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                TOWN OF TRINITY, ALABAMA                                                            MAIL THIS RETURN WITH REMITTANCE TO: 
                        TAX RETURN FORM FOR                                                                           TOWN OF TRINITY 
                                                                                                                          P.O. BOX 302 
               SALES TAX, SELLERS USE TAX,                                                                         DECATUR, ALABAMA 35602 
                            CONSUMER USE TAX                                                                        PHONE:  (256) 351-4619 
TRINITY Account Number:                                                                               TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED 
Name:                                                                                                              $                                                
Address:                                                                  City/ST/Zip:                                                                    
This return is for the month/year of _________________________ and must reach the sales tax office on or before the 
20th day of the month succeeding the month covered by this return. 
                                                              (A)                 (B)                          (C)                           (D)          (E) 
               Type of Tax / Tax Area                  Gross Taxable          Total Deductions**     Net Taxable**                         Tax Rate      Gross Tax Due** 
                                                          Amount**             (See Table Below)   (Column A – Column B)                               (Column C x Column D) 
SALES/SELLERS USE TAX                                                                                                                                   
Automotive                                                                                                                                  0.750%      
General                                                                                                                                     4.000%      
Farm                                                                                                                                        0.750%      
Manufacturing Machine                                                                                                                       0.900%      
Amusement                                                                                                                                   4.000%      
Vending                                                                                                                                     4.000%      
Auto Vehicle withdrawn at                                                                            _______________                                        
$5.00 each per year (Auto Dealers Only)                                                                                                      $5.00 
CONSUMER’S USE TAX                                NO DISCOUNT            NO DISCOUNT                 NO DISCOUNT                                       NO DISCOUNT 
Automotive                                                                                                                                  0.750%      
General                                                                                                                                     4.000%      
Farm                                                                                                                                        0.750%      
Manufacturing Machine                                                                                                                       0.900%          
RENTAL & LEASING TAX                                                                                                                                    
Automotive                                                                                                                                  0.750%      
General                                                                                                                                     4.000%      
**Negative in any column requires a Petition for Refund and the original tax return form                   TOTAL TAX DUE                             
for the month/year. 
This return must be postmarked by the 20th day of the month following the reporting                        (Total of Column E) 
period for which you are filing to be considered a timely return. Cancellation postmark                         PENALTY                              
will determine timely filing. Failure to timely file will result in loss of discount. Failure to              (Item 1 x 10.0%) 
file is 10% or $50.00  whichever– is greater. Failure to pay is 10%. Interest is current                        INTEREST                             
APR.  Please  call  our  office  for  current  APR  rate,  or  visit  this  website: 
revenue.alabama.gov/assessments/quarterlyinterest-rates.  A  remittance  for  the  total          (Calculated according to Section 40-1-44, Code of 
amount  due  made  payable  to  the  taxing  jurisdiction  must  be  submitted  with  this                     Alabama 1975) 
report. This report should be submitted on a monthly basis unless you have requested                            DISCOUNT                             
and  been  approved  for  a  different  filing  frequency.  Any  credit  for  prior  overpayment  (*If submitted prior to filing deadline)(5% on 
must be approved in advance by the taxing jurisdiction.                                             $100.00 or less, 2% over $100.00) 
By  signing  this  report,  I  am  certifying  that  this  report,  including  any  accompanying  NO DISCOUNT FOR CONSUMER USE TAX 
schedules or statements, has been examined by me and is to the best of my knowledge                                                                  
and belief, a true and complete report for the period stated. 
                                                                                                           TOTAL TAX DUE 
SIGNED                                                                                                        DATE                                                  
                                                      STANDARD DEDUCTION SUMMARY TABLE* 
      TYPE OF TAX          WHOLESALE          AUTO TRADE      LABOR/NONT         SALES           JURIS SALES TO    SALES OF                  OTHER         
                            SALES              INS               AXABLE          DELIV.           GOVT OR ITS    GAS OR LUBE               ALLOWABLE 
                                                                  SERV           OUTSIDE          AGENCIES          OILS                  DEDUCTIONS** 
*Please provide documentation for this category.  

      2020 TRINITY SALES TAX RETURN FORM                                                                                                                   1 | P a g e  

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