on lines taxpayer’s QBF investment shall be reduced by the 57 and 58. average amount of QBF investment of the taxpayer or LINE 60 (column C through L): For Column C enter related taxpayer in the facility for the taxable year amount of base investment from line 59, Column B or preceding the taxable year in which the QBF investment the prior taxable year. For columns D through L the was made at the facility (base). average investment on line 59 becomes the base on line Part D, Schedule K-34 determines the amount of 60 for current year. If current tax year column contains qualified investment at the facility and the amount of investment that was transferred from another Kansas investment credit. This information will be transferred to facility in this taxable year, the average amount of that Part B, Schedule K-34. Part D displays all ten years that transferred investment should be included in the base a retail or service credit has to be recomputed. Continue amount. to use Part D from year to year until the ten years of the retail or service credit has been exhausted. LINE 61 (column C through L): Subtract line 60 from line 59. This is the total of investment in excess of the Current year is the year for which the entity’s base. Column C, or current taxable year is a negative tax return is being filed. number stop here, you are not qualified for the credit. LINE 62 (column C through L): Enter the average Retail or Service credit use columns A, B and C to amount of investment that was made during the year(s) establish a credit for the first time at a location, and a that did not directly result in the hiring of qualified new column for each succeeding nine years to recompute employees. This will include investment made during this the credit or to start a new layer. A new column must be tax year and prior tax years since the qualified investment filled out to recompute the credit each year. was made. If this is qualified investment at a new location, Manufacturer and Nonmanufacturer use columns no entry will be made on this line. If you made qualified A, B and C to establish a credit at one location for the investment at an existing facility, you must enter the first time. Investment information must be completed for portion of the new investment that did not directly result the initial year the credit is claimed but not for succeeding in the hiring of qualified employees. This amount will be years if only claiming available carry forward. subtracted from the total qualified business facility investment. LINES 44 through 55 (column A): Enter the months in the order of the filing period being used by the legal entity. LINE 63 (column C through L): Subtract line 62 from line 61. This is the amount of investment that qualifies LINES 44 through 55 (column B): Enter year end date for the credit.For the first year, if this is a negative number of the legal entity’s taxable year preceding the tax year then this current year does not qualify for the credit. For the investment initially qualified. Column B is used to retail or service credits, columns D through L must be compute activity at the QBF prior to the year in which a taken from the investment amounts on previous retail credit is qualified. That is referred to as the “base” year. service credit years (see EXAMPLE 2 on next page). Enter the total amount of investment at the facility as of LINE 64 (column C through L): Retail or Services the last business day of each month of the taxable year credits, for columns D through L, enter the difference in the investment qualified. amount of qualified business facility investment change LINES 44 through 55 (columns C through L): Enter due to a decrease after computing current investment the year end date of the legal entity’s filing period for the (see EXAMPLE 2 showing an analysis of the fourth year.) current year. Use column C if establishing a credit for the LINE 65 (column C through L): Subtract line 64 from first time and complete columns D through L for each line 63. succeeding tax year of the credit for recomputing a retail or service credit. Manufacturers and nonmanufacturers LINE 66 (column C through L): Divide line 65 by do not have to complete these unless establishing a $100,000. If the remainder is $51,000 or more, round to new credit. the next higher credit factor number. If the adjusted Enter the total investment at the facility as of the end of qualified investment is less than $51,000, but greater each full month of operation at the qualified business than zero, the investment credit is zero. However, the facility. If the QBF was in operation for only three full associated employee credit is still eligible. months during the tax year, you would only enter those LINE 67 (column C through L): This is the total amount three months. of credit available for your qualified investment. (Multiply LINE 56 (column B through L): Add amounts on lines line 66 by $100 or $1,000, whichever applies to your 44 through 55. type of business as shown on page 1, line 4 of Schedule K-34.) LINE 57 (column B through L): Divide line 56 by the LINE 68 (column C through L): Add line 43 of Part C - number of full months in the tax year the facility was Total Employee Credit to line 67 of Part D - Total available for use. Investment Credit. LINE 58 (column B through L): Property rented by the LINE 69 (column C through L): Enter the amount of taxpayer and used at the QBF is valued at eight times credit being used for the current filing period and the the net annual rental rate. cumulative amount of credit used from prior periods. 13 |
Enlarge image | LINE 70 (column C through L): (Manufacturer or • nonmanufacturing must equal at least 5 qualified Nonmanufacturer only.) Subtract line 69 from line 68. business facility employees If you have a credit carry forward you must maintain the • business headquarters, ancillary support or NAICS minimum number of qualified employees in the codes 45411, 511210, and 711212 must equal an succeeding tax year in order to claim any remaining carry increase of at least 20 employees. forward credit. That minimum number is as follows: If you fail to maintain the minimum number of qualified • manufacturing must equal at least 2 qualified business employees the amount of remaining carry forward credit facility employees is forfeited. EXAMPLE 2 (for lines 63 and 64) – Retail or Service Credit Only (C) (D) (E) (F) First year Second year Third year Fourth year Investment investment investment investment investment Line 59 Total investment $25,000 $30,000 $29,500 $27,000 Line 60 Base investment 0 25,000 30,000 29,500 Line 61 Increased investment 25,000 5,000 -500 -2,500 Line 62 Non-related investment 0 0 0 0 Line 63 Average qualified investment 25,000 5,000 -500 -2,500 Line 64 Decrease in investment* 0 -3,000 (-500 -2,500) 0 0 Line 65 Adjusted qualified investment 25,000 2,000 0 0 * Line 64 was computed by decreasing line 63 by the amounts lost in the third and fourth year. Additional decreases in investment should be added to line 64, Column C and line 65 adjusted accordingly. In EXAMPLE 2, the first year’s increased investment in line 59 is $25,000. In the second year it is $5,000 (line 61). In the third year, there was a decrease in investment of $500. This decrease affects the prior computations of investment. The decrease of $500 is subtracted from the second year’s increased investment of $5,000 for a net increase remaining of $4,500. In the fourth year, the investment decreased by another $2,500. This decrease offsets the second year’s investment. The total decrease is $3,000 [–$500 (third year of increased investment) -$2,500 (fourth year of increased investment)]. The revised qualified investment for the second year is left at $2,000, line 65. DEFINITIONS AND TERMS Business Headquarters: A facility where principal officers of the business are housed and from which Ancillary Support: A facility which is operated by a direction, management or administrative support for business and whose function is to provide services in transactions is provided for a business or division of a support of the business, but is not directly engaged in the business or regional division of a business. (K.S.A. business’ primary function. (K.S.A. 74-50,114(a)) 74-50,114(c)) Any ancillary support business which would otherwise Commencement of Commercial Operations: be eligible for an income or privilege tax credit shall Commencement of commercial operations shall be incorporate in its tax filing for the credit a statement from deemed to occur during the first taxable year for which the secretary of commerce which includes a finding by the QBF is first available for use by the taxpayer, or first the secretary that the job expansion incident to the credit capable of being used by the taxpayer, in the revenue claimed would not have occurred in the absence of the producing enterprise in which the taxpayer intends to use credit. (K.S.A. 74-50,114(g)) the QBF. (K.S.A. 79-32,154(f)) Base: The average employees and investment that Facility: A facility is defined as any factory, mill, plant, refinery, warehouse, feedlot, building or complex of reduce the current tax period computation of the credit. If buildings located within the state, including the land on the qualified business facility (QBF) was in operation prior which the facility is located and all machinery, equipment, to the implementation of the qualified business facility and other real and tangible personal property located income (QBFI), an average of the prior tax periods at or within a facility and used in connection with the employees and investment is computed. If the investment operation of the facility. The word building shall include is in a new facility or is new to Kansas the base would be only structures within which individuals are customarily zero. If the investment is being moved from one location employed or which are customarily used to house in Kansas to another location in Kansas, the base would machinery, equipment or other property. (K.S.A. be the average number of employees and average 79-32,154(a)) If there is a complex of buildings, the entire investment in the taxable year preceding the taxable year complex, including all buildings in the complex, is in which the qualified business facility investment was considered by KDOR (Kansas Department of Revenue) made at the new Kansas location. to be a single facility. Business: Business means any manufacturing business Facility Types that Cannot Claim this Credit: No or nonmanufacturing business. (K.S.A. 74-50,114(b)) credit will be allowed for an investment in a public utility 14 |
