Enlarge image | Adjusted Date stamp By _______________ Date ______________ Contributions 45 South Fruit Street Rec'd $_____________ Concord, New Hampshire 03301-4857 Phone (603) 224-3311 Fax (603) 225-4323 www.nhes.nh.gov TAX AND WAGE REPORT ADJUSTMENT FORM (A separate form must be submitted for each quarter) Employer Name: Account # Name Control Quarter Ending ____________________ Request is hereby made for an adjustment to my account for the following reason(s): _______________________________ CORRECTIONS - PART 1 (Tax Report) 1st Month 2nd Month 3rd Month Line 7 CORRECTIONS - PART 1 (Tax Report) Tax Report Line Item Amount Previously Correct Amount Difference (+ or -) Reported Line 8 Total Wages Line 9 Excess Wages Line 10 Taxable Wages Line 11 UI Rate Line 12 AC Rate Line 13 Total Tax Due * Interest should be calculated at 1% per month from the quarterly due date *Interest Due (Make check payable to: State of NH - UC) Balance or Credit Due CORRECTIONS - PART 2 (Wage Report) Social Security # Employee Name Amount Previously Correct Amount Reported Signature Title Date Phone |