The Revenue Processing Division (RPD) collects and deposits tax and fee revenues totaling nearly $7 billion annually.

We collect and deposit tax and fee revenues for the state as well as process taxpayer returns and tax refunds. In addition, the division collects and processes certain MVD records and payments, including motor vehicle citations, DWI records and motor vehicle registrations and stickers.

On an ongoing basis, the Division also provides the Department with:

  • Form design and development services.
  • Support for software developers whose products generate forms, ensuring that the forms comply with the Department's processing requirements.
  • High-speed customized scanning services that can be used with storage and imaging applications. The IBML scanners which can process up to 14,500 documents per hour are also used for decoding barcodes and double-sided imaging.

The Revenue Processing Division provides services to a wide spectrum of the public, individual and business taxpayers, tax practitioners, state, county, municipal governments and the courts.

The programs we administer are governed by the Tax Administration Act, the Motor Vehicle Code, the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act and various tax acts in New Mexico statutes.


  • Division Director’s Office, (505) 827-0800
  • Personal Income Tax, (505) 827-0827
  • CRS and Workers’ Compensation Fee, (505) 476-3683
  • Cigarette and Tobacco Tax, (505) 827-6842
  • Corporate Income and Franchise Tax, (505) 827-0825
    • (Includes CIT, S-Corp, PTE, and PTE withholding)
  • Estate Tax, (505) 827-0763
  • 911 Emergency Surcharge, (505) 827-6842
  • Fiduciary Income Tax, (505) 827-0825
  • Gaming, Bingo, and Raffle Tax, (505) 827-0768
  • Liquor Taxes, (505) 827-0768
  • Motor Fuels, (505) 827-0764
  • Oil and Gas Proceeds Withholding, (505) 827-0825
  • Railroad Car Company Tax, (505) 827-0763
  • Telecommunication Relay Services Surcharge, (505) 827-0763
  • Unclaimed Property, (505) 827-0762 and (505) 827-0668
  • Water Conservation Fee, (505) 827-0763
  • Weight Distance, (505) 827-2280

Or call toll free, (866) 809-2335

Our offices are located in the Manual Lujan Building, at
1200 So. St. Francis Drive
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502


The Revenue Processing Division is comprised of four bureaus: Administrative Resolution and Services Bureau; Data Capture Bureau; Postal Processing Bureau; and the Returns Processing Bureau. The Division employs 142 permanent positions and a number of temporary positions which varies throughout the year.

Administrative Resolution and Services Bureau

The Administrative Resolutions and Services (ARSB) analyzes and verifies data before tax refunds are issued and funds are distributed to state, county and municipal governments. The bureau also manages all of the unclaimed property held by the state and distributes cigarette stamps.

Returns Processing Bureau

The Returns Processing Bureau (RPB) opens the Department‘s mail and processes tax returns and fee documents that come into the Department. The bureau process deposits that average over $17 million per day. The bureau also microfilms motor vehicle transactions that occur in the MVD field offices.

Data Capture Bureau

The Data Capture Bureau (DCB) captures various Tax and MVD data using data entry applications developed by the Department. We also perform the records management function for the Department which includes processing microfilm, processing RPD disposition requests, and following the retention schedule in order to store and destroy records assuring adherence to State Records Center rules and regulations.

Postal Processing Bureau

The Postal Processing Bureau (DPB) is the largest postal processing center in state government. DPB is responsible for the vast amounts of mail that must be delivered from the Department, processing over five million pieces of mail in a normal year. The bureau is also responsible for internal mail service delivering correspondence between the numerous buildings in which the Department operates.

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Taxation and Revenue New Mexico

1100 South St. Francis Drive
Santa Fe, NM 87504
(505) 827-0700

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