Enlarge image | as defined in K.S.A. 66-104 and amendments thereto, 1. The facility must be employed by the taxpayer in or a swine production facility as defined in K.S.A. 17- the operation of a revenue producing enterprise as 5903 and amendments thereto. defined. It will not be considered a QBF if the taxpayer’s Leaving the Facility-Investment/Employees: No only activity is to lease it to another person or firm. If the credit will be allowed for any investment that leaves the taxpayer employs only a portion of the facility in the facility per K.S.A. 79-32,153(a) and 79-32,160(a). This operation of a revenue producing enterprise, and leases would include, but not be limited to, motorized vehicles. another portion of the facility to another person or firm or does not otherwise use the other portion in the Where an employee performs services for the taxpayer operation of a revenue producing enterprise, that portion outside the QBF, the employee shall be considered employed by the taxpayer in the operation of a revenue engaged or maintained in employment at the QBF if: producing enterprise shall be considered a QBF if the 1) the employee’s service performed outside the QBF is other requirements in (2) below are met. incidental to the employee’s service inside the QBF or, 2) the base of operations or, the place from which the 2. If the facility was acquired by the taxpayer from service is directed or controlled, is at the QBF. another person or firm, the facility must not have been employed immediately prior to the transfer of its title to Manufacturing Business: Manufacturing business the taxpayer, or to the commencement of the term of the means all commercial enterprises identified under the lease of the facility to the taxpayer, by any other person manufacturing Standard Industrial Classification Codes, or firm in the operation of a revenue producing enterprise major groups 20 through 39. (K.S.A. 74-50,114(e)) and the taxpayer continues the operation of the same or KDOR would find that any commercial enterprise which substantially identical revenue producing enterprise. has been identified under the manufacturing sector under (K.S.A. 79-32,154(b)) the North American Industry Classification system shall Qualified Business Facility Employee (QBFE): A also be considered as a manufacturing business for QBFE is defined as a person who is employed by the purposes of the business and job development credit. taxpayer in the operation of a QBF during the taxable Metropolitan County: Metropolitan county means year for which the credit is claimed. A person will be the county of Douglas, Johnson, Leavenworth, Sedgwick, deemed to be so engaged if they perform duties in Shawnee or Wyandotte. (K.S.A. 74-50,114(f)) Note: connection with the operation of the QBF on a: 1) regular Legislation repealed the businesses & job development full-time basis; 2) part-time basis, providing the person tax credits (both jobs and investment) for all metro normally performs this type of duty at least twenty hours counties starting in tax year 2011 (Douglas, Johnson, each week throughout the taxable year or, 3) seasonal Leavenworth, Sedgwick, Shawnee, and Wyandotte). basis, provided the employee performs duties for Nonmanufacturing Business: Nonmanufacturing substantially all of the season for which employees are business means any commercial enterprise other than a customarily hired. manufacturing business or retail business. The number of QBFEs during any taxable year shall Nonmanufacturing business shall also include the be determined by dividing by twelve the sum of the business headquarters of an enterprise, ancillary support number of QBFEs on the last business day of each month of an enterprise, and an enterprise designated under of the taxable year. If the QBF is in operation for less standard industrial classification codes 5961, 7948-0201 than the entire taxable year, the number of QBFEs shall or 7372 regardless of the firm’s classification as a retail be determined by dividing the sum of the number of business if that facility facilitates the creation of at least QBFEs on the last business day of each full calendar 20 new full-time employees. (K.S.A. 74-50,114(g)) month during the portion of the taxable year during which Nonmetropolitan Region: A region established under the QBF was in operation by the number of full calendar K.S.A. 74-50,116 and amendments thereto and is months during the period. In the case of an investment comprised of any county or counties which are not in a QBF, which facility existed and was operated by the metropolitan counties. (K.S.A. 74-50,114(h)) taxpayer or related taxpayer prior to new investment. The number of QBFEs employed in the operation of the facility KDOC (Kansas Department of Commerce) designates shall be reduced by the average number, computed as the non-metropolitan regions for a specified period of provided in this paragraph, of individuals employed in time. Any taxpayer that invests in a QBF that is located in the operation of the facility during the taxable year a designated nonmetropolitan region will be allowed an preceding the taxable year in which the QBF investment enhanced credit for QBF employees. was made at the facility. (K.S.A. 79-32,154(d)) Nonqualified Employees or Investment: Qualified Business Facility (QBF) Income: Qualified Employees and investment that are transferred from one Business Facility Income shall mean the Kansas taxable Kansas facility to another are not allowed to be included income derived by the taxpayer from the operation of as increased employees or increased investment. the QBF. If a taxpayer has income derived from the Other Region: A county or region that has not been operation of a QBF as well as from other activities designated as a metropolitan county by statute and has conducted within this state, the Kansas taxable income not been designated by KDOC as a nonmetropolitan derived by the taxpayer from the operation of the QBF region. shall be determined by multiplying the taxpayer’s Kansas Qualified Business Facility (QBF): QBF shall mean taxable income by a fraction, the numerator of which is a facility that meets the following requirements: the property factor as defined below, plus the payroll 15 |
Enlarge image | factor, as defined below, and the denominator of which is by the taxpayer; 2) an individual, corporation, two. In the case of financial institutions, the property and partnership, trust or association in control of the taxpayer payroll factors shall be computed utilizing the specific or, 3) a corporation, partnership, trust or association provisions of the apportionment method applicable to controlled by an individual, corporation, partnership, trust financial institutions, if enacted, and the QBF income shall or association in control of the taxpayer. For the purposes be based upon net income. of this act, “control of a corporation” shall mean The property factor is a fraction, the numerator of which ownership, directly or indirectly, of stock possessing at is the average value of the taxpayer’s real and tangible least 80% of the total combined voting power of all classes personal property owned or rented and used in of stock entitled to vote and at least 80% of all other connection with the operation of the QBF during the tax classes of stock of the corporation; “control of a period, and the denominator of which is the average value partnership or association” shall mean ownership of at of all the taxpayer’s real and tangible personal property least 80% of the capital or profits interest in such owned or rented and used in this state during the tax partnership or association; and “control of a trust” shall period. The average value of all such property shall be mean ownership, directly or indirectly of at least 80% of determined as provided in K.S.A. 79-3281 and 79-3282, the beneficial interest in the principal or income of such and amendments thereto. trust. (K.S.A. 79-32,154(h)) The payroll factor is a fraction, the numerator of which Retail or Service Business: Retail or Service is the total amount paid during the tax period by the Business means: 1) any commercial enterprise primarily taxpayer for compensation to persons qualifying as QBF engaged in the sale at retail of goods or services taxable employees at the QBF, and the denominator of which is under the Kansas retailer’s sales tax act; 2) any service the total amount paid in this state during the tax period provider set forth in K.S.A. 17-2707, and amendments by the taxpayer for compensation. The compensation thereto; 3) any bank, savings and loan or other lending paid in this state shall be determined as provided in K.S.A. institution; 4) any commercial enterprise whose primary 79-3283, and amendments thereto. business activity includes the sale of insurance and, 5) The formula set forth shall not be used for any purpose any commercial enterprise deriving its revenues directly other than determining the QBF income attributable to a from noncommercial customers in exchange for personal QBF. (K.S.A. 79-32,154(g)) services such as, but not limited to, barber shops, beauty Qualified Business Facility (QBF) Investment: QBF shops, photographic studios and funeral services. (K.S.A. investment shall mean the value of the real and tangible 74-50,114(i)) personal property, except inventory or property held for sale to customers in the ordinary course of the taxpayer’s Revenue Producing Enterprise: A revenue business, which constitutes the QBF, or which is used by producing enterprise is defined as one of the following: the taxpayer in the operation of the QBF, during the • The assembly, fabrication, manufacture or taxable year for which the business and job development processing of any agricultural, mineral or credit is claimed. The value of such property during such manufactured product; taxable year shall be: 1) its original cost if owned by the • The storage, warehousing, distribution or sale of any taxpayer, or 2) eight times the net annual rental rate, if products of agriculture, aquaculture, mining or leased by the taxpayer. The net annual rental rate shall manufacturing; be the annual rent rate paid by the taxpayer less any • The feeding of livestock at a feedlot; annual rental rate received by the taxpayer from • The operation of laboratories or other facilities for