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                                                                                                                                   DEPARTMENT USE ONLY
      FORM                            ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF                                      REVENUE                           CONTROL NUMBER
                                    Notice of Change of Ownership,
                                    Interest, or Participation of Interest

                          in Income Tax Capital Credit Project
This form is used to report a change in investing companies, sale of project to another party, merger into another company, or any other change of ownership or assign-
ment of interest in the participants of the project entity.  Notice is given by completing all portions of this form and the schedule of allocation.  When completed, the form
will provide the Alabama Department of Revenue with the name of the current project entity and a complete list of current eligible participants of the capital credit project.
The project number originally assigned by the Alabama Deparment of Revenue must be indicated.
Capital Credit Qualifying Project Identification
Project Number:                                                                          NAICS Code:
Project Location:
Type of project:  New                                  Expansion                                Small Business Addition   Headquarters Facility
                  Favored Geographic Area              State Docks
Date project was originally placed in service as filed on Form INT-2, line 4:
Actual project capital costs as originally filed on Form INT-2, line 6:
Project Information Prior to Change of Ownership, Interest, or Participation of Interest in Project
Project Entity:                                                                          Project Name:
Address:                                                                                                              FEIN:
City:                                           State:                                   ZIP:                         Telephone No.:  (   )
Project filing status: (✔ only one)  LLC   Sole Proprietorship               C Corporation          S Corporation      Estate       Partnership
Project Information Subsequent to Change of Ownership, Interest, or Participation of Interest in Project
Effective date of change of ownership, interest, or participation of interest in project:
Description of the change (i.e., change of interest, merger, sale of project):

Project Entity:                                                                          Project Name:
Address:                                                                                                              FEIN:
City:                                           State:                                   ZIP:                         Telephone No.:  (   )
Project filing status: (✔ only one)  LLC   Sole Proprietorship               C Corporation          S Corporation      Estate       Partnership
Contact person for capital credit and to whom all correspondence will be sent:
                          Use The Schedule Below To List All Current Participants Of The Project Entity.

                                          Current Allocations of Capital Credit
      A complete list of all participants in the project entity entitled to receive the Capital Credit must be provided.  (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)

1. Name:                                                                                 3. Name:
Address:                                                                                 Address:
City:                                     State:       Zip:                              City:                              State:         Zip:
Social Security No. or FEIN:                                                             Social Security No. or FEIN:
Percentage Allocation of Credit:                                              %          Percentage Allocation of Credit:                                         %
2. Name:                                                                                 4. Name:
Address:                                                                                 Address:
City:                                     State:       Zip:                              City:                              State:         Zip:
Social Security No. or FEIN:                                                             Social Security No. or FEIN:
Percentage Allocation of Credit:                                              %          Percentage Allocation of Credit:                                         %
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I am duly authorized to complete this form and that I have listed all the participants of the project
entity. I have examined the above statements and to the best of my knowledge and belief they are true, correct, and complete.

Your Signature:                                                                          Title:                                    Date:

