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Mail To:                                                                                                                     This form can be completed online at 
Cashier - Texas Workforce Commission                                                                                 www.texasworkforce.org 
P.O. Box 149037 
Austin, TX 78714-9037 
                                                 (STATUS CHANGE) 
                                                               Account Number _________________________________ 
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Texas Workforce Commission that the employer named in Item No. 1 below 
has suspended or discontinued employment in Texas; and that the employer will not file quarterly contribution and wage 
reports for periods after the date shown in Item No. 4 below, if applicable, until such time in the future as the employer 
again has one or more persons in employment under the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act. 
1.  EMPLOYER NAME:                              
3.  Last date on which any person performed employment for this employer:                                           
4.  Date of payment of final wages for any employment through the date shown in Item 3:             
5.  REASON FOR DISCONTINUATION OF EMPLOYMENT: If a partial acquisition occurred, the predecessor/successor 
    may jointly submit information regarding a partial transfer of experience. 
           Business in Texas suspended or discontinued entirely, without a successor……………………  DATE:                                                                
           Business in Texas continued in operation without employment after the date shown in Item 3  DATE:                                                       
           Business in Texas acquired by a successor…………………………………………………………  DATE:                                                                                  
7.  Did the successor acquire all of your assets or business in Texas?  YES                                  NO       If the answer is “NO”  
    explain what part of your assets or business the successor acquired and what part you retained.             
                      AUTHORIZED CHANGES                                                                    FOR EMPLOYER 
                       (for TWC use only) 
                                                                                                       IMPORTANT WARNING: 
                                                                                      The filing of this notice does not have the effect of changing th  
 1 ___________________________________________________________ 
                                                                                      employer’s status as a subject “employer” under Chapter 201, 
 2 ___________________________________________________________                        Subchapter C of the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act 
                                                                                      and does not terminate liability.  After filing this notice, the 
 3. ___________________________________________________________                       employer  
                                                                                      will continue to be liable for the payment of contributions on 
 4. _____________________________________________________ 
                                                                                      wages paid for any employment that the employer may have in 
 5. _____________________________________________________                             the future — regardless of the number of employees.  This 
                                                                                      notice will relieve  
 6. _____________________________________________________                             the employer of only the duty of filing quarterly contributions 
 (New)  County Code _______  Tax Area_______                                          and wage reports for periods during which no employment is 
                                                                                      performed.  The employer’s liable status as a subject 
                                                                                      “employer” may be terminated only as of the beginning of a 
 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  calendar year and only in accordance with the provisions of 
                                                                                      Section 206.004 of the Act which is is quoted on the back side 
 Authority: _____________________________________________  of this form. 
 FROM: ACCTS. EXAMINER ______________________________                                 SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________ 
 TAX AREA __________________  DATE____________________                                TITLE:          _________________________________________________ 
                                                                                      DATE:_           __________________________________________________           
C-13 (082015)                         (SEE EXCERPTS FROM THE LAW PRINTED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS FORM) 
                                                  (Page 1 of 2) 

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                             Excerpts From 
Sec. 206.004.  Termination of Coverage. 
  (a)         An employing unit may cease to be an employer only on January 1 of a  
              year and only if the commission finds that: 
   (1)        the employing unit was not an employer during the preceding year; or 
   (2)        the employing unit had not had any individuals in employment during  
              the preceding three calendar years. 
  (b)         The commission may not make a finding under Subsection (a)(1) unless  
              the employing unit files an application for termination of coverage with  
              the commission on or after January 1 but before April 1 for which 
              termination is requested.  The commission may make a finding under  
              Subsection (a)(2) without an application having been filed. 
Sec. 206.005.  Previous Rights Lost by Cessation of Coverage. 
When an employing unit  that ceased to be an  employer subsequently  becomes an employer, the  employing  unit is 
considered to be a new employer without regard to the rights that employing unit acquired when previously an employer. 
   Individuals may receive, review and correct information that TWC collects about the individual by emailing to  
 open.records@twc.state.tx.us or writing to TWC Open Records, 101 E. 15  St., Rm. 266, Austin, TX  78778-0001. 
C-13 (082015)                                     (Page 2 of 2) 

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