sub-rentals. scientific, agricultural, aquacultural, animal The QBF investment shall be determined by dividing husbandry or industrial research, development or by twelve the sum of the total value of such property at testing; that facility on the last business day of each calendar • The performance of services of any type; month of the taxable year. If the QBF is in operation for • The feeding of aquatic plants and animals at an less than an entire taxable year, the amount of QBF aquaculture operation; investment shall be determined by dividing the sum of • The administrative management of any of the the total value of such property at that facility on the last foregoing activities; or, business day of each full calendar month during the • Any combination of the above activities. portion of such taxable year during which the QBF was in operation by the number of full calendar months during Revenue producing enterprise shall not mean a swine such period. In the case of an investment in a QBF, which production facility as defined in K.S.A. 17-5903, and facility existed and was operated by the taxpayer or amendments thereto. (K.S.A. 79-32,154(c)) related taxpayer prior to such investment, the amount of Same or Substantially Identical Revenue the taxpayer’s QBF investment in such facility shall be Producing Enterprise: A revenue producing enterprise reduced by the average amount, computed as provided in which the products produced or sold, services in this paragraph, of the investment of the taxpayer or a performed or activities conducted are the same in related taxpayer in the facility for the taxable year character and use, are produced, sold, performed or preceding the taxable year in which the QBF investment conducted in the same manner and to or for the same was made at the facility. (K.S.A. 79-32,154(e)) type of customers as the products, services or activities Related Taxpayer: Related taxpayer shall mean: 1) a produced, sold, performed or conducted in another corporation, partnership, trust or association controlled revenue producing enterprise. (K.S.A. 79-32,154(i)) 16 |
Enlarge image | NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (NAICS) CODES AND TITLE DESCRIPTIONS Effective July 1, 2010, K.S.A. 74-50,131 Kansas enterprise zone act changed citations from (SIC) Standard Industrial Classification code to (NAICS) the North American Industry Classification System NAICS codes, developed under the authority of the office of management and budget of the office of the president of the United States, replaces the SIC codes and is an industry classification system that groups establishments into industries based on the activities in which they are primarily engaged. The Kansas Department of Revenue has made a preliminary categorization of the NAICS codes to allow the taxpayer to determine which industry group the taxpayer’s business activity is under. However, exceptions do occur. Industry groups are allowed different amounts of credit, require different levels of qualified employees and methods of computation. The industry groups are divided into four groups: (1) Manufacturing; (2) Nonmanufacturing; (3) Retail and Services; and (4) Retail or Nonmanufacturing (depending upon the ultimate consumer). Any questions regarding a specific industry group may be directed to the Office of Policy and Research, Kansas Department of Revenue, PO Box 3506, Topeka, KS 666101-3506. The following is a list of NAICS codes and title descriptions. The NAICS code for your business facility must be entered on line 2c, Schedule K-34. MANUFACTURING K.S.A. 74-50,114(e) provides the definition of a manufacturing business as “all commercial enterprises identified under the manufacturing NAICS subsectors 311 to 339. Manufacturing 311613 Rendering and Meat By-product 313112 Yarn Texturizing, Throwing, and 311111 Dog and Cat Food Processing Twisting Mills Manufacturing 311615 Poultry Processing 313113 Thread Mills 311119 Other Animal Food 311711 Seafood Canning 313210 Broadwoven Fabric Mills Manufacturing 311712 Fresh and Frozen Seafood 313221 Narrow Fabric Mills 311211 Flour Milling Processing 313222 Schiffli Machine Embroidery 311212 Rice Milling 311811 Retail Bakeries 313230 Nonwoven Fabric Mills 311213 Malt Manufacturing 311812 Commercial Bakeries 313241 Weft Knit Fabric Mills 311221 Wet Corn Milling 311813 Frozen Cakes, Pies, and Other 313249 Other Knit Fabric and Lace Mills 311222 Soybean Processing Pastries Manufacturing 313311 Broadwoven Fabric Finishing 311223 Other Oilseed Processing 311821 Cookie and Cracker Mills 311225 Fats and Oils Refining and Manufacturing 313312 Textile and Fabric Finishing Blending 311822 Flour Mixes and Dough (except Broadwoven Fabric) 311230 Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing Manufacturing from Purchased Mills 311311 Sugarcane Mills Flour 313320 Fabric Coating Mills 311312 Cane Sugar Refining 311823 Dry Pasta Manufacturing 314110 Carpet and Rug Mills 311313 Beet Sugar Manufacturing 311830 Tortilla Manufacturing 314121 Curtain and Drapery Mills 311320 Chocolate and Confectionery 311911 Roasted Nuts and Peanut 314129 Other Household Textile Manufacturing from Cacao Butter Manufacturing Product Mills Beans 311919 Other Snack Food 314911 Textile Bag Mills 311330 Confectionery Manufacturing Manufacturing 314912 Canvas and Related Product from Purchased Chocolate 311920 Coffee and Tea Manufacturing Mills 311340 Nonchocolate Confectionery 311930 Flavoring Syrup and 314991 Rope, Cordage, and Twine Mills Manufacturing Concentrate Manufacturing 314992 Tire Cord and Tire Fabric Mills 311411 Frozen Fruit, Juice, and 311941 Mayonnaise, Dressing, and 314999 All Other Miscellaneous Textile Vegetable Manufacturing Other Prepared Sauce Product Mills 311412 Frozen Specialty Food Manufacturing 315111 Sheer Hosiery Mills Manufacturing 311942 Spice and Extract Manufacturing 315119 Other Hosiery and Sock Mills 311421 Fruit and Vegetable Canning 311991 Perishable Prepared Food 315191 Outerwear Knitting Mills 311422 Specialty Canning Manufacturing 315192 Underwear and Nightwear 311423 Dried and Dehydrated Food 311999 All Other Miscellaneous Food Knitting Mills Manufacturing Manufacturing 315211 Mens and Boys’ Cut and Sew 311511 Fluid Milk Manufacturing 312111 Soft Drink Manufacturing Apparel Contractors 311512 Creamery Butter Manufacturing 312112 Bottled Water Manufacturing 315212 Womens, Girls’, and Infants’ Cut 311513 Cheese Manufacturing 312113 Ice Manufacturing and Sew Apparel Contractors 311514 Dry, Condensed, and 312120 Breweries 315221 Mens and Boys’ Cut and Sew Evaporated Dairy Product 312130 Wineries Underwear and Nightwear Manufacturing 312140 Distilleries Manufacturing 311520 Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert 312210 Tobacco Stemming and 315222 Mens and Boys’ Cut and Sew Manufacturing Redrying Suit, Coat, and Overcoat 311611 Animal (except Poultry) 312221 Cigarette Manufacturing Manufacturing Slaughtering 312229 Other Tobacco Product 315223 Mens and Boys’ Cut and Sew 311612 Meat Processed from Manufacturing Shirt (except Work Shirt) Carcasses 313111 Yarn Spinning Mills Manufacturing 17 |
Enlarge image | 315224 Mens and Boys’ Cut and Sew 321992 Prefabricated Wood Building 325181 Alkalies and Chlorine Trouser, Slack, and Jean Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 321999 All Other Miscellaneous Wood 325182 Carbon Black Manufacturing 315225 Mens and Boys’ Cut and Sew Product Manufacturing 325188 All Other Basic Inorganic Work Clothing Manufacturing 322110 Pulp Mills Chemical Manufacturing 315228 Mens and Boys’ Cut and Sew 322121 Paper (except Newsprint) Mills 325191 Gum and Wood Chemical Other Outerwear Manufacturing 322122 Newsprint Mills Manufacturing 315231 Womens and Girls’ Cut and 322130 Paperboard Mills 325192 Cyclic Crude and Intermediate Sew Lingerie, Loungewear, and 322211 Corrugated and Solid Fiber Box Manufacturing Nightwear Manufacturing Manufacturing 325193 Ethyl Alcohol Manufacturing 315232 Womens and Girls’ Cut and 322212 Folding Paperboard Box All Other Basic Organic Sew Blouse and Shirt Manufacturing Chemical Manufacturing Manufacturing 322213 Setup Paperboard Box 325211 Plastics Material and Resin 315233 Womens and Girls’ Cut and Manufacturing Manufacturing Sew Dress Manufacturing 322214 Fiber Can, Tube, Drum, and 325212 Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing 315234 Womens and Girls’ Cut and Similar Products Manufacturing 325221 Cellulosic Organic Fiber Sew Suit, Coat, Tailored Jacket, 322215 Nonfolding Sanitary Food Manufacturing and Skirt Manufacturing Container Manufacturing 325222 Noncellulosic Organic Fiber 315239 Womens and Girls’ Cut and 322221 Coated and Laminated Manufacturing Sew Other Outerwear Packaging Paper and Plastics 325311 Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing Film Manufacturing Manufacturing 315291 Infants’ Cut and Sew Apparel 322222 Coated and Laminated Paper 325312 Phosphatic Fertilizer Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 315292 Fur and Leather Apparel 322223 Coated Paper Bag and Pouch 325314 Fertilizer (mixing only) Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 315299 All Other Cut and Sew Apparel 322224 Uncoated Paper and Multiwall 325320 Pesticide and Other Agricultural Manufacturing Bag Manufacturing Chemical Manufacturing 315991 Hat, Cap, and Millinery 322225 Laminated Aluminum Foil 325411 Medicinal and Botanical Manufacturing Manufacturing for Flexible Manufacturing 315992 Glove and Mitten Manufacturing Packaging Uses 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation 315993 Mens and Boys’ Neckwear 322226 Surface-Coated Paperboard Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 325413 In-Vitro Diagnostic Substance 315999 Other Apparel Accessories and 322231 Die-Cut Paper and Paperboard Manufacturing Other Apparel Manufacturing Office Supplies Manufacturing 325414 Biological Product (except 316110 Leather and Hide Tanning and 322232 Envelope Manufacturing Diagnostic) Manufacturing Finishing 322233 Stationery, Tablet, and Related 325510 Paint and Coating 316211 Rubber and Plastics Footwear Product Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 322291 Sanitary Paper Product 325520 Adhesive Manufacturing 316212 House Slipper Manufacturing Manufacturing 325611 Soap and Other Detergent 316213 Mens Footwear (except Athletic) 322299 All Other Converted Paper Manufacturing Manufacturing Product Manufacturing 325612 Polish and Other Sanitation 316214 Womens Footwear (except 323110 Commercial