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                                2019 CITY OF ALBION CORPORATE INCOME TAX RETURN 
 City of Albion                                                                                      
 Income Tax Department                                                                               
 112 W. Cass St                                                                                      
 Albion, MI  49224                                                                                   
 City of Albion (Rev 9/2019  )                                                                        

                                                      2019 CITY OF ALBION                            
                                         CORPORATE INCOME TAX RETURN                                 
                               For the 2019 tax year:                                                
                               The due date for filing the corporate (AL-1120) income tax returns is the last day of 
                               the fourth month following the close of the tax year. If more time is needed, an  
                               extension form (AL-4267) is provided in this booklet. 
                               Important information for Albion taxpayers: 
                                    Make all checks and money orders submitted for payment of Albion 
                                    income taxes payable to the "City of Albion" 
                                    Attach a copy of your 2019 federal income tax return (i.e. 1120, 1120S)   
                                    as filed with the IRS to your Albion return. 
                                    Estimated payments must be made if the corporation's income tax 
                                    liability exceeds $250.00. Estimate vouchers (AL-1120ES) are 
                                    included in this booklet. 
                               We look forward to continuing to serve Albion Taxpayers.              
                               David Atchison                                                        
                               Mayor of Albion                                                       

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 Please Be Sure To:                                      
  Attach a copy of federal form (1120 or 1120S for example) and Schedule K.                                   
  Complete and attach applicable schedules.                                                                   
                             Round Dollar Amounts: (Round down all amounts less than 50 cents. Round up all  
  amounts of 50 through 99 cents. Do not enter cents.) 
  Mail returns, payments and extensions to: 
                             City of Albion 
                             Income Tax Division 
                             112 W. Cass St. 
                             Albion, MI  49224 
  Contact Information: 
  Mail: use above address  
  City Website: www.cityofalbionmi.gov  
  Forms are available online or from city hall. 

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                     2019 City of Albion Corporate Income Tax                           
Filing Date. Calendar year filers must file by April 30, 2020.   return  and Schedule K-1 to support the amount reported 
Fiscal year filers must file within four months of the end of    on line 1.  
their fiscal year. File Albion returns for the same periods      Line 2. Enter total of items deducted on your federal return 
covered by the federal return.                                   that are not deductible under the city income tax ordinance 
                                                                 from column 1, schedule C on page 2. 
Tax Due. Payment of tax due must be included with the            Line 4. Enter total of items included on your federal return 
return. Do not make payment if the amount due is less than $1.   that are not taxable for Albion under the city income tax 
Make check payable to the “City of Albion”.                      ordinance from column 2, schedule C on page 2. 
                                                                 Line 6. Enter apportionment percentage from Schedule D, line 
Mailing Address. Mail the return and payment to:                 7 on page 2. If all business was conducted in Albion use 
         City of Albion                                          100%, do not complete schedule D. 
         Income Tax Division                                     Line 8. Enter net capital loss carryover and net operating loss 
         112 W. Cass St                                          carryover applicable to Albion.  Capital losses and capital loss 
         Albion, MI  49224-0900                                  carryovers are deductible only to the extent of capital gains; 
                                                                 may be carried forward five years. Capital losses and net 
                                                                 operating losses must be calculated with the same 
                                                                 apportionment percentage that applied in the year of the loss.  
          Corporations That Are Required to File                 Net operating losses may be carried forward 20 years.  
                                                                 Net operating losses can only be used to offset 80% of taxable 
   Every corporation doing business in the city, whether or not  income in any given year for NOLs in years that begin after 
it has an office or place of business in the city and whether or December 31, 2017.   
not it has net profits, is required to file a City of Albion     Supporting schedules must be submitted if a capital loss or net 
Corporate Income Tax Return (form AL-1120). Corporations         operating loss deduction is taken. 
cannot choose to file and be taxed as partnerships.               
   S corporations doing business in the City of Albion must file Complete statement of business enterprise on page 2 of 
as a corporation for income tax purposes.                        return. 
   Non profit corporations who have applied for and received      
approval for exemption from federal income tax are generally                 Instructions for Schedule PL 
not required to file an Albion return. Submit to the City of       
Albion a copy of the exemption approval from the Internal        Schedule PL is used only when the separate accounting 
Revenue Service (IRS). Income from operations unrelated to       method has been approved; only amounts applicable to 
the purpose for which exemption was received is an exception     Albion business activity are used for schedule PL; when 
and is subject to city income tax.                               separate accounting method is used corporate books and 
   State and national banks, trust companies, insurance          records must be kept in the same manner. 
companies, building and loan institutions, savings and loan      Line 15, Depreciation. Use the same basis and method as 
associations, and credit unions (either state or federally       used for federal income tax reporting. 
chartered) are also exempt from the city income tax.             Line 16, Contributions. Contributions are deductible to the 
                                                                 same extent and under the same limitations as under the IRC 
Extensions. Requests for an extension must be made in            (Internal Revenue Code). 
writing to the City of Albion, Income Tax Division on or         Lines 24 through 26, Dividends, Interest, Rent and 
before the due date. Albion may extend the filing date of the    Royalties. Include a proportionate share of the dividend, 
return for up to 6 months or for the same period granted by a    interest, rent, royalty and other non operating income of the 
federal extension plus one month. To request more time to file   total corporation using a direct allocation if the income is 
your return, complete extension form AL-4267 and submit          received by the divisions subject to the Albion tax. Apportion 
with payment of the estimated annual liability on or before the  the income the same way that general administrative and 
due date of the return. If no tax is owed, do not file an        overhead costs are apportioned to Albion activity. 
   A valid extension does not extend the time for paying the tax Instructions for Schedule C 
due. Payment of the total estimated tax due must be made with    Column 1, Line 1. See section titled “Gain/ Loss from sale or 
the request for an extension.                                    exchange of property acquired prior to January 1, 1972”. 
                                                                 Column 1,Line 2. Enter any expenses (including interest) that 
           Line by Line Instructions for AL-1120                 were included in income that were incurred in connection with 
Lines not listed are explained on the form.                      income not subject to Albion city income tax 
Line 1   Enter either the taxable income before net operating    Column 1, Line 3. Any deductions for income tax paid to the 
loss and special deductions as reported on the federal return    City of Albion reflected in income must be added back here. 
(usually 1120 or 1120S) OR enter the amount from Schedule        Column 1, Line 4. Attach schedules for any items listed here. 
PL, line 29. Use the amount from Schedule PL only if the         Column 2,Line 1 . The Albion City Income Tax Ordinance 
separate accounting method is used (must have prior approval     specifically excludes from tax any interest from obligations of 
of the income tax department). Attach a copy of the federal      the United States, the state or subordinate units of government. 

