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                                    DWC FORM-001 
             (Employer's First Report of Injury or Illness) 
 The employer is required to file an Employer's First Report of Injury or Illness 
 [DWC FORM-001 Rev. 10/05] with the injured worker's insurance carrier, and the 
 injured claimant or the claimant's representative within 8 days after the 
 employee's absence from work or receipt of notice of occupational disease.   
 The Employer's First Report of Injury or Illness provides information on the 
 claimant, employer, insurance carrier and medical practitioner necessary to begin 
 the claims process.  Details of the claimant's employment and circumstances 
 surrounding the injury or illness are also requested. 
 Send the specified copies to your Workers' Compensation Insurance Carrier 
 and the injured employee. *Employers - Do not send this form to the Texas 
 Department of Insurance, Division of Workers' Compensation, unless the 
 Division specifically requests a direct filing. 
 [Workers' Compensation Rule 120.2] 
DWC FORM-001 Rev. 10/05                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 1  

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                                        INJURY OR ILLNESS (DWC FORM-001) 
Type (or print in black ink) each item on this form.  Failure to complete each item may delay the processing of the injury claim. 
Section 409.005, Texas Workers' Compensation Act, requires an Employer's First Report of Injury or Illness (DWC FORM-001 Rev. 10/05 to be 
filed with the Workers' Compensation Insurance Carrier not later than the eighth day after the receipt of notice of occupational disease, or the 
employee's first day of absence from work due to injury or death.  A copy of this report must be sent to the employee or the employee's 
representative.  For purposes of this section, a report is filed when personally delivered, or postmarked.  Send the specified copies to your 
Workers' Compensation Insurance Carrier and the injured employee.  *Employers - Do not send this form to the Texas Department of 
Insurance, Division of Workers' Compensation, unless the Division specifically requests a direct filing. 
If a report has not been received by the carrier, the employer has the burden of proving that the report was filed within the required time frame.  
The employer has the burden of proving that good cause existed if the employer failed to file the report on time. 
An employer who fails to file the report without good cause may be assessed an administrative penalty.  An employer who fails to file the report 
without good cause waives the right to reimbursement of voluntary benefits even if no administrative penalty is assessed. 
Once the employer has completed all information pertaining to the injury the employer should maintain the copy of this report to serve as the 
Employer's Record of Injury required by Section 409.006.  Send the specified copies to your Workers' Compensation Insurance Carrier and 
the injured employee.  *Employers - Do not send this form to the Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers' Compensation, 
unless the Division specifically requests a direct filing.  The Division’s Health and Safety will use data from this report for the Job Safety 
Information System established in Section 411.032 of the Texas Workers' Compensation Act. 
This report may not be considered admission or evidence against the employer or the insurance carrier in any proceeding before the Division or 
a court in which facts set out in the report are contradicted by the employer or insurance carrier. 
  Items 2,7,8:   Section 402.082, Texas Workers' Compensation Act requires the Division to maintain information as to the race, ethnicity and 
                 sex on every compensable injury.  This information will be maintained for non-discriminatory statistical use. 
  Item 4:        If no home phone, please provide a phone number where the employee can be reached. 
  Items 5,15,17, 
  26,29,30:      Enter data in month, day, year format.  Example: 08-13-54. 
  Item 18:       List nature of accident or exposure, e.g., fall from scaffold, contact with radiation, etc. If occupational disease, so state. 
  Item 19:       List specific body part, e.g., chin, right leg, forehead, left upper arm, etc.  If more than one body part is affected, list each part. 
  Item 20:       Describe in detail (1) the events leading up to the injury/illness, (2) the actual injury, e.g., cut left forearm, broken right foot, 
                 etc., and (3) the reason(s) why accident/injury occurred.  Use an additional sheet of paper if necessary.  
  Item 22:       State the exact work-site location of the injury, e.g., construction site, office area, storage area, etc. 
  Item 24:       List object, substance, or exposure that directly inflicted the injury or illness, e.g., floor, hammer, chemicals, etc. 
  Items 32,33:   Enter date in month-year format.  Example: 02-56. 
  Item 37:       Enter the number of days or hours that make up a full work week for your employees. 
  Item 45:       Enter the 6-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code of the employer. The primary code is the code 
                 which appears in block 5 of Form C-3, "Employer's Quarterly Report" to the Texas Workforce Commission.  
  Item 46:       For companies with a single NAICS code, the specific code is the same as the primary code.  For companies with multiple 
                 NAICS codes, enter the code that identifies the specific business, activity, or work-site location the employee was working in 
                 at the time of the injury.  This may or may not be the same as the primary code. 
DWC FORM-001 Rev. 10/05                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 2  