Lithographic Good Manufacturing Athletic) Manufacturing Printing 325613 Surface Active Agent 316219 Other Footwear Manufacturing 323111 Commercial Gravure Printing Manufacturing 316991 Luggage Manufacturing 323112 Commercial Flexographic 325620 Toilet Preparation 316992 Womens Handbag and Purse Printing Manufacturing Manufacturing 323113 Commercial Screen Printing 325910 Printing Ink Manufacturing 316993 Personal Leather Good (except 323114 Quick Printing 325920 Explosives Manufacturing Womens Handbag and Purse) 323115 Digital Printing 325991 Custom Compounding of Manufacturing 323116 Manifold Business Forms Purchased Resins 316999 All Other Leather Good Printing 325992 Photographic Film, Paper, Manufacturing 323117 Books Printing Plate, and Chemical 321113 Sawmills 323118 Blankbook, Looseleaf Binders, Manufacturing 321114 Wood Preservation and Devices Manufacturing 325998 All Other Miscellaneous 321211 Hardwood Veneer and Plywood 323119 Other Commercial Printing Chemical Product and Manufacturing 323121 Tradebinding and Related Preparation Manufacturing 321212 Softwood Veneer and Plywood Work 326111 Plastics Bag and Pouch Manufacturing 323122 Prepress Services Manufacturing 321213 Engineered Wood Member 324110 Petroleum Refineries 326112 Plastics Packaging Film and (except Truss) Manufacturing 324121 Asphalt Paving Mixture and Sheet (including Laminated) 321214 Truss Manufacturing Block Manufacturing Manufacturing 321219 Reconstituted Wood Product 324122 Asphalt Shingle and Coating 326113 Unlaminated Plastics Film and Manufacturing Materials Manufacturing Sheet (except Packaging) 321911 Wood Window and Door 324191 Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Manufacturing Manufacturing Grease Manufacturing 326121 Unlaminated Plastics Profile 321912 Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, 324199 All Other Petroleum and Coal Shape Manufacturing and Planing Products Manufacturing 326122 Plastics Pipe and Pipe Fitting 321918 Other Millwork (including 325110 Petrochemical Manufacturing Manufacturing Flooring) 325120 Industrial Gas Manufacturing 326130 Laminated Plastics Plate, 321920 Wood Container and Pallet 325131 Inorganic Dye and Pigment Sheet (except Packaging), and Manufacturing Manufacturing Shape Manufacturing 321991 Manufactured Home (Mobile 325132 Synthetic Organic Dye and 326140 Polystyrene Foam Product Home) Manufacturing Pigment Manufacturing Manufacturing 18 |
Enlarge image | 326150 Urethane and Other Foam 331312 Primary Aluminum Production 332439 Other Metal Container Product (except Polystyrene) 331314 Secondary Smelting and Manufacturing Manufacturing Alloying of Aluminum 332510 Hardware Manufacturing 326160 Plastics Bottle Manufacturing 331315 Aluminum Sheet, Plate, and 332611 Spring (Heavy Gauge) 326191 Plastics Plumbing Fixture Foil Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 331316 Aluminum Extruded Product 332612 Spring (Light Gauge) 326192 Resilient Floor Covering Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 331319 Other Aluminum Rolling and 332618 Other Fabricated Wire Product 326199 All Other Plastics Product Drawing Manufacturing Manufacturing 331411 Primary Smelting and Refining 332710 Machine Shops 326211 Tire Manufacturing (except of Copper 332721 Precision Turned Product Retreading) 331419 Primary Smelting and Refining Manufacturing 326212 Tire Retreading of Nonferrous Metal (except 332722 Bolt, Nut, Screw, Rivet, and 326220 Rubber and Plastics Hoses Copper and Aluminum) Washer Manufacturing and Belting Manufacturing 331421 Copper Rolling, Drawing, and 332811 Metal Heat Treating 326291 Rubber Product Manufacturing Extruding 332812 Metal Coating, Engraving (except for Mechanical Use 331422 Copper Wire (except Jewelry and Silverware), and 326299 All Other Rubber Product Mechanical) Drawing Allied Services to Manufacturers Manufacturing 331423 Secondary Smelting, Refining, 332813 Electroplating, Plating, 327111 Vitreous China Plumbing and Alloying of Copper Polishing, Anodizing, and Fixture and China and 331491 Nonferrous Metal (except Coloring Earthenware Bathroom Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, 332911 Industrial Valve Manufacturing Accessories Manufacturing Drawing, and Extruding 332912 Fluid Power Valve and Hose 327112 Vitreous China, Fine 331492 Secondary Smelting, Refining, Fitting Manufacturing Earthenware, and Other Pottery and Alloying of Nonferrous 332913 Plumbing Fixture Fitting and Product Manufacturing Metal (except Copper and Trim Manufacturing 327113 Porcelain Electrical Supply Aluminum) 332919 Other Metal Valve and Pipe Manufacturing 331511 Iron Foundries Fitting Manufacturing 327121 Brick and Structural Clay Tile 331512 Steel Investment Foundries 332919 Ball and Roller Bearing Manufacturing 331513 Steel Foundries (except Manufacturing 327122 Ceramic Wall and Floor Tile Investment) 332992 Small Arms Ammunition Manufacturing 331521 Aluminum Die-Casting Manufacturing 327123 Other Structural Clay Product Foundries 332993 Ammunition (except Small Manufacturing 331522 Nonferrous (except Aluminum) Arms) Manufacturing 327124 Clay Refractory Manufacturing Die-Casting Foundries 332994 Small Arms Manufacturing 327125 Nonclay Refractory 331524 Aluminum Foundries (except 332995 Other Ordnance and Manufacturing Die-Casting) Accessories Manufacturing 327211 Flat Glass Manufacturing 331525 Copper Foundries (except Die- 332996 Fabricated Pipe and Pipe Fitting 327212 Other Pressed and Blown Casting) Manufacturing Glass and Glassware 331528 Other Nonferrous Foundries 332997 Industrial Pattern Manufacturing Manufacturing (except Die-Casting) 332998 Enameled Iron and Metal 327213 Glass Container Manufacturing 332111 Iron and Steel Forging Sanitary Ware Manufacturing 327215 Glass Product Manufacturing 332112 Nonferrous Forging 332999 All Other Miscellaneous Made of Purchased Glass 332114 Custom Roll Forming Fabricated Metal Product 327310 Cement Manufacturing 332115 Crown and Closure Manufacturing 327320 Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing 333111 Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing 332116 Metal Stamping Manufacturing 327331 Concrete Block and Brick 332117 Powder Metallurgy Part 333112 Lawn and Garden Tractor and Manufacturing Manufacturing Home Lawn and Garden 327332 Concrete Pipe Manufacturing 332211 Cutlery and Flatware (except Equipment Manufacturing 327390 Other Concrete Product Precious) Manufacturing 333120 Construction Machinery Manufacturing 332212 Hand and Edge Tool Manufacturing 327410 Lime Manufacturing Manufacturing 333131 Mining Machinery and 327420 Gypsum Product Manufacturing 332213 Saw Blade and Handsaw Equipment Manufacturing 327910 Abrasive Product Manufacturing Manufacturing 333132 Oil and Gas Field Machinery 327991 Cut Stone and Stone Product 332214 Kitchen Utensil, Pot, and Pan and Equipment Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 333210 Sawmill and Woodworking 327992 Ground or Treated Mineral and 332311 Prefabricated Metal Building Machinery Manufacturing Earth Manufacturing and Component Manufacturing 333220 Plastics and Rubber Industry 327993 Mineral Wool Manufacturing 332312 Fabricated Structural Metal Machinery Manufacturing 327999 All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing 333291 Paper Industry Machinery Nonmetallic Mineral Product 332313 Plate Work Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 332321 Metal Window and Door 333292 Textile Machinery Manufacturing 331111 Iron and Steel Mills Manufacturing 333293 Printing Machinery and 331112 Electrometallurgical Ferroalloy 332322 Sheet Metal Work Equipment Manufacturing Product Manufacturing Manufacturing 333294 Food Product Machinery 331210 Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube 332323 Ornamental and Architectural Manufacturing Manufacturing from Purchased Metal Work Manufacturing 333295 Semiconductor Machinery Steel 332410 Power Boiler and Heat Manufacturing 331221 Rolled Steel Shape Exchanger Manufacturing 333298 All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing 332420 Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) Manufacturing 331222 Steel Wire Drawing Manufacturing 333311 Automatic Vending Machine 331311 Alumina Refining 332431 Metal Can Manufacturing Manufacturing 19 |
Enlarge image | 333312 Commercial Laundry, 333997 Scale and Balance (except 334612 Prerecorded Compact Disc Drycleaning, and Pressing Laboratory) Manufacturing (except Software), Tape, and Machine Manufacturing 333999 All Other Miscellaneous Record Reproducing 333313 Office Machinery Manufacturing General Purpose Machinery 334613 Magnetic and Optical Recording 333314 Optical Instrument and Lens Manufacturing Media Manufacturing Manufacturing 334111 Electronic Computer 335110 Electric Lamp Bulb and Part 333315 Photographic and Photocopying Manufacturing Manufacturing Equipment Manufacturing 334112 Computer Storage Device 335121 Residential Electric Lighting 333319 Other Commercial and Service Manufacturing Fixture Manufacturing Industry Machinery 334113 Computer Terminal 335122 Commercial, Industrial, and Manufacturing Manufacturing Institutional Electric Lighting 333411 Air Purification Equipment 334119 Other Computer Peripheral Fixture Manufacturing Manufacturing Equipment Manufacturing 335129 Other Lighting Equipment 333412 Industrial and Commercial Fan 334210 Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing and Blower Manufacturing Manufacturing 335211 Electric Housewares and 333414 Heating Equipment (except 334220 Radio and Television Household Fan Manufacturing Warm Air Furnaces) Broadcasting and Wireless 335212 Household Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturing Communications Equipment Manufacturing 333415 Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Manufacturing 335221 Household Cooking Appliance Heating Equipment and 334290 Other Communications Manufacturing Commercial and Industrial Equipment Manufacturing 335222 Household Refrigerator and Refrigeration Equipment 334310 Audio and Video Equipment Home Freezer Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 335224 Household Laundry Equipment 333511 Industrial Mold Manufacturing 334411 Electron Tube Manufacturing Manufacturing 333512 Machine Tool (Metal Cutting 334412 Bare Printed Circuit Board 335228 Other Major Household Types) Manufacturing Manufacturing Appliance Manufacturing 333513 Machine Tool (Metal Forming 334413 Semiconductor and Related 335311 Power, Distribution, and Types) Manufacturing Specialty Transformer 