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Column 2,Line  2. If dividend income was reported, enter the      regardless of location.  Multiply the sum by 8 and enter the 
amount of the “dividends received deduction” allowed under        result in column A. 
the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).                                     Gross rentals are for real property rented or leased during the 
Column 2,Line  3. Deduct income, war profits and excess           taxable period, and includes the actual sums of money or other 
profits taxes imposed by foreign countries or possessions of      consideration paid, directly or indirectly, by the corporation 
the United States. Only deduct those items that are included in   for the use or possession of such property. 
taxable net income, and that any part of which would be            
allowable as a deduction in determining federal taxable           Line 4. Enter in Column B the compensation paid to 
income under the IRC.                                             employees for work or services performed within the City of 
Column 2, Line 4. See section titled “Gain/ Loss from sale or     Albion during the period Jan. 1, 2019 thru Dec. 31, 2019 (or 
exchange of property acquired prior to January 1, 1972”.          fiscal year if applicable). 
Column 2, Line 5. Attach schedules for any items listed here.        Enter in column A the total compensation paid to all 
                                                                  employees during the same period. 
Gain/ Loss from sale or exchange of property acquired              
prior to January 1, 1972:  For gains or losses on sale or         Line 5. Enter in column B the revenue derived from sales 
exchange of property acquired before Jan. 1, 1972, only the       made or services rendered in the City of Albion during the 
portion applicable to the holding period after Jan 1, 1972 is     period Jan. 1, 2019 through Dec. 31, 2019 (or fiscal year if 
included in taxable income.  The portion to be included on the    applicable). 
Albion return may be calculated by:                                  Enter in column A the total gross revenue from all sales or 
   •     Subtracting the proceeds from the sale or exchange of    services rendered during the same period. 
         the property from the Jan 1, 1972 fair market value       
         (June 30 thclosing price for traded securities) of the                      Computation and Payment of Tax 
         property; or                                              
   •     Multiply total gains or losses (from AL-1120, line       If there is a payment due on line 17 of AL-1120, follow the 
         10) by the number of months held after Jan 1, 1972       payment and mailing instructions on the form. If taxes have 
         and divide the result by the total months the property   been overpaid, the overpayment may be credited forward to 
         was held.                                                your year 2020 taxes, or a refund issued.  Tax due of less than 
Determine amount that should be included in the Albion return     $1 need not be paid, and refunds of less than $1 will not be 
and subtract from the total to calculate the amount to be         issued. 
excluded.  Any profit not subject to city tax is deducted on line  
4, column 2, Schedule C; Any losses not allowed are added            Penalty and Interest Added for Filing or Paying Late 
back on line 1, column 1, Schedule C. Attach a schedule            
showing calculations.                                             If you file or pay late, Albion will add a penalty of 1 percent 
                                                                  of the tax due every month until you file and pay.  Maximum 
                                                                  late penalty is 25 percent of the balance of tax due. The annual 
                                                                  interest rate is 1 percent above the current prime rate.  The 
         Instructions for Completing Schedule D                   prime rate is adjusted on January 1 and July 1. If you pay late, 
                                                                  you must add penalty and interest to the amount due. If the 
Complete Schedule D only if there is business activity both       computed penalty and/or interest amount is less than $2.00, 
within and without the City of Albion and the separate            the minimum late charge is $2.00. Penalty and interest 
accounting method is not used.                                    amounts are included in line 15 on page 1 of the return. 
Line 1.Enter in column B the average net book value of the                               Estimated Tax Payments 
real and tangible personal property located in the City of         
Albion. Determine average net book value by adding the net        Every corporation subject to Albion city income tax must 
book values on Jan 1, 2019 (or fiscal year if applicable) and     make corporate income tax estimated payments if the 
the net book values at the end of the year and dividing the sum   estimated tax is more than $250. Estimated payments are due 
by two.  Any other method which accurately reflects the           April 30, June 30, September 30 and January 31. For fiscal-
average net book value for the period is also permitted.          year filers, estimated payments are due on the last day of the 
   Enter in column A the average net book value of all real and   4th, 6 ,th9  andth 13  monthsthafter the beginning of the taxable 
tangible personal property owned by the business, regardless      year. 
of location.                                                         For information on making estimated payments, see back of 
                                                                  this booklet. 
Line 2. Add the gross rentals from Jan. 1, 2019 through Dec.       
31, 2019 (or fiscal year if applicable) for rented property        
located within the City of Albion. Multiply the sum by 8 and       
enter the result in column B.                                      
   Add the gross rentals from Jan 1, 2019 through Dec. 31,         
2019 (or fiscal year if applicable) for all rented property,       

