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 Mail this form to:                                                                                               
 STATE OFFICE OF RISK MANAGEMENT                                                                                  
 P. O. Box 13777  
 Austin, Texas 78711                                                                                              
                                                                                                                  CLAIM #   
 Please read instruction sheet CAREFULLY,                                                                                                                                                
 giving special attention to items marked                                                                         
 with an asterisk (*).                                                                                            SORM CLAIM #    
                                             EMPLOYERS FIRST REPORT OF INJURY OR ILLNESS 
 1. Name (Last, First, M.I.)                      2. Sex                                                          15. Date of Injury (m-d-y)            16. Time of Injury                          17. Date Lost Time Began 
                                                         F          M                                                                                                                               (m-d-y) 
                                                                                                                           -        -                          :       am          pm                                  -        - 
 3. Social Security Number       4. Home Phone    5. Date of Birth (m-d-y)                                        18. Nature of Injury*                 19. Part of Body Injured or Exposed* 
                                 (         )                -        - 
 6. Does the Employee Speak English?     If No, Specify Language                                                  20. How and Why Accident/Injury Occurred* 
        YES              NO      
 7. Employee Telephone #                     8. Block no longer used                                              21. Was employee                      22. Worksite Location of Injury (stairs, dock, etc.)* 
                                                                                                                        doing his/her   YES         
                                                                                                                        regular job?      NO         
 9. Mailing Address     Street or P.O. Box                                                                        23. Address Where Injury or Exposure Occurred Name of business if incident  
                                                                                                                        occurred on a business site  
  City                                              State                       Zip Code                 County        Street or P.O. Box                                                         County 
 10. Marital Status                                                                                               City                                                    State                   Zip Code 
          Married           Widowed          Separated           Single            Divorced 
  11. Number of Dependent Children            12. Spouse's Name                                                   24. Cause of Injury (fall, tool, machine, etc.)* 
 13. Doctor's Name                                                Telephone #                                     25. List Witnesses (Name, Telephone # 

 14. Doctor's Mailing Address (Street or P.O.Box)                                                                 26. Return to work       27. Did employee                              28. Supervisor's  29. Date Reported 
                                                                                                                     date (m-d-y)                die?                                          Name               (m-d-y) 
 City                                             State                        Zip Code                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                               YES         NO                                               

 30. Date of Hire (m-d-y)          31. Was employee hired or recruited in Texas?                                  32. Length of Service in Current Position                              33. Length of Service in Occupation 
                                         YES             NO                                                             Years                 Months  ______                                   Years                Months  ______        
 34. State Payroll Classification Code                                                 35. Occupation of Injured Worker 
 36. Rate of Pay at this Job       37. Full Work Week is:                                                         38. Last Paycheck was:                                                 39. Is employee an Owner, Partner, 
 $______ Hourly $           Weekly                                                                                                                                                        or Corporate Officer? 
 $           Monthly                                   Hours                    Days                                  $_____________                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                               YES                 NO   x 
 40. Name and Title of Person Completing Form                                                                     41. Name of Agency 
                                                                 Claims Coordinator 
 42. Agency Mailing Address and Telephone Number                                                                  43. Agency Location Code 
       Street or P.O. Box                          Telephone                                                       
                                                                                                                  ______  ______  ______  /  _______  ______  _______  /  ______  _______  _______
                                                                                            (           )                                                                                                                          
     City                                                  State             Zip Code                                  
                                                                                                                  Name of Location:  ____________________________________________ 
 44. Federal Tax Identification Number       45. Primary North American Industrial Classification System                                   46. Specific NAICS Code                       47. Comptroller Agency Code    
                                             Sector Code (NAICS) (2 digits) 
 48. Workers' Compensation Insurance Company                                                                      49. Policy Number 
                  State Office of Risk Management                                                                                                       TXSTATEPOL001 
 50. Did you request accident prevention services in past 12 months?                                              52. Number of Hours of Sick/Annual Leave Credted to Employee or Date of Injury 
       YES              NO                   If yes, did you receive them?                 YES          NO   
DWC FORM-1S (Rev. 10/05) Page 1                                                                                                                                                                DIVISION OF WORKERS’ COMPENSATION           

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                                       DWC FORM-1S Instructions 
PLEASE COMPLETE ALL APPLICABLE FIELDS.Most fields are self-explanatory; however, the following items may require 
more attention: 
Item 4: If no home phone, please give a phone number where the employee can be reached. 
Item 7: Employees work phone number. 
Item 8: This information is no longer required. 
Item 13: This information should include the doctor’s telephone number. 
Item 15: This should be the actual date of injury, or (for occupational diseases) the date the employee knew or should have 
known the condition was work-related. 
Item 17: This should be the first full day of lost-time from work. (Please note that the date of injury is not considered the first day 
of lost time.) Mark NLT or N/A if there is no lost time. 
Item 18: List the nature of the injury. Examples include: burn, cut, or sprain. 
Item 19: List specific body part, which side of body is affected, e.g., chin, right leg, left upper arm, etc. If more than one body 
part is affected, list each part. 
Item 20: Describe in detail. Use additional sheet of paper if necessary. 
Item 24: This should state the specific substance or exposure that directly inflicted the injury such as a tool, chemical (list the 
name of the chemical), or machine. 
Item 26: The date should be entered even if the employee has returned to work even for a portion of the day. If the employee 
has returned to work making less than his or her pre-injury wage, a DWC FORM-6 must also be submitted. 
Item 28: This is the employee’s immediate supervisor. Please include a work telephone number. 
Item 29: This is the date the employee reported the injury to the employer as work related. 
Item 34: This 4-digit code corresponds to the primary occupation in which the employee was engaged at the time of the injury or 
exposure. This code is from the state payroll classification table and is available from the State Comptroller of Public Accounts. 
Item 43: This 9-digit code represents the location of the agency unit that employed the injured worker at the time of their injury or 
exposure. The first three digits will be 100 for state agencies or 200 for county entities. The second three digits are the agency 
code. The third three digits are the location code as established by each agency. Contact the SORM’s Risk Assessment and 
Loss Prevention section for information about or changes to your agency location code(s). 
Item 44: This 9-digit code is assigned to each agency by the Internal Revenue Service for employment, tax, and reporting 
Item 45: This 2-digit code is assigned to each agency according to its primary business activity. For specific questions regarding 
your NAICS code, call your local Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). 
Item 46: This is a 3- or 4-digit code for the specific subsector of the business activity of the agency. 
Item 47: This is the state agency code number assigned by the State Comptroller of Public Accounts. 
Item 51: This must be the signature and title of the claims coordinator. If signed by someone other than the claims coordinator, 
he or she must list his or her title and state that it was signed for the claims coordinator. The date must also be included. 
Item 52: Enter the number of sick/annual leave hours credited to the employee as of the date of injury. 
Distribution:                                             State Office of Risk Management 
Fax a copy or mail the original to:                       P.O. Box 13777 
State Office of Risk Management                           Austin, TX 78711-3777 
Mail a copy to the claimant. 
Retain a copy for your file. 

DWC FORM-1S (Rev. 10/05) Page 2                                                                                                                                                     DIVISION OF WORKERS’ COMPENSATION           

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