333514 Special Die and Tool, Die Set, Device Manufacturing Manufacturing Jig, and Fixture Manufacturing 334414 Electronic Capacitor 335312 Motor and Generator 333515 Cutting Tool and Machine Tool Manufacturing Manufacturing Accessory Manufacturing 334415 Electronic Resistor 335313 Switchgear and Switchboard 333516 Rolling Mill Machinery and Manufacturing Apparatus Manufacturing Equipment Manufacturing 334416 Electronic Coil, Transformer, 335314 Relay and Industrial Control 333518 Other Metalworking Machinery and Other Inductor Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 335911 Storage Battery Manufacturing 333611 Turbine and Turbine Generator 334417 Electronic Connector 335912 Primary Battery Manufacturing Set Units Manufacturing Manufacturing 335921 Fiber Optic Cable 333612 Speed Changer, Industrial 334418 Printed Circuit Assembly (Elec- Manufacturing High-Speed Drive, and Gear tronic Assembly) Manufacturing 335929 Other Communication and Manufacturing 334419 Other Electronic Component Energy Wire Manufacturing 333613 Mechanical Power Manufacturing 335931 Current-Carrying Wiring Device Transmission Equipment 334510 Electromedical and Manufacturing Manufacturing Electrotherapeutic Apparatus 335932 Noncurrent-Carrying Wiring 333618 Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing Device Manufacturing Manufacturing 334511 Search, Detection, Navigation, 335991 Carbon and Graphite Product 333911 Pump and Pumping Equipment Guidance, Aeronautical, and Manufacturing Manufacturing Nautical System and 335999 All Other Miscellaneous 333912 Air and Gas Compressor Instrument Manufacturing Electrical Equipment and Manufacturing 334512 Automatic Environmental Component Manufacturing 333913 Measuring and Dispensing Control Manufacturing for 336111 Automobile Manufacturing Pump Manufacturing Residential, Commercial, and 336112 Light Truck and Utility Vehicle 333921 Elevator and Moving Stairway Appliance Use Manufacturing Manufacturing 334513 Instruments and Related 336120 Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing 333922 Conveyor and Conveying Products Manufacturing for 336211 Motor Vehicle Body Equipment Manufacturing Measuring, Displaying, and Manufacturing 336212 Truck Trailer Manufacturing 333923 Overhead Traveling Crane, Controlling Industrial Process 336213 Motor Home Manufacturing Hoist, and Monorail System Variables 336214 Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturing 334514 Totalizing Fluid Meter and Manufacturing 333924 Industrial Truck, Tractor, Trailer, Counting Device Manufacturing 336311 Carburetor, Piston, Piston Ring, and Stacker Machinery 334515 Instrument Manufacturing for and Valve Manufacturing Manufacturing Measuring and Testing 336312 Gasoline Engine and Engine 333991 Power-Driven Handtool Electricity and Electrical Signals Parts Manufacturing Manufacturing 333992 Welding and Soldering 334516 Analytical Laboratory Instrument 336321 Vehicular Lighting Equipment Equipment Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing 333993 Packaging Machinery 334517 Irradiation Apparatus 336322 Other Motor Vehicle Electrical Manufacturing Manufacturing and Electronic Equipment 333994 Industrial Process Furnace and 334518 Watch, Clock, and Part Manufacturing Oven Manufacturing Manufacturing 336330 Motor Vehicle Steering and 333995 Fluid Power Cylinder and 334519 Other Measuring and Suspension Components Actuator Manufacturing Controlling Device (except Spring) Manufacturing 333996 Fluid Power Pump and Motor Manufacturing 336340 Motor Vehicle Brake System Manufacturing 334611 Software Reproducing Manufacturing 20 |
Enlarge image | 336350 Motor Vehicle Transmission 336999 All Other Transportation 339115 Ophthalmic Goods Manufacturing and Power Train Parts Equipment Manufacturing 339116 Dental Laboratories Manufacturing 337110 Wood Kitchen Cabinet and 339911 Jewelry (except Costume) 336360 Motor Vehicle Seating and Countertop Manufacturing Manufacturing Interior Trim Manufacturing 337121 Upholstered Household 339912 Silverware and Hollowware 336370 Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping Furniture Manufacturing Manufacturing 336391 Motor Vehicle Air-Conditioning 337122 Nonupholstered Wood 339913 Jewelers’ Material and Lapidary Manufacturing Household Furniture Work Manufacturing 336399 All Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing 339914 Costume Jewelry and Novelty Manufacturing 337124 Metal Household Furniture Manufacturing 336411 Aircraft Manufacturing Manufacturing 339920 Sporting and Athletic Goods 336412 Aircraft Engine and Engine 337125 Household Furniture (except Manufacturing Parts Manufacturing Wood and Metal) Manufacturing 339931 Doll and Stuffed Toy 336413 Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary 337127 Institutional Furniture Manufacturing 339932 Game, Toy, and Children’s Equipment Manufacturing Manufacturing Vehicle Manufacturing 336414 Guided Missile and Space 337129 Wood Television, Radio, and 339941 Pen and Mechanical Pencil Vehicle Manufacturing Sewing Machine Cabinet Manufacturing 336415 Guided Missile and Space Manufacturing 339942 Lead Pencil and Art Good Vehicle Propulsion Unit and 337211 Wood Office Furniture Manufacturing Propulsion Unit Parts Manufacturing 339943 Marking Device Manufacturing Manufacturing 337212 Custom Architectural Woodwork 339944 Carbon Paper and Inked Ribbon 336419 Other Guided Missile and and Millwork Manufacturing Manufacturing Space Vehicle Parts and 337214 Office Furniture (except Wood) 339950 Sign Manufacturing Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing 339991 Gasket, Packing, and Sealing Manufacturing 337215 Showcase, Partition, Shelving, Device Manufacturing 336510 Railroad Rolling Stock and Locker Manufacturing 339992 Musical Instrument Manufacturing 337910 Mattress Manufacturing Manufacturing 336611 Ship Building and Repairing 337920 Blind and Shade Manufacturing 339993 Fastener, Button, Needle, and 336612 Boat Building 339112 Surgical and Medical Pin Manufacturing 336991 Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Parts Instrument Manufacturing 339994 Broom, Brush, and Mop Manufacturing 339113 Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing 336992 Military Armored Vehicle, Tank, Manufacturing 339995 Burial Casket Manufacturing and Tank Component 339114 Dental Equipment and Supplies 339999 All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing NONMANUFACTURING K.S.A. 74-50,114(h) defines a nonmanufacturing business as “any commercial enterprise other than a manufacturing business or a retail business. Nonmanufacturing business shall also include the business headquarters of an enterprise, ancillary support of an enterprise, and an enterprise designated under NAICS industry groups 45411, 511210, 711212 (Auto racetracks only) regardless of the firm’s classification as a retail business if that facility facilitates the creation of at least 20 new full-time positions.” Catalog and mail-order houses are under NAICS 454111 Electronic Shopping (internet); 454112 Electronic Auctions; and 454113 Racing , including Track Operations under 711212 ( auto racetracks only). Prepackaged software is under 511210 Software Publishers. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and 111421 Nursery and Tree Production 112519 Other Aquaculture Hunting 111422 Floriculture Production 112910 Apiculture 111110 Soybean Farming 111910 Tobacco Farming 112920 Horses and Other Equine 111120 Oilseed (except Soybean) 111920 Cotton Farming Production Farming 111930 Sugarcane Farming 112930 Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit 111130 Dry Pea and Bean Farming 111940 Hay Farming Production 111140 Wheat Farming 111991 Sugar Beet Farming 112990 All Other Animal Production 111150 Corn Farming 111992 Peanut Farming 113110 Timber Tract Operations 111160 Rice Farming 111998 All Other Miscellaneous Crop 113210 Forest Nurseries and Gathering 111191 Oilseed and Grain Combination Farming of Forest Products Farming 112111 Beef Cattle Ranching and 113310 Logging 111199 All Other Grain Farming Farming 114111 Finfish Fishing 111211 Potato Farming 112112 Cattle Feedlots 114112 Shellfish Fishing 111219 Other Vegetable (except Potato) 112120 Dairy Cattle and Milk Production 114119 Other Marine Fishing and Melon Farming 112130 Dual-Purpose Cattle Ranching 114210 Hunting and Trapping 111310 Orange Groves and Farming 115111 Cotton Ginning 111320 Citrus (except Orange) Groves 112210 Hog and Pig Farming 115112 Soil Preparation, Planting, and 111331 Apple Orchards 112310 Chicken Egg Production Cultivating 111332 Grape Vineyards 112320 Broilers and Other Meat Type 115113 Crop Harvesting, Primarily by 111333 Strawberry Farming Machine 111334 Berry (except Strawberry) Chicken Production Farming 112330 Turkey Production 115114 Postharvest Crop Activities 111335 Tree Nut Farming 112340 Poultry Hatcheries (except Cotton Ginning) 111336 Fruit and Tree Nut Combination 112390 Other Poultry Production 115115 Farm Labor Contractors and Farming 112410 Sheep Farming Crew Leaders 111339 Other Noncitrus Fruit Farming 112420 Goat Farming 115116 Farm Management Services 111411 Mushroom Production 112511 Finfish Farming and Fish 115210 Support Activities for Animal 111419 Other Food Crops Grown Under Hatcheries Production Cover 112512 Shellfish Farming 115310 Support Activities for Forestry 21 |