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  CITY OF ALBION                                                                                                                                        2019                                          
  CORPORATE INCOME TAX RETURN                                                                                                                       AL-1120       (rev 9/2019)                        
  Issued under P.A. 284 of 1974. Filing is mandatory.                                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                Beginning                                  Ending                                    
   This return is for calendar year 2019 or for the tax year:                                                    Date>                                     Date> 
  Corporation Name                                                                                               Federal Employer Identification Number 

    Street Address                                                                                               State Where Incorporated                                                                  Date Incorporated 

    City                                                       State                                   Zip Code  Principal Business Activity 

  Contact Person                                               Telephone Number                                  Albion Business Location 

   Check if an amended return.                                  Check if amended return is result of a federal audit.                                                
     See instructions                                                If result of federal audit enter determination date:                                            
   Check box if you filed a consolidated return with the IRS                                                         Check box if this is a consolidated return.      
      Tax Computation 
             Enter taxable income (before net operating loss and special deductions) from attached 
      1.     copy of Federal return as filed with the IRS. OR, if you have been approved to use a 
             separate accounting method enter income from attached Schedule PL, Profit or Loss 
             Statement, attach copy of approval letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           ►              1.                             .00 
             Enter items not deductible under city income tax ordinance from Schedule C, column 1 on 
             page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 2.  .00 
         3.  Total (add lines 1 & 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                       ► 3.   .00 
             Enter items not taxable under city income tax ordinance from Schedule C, column 2 on 
             page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 4.  .00 
         5.  Total (line 3 less line 4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 5.  .00 
             Apportionment percentage from Schedule D. If all business is conducted in Albion, enter 
             100 percent and do not complete Schedule D  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           ►                    6.                              %
         7.  Multiply line 5 by the percent on line 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     ►7.                             .00 
             Enter the applicable portion of any net operating loss carryover or capital loss carryover, 
             attach schedule (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           ►         8.                             .00 
         9.  Net income. Subtract line 8 from line 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                     ► 9.          .00 
      10.  Tool & Die Recovery Zone Deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          ►                  .                          10.00 
      11.  Total income subject to tax. Subtract line 10 from line 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   ►                              11.                           .00 
      12.    City of Albion Tax. Multiply line 11 by 1% (.01) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 12.                  .00 
      Payments and Credits                                                                                                                                                                       
      13. Enter any amount paid with tentative return or extension. . . . . . . . .           ►                            13.                       .00                                         
      14. Enter 2019 estimated payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           ►                 14.                       .00                                         
      15. Credits forward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         ►      15.                       .00                                          
      16. Total payments (add lines 13,14 &15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           ►              16.                           .00 
      Tax Due or Refund                                                                                                                                                                          
      17. If tax (line 12) is more than payment/credits (line 16), enter the BALANCE DUE                  ►                                               17.                           .00 
         Include interest                     and penalty                    if applicable.                                                                                                      
                                                           Make check payable to: City of Albion                                                                                                 
      18. If tax (line 12) is less than payments/credits (line 16) enter the overpayment . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ►     18.                                   .00 
      19. Enter the amount of overpayment from line 18 to be DONATED TO THE OPERATIONAL 
      EXPENSES OF THE CITY OF ALBION  . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 19.                     .00 
      20. Enter the amount of overpayment from line 18 to be CREDITED FORWARD . . . . . . . . .            
                                                                                                                                                          20.                           .00 
      21. Enter the amount of overpayment from 18 to be REFUNDED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            
                                                                                                                                                          21.                           .00 

