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                               Colorado's                        First 

                                        Arapahoe                        County 

                                       Open  Space  Use Tax 
Purchaser:                              Business Name:                                                        Phone  Number:             Tax Period: 

Street Address:                        City:                                                                  State:                     Zip: 

Project Description : 

Job Site Address(s) and/or Location(s)       Materials Purchased                                                      Supplier                Amt of Purchase 

SUBTOTAL  ................ ....................................  .... ..................................  . . .. .... ........ . .     

Use Tax Rate -.25%                                                                                                                       X       0.0025   ..

USE TAX IS DUE      IF:                                                                                       PAYMENT: 
Items purchased were                                                                                          Is due by the 20th of the month 
construction or building materials,                                                                           following the purchase.     
used or consumed  in Arapahoe 
County, and you did not already                                                                               Make checks or money orders 
pay sales tax on those items.                                                                                 payable to ARAPAHOE  COUNTY 
                                                                                                              and mail to Arapahoe  County 
For questions about this form                                                                                 Sales Tax Analyst, 5334 S. Prince 
call the Arapahoe  County                                                                                     Street,Littleton, CO 80166-0001     
Sales Tax Analyst at 
303-795-4571                                                                                                                     updated 01/2021 

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