Enlarge image | Mining 423390 Other Construction Material 423930 Recyclable Material Merchant Merchant Wholesalers Wholesalers 211111 Crude Petroleum and Natural 423410 Photographic Equipment and 423940 Jewlry, Watch, Precious Stone Gas Extraction Supplies Merchant and Precious Metal Merchant 211112 Natural Gas Liquid Extraction Wholesalers Wholesalers 212111 Bituminous Coal and Lignite 423420 Office Equipment Merchant 423990 Other Miscillaneous Durable Surface Mining Wholesalers Goods Merchant Wholesalers 212112 Bituminous Coal Underground 423430 Computer and Computer 424110 Printing and Writing Paper Mining Peripheral Equipment and Merchant Wholesalers 212113 Anthracite Mining Software Merchant Wholesalers 424120 Stationery and Office Supples 212210 Iron Ore Mining 423440 Other Commercial Equipment Merchant Wholesalers 212221 Gold Ore Mining Merchant Wholesalers 424130 Industrial and Personal Service 212222 Silver Ore Mining 423450 Medical, Dental, and Hospital Paper Merchant Wholesalers 212231 Lead Ore and Zinc Ore Mining Equipment and Supplies 424210 Drugs and Druggists’ Sundries 212234 Copper Ore and Nickel Ore Merchant Wholesalers Merchant Wholesalers Mining 423460 Ophthalmic Goods Merchant 424310 Piece Goods, Notions, and 212291 Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Wholesalers Other Dry Goods Merchant Ore Mining 423490 Other Professional Equipment Wholesalers 212299 All Other Metal Ore Mining and Supplies Merchant 424320 Mens and Boys’ Clothing and 212311 Dimension Stone Mining and Wholesalers Furnishings Merchant Quarrying 423510 Metal Service Centers and Wholesalers 212312 Crushed and Broken Other Metal Merchant 424330 Women’, Children’s, and Infants’ Limestone Mining and Wholesalers Clothing and Accessories Quarrying 423520 Coal and Other Mineral and Ore Merchant Wholesalers 212313 Crushed and Broken Granite Merchant Wholesalers 424340 Footwear Merchant Mining and Quarrying 423610 Electrical Apparatus and Wholesalers 212319 Other Crushed and Broken Equipment, Wiring Supplies, 424410 General Line Grocery Merchant Stone Mining and Quarrying and Related Equipment Wholesalers 212321 Construction Sand and Gravel Merchant Wholesalers 424420 Packaged Frozen Food Mining 423620 Electrical and Electronic Merchant Wholesalers 212322 Industrial Sand Mining Appliance, Television, and 424430 Dairy Product (except Dried or 212324 Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining Radio Set Merchant Canned) Merchant Wholesalers 212325 Clay and Ceramic and Wholesalers 424440 Poultry and Poultry Product Refractory Minerals Mining 423690 Other Electronic Parts and Merchant Wholesalers 212391 Potash, Soda, and Borate Equipment Merchant 424450 Confectionery Merchant Mineral Mining Wholesalers Wholesalers 212392 Phosphate Rock Mining 423710 Hardware Merchant 424460 Fish and Seafood Merchant 212393 Other Chemical and Fertilizer Wholesalers Wholesalers Mineral Mining 423720 Plumbing and Heating 424470 Meat and Meat Product 212399 All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Equipment and Supplies Mining (Hydronics) Merchant Merchant Wholesalers 213111 Drilling Oil and Gas Wells Wholesalers 424480 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable 213112 Support Activities for Oil and 423730 Warm Air Heating and Air- Merchant Wholesalers Gas Operations Conditioning Equipment and 424490 Other Grocery and Related 213113 Support Activities for Coal Mining Supplies Merchant Products Merchant 213114 Support Activities for Metal Wholesalers Wholesalers Mining 423740 Refrigeration Equipment and 424510 Grain and Field Bean Merchant 213115 Support Activities for Supplies Merchant Wholesalers Nonmetallic Minerals (except Wholesalers 424520 Livestock Merchant Wholesalers Fuels) 423810 Construction and Mining 424590 Other Farm Product Raw (except Oil Well) Machinery and Material Merchant Wholesalers Wholesale Trade Equipment Merchant 424610 Plastics Materials and Basic 423110 Automobile and Other Motor Wholesalers Forms and Shapes Merchant Vehicle Merchant Wholesalers 423820 Farm and Garden Machinery Wholesalers 423120 Motor Vehicle Supplies and and Equipment Merchant 424690 Other Chemical and Allied New Parts Merchant Wholesalers Products Merchant Wholesalers 423830 Industrial Machinery and Wholesalers 423130 Tire and Tube Merchant Equipment Merchant 424710 Petroleum Bulk Stations and Wholesalers Wholesalers Terminals 423140 Motor Vehicle Parts (Used) 423840 Industrial Supplies Merchant 424720 Petroleum and Petroleum Merchant Wholesalers Wholesalers Products Merchant Wholesalers 423210 Furniture Merchant 423850 Service Establishment (except Bulk Stations and Wholesalers Equipment and Supplies Terminals) 423220 Home Furnishing Merchant Merchant Wholesalers 424810 Beer and Ale Merchant Wholesalers 423860 Transportation Equipment and Wholesalers 423310 Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Supplies (except Motor Vehicle) 424820 Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Wood Panel Merchant Merchant Wholesalers Beverage Merchant Wholesalers 423910 Sporting and Recreational Wholesalers 423320 Brick, Stone, and Related Goods and Supplies Merchant 424910 Farm Supplies Merchant Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers Wholesalers Wholesalers 423920 Toy and Hobby Goods and 424920 Book, Periodical, and 423330 Roofing, Siding, and Insulation Supplies Merchant Newspaper Merchant Material Merchant Wholesalers Wholesalers Wholesalers 22 |
Enlarge image | 424930 Flower, Nursery Stock, and 487210 Scenic and Sightseeing 561431 Private Mail Centers Florists’ Supplies Merchant Transportation, Water 561439 Other Business Service Centers Wholesalers 487990 Scenic and Sightseeing (including Copy Shops) 424940 Tobacco and Tobacco Product Transportation, Other 561440 Collection Agencies Merchant Wholesalers 488111 Air Traffic Control 561450 Credit Bureaus 424950 Paint, Varnish, and Supplies 488119 Other Airport Operations 561491 Repossession Services Merchant Wholesalers 488190 Other Support Activities for Air 561492 Court Reporting and Stenotype 424990 Other Miscellaneous Nondurable Transportation Services Goods Merchant Wholesalers 488210 Support Activities for Rail 561499 All Other Business Support 425110 Business to Business Transportation Services Electronic Markets 488310 Port and Harbor Operations 561510 Travel Agencies 425120 Wholesale Trade Agents and 488320 Marine Cargo Handling 561520 Tour Operators Brokers 488330 Navigational Services to 561591 Convention and Visitors Shipping Bureaus Transportation and Warehousing 488390 Other Support Activities for 561599 All Other Travel Arrangement 481111 Scheduled Passenger Air Water Transportation and Reservation Services Transportation 488410 Motor Vehicle Towing 561611 Investigation Services 481112 Scheduled Freight Air 488490 Other Support Activities for 561612 Security Guards and Patrol Transportation Road Transportation Services 481211 Nonscheduled Chartered 488510 Freight Transportation 561613 Armored Car Services Passenger Air Transportation Arrangement 561920 Convention and Trade Show 481212 Nonscheduled Chartered 488999 All Other Support Activities for Freight Air Transportation Transportation Organizers 481219 Other Nonscheduled Air 491110 Postal Service 561990 All Other Support Services Transportation 492110 Couriers and Express Delivery 562111 Solid Waste Collection 482111 Line-Haul Railroads Services 562112 Hazardous Waste Collection 482112 Short Line Railroads 492210 Local Messengers and Local 562119 Other Waste Collection 483111 Deep Sea Freight Transportation Delivery 562211 Hazardous Waste Treatment 483112 Deep Sea Passenger 493110 General Warehousing and and Disposal Transportation Storage 562212 Solid Waste Landfill 483113 Coastal and Great Lakes 493120 Refrigerated Warehousing and 562213 Solid Waste Combustors and Freight Transportation Storage Incinerators 483114 Coastal and Great Lakes 493130 Farm Product Warehousing 562219 Other Nonhazardous Waste Passenger Transportation and Storage Treatment and Disposal 483211 Inland Water Freight 493190 Other Warehousing and Storage 562910 Remediation Services 562920 Materials Recovery Facilities Transportation Information 562991 Septic Tank and Related 483212 Inland Water Passenger 512110 Motion Picture and Video Services Transportation Production 562998 All Other Miscellaneous Waste 484110 General Freight Trucking, Local 512120 Motion Picture and Video Management Services 484121 General Freight Trucking, Long- Distribution Distance, Truckload 512191 Teleprodution and Other Educational Services 484122 General Freight Trucking, Long- Postproduction Services 611410 Business and Secretarial Distance, Less Than Truckload 512199 Other Motion Picture and Video Schools 484210 Used Household and Office Industries 611110 Elementary and Secondary Goods Moving 512220 Integrated Record Production/ Schools 484220 Specialized Freight (except Distribution 611210 Junior Colleges Used Goods) Trucking, Local 512230 Music Publishers 611310 Colleges, Universities and 484230 Specialized Freight (except Used 512240 Sound Recording Studios Professional Schools Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance 512290 Other Sound Recording 611420 Computer Training 485111 Mixed Mode Transit Systems Industries 611430 Professional and Management 485112 Commuter Rail Systems 515111 Radio Networks Development Training 485113 Bus and Other Motor Vehicle 515112 Radio Stations 611511 Cosmetology and Barber Transit Systems 515120 Television Broadcasting Schools 485119 Other Urban Transit Systems 517410 Satellite Telecommunications 611512 Flight Training 485210 Interurban and Rural Bus 517911 Telecommunications Resellers 611513 Apprenticeship Training Transportation 519110 News Syndicates 611519 Other Technical and Trade 485310 Taxi Service 519120 Libraries and Archives Schools 485320 Limousine Service 485410 School and Employee Bus Administrative and Support and Waste 611610 Fine Arts Schools Transportation Management and Remediation 611620 Sports and Recreation 485510 Charter Bus Industry Services Instruction 485991 Special Needs Transportation 561110 Office Administrative Services 611630 Language Schools 485999 All Other Transit and Ground 561210 Facilities Support Services 611691 Exam Preparation and Tutoring Passenger Transportation 561311 Employment Placement 611692 Automobile Driving Schools 486110 Pipeline Transportation of Agencies 611699 All Other Miscellaneous Crude Oil 561320 Temporary Help Services Schools and Instruction 486210 Pipeline Transportation of 561312 Executive Search Service 611710 Educational Support Services Natural Gas 561330 Professional Employer Other Services (except Public 486910 Pipeline Transportation of Organizations Administration) Refined Petroleum Products 561410 Document Preparation Services 486990 All Other Pipeline Transportation 561421 Telephone Answering Services 812220 Cemeteries and Crematories 487110 Scenic and Sightseeing 561422 Telemarketing Bureaus and 812310 Coin-Operated Laundries and Transportation, Land Other Contact Centers Drycleaners 23 |