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AL-1120 2019 
                                                                      SCHEDULE C 
 Schedule C is used for adjustments provided for in the city income tax ordinance. Adjustments must be for same time period as the 
 return. Schedule C adjustments are allowed to the extent they are related to income reported on page 1, line 1. 
       Column 1 - Add - Items not deductible                                                                  Column 2 - Deduct - Items Deductible 
 1.  Nondeductible portion of loss, from sale of                          1. Interest from obligations of the United States, the 
     property acquired prior to January 1, 1972                              states or subordinate units of government. 
                                                      1.                                                                                                 1. 
 2.  All expenses (include interest) incurred in                          2. Dividend received deduction; exclude any included 
     connection with income not subject to Albion                            In line 1 above. 
     income tax                                       2.                                                                                                 2. 
 3.  Albion income tax paid or accrued                3.                  3. Foreign Tax deduction                                                       3. 
 4.  Other (list, submit schedules)                                       4. Non taxable portion of gain from sales of property 
                                                                             acquired prior to January 1, 1972                                           4. 
                                                                          5. Other (list, submit schedules)                                               
 5.  Total Additions (enter on page 1, line 2).       5.                  6. Total Deductions (enter on page 1, line 4).                                 6. 
                                      SCHEDULE D                                                                   A            B                           C 
                                                                                                                   Located    Located in                Percentage 
 Property Factor                                                                                                 Everywhere     Albion                     B/A 
 1.  Average net book value of real and tangible personal property                                            1.                                         
 2.  Gross rentals of real property, multiplied by 8                                                          2.                                         
 3.  Total Property. Add lines 1 and 2 in columns A and B                                                     3.                                               % 
 Payroll Factor                                                                                                                                          
 4.  Total wages, salaries, commissions and other compensation of all employees                               4.                                               % 
 Sales Factor                                                                                                                                            
 5.  Gross receipts from sales made or services rendered.                                                     5.                                               % 
     Percentages. Divide column B by column A for lines 3, 4 and 5; enter percentages in column C.  
 6.  Add and enter total for column C:                                                                                                             6.          % 
 7.  Average percentage. Divide line 6 by 3, enter on AL-1120, line 6                                                                              7.          % 
 In determining the average percentage, if a factor does not exist, the sum of the percentages must be divided by number of factors actually used. 
 Special Apportionment Formula.                                                                                                                          
 If the City of Albion authorized the use of a special formula, attach computations, a copy of the approval letter and complete: 
 1. Numerator used in computation:                                             2. Denominator:                
 3. Percentage; enter here and on line page 1 line 6: 
                                                 STATEMENT OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE 
 A.  Enter name and address of corporation's resident agent in Michigan: 
 B.  Attach a schedule listing all officers of this corporation who are Albion residents; include name, address, and social security numbers. 
 C.  If this is a consolidated return attach a schedule listing the names, addresses and percentage of voting stock of included corporations. 
 D.  Provide name, address and percentage owned for any owner of 50 percent or more of voting stock of this corporation: 
 E.  Indicate the number of Albion locations included in this return:_____________ 
 F.  Indicate the total dividends paid to all stockholders during the period covered by this return: $______________ 
Authorized Signature and Preparer Signature 
 I authorize Albion to discuss my return and attachments with my preparer Do not discuss with my preparer 

 I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined this return,     I declare under penalty of perjury that this return is based on all information 
 including accompanying schedules, and to the best of my knowledge it is  of which I have any knowledge. 
 true and complete. 
 Authorized Person's Name (please print)                                  Preparer's Signature                                                           Date 

 Authorized Person's Signature                           Date             Business Address and Phone 

Mail to: City of Albion, Income Tax Division, 112 West Cass St., Albion, MI  49224-0900 
This return is due April 30, 2020 or by the last day of the 4 thmonth after your tax year closes.  

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 CITY OF ALBION                                                                                                                                         2019                                          
 CORPORATE INCOME TAX RETURN                                                                                                                       AL-1120        (rev 9/2019)                        
 Issued under P.A. 284 of 1974. Filing is mandatory.                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                Beginning                                  Ending                                    
  This return is for calendar year 2019 or for the tax year:                                                     Date>                                     Date> 
 Corporation Name                                                                                                Federal Employer Identification Number 

   Street Address                                                                                                State Where Incorporated                                                                  Date Incorporated 

   City                                                        State                                   Zip Code  Principal Business Activity 

 Contact Person                                                Telephone Number                                  Albion Business Location 