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                        Instructions for Preparing Notice of Change of Ownership,
                        Interest, or Participation of Interest in Project (Form INT-4)
                        GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS                                             Address – Enter the address to which all correspondence regarding this project
If at any time during the period in which an investing company or companies is           was sent prior to the change of ownership, interest, or participation in the project.
qualified for the capital credit, there is change in the company or companies partic-    FEIN – Enter the Federal  Employer Identification Number of the project entity
ipating in the qualified project, or a change in the ownership regarding the share-      prior to the change of ownership, interest, or participation of interest in the project.
holders, partners, members, owners, or beneficiaries of the investing company or         Project Filing Status – Check the filing status of the project entity prior to the
companies, the project entity shall file with the Alabama Department of Revenue on       change of ownership, interest, or participation of interest in the project.
Form INT-4 a complete listing of investing company or companies, or the share-           PROJECT INFORMATION SUBSEQUENT TO CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP,
holders, partners, members, owners, or beneficiaries of the investing company or                INTEREST, OR PARTICIPATION OF INTEREST IN THE PROJECT
companies entitled to the credit as a result of the change in ownership.                 Effective date of the change of Ownership, Interest, or Participation of
Pursuant to Section 40-18-193(c), Code of Alabama 1975, a change in owner-               Interest in Project – Enter the date the change of ownership, interest, or partici-
ship or assignment of interest in any project shall not increase the amount of capi-     pation of interest in the project occurred.  Please include month, day, and year.
tal credit available and the purchasers, assignees, or successors of the project or      Description of the change – Enter the type of change that occurred, i.e.,
interest herein shall be entitled to the capital credit upon the same conditions and     change of ownership, sale of project to another party, merger into another compa-
for the same period as the investing company or companies originally entitled to the     ny, change in legal entity, change of participation of interest in project for the mem-
capital credit.                                                                          bers, shareholders, or partners. Please be very detailed.
This form must be filed and completed by the project entity in order for the tax-
                                                                                         Project Entity – Enter the name of the entity that will be receiving the capital
payer(s) to receive an income tax credit.  The form is used to report a change in
                                                                                         credit subsequent to the change of ownership, interest, or participation of interest in
partnership members, S corporation shareholders, sale of project to another party,
                                                                                         the project.  The entity qualifying for the capital credit must be the entity meeting the
or merger into another company.  When completed, the form will provide the
                                                                                         requirements for the capital credit.  If the qualifying project is a joint venture, the joint
Alabama Department of Revenue with the name of the current project entity and a
                                                                                         venture must be in the form of a legal entity.
complete list of current eligible recipients of the income tax credit for this project.
The project number originally assigned by the Alabama Department of Revenue              Single Member Limited Liability Companies (“SMLLC”) will be classified as they
must be indicated.                                                                       are classified for federal income tax purposes under the Internal Revenue Service’s
If you have any questions pertaining to the administration of this form or related       (IRS) “check-the-box” regulations.  If the investing company is a SMLLC that elects
to the capital credit in general, please contact the Alabama Department of Revenue       to be treated as a corporation for federal income tax purposes, enter the SMLLC as
at (334) 242-1175.  Additional capital credit forms and information can be down-         the project entity.  If the investing company is a SMLLC that does not “check-the-
loaded from the  Alabama Department of Revenue’s Web site at www.ador.                   box” for federal income tax purposes, the SMLLC shall be treated as a disregarded
state.al.us under “Tax Incentives.”  Mail this completed form to:  Alabama Depart-       entity for Alabama income tax purposes and the parent must be entered as the pro-
ment of Revenue, ATTN: Capital Credit Program Administrator, P.O. Box 327001,            ject entity. 
Montgomery, AL 36132-7001.                                                               Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiaries  (Q-subs) under 26 U.S.C. Section
                        LINE BY LINE INSTRUCTIONS                                        1361(b)(3) shall be treated as disregarded entities for Alabama income tax purpos-
Project Number          – Enter the project number assigned by the  Alabama              es.  If the investing company is a Q-sub, the parent must be entered as the project
Department of Revenue when the qualifying project was originally approved.  This         entity.
number must be on all correspondence with the Department pertaining to the cap-          Project Name – If the project is identified internally by a project name, enter the
ital credit project.                                                                     project name.  For example, ABC, Inc. is the project entity, but the project is known
NAICS Code           – Enter the North  American Industry Classification System          as Alpha Division.  If the project is doing business as (dba), enter the dba name.  If
(NAICS) code for the new, expanding, small business addition, favored geographic         the project entity has more than one qualifying project for the capital credit, include
area, or state docks project at which the predominate activity conducted will consti-    a project name that can identify each project.  If the qualifying project is a SMLLC
tute an industrial, warehousing, or research activity as defined in Section 40-18-       treated as a disregarded entity for tax purposes, enter the name of the SMLLC as
190(7). If the qualifying project is a Headquarters Facility, enter 000000.              the project name.  If the qualifying project is a Q-sub, enter the name of the Q-sub
Act 2001-965, which was signed into law on September 26, 2001, amended the               as the project name.
existing income tax capital credit, changing the qualifying Standard Industrial          Address – Enter the address to which all correspondence regarding this project
Classification (SIC) codes to the NAICS codes, covering the same types of busi-          should be sent subsequent to the change of ownership, interest, or participation in
nesses. Projects that were originally approved using a SIC code must convert to the      the project.
NAICS code.                                                                              FEIN – Enter the Federal  Employer Identification Number of the project entity
Project Location – Enter the address where the project is physically located in          subsequent to the change of ownership, interest, or participation in the project.
Alabama.                                                                                 Project Filing Status – Check the filing status the project entity will be subse-
Type of Project – Enter the project type as originally filed on Form INT and             quent to the change of ownership, interest, or participation of interest in the project.
Form INT-2. The project type will not change throughout the life of the project,         Contact Person      – Enter the name of the person to be contacted if additional
regardless of the change of ownership, interest, or participation of interest in the     information is needed regarding the capital credit and to whom all correspondence
project.                                                                                 for the capital credit will be sent. Include a telephone number if different from the
Date Project Was Originally Placed In Service – Enter the original placed in             number indicated above.
service date of the project as filed on Form INT-2. The capital credit for the qualify-  Current Allocations of Capital Credit – List all participants of the project enti-
ing project runs for 20 consecutive years from this date.                                ty to receive the capital credit subsequent to the change of ownership, interest, or
Actual Project Capital Costs As Originally Filed On Form INT-2 – Enter the               participation of interest in project.  Include the entities’ names, addresses, social
amount of actual project costs as filed originally on Form INT-2, line 6. The amount     security numbers or federal employer identification numbers, and percentage of
of the annual capital credit available to be applied against the project’s tax liability credit allocated to each entity or participant.  This list will serve as the agreement
is determined by multiplying the total actual project capital costs on Form INT-2, line  between the Alabama Department of Revenue and the investing company or com-
6, by five percent. This amount will remain constant throughout the 20-year life of      panies specifying the allocation and treatment of the capital credit provided by
the qualifying project.                                                                  Section 40-18-190 et. seq. and Section 40-18-203 et. seq., Code of Alabama 1975.
         PROJECT INFORMATION PRIOR TO CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP,                               The capital credit shall be allocated among the shareholders, partners, mem-
INTEREST, OR PARTICIPATION OF INTEREST IN THE PROJECT                                    bers, owners, or beneficiaries of the investing company or companies entitled to the
Project Entity – Enter the name of the entity that was receiving the capital cred-       capital credit based on their distributive share, whether or not distributed, of the pro-
it prior to the change of ownership, interest, or participation in the project.          ject’s Alabama taxable apportionable income.  If an investing company or partici-
Project Name – If the project was identified internally by a project name, enter         pant is not listed on this schedule, the capital credit will be disallowed.  
the project name.                                                                        Attach additional sheets if necessary.

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