Enlarge image | RETAIL K.S.A. 74-50,114(i) defines a retail business as “(1) any commercial enterprise primarily engaged in the sale at retail of good or services taxable under the Kansas retailers’ sales tax act; (2) any service provider set forth in K.S.A. 17-2707, and amendments thereto; (3) any bank, savings and loan or other lending institution; (4) any commercial enterprise whose primary business activity includes the sale of insurance; and (5) any commercial enterprise deriving its revenues directly from noncommercial customers in exchange for personal services such as, but not limited to, barber shops, beauty shops, photographic studios and funeral services.” Retail Trade 451120 Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores 532120 Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV 451130 Sewing, Needlework, and Piece (Recreational Vehicle) Rental 441110 New Car Dealers Goods Stores and Leasing 441120 Used Car Dealers 451140 Musical Instrument and 532210 Consumer Electronics and 441210 Recreational Vehicle Dealers Supplies Stores Appliances Rental 441221 Motorcycle, ATV and Personal 451211 Book Stores 532220 Formal Wear and Costume Watercraft Dealers 451212 News Dealers and Rental 441222 Boat Dealers Newsstands 532230 Video Tape and Disc Rental 441229 All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers 451220 Prerecorded Tape, Compact 532291 Home Health Equipment 441310 Automotive Parts and Disc, and Record Stores Rental Accessories Stores 452111 Department Stores (except 532292 Recreational Goods Rental 441320 Tire Dealers Discount Department Stores) 532299 All Other Consumer Goods 442110 Furniture Stores 442210 Floor Covering Stores 452112 Discount Department Stores Rental 442291 Window Treatment Stores 452910 Warehouse Clubs and 532310 General Rental Centers 442299 All Other Home Furnishings Supercenters 532411 Commercial Air, Rail, and Water Stores 452990 All Other General Merchandise Transportation Equipment 443111 Household Appliance Stores Stores Rental and Leasing 443112 Radio, Television, and Other 453110 Florists 532412 Construction, Mining, and Electronics Stores 453210 Office Supplies and Stationery Forestry Machinery and 443120 Computer and Software Stores Stores Equipment Rental and Leasing 443130 Camera and Photographic 453220 Gift, Novelty and Souvenir 532420 Office Machinery and Supplies Stores Stores Equipment Rental and Leasing 444110 Home Centers 453310 Used Merchandise Stores 532490 Other Commercial and 444120 Paint and Wallpaper Stores 453910 Pet and Pet Supplies Stores Industrial Machinery and 444130 Hardware Stores 453920 Art Dealers Equipment Rental and Leasing 444190 Other Building Material Dealers 453930 Manufactured (Mobile) Home 444210 Outdoor Power Equipment Dealers Professional, Scientific, and Technical Stores 453991 Tobacco Stores Services 444220 Nursery, Garden Center, and 453998 All Other Miscellaneous Store 541110 Offices of Lawyers Farm Supply Stores Retailers (except Tobacco 541211 Offices of Certified Public 445110 Supermarkets and Other Stores) Accountants Grocery (except Convenience) 454111 Electronic Shopping 541310 Architectural Services Stores 454112 Electronic Auctions 541320 Landscape Architectural 445120 Convenience Stores 454113 Mail-Order Houses Services 445210 Meat Markets 454210 Vending Machine Operators 541330 Engineering Services 445220 Fish and Seafood Markets 454311 Heating Oil Dealers 541370 Surveying and Mapping (except 445230 Fruit and Vegetable Markets 454312 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Geophysical) Services 445291 Baked Goods Stores (Bottled Gas) Dealers 541921 Photography Studios, Portrait 445292 Confectionery and Nut Stores 454319 Other Fuel Dealers 541940 Veterinary Services 445299 All Other Specialty Food Stores 454390 Other Direct Selling 445310 Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores Establishments Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation 446110 Pharmacies and Drug Stores Information Services 446120 Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, 512131 Motion Picture Theaters (except 561622 Locksmiths and Perfume Stores Drive-Ins) 561710 Exterminating and Pest Control 446130 Optical Goods Stores 512132 Drive-In Motion Picture Theaters Services 446191 Food (Health) Supplement 515210 Cable and Other Subscription Stores Programming Health Care and Social Assistance 446199 All Other Health and Personal Care Stores Finance and Insurance 621111 Offices of Physicians (except 447110 Gasoline Stations with 521110 Monetary Authorities - Central Mental Health Specialists) Convenience Stores Bank 621112 Offices of Physicians, Mental 447190 Other Gasoline Stations 522110 Commercial Banking Health Specialists 448110 Mens Clothing Stores 522120 Savings Institutions 621210 Offices of Dentists 448120 Womens Clothing Stores 522130 Credit Unions 621310 Offices of Chiropractors 448130 Children’s and Infants’ Clothing 522190 Other Depository Credit 621320 Offices of Optometrists Stores Intermediation 621330 Offices of Mental Health 448140 Family Clothing Stores 524210 Insurance Agencies and Practitioners (except Physicians) 448150 Clothing Accessories Stores Brokerages 621340 Offices of Physical, 448190 Other Clothing Stores Occupational and Speech 448210 Shoe Stores Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Therapists, and Audiologists 448310 Jewelry Stores 531210 Offices of Real Estate Agents 621391 Offices of Podiatrists 448320 Luggage and Leather Goods and Brokers 621399 Offices of All Other Stores 532111 Passenger Car Rental Miscellaneous Health 451110 Sporting Goods Stores 532112 Passenger Car Leasing Practitioners 24 |
Enlarge image | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services 811192 Car Washes 711110 Theater Companies and Dinner 721110 Hotels (except Casino Hotels) 811198 All Other Automotive Repair and Theaters and Motels Maintenance 711120 Dance Companies 721120 Casino Hotels 811211 Consumer Electronics Repair 711130 Musical Groups and Artists 721191 Bed-and-Breakfast Inns and Maintenance 711190 Other Performing Arts 721199 All Other Traveler 811212 Computer and Office Machine Companies Accommodation Repair and Maintenance 711211 Sports Teams and Clubs 721211 RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks 811213 Communication Equipment 711212 Racetracks and Campgrounds Repair and Maintenance 811219 Other Electronic and Precision 711219 Other Spectator Sports 721214 Recreational and Vacation Equipment Repair and 711310 Promoters of Performing Arts, Camps (except Campgrounds) Maintenance 721310 Rooming and Boarding 811310 Commercial and Industrial Sports, and Similar Events with Houses Machinery and Equipment Facilities 722110 Full-Service Restaurants (except Automotive and 711320 Promoters of Performing Arts, 722211 Limited-Service Restaurants Electronic) Repair and Sports, and Similar Events 722212 Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, and Maintenance without Facilities Buffets 811411 Home and Garden Equipment 711410 Agents and Managers for 722213 Snack and Nonalcoholic Repair and Maintenance Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, Beverage Bars 811412 Appliance Repair and and Other Public Figures 722310 Food Service Contractors Maintenance 711510 Independent Artists, Writers, 722320 Caterers 811420 Reupholstery and Furniture and Performers 722330 Mobile Food Services Repair 712110 Museums 722410 Drinking Places (Alcoholic 811430 Footwear and Leather Goods 712120 Historical Sites Beverages) Repair 712130 Zoos and Botanical Gardens Other Services (except Public 811490 Other Personal and Household 712190 Nature Parks and Other Similar Administration) Goods Repair and Maintenance Institutions 812111 Barber Shops 713110 Amusement and Theme Parks 811111 General Automotive Repair 812112 Beauty Salons 713120 Amusement Arcades 811112 Automotive Exhaust System 812113 Nail Salons 713210 Casinos (except Casino Repair 812210 Funeral Homes and Funeral Hotels) 811113 Automotive Transmission Services Repair 812310 Coin-Operated Laundries and 713290 Other Gambling Industries 811118 Other Automotive Mechanical Drycleraners 713910 Golf Courses and Country and Electrical Repair and 812320 Drycleaning and Laundry Clubs Maintenance Services (except Coin-Operated) 713920 Skiing Facilities 811121 Automotive Body, Paint, and 812331 Linen Supply 713930 Marinas Interior Repair and 812332 Industrial Launderers 713940 Fitness and Recreational Maintenance 812910 Pet Care (except Veterinary) Sports Centers 811122 Automotive Glass Replacement Services 713950 Bowling Centers Shops 812921 Photofinishing Laboratories 713990 All Other Amusement and 811191 Automotive Oil Change and (except One-Hour) Recreation Industries Lubrication Shops 812922 One-Hour Photofinishing NONMANUFACTURING OR RETAIL The following NAICS could be in the nonmanufacturing category or retail category. In most cases, if the sale is to the ultimate consumer or end user, the business would be considered as retail. If the sale is not to the ultimate consumer, the business would be classified under the nonmanufacturing category. The construction industry will be treated as follows. If the business is primarily engaged in the service of installing or applying tangible personal property in connection with: (1) the original construction of a building or facility; (2) the original construction, reconstruction, restoration, remodeling, renovation, repair or replacement of a residence; or (3) the construction, reconstruction, restoration, replacement or repair of a bridge or highway, the business can be classified in the nonmanufacturing category. Original construction shall mean the first or initial construction of a new building or facility. The term “original construction” shall include the addition of an entire room or floor to any existing building or facility, the completion of any unfinished portion of any existing building or facility and the restoration, reconstruction or replacement of a building or facility damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, tornado, lightning, explosion or earthquake, but such term, except with regard to a residence, shall not include replacement, remodeling, restoration, renovation or reconstruction under any other circumstances. Utilities Construction 237130 Power and Communication 221111 Hydroelectric Power Generation 236115 New Single-Family Housing Line and Related Structures 221112 Fossil Fuel Electric Power Construction (except Operative Construction Generation Builders) 237210 Land Subdivision 221113 Nuclear Electric Power 236116 New Multifamily Housing 237310 Highway, Street, and Bridge Generation Construction (except Operative Construction 221119 Other Electric Power Generation Builders) 237990 Other Heavy and Civil 221121 Electric Bulk Power 236117 New Housing Operative Builders Engineering Construction Transmission and Control 236118 Residential Remodelers 238110 Poured Concrete Foundation 221122 Electric Power Distribution 236210 Industrial Building Construction and Structure Contractors 221210 Natural Gas Distribution 236220 Commercial and Institutional 238120 Structural Steel and Precast 221310 Water Supply and Irrigation Building Construction Concrete Contractors Systems 237110 Water and Sewer Line and 238130 Framing Contractors 221320 Sewage Treatment Facilities Related Structures Construction 238140 Masonry Contractors 221330 Steam and Air-Conditioning 237120 Oil and Gas Pipeline and 238150 Glass and Glazing Contractors Supply Related Structures Construction 238160 Roofing Contractors 25 |