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 Send the specified copies to your                                                                               
 Workers' Compensation Insurance Carrier                                                                         
 and the injured employee.                                                                                       
 *Employers - Do not send this form to the                                                                       
 Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation, 
 Unless the Division specifically requests a direct filling.                                                     CLAIM #  ______________________________________ 
                                                                                                                 CARRIER'S CLAIM #    
                                                 EMPLOYERS FIRST REPORT OF INJURY OR ILLNESS 
 1. Name (Last, First, M.I.)                                     2. Sex                                          15.  Date of Injury (m-d-y)           16. Time of Injury                                   17. Date Lost Time Began 
                                                                        F          M                                                                                                                        (m-d-y) 
                                                                                                                          -        -                          :       am          pm                                           -        - 
 3. Social Security Number           4. Home Phone               5. Date of Birth (m-d-y)                        18. Nature of Injury*                 19. Part of Body Injured or Exposed* 
                  -         -        (         )                           -        - 
 6. Does the Employee Speak English?     If No, Specify Language                                                 20. How and Why Injury/Illness Occurred* 
        YES            NO      
  7. Race              White                         8. Ethnicity       Hispanic                                 21. s  Wa employee                    22. Worksite Location of Injury (stairs, dock, etc.)* 
                                                                                                                       doing his        YES         
             Black            Asian                        Native American           Other                             regular job?     NO         
 9. Mailing Address     Street or P.O. Box                                                                       23. Address Where Injury or Exposure Occurred Name of business if incident  
                                                                                                                       occurred on a business site  
  City                                              State                       Zip Code                 County       Street or P.O. Box                                                                  County 
 10. Marital Status                                                                                              City                                                    State                   Zip Code 
           Married           Widowed          Separated           Single            Divorced 
  11. Number of Dependent Children                    12. Spouse's Name                                          24. Cause of Injury(fall, tool, machine, etc.)* 
 13. Doctor's Name                                                                                               25. List Witnesses 
 14. Doctor's Mailing Address (Street or P.O.Box)                                                                26. Return to work           27. Did employee                                   28. Supervisor's  29. Date Reported 
                                                                                                                    date/or expected                die?                                               Name               (m-d-y) 
 City                                             State                               Zip Code                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                                  YES         NO                                                    
                                                                                                                           -        -                                                                               
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -        - 
 30. Date of Hire (m-d-y)                  31. Was employee hired or recruited in Texas?                         32. Length of Service in Current Position                                       33. Length of Service in Occupation 
           -          -                          YES             NO                                                     Months                Years  ______                                            Months                Years  ______        
 34. Employee Payroll Classification Code                               35. Occupation of Injured Worker 
 36. Rate of Pay at this Job               37. Full Work Week is:                                                38. Last Paycheck was:                                                          39. Is employee an Owner, Partner, 
 $           Hourly    $           Weekly                  Hours                    Days                             $            for         Hours   or            Days                               or Corporate Officer? 
                                                                                                                                                                                                       YES                 NO    
 40. Name and Title of Person Completing Form                                                                        41. Name of Business      
 42. Business Mailing Address and Telephone Number                                                                   43. Business Location (If different from mailing address) 
        Street or P.O. Box                                        Telephone                                                 Number and Street 
                                                                                            (           ) 
     City                                                  State                     Zip Code                            City                                               State                             Zip Code     
 44. Federal Tax Identification Number               45. Primary North American Industry Classification System                        46. Specific NAICS Code                                    47. Texas Comptroller Taxpayer No.    
                                                     Code: (6 digit)                                                                         (6 digit) 
 48. Workers' Compensation Insurance Company                                                                         49. Policy Number 
 50. Did you request accident prevention services in past 12 months? 
       YES              NO                          If yes, did you receive them?          YES          NO   
 X                                                                                                                                                                                      Date   ________________________________________              
DWC FORM-1 (Rev. 10/05) Page 3                                                                                                                                                                         DIVISION OF WORKERS’ COMPENSATION  

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