  Check if an amended return.                                   Check if amended return is result of a federal audit.                                                
    See instructions                                                 If result of federal audit enter determination date:                                            
  Check box if you filed a consolidated return with the IRS                                                          Check box if this is a consolidated return.      
      Tax Computation 
             Enter taxable income (before net operating loss and special deductions) from attached 
      1.     copy of Federal return as filed with the IRS. OR, if you have been approved to use a 
             separate accounting method enter income from attached Schedule PL, Profit or Loss 
             Statement, attach copy of approval letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           ►              1.                             .00 
             Enter items not deductible under city income tax ordinance from Schedule C, column 1 on 
             page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 2.  .00 
        3.  Total (add lines 1 & 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                       ► 3.   .00 
             Enter items not taxable under city income tax ordinance from Schedule C, column 2 on 
             page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 4.  .00 
        5.  Total (line 3 less line 4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 5.  .00 
             Apportionment percentage from Schedule D. If all business is conducted in Albion, enter 
             100 percent and do not complete Schedule D  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           ►                  6.                              %
        7.  Multiply line 5 by the percent on line 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 7.           .00 
             Enter the applicable portion of any net operating loss carryover or capital loss carryover, 
             attach schedule (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           ►       8.                             .00 
        9.  Net income. Subtract line 8 from line 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     ►9.                             .00 
      10.  Tool & Die Recovery Zone Deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          ►                .                          10.00 
      11.  Total income subject to tax. Subtract line 10 from line 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   ►                            11.                           .00 
      12.    City of Albion Tax. Multiply line 11 by 1% (.01) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 12.                 .00 
      Payments and Credits                                                                                                                                                                       
      13. Enter any amount paid with tentative return or extension. . . . . . . . .           ►                            13.                       .00                                         
      14. Enter 2019 estimated payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           ►                 14.                       .00                                         
      15. Credits forward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           ►     15.                       .00                                         
      16. Total payments (add lines 13, 14 & 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 16.                   .00 
      Tax Due or Refund                                                                                                                                                                          
      17. If tax (line 12) is more than payment/credits (line 16), enter the BALANCE DUE                  ►                                             17.                           .00 
         Include interest                     and penalty                   if applicable.                                                                                                       
                                                            Make check payable to: City of Albion                                                                                                
      18. If tax (line 12) is less than payments/credits (line 16) enter the overpayment . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ►   18.                                     .00 
      19. Enter the amount of overpayment from line 18 to be DONATED TO THE OPERATIONAL 
      EXPENSES OF THE CITY OF ALBION  . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      ► 19.                    .00 
      20. Enter the amount of overpayment from line 18 to be CREDITED FORWARD . . . . . . . . .            
                                                                                                                                                        20.                           .00 
      21. Enter the amount of overpayment from 18 to be REFUNDED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            
                                                                                                                                                        21.                           .00 

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L-1120 2019 
                                                                      SCHEDULE C 
 Schedule C is used for adjustments provided for in the city income tax ordinance. Adjustments must be for same time period as the 
 return. Schedule C adjustments are allowed to the extent they are related to income reported on page 1, line 1. 
       Column 1 - Add - Items not deductible                                                                  Column 2 - Deduct - Items Deductible 
 1.  Nondeductible portion of loss, from sale of                          1. Interest from obligations of the United States, the 
     property acquired prior to January 1, 1972                              states or subordinate units of government. 
                                                      1.                                                                                                 1. 
 2.  All expenses (include interest) incurred in                          2. Dividend received deduction; exclude any included 
     connection with income not subject to Albion                            In line 1 above. 
     income tax                                       2.                                                                                                 2. 
 3.  Albion income tax paid or accrued                3.                  3. Foreign Tax deduction                                                       3. 
 4.  Other (list, submit schedules)                                       4. Non taxable portion of gain from sales of property 
                                                                             acquired prior to January 1, 1972                                           4. 
                                                                          5. Other (list, submit schedules)                                               
 5.  Total Additions (enter on page 1, line 2).       5.                  6. Total Deductions (enter on page 1, line 4).                                 6. 
                                      SCHEDULE D                                                                   A            B                           C 
                                                                                                                   Located    Located in                Percentage 
 Property Factor                                                                                                 Everywhere     Albion                     B/A 
 1.  Average net book value of real and tangible personal property                                            1.                                         
 2.  Gross rentals of real property, multiplied by 8                                                          2.                                         
 3.  Total Property. Add lines 1 and 2 in columns A and B                                                     3.                                               % 
 Payroll Factor                                                                                                                                          
 4.  Total wages, salaries, commissions and other compensation of all employees                               4.                                               % 
 Sales Factor                                                                                                                                            
 5.  Gross receipts from sales made or services rendered.                                                     5.                                               % 
     Percentages. Divide column B by column A for lines 3, 4 and 5; enter percentages in column C.  
 6.  Add and enter total for column C:                                                                                                             6.          % 
 7.  Average percentage. Divide line 6 by 3, enter on AL-1120, line 6                                                                              7.          % 
 In determining the average percentage, if a factor does not exist, the sum of the percentages must be divided by number of factors actually used. 
 Special Apportionment Formula.                                                                                                                          
 If the City of Albion authorized the use of a special formula, attach computations, a copy of the approval letter and complete: 
 1. Numerator used in computation:                                             2. Denominator:                
 3. Percentage; enter here and on line page 1 line 6: 
                                                 STATEMENT OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE 
 A.  Enter name and address of corporation's resident agent in Michigan: 
 B.  Attach a schedule listing all officers of this corporation who are Albion residents; include name, address, and social security numbers. 
 C.  If this is a consolidated return attach a schedule listing the names, addresses and percentage of voting stock of included corporations. 
 D.  Provide name, address and percentage owned for any owner of 50 percent or more of voting stock of this corporation: 
 E.  Indicate the number of Albion locations included in this return:_____________ 
 F.  Indicate the total dividends paid to all stockholders during the period covered by this return: $______________ 
Authorized Signature and Preparer Signature 
 I authorize Albion to discuss my return and attachments with my preparer Do not discuss with my preparer 

 I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined this return,     I declare under penalty of perjury that this return is based on all information 
 including accompanying schedules, and to the best of my knowledge it is  of which I have any knowledge. 
 true and complete. 
 Authorized Person's Name (please print)                                  Preparer's Signature                                                           Date 

 Authorized Person's Signature                           Date             Business Address and Phone 

Mail to: City of Albion, Income Tax Division, 112 West Cass St., Albion, MI  49224-0900 
This return is due April 30, 2020 or by the last day of the 4 thmonth after your tax year closes.  