Enlarge image | 238170 Siding Contractors 523910 Miscellaneous Intermediation 541490 Other Specialized Design 238190 Other Foundation, Structure, and 523920 Portfolio Management Services Building Exterior Contractors 523930 Investment Advice 541511 Custom Computer 238210 Electrical and other wiring 523991 Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Programming Services installation Contractors Activities 541512 Computer Systems Design 238220 Plumbing, Heating, and Air- 523999 Miscellaneous Financial Services Conditioning Contractors Investment Activities 541513 Computer Facilities 238290 Other Building Equipment 524113 Direct Life Insurance Carriers Management Services Contractors 524114 Direct Health and Medical 541519 Other Computer Related 238310 Drywall and Insulation Insurance Carriers Services Contractors 524126 Direct Property and Casualty 541611 Administrative Management and 238320 Painting and Wall Covering Insurance Carriers General Management Contractors 524127 Direct Title Insurance Carriers Consulting Services 238330 Flooring Contractors 524128 Other Direct Insurance (except 541612 Human Resources and 238340 Tile and Terrazzo Contractors Life, Health, and Medical) Executive Search Consulting 238350 Finish Carpentry Contractors Carriers Services 238390 Other Building Finishing 524130 Reinsurance Carriers 541613 Marketing Consulting Services Contractors 541614 Process, Physical Distribution, 238910 Site Preparation Contractors 524291 Claims Adjusting and Logistics Consulting 238990 All Other Specialty Trade 524292 Third Party Administration of Services Contractors Insurance and Pension Funds 541618 Other Management Consulting 524298 All Other Insurance Related Services Transportation and Warehousing Activities 541620 Environmental Consulting 488991 Packing and Crating 525110 Pension Funds Services 525120 Health and Welfare Funds 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Information 525190 Other Insurance Funds Consulting Services 511110 Newspaper Publishers 525910 Open-End Investment Funds 541711 Research and Development in 511120 Periodical Publishers 525920 Trusts, Estates, and Agency Biotechnology 511130 Book Publishers Accounts 541712 Research and Development in 511140 Directory and Mailing List 525930 Real Estate Investment Trusts the Physical, Engineering, and Publishers 525990 Other Financial Vehicles Life Sciences (except 511191 Greeting Card Publishers 519190 All Other Information Services Biotechnology) 511199 All Other Publishers Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 541720 Research and Development in 511210 Software Publishers the Social Sciences and 512210 Record Production 531110 Lessors of Residential Humanities 517110 Wired Telecommunications Buildings and Dwellings 541810 Advertising Agencies Carriers 531120 Lessors of Nonresidential 541820 Public Relations Agencies 517211 Paging Buildings (except 541830 Media Buying Agencies 517210 Wireless Telecommunications Miniwarehouses) 541840 Media Representatives Carriers (except Satellite) 531130 Lessors of Miniwarehouses 541850 Display Advertising 517919 All Other Telecommunications and Self-Storage Units 541860 Direct Mail Advertising 518210 Data Processing, Hosting, and 531190 Lessors of Other Real Estate 541870 Advertising Material Distribution Related Services Property Services 519130 Internet Publishing and 531311 Residential Property Managers 541890 Other Services Related to Broadcasting and Web Search 531312 Nonresidential Property Advertising Portals Managers 541910 Marketing Research and Public 519190 All Other Information Services 531320 Offices of Real Estate Opinion Polling Finance and Insurance Appraisers 541922 Commercial Photography 531390 Other Activities Related to Real 541930 Translation and Interpretation 522210 Credit Card Issuing Estate Services 522220 Sales Financing 533110 Lessors of Nonfinancial 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific, 522291 Consumer Lending and Technical Services Intangible Assets (except 522292 Real Estate Credit 522293 International Trade Financing Copyrighted Works) Management of Companies and 522294 Secondary Market Financing Professional, Scientific, and Technical Enterprises 522298 All Other Nondepository Credit Services 551111 Offices of Bank Holding Intermediation 541120 Offices of Notaries Companies 522310 Mortgage and Nonmortgage 541191 Title Abstract and Settlement 551112 Offices of Other Holding Loan Brokers Companies 522320 Financial Transactions Offices 551114 Corporate, Subsidiary, and Processing, Reserve, and 541199 All Other Legal Services Regional Managing Offices Clearinghouse Activities 541213 Tax Preparation Services 522390 Other Activities Related to Credit 541214 Payroll Services Administrative and Support and Waste Intermediation 541219 Other Accounting Services Management and Remediation Services 523110 Investment Banking and 541340 Drafting Services 561621 Security Systems Services Securities Dealing 541350 Building Inspection Services (except Locksmiths) 523120 Securities Brokerage 541360 Geophysical Surveying and 561720 Janitorial Services 523130 Commodity Contracts Dealing Mapping Services 561730 Landscaping Services 523140 Commodity Contracts 541380 Testing Laboratories 561740 Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Brokerage 541410 Interior Design Services Services 523210 Securities and Commodity 541420 Industrial Design Services 561790 Other Services to Buildings and Exchanges 541430 Graphic Design Services Dwellings 26 |
Enlarge image | 561910 Packaging and Labeling 622310 Specialty (except Psychiatric and Other Services (except Public Services Substance Abuse) Hospitals Administration) Health Care and Social Assistance 623110 Nursing Care Facilities 812191 Diet and Weight Reducing 623210 Residential Mental Retardation Centers 621410 Family Planning Centers Facilities 812199 Other Personal Care Services 621420 Outpatient Mental Health and 623220 Residential Mental Health and 812220 Cemeteries and Crematories Substance Abuse Centers Substance Abuse Facilities 812930 Parking Lots and Garages 621491 HMO Medical Centers 623311 Continuing Care Retirement 812990 All Other Personal Services 621492 Kidney Dialysis Centers Communities 813211 Grantmaking Foundations 621493 Freestanding Ambulatory 813212 Voluntary Health Organizations 623312 Homes for the Elderly Surgical and Emergency 813219 Other Grantmaking and Giving Centers 623990 Other Residential Care Facilities Services 621498 All Other Outpatient Care 624110 Child and Youth Services 813311 Human Rights Organizations Centers 624120 Services for the Elderly and 813312 Environment, Conservation and 621511 Medical Laboratories Persons with Disabilities Wildlife Organizations 621512 Diagnostic Imaging Centers 624190 Other Individual and Family 813319 Other Social Advocacy 621610 Home Health Care Services Services Organizations 621910 Ambulance Services 624210 Community Food Services 813410 Civic and Social Organizations 621991 Blood and Organ Banks 624221 Temporary Shelters 813910 Business Associations 621999 All Other Miscellaneous 624229 Other Community Housing 813920 Professional Organizations Ambulatory Health Care Services 813930 Labor Unions and Similar Services 624230 Emergency and Other Relief Labor Organizations 622110 General Medical and Surgical Services 813940 Political Organizations Hospitals 624310 Vocational Rehabilitation 813990 Other Similar Organizations (except Business, Professional, 622210 Psychiatric and Substance Services Labor, and Political Abuse Hospitals 624410 Child Day Care Services Organizations) COUNTY NAME AND COUNTY NUMBER LISTING COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY NAME NUMBER NAME NUMBER NAME NUMBER NAME NUMBER Allen 1 Finney 55 Logan 109 Rooks 163 Anderson 3 Ford 57 Lyon 111 Rush 165 Atchison 5 Franklin 59 McPherson 113 Russell 167 Barber 7 Geary 61 Marion 115 Saline 169 Barton 9 Gove 63 Marshall 117 Scott 171 Bourbon 11 Graham 65 Meade 119 Sedgwick 173 * Brown 13 Grant 67 Miami 121 Seward 175 Butler 15 Gray 69 Mitchell 123 Shawnee 177 * Chase 17 Greeley 71 Montgomery 125 Sheridan 179 Chautauqua 19 Greenwood 73 Morris 127 Sherman 181 Cherokee 21 Hamilton 75 Morton 129 Smith 183 Cheyenne 23 Harper 77 Nemaha 131 Stafford 185 Clark 25 Harvey 79 Neosho 133 Stanton 187 Clay 27 Haskell 81 Ness 135 Stevens 189 Cloud 29 Hodgeman 83 Norton 137 Sumner 191 Coffey 31 Jackson 85 Osage 139 Thomas 193 Comanche 33 Jefferson 87 Osborne 141 Trego 195 Cowley 35 Jewell 89 Ottawa 143 Wabaunsee 197 Crawford 37 Johnson 91 Pawnee 145 Wallace 199 * Decatur 39 Kearny 93 Phillips 147 Washington 201 Dickinson 41 Kingman 95 Pottawatomie 149 Wichita 203 Doniphan 43 Kiowa 97 Pratt 151 Wilson 205 Douglas 45 Labette 99 Rawlins 153 Woodson 207 * Lane 101 Reno 155 Wyandotte 209 Edwards 47 * Elk 49 Leavenworth 103 Republic 157 * Ellis 51 Lincoln 105 Rice 159 Ellsworth 53 Linn 107 Riley 161 * Metropolitan Counties -- no credit for investments placed into service after December 31, 2010. 27 |
Enlarge image | State of Kansas Department of Revenue PRSRT STD 120 SE 10th Ave U.S. POSTAGE PO Box 750680 Topeka, KS 66675-0680 PAID KANSAS DEPT. OF REVENUE – Tax Assistance – FILING ASSISTANCE If you have a question about completing this Business and Job Development Credit Schedule, call 785-368-8222 to speak to a customer representative. If you prefer, you may fax information to 785-291-3614. Personal assistance to complete your return is available at the following location: Taxpayer Assistance Center 120 SE 10th Ave PO Box 750260 Topeka, KS 66699-0260 Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. REQUEST FOR FORMS Visit our website at ksrevenue.gov to download any of the Kansas credit schedules. Tax forms that are printed in color are designed for our scannable tax processing system and cannot be copied for filing purposes. To obtain one of the KDOR-printed scannable forms, call the Taxpayer Assistance Center. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery of your form(s). |