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AL-1120 2019   
Corporation Name                                                                                TEIN#                                                
Schedule PL – Profit or Loss Statement 
Complete this schedule only if using the separate accounting method. Enter amounts applicable only to Albion business activity. 
Complete all items for the same return period as the US 1120 or 1120S. Attach copy of approval letter. 
   1.  Gross Receipts…………………………………..                     1.                          
   2.  Returns and allowances………………………..                 2.                          
   3. Net Receipts. Subtract line 2 from line 1………………………………                     3.    
 Cost of Goods Sold                                                                  
   4.  Inventory at the beginning of the period……….      4.                          
   5.  Merchandise bought for manufacture or sale..      5.                          
   6.  Salaries and wages………………………………                    6.                          
   7.  Other costs (attach schedule)…………………..            7.                          
   8.  Add lines 4 through 7…………………………….                 8.                          
      Inventory at the end of the 
   9.  period……………….                                     9.                          
 10.  Cost of goods sold. Subtract line 9 from line 8……………………….                 10.   
 11.  Gross profit. Subtract line 10 from line 3……………………………..                   11.   
 Business Deductions                                                                 
 12.  Compensation paid to officers…………………               12.                         
 13.  Salaries and wages not deducted elsewhere.         13.                         
 14.  Rents………………………………………………                            14.                         
 15.  Depreciation………………………………………                        15.                         
 16.  Contributions……………………………………..                      16.                         
 17.  Taxes………………………………………………                            17.                         
 18.  Interest……………………………………………..  18.                                               
 19.  Repairs…………………………………………….                          19.                         
 20.  Bad debts………………………………………….                         20.                         
 21.  Other (attach schedule)………………………….                 21.                         
 22.  Total deductions. Add lines 12 through 21…………………………..                     22.   
 23.  Net profit or loss. Subtract line 22 from line 11. 23.                         
 24.  Dividend income………………………………….                      24.                         
 25.  Interest income…………………………………..                     25.                         
 26.  Income from rents and royalties………………..            26.                         
 27.  Gain or loss from sale or exchange of property     27.                         
 28.  Other income (attach schedule)….……………..            28.                         
 29.  Total income. Add lines 23 through 28, enter on AL-1120, line 1........   29.   

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City of Albion 3102 (Rev. 12/2015) 
NOTICE OF CHANGE OR DISCONTINUANCE                                                   Federal Employer Identification Number 
for ALBION CITY TAXES                                                            (FEIN) 
Issued under authority of P.A. 284 of 1964. Filing is voluntary.                                                      Effective Date of Change(s) 
Use this form to report all changes that affect the filing of Albion                                    
partnership/corporate or withholding taxes. Do not write on the returns.              
 Company Name and Legal Address (where all legal contact should be made).  Mailing Address, (where all Albion forms will be sent, if different from your legal 

 Change Our Legal Business Address To:                                     Change our mailing address to: 
 (If PO Box include street address) 

 Complete all items that apply.                                               
 1.  The FEIN above is wrong. The correct number is:                           
 2.  The name reported above is wrong. The correct name is:                    
 3.  The entire business in Albion was discontinued on:                        
    3a. Address and phone number of person to contact:                         
 4.  The entire business in Albion was sold on:                                
    4a. The purchaser's name and address is:                                   
 5.  Seasonal business dates have changed. The new dates are:                  
 6.  Fiscal year dates have changed. The new dates are:                        
    These dates are effective:                                                 
 7.  Please add or delete these taxes:                                        
                                                       ADD      DELETE       Reason for deleting: 
    Albion withholding                                                         
    Albion Corporate Income Tax                                                
    Albion Partnership Income Tax                                              
 8.  Change in Banking Information, complete all items even if not all are changing. 
    Bank Name                                                                  
    Bank ABA or Routing Number                                                 
    Account type, circle one:       Checking                 Savings 
    Your Account Number                                                        
 Mail this form and any correspondence to:                                    
     City of Albion, Income Tax Department, 112 W. Cass St., Albion, MI  49224 

- 11 -

Enlarge image
 CITY OF ALBION ESTIMATED                                                                                               2020 AL-1120ES                                     Due Date 
 CORPORATION INCOME TAX VOUCHER                                                                                         JANUARY (FOURTH) INSTALLMENT                        1/31/2021 
                                                                                                                        Your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 
 Issued under authority of P.A. 284 of 1964. Filing is mandatory 
 Street Address 
                                                                                                                        Make check payable to the City of Albion 
 City                                                                            State                       Zip Code   WRITE PAYMENT 
                                                                                                                        AMOUNT HERE        TOTAL Payment $ 
 Mail to:                                                                                                                                                                               
 City of Albion                                                                                                                                                              
 Income Tax Division                                                                                                                                                         
 112 West Cass Street                                                                                                                                                        
 Albion, MI  49224-0900                                                                                                                                                      
 CITY OF ALBION ESTIMATED                                                                                               2020 AL-1120ES                                     Due Date 
 CORPORATION INCOME TAX VOUCHER                                                                                         SEPTEMBER (THIRD) INSTALLMENT                       9/30/2020 
                                                                                                                        Your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 
 Issued under authority of P.A. 284 of 1964. Filing is mandatory 
 Street Address 
                                                                                                                        Make check payable to the City of Albion 
 City                                                                            State                       Zip Code   WRITE PAYMENT 
                                                                                                                        AMOUNT HERE        TOTAL Payment $ 
 Mail to:                                                                                                                                                                               
 City of Albion                                                                                                                                                              
 Income Tax Division                                                                                                                                                         
 112 West Cass Street                                                                                                                                                        
 Albion, MI  49224-0900                                                                                                                                                      
 CITY OF ALBION ESTIMATED                                                                                               2020 AL-1120ES                                     Due Date 
 CORPORATION INCOME TAX VOUCHER                                                                                         JUNE (SECOND) INSTALLMENT                           6/30/2020 
                                                                                                                        Your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 
 Issued under authority of P.A. 284 of 1964. Filing is mandatory 
 Street Address 
                                                                                                                        Make check payable to the City of Albion 
 City                                                                            State                       Zip Code   WRITE PAYMENT 
                                                                                                                        AMOUNT HERE        TOTAL Payment $ 
 Mail to:                                                                                                                                                                               
 City of Albion                                                                                                                                                              
 Income Tax Division                                                                                                                                                         
 112 West Cass Street                                                                                                                                                        
 Albion, MI  49224-0900                                                                                                                                                      
 CITY OF ALBION ESTIMATED                                                                                               2020 AL-1120ES                                     Due Date 
 CORPORATION INCOME TAX VOUCHER                                                                                         APRIL (FIRST) INSTALLMENT                           4/30/2020 
                                                                                                                        Your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 
 Issued under authority of P.A. 284 of 1964. Filing is mandatory 
 Street Address 
                                                                                                                        Make check payable to the City of Albion 
 City                                                                            State                       Zip Code   WRITE PAYMENT 
                                                                                                                        AMOUNT HERE        TOTAL Payment $ 
 Mail to:                                                                                                                                                                               
 City of Albion                                                                                                                                                              
 Income Tax Division                                                                                                                                                         
 112 West Cass Street                                                                                                                                                        
 Albion, MI  49224-0900                                                                                                                                                      

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Enlarge image
     Every corporation subject to Albion city income tax must make income tax estimated payments if the estimated tax is 
 more than $250. Estimate payments are due April 30, June 30, September 30 and January 31. For fiscal year filers, estimate 
 payments are due on the last day of the 4th, 6th, 9th and 13th months after the beginning of the taxable year. 

     Return your AL-1120ES voucher with a check or money order payable to "City of Albion". Do not staple your check to the 
 voucher. Write your federal employer identification number and the words "2020 Albion Corporation tax" on your check.  
   MAIL CHECK AND VOUCHER TO:      City of Albion 
                                   Income Tax Division 
                                   112 W. Cass St. 
                                   Albion, MI  49224 

     Every corporation subject to Albion city income tax must make income tax estimated payments if the estimated tax is 
 more than $250. Estimate payments are due April 30, June 30, September 30 and January 31. For fiscal year filers, estimate 
 payments are due on the last day of the 4th, 6th, 9th and 13th months after the beginning of the taxable year. 

     Return your AL-1120ES voucher with a check or money order payable to "City of Albion". Do not staple your check to the 
 voucher. Write your federal employer identification number and the words "2020 Albion Corporation tax" on your check.  
   MAIL CHECK AND VOUCHER TO:      City of Albion 
                                   Income Tax Division 
                                   112 W. Cass St. 
                                   Albion, MI  49224 

     Every corporation subject to Albion city income tax must make income tax estimated payments if the estimated tax is 
 more than $250. Estimate payments are due April 30, June 30, September 30 and January 31. For fiscal year filers, estimate 
 payments are due on the last day of the 4th, 6th, 9th and 13th months after the beginning of the taxable year. 

     Return your AL-1120ES voucher with a check or money order payable to "City of Albion". Do not staple your check to the 
 voucher. Write your federal employer identification number and the words "2020 Albion Corporation tax" on your check.  
   MAIL CHECK AND VOUCHER TO:      City of Albion 
                                   Income Tax Division 
                                   112 W. Cass St. 
                                   Albion, MI  49224 

     Every corporation subject to Albion city income tax must make income tax estimated payments if the estimated tax is 
 more than $250. Estimate payments are due April 30, June 30, September 30 and January 31. For fiscal year filers, estimate 
 payments are due on the last day of the 4th, 6th, 9th and 13th months after the beginning of the taxable year. 

     Return your AL-1120ES voucher with a check or money order payable to "City of Albion". Do not staple your check to the 
 voucher. Write your federal employer identification number and the words "2020 Albion Corporation tax" on your check.  
   MAIL CHECK AND VOUCHER TO:      City of Albion 
                                   Income Tax Division 
                                   112 W. Cass St. 
                                   Albion, MI  49224 

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Enlarge image
 City of Albion                                                                   Tax Year
 Application for Extension of Time to File                                                                          AL-4267
 An extension of time to file is not an extension of time to pay. DO NOT file this form if you will show a refund on your return.

 PART 1: IDENTIFICATION. Please print or type. (See instructions on back).
 1. Check ONLY ONE box. File a separate request for each tax.                     2. Federal Employer ID No or TR No, if unknown complete line 3

                   Individual Tax Return      Corporate Tax Return
                                                                                  3. Enter your Social Security No. If filing jointly, spouses #
                   Fiduciary Return           Partnership Tax Ret.

 4. Name and mailing address.                                                     5. Taxpayer's address if different from item 4

            City, State                          Zip
            6. Total annual tax liability for the year                            6.                                             .00
            7. Payments made to date (include estimated tax payments, 
               amounts carried forward and if an individual taxpayer, 
               include withholding                                                7.                                             .00
            8. Credits (if any)                                                                                                  8.                        .00
            9. Add lines 7 and 8                                                                                                 9.                        .00
            10. Estimated balance due. Subtract line 9 from line 6                                                               10.                       .00
            11. Amount paid with this request                                                                                    11.                       .00
                                 Make your check or money order payable to the "City of Albion."
            12. Tax year ends on:                                                 Extension date ends on:

 13. Check this box if you attached your federal extension.
 14. Reason for extension:

 15.        If an extension for this tax year was filed previouly, attach a copy of the extension and check box.

            -Make your check or money order payable to "City of Albion"
            -Write the type of tax and FEIN or Social Security number on the payment.
            -Mail to: City of Albion, Income Tax Department, 112 W. Cass St, Albion, Mi  49224
 I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this application and  I declare under penalty of perjury that this application is based on all 
 attachments is true ancomplete to the best of my knowledge.                      information of which I have any knowledge.
I authorize Albion to discuss my application  Do not discuss with my              Preparer Signature, Address, Phone and ID No.
and attachments with my preparer         preparer

Filer's Signature                                                             Date

Spouse's Signature                               Date

Revised 9/13

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                                   Instructions for Filing Your City of Albion 
                                   Application for Extension (AL-4267) 
 This information is issued under P.A. 284 of 1964.             
                                                                PART 2: Computation and Payment of Tax Due 
 An extension of time to file the federal return                
 automatically extends the due date of the city return the     You must estimate your tax liability for the year and pay 
 same length of time. An extension of time to file is not      any unpaid portion of the estimated tax due with your 
 an extension of time to pay. If at the time the extension     application for extension. The application and payment 
 is filed, you determine additional city income tax is due,    must be postmarked on or before the original due date of 
 pay the amount due on this form or on a copy of the           your return. 
 federal extension. If no tax is due, it is not necessary to    
 send an extension form to the City of Albion by April 30th    If you underestimate your tax due and do not pay enough 
 (the copy of the federal extension attached to your return    with your application for extension, you must pay interest 
 will be sufficient). Attach a copy of all federal and city    on the unpaid amount. Compute interest from the due 
 extensions to the AL-1040, AL-1041, AL-1065 or AL-1120        date of the annual return. The interest rate is 1 percent 
 when it is filed.                                             above the prime rate and is adjusted on January 1 and 
                                                               July 1. Interest is charged from April 30th (or the due date 
                                   PART 1: Identification      of the return) to the date you pay the rest of the tax. 
 Lines not listed are explained on the form.                   Penalty of 1 percent per month to a maximum of 25 
                                                               percent of the unpaid tax for failure to pay may also be 
 Line 1. File a separate application for each tax type.        applied. 
 Check the box next to the tax this application is for.         
                                                               Line 7. Payments made to date include quarterly 
 Lines 2 and 3. Corporation, partnership and fiduciary         payments, a credit forward from the previous tax year 
 filers must enter their federal employer identification       and any other payments previously made for this tax 
 number (FEIN) on line 2. Individual income tax filers must    year.  Individual income tax filers should include any city 
 enter their Social Security number on line 3.                 withholding. 
 Line 4. Print or type your name and mailing address.                       PART 3: Extension Request 
 Line 5. Enter taxpayer’s address only if it is different from Line 13. If the extension will extend the filing period of 
 the mailing address listed on line 4.                         the city return beyond the federal extension, attach a 
                                                               copy of the approved federal extension. 
                                                               Line 15. Check the box if Albion has already granted you 
                                                               an extension for this tax year.  If you need more time, 
                                                               submit a new application with a copy of the original 
                                                               application before the original extension expires. 
                                   Use this form only to request an extension of time to file an Albion tax return. 
                                   Follow the payment and mailing instruction on the front of the form. 

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