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                                             Direct Deposit of Corporate Tax Refund 
Form  8050                                                                                                                  OMB No. 1545-0123 
(November 2016)                                        ▶ Attach to Form 1120 or 1120S. 
Department of the Treasury       ▶ Information about Form 8050 and its instructions is at www.irs.gov/form8050. 
Internal Revenue Service 
Name of corporation (as shown on tax return)                                                                     Employer identification number 

                                                                                                                 Phone number (optional) 

  1.  Routing number (must be nine digits).  The first two digits must be between 01 and 12 or 21 through 32. 
                                                                                                              3.  Type of account (one box  
                                                                                                              must be checked): 
  2.  Account number (include hyphens but omit spaces and special symbols): 

                                                                                                              Checking  Savings 
General Instructions                               How To File                                       the information. We need it to ensure that  
                                                                                                     you are complying with these laws and to  
Section references are to the Internal Revenue     Attach Form 8050 to the corporation’s Form        allow us to figure and collect the right  
Code unless otherwise noted.                       1120 or 1120S after Schedule N (Form 1120),       amount of tax. 
                                                   if applicable. To ensure that the corporation’s 
Purpose of Form                                    tax return is correctly processed, see                     You are not required to provide the  
File Form 8050 to request that the IRS deposit     Assembling the Return in the instructions for     information requested on a form that is  
                                                   Form 1120 or 1120S.                               subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act  
a corporate income tax refund (including a                                                           unless the form displays a valid OMB control 
refund of $1 million or more) directly into an     Specific Instructions                             number. Books or records relating to a form 
account at any U.S. bank or other financial                                                          or its instructions must be retained as long as 
institution (such as a mutual fund or brokerage    Line 1. Enter the financial institution’s routing 
firm) that accepts direct deposits.                number and verify that the institution will       their contents may become material in the 
  The benefits of a direct deposit include a                                                         administration of any Internal Revenue law. 
                                                   accept a direct deposit. See the sample 
                                                   check below for an example of where the           Generally, tax returns and return information 
faster refund, the added security of a             routing number may be shown.                      are confidential, as required by section 6103. 
paperless payment, and the savings of tax                                                                     The time needed to complete and file this 
dollars associated with the reduced                For accounts payable through a financial  
processing costs.                                  institution other than the one at which the       form will vary depending on individual 
                                                   account is located, check with your financial     circumstances. The estimated burden for 
Who May File                                       institution for the correct routing number. Do    business taxpayers filing this form is 
Only corporations requesting a direct deposit      not use a deposit slip to verify the routing      approved under OMB control number 
of refund with its original Form 1120 or 1120S     number.                                           1545-0123 and is included in the estimates 
                                                                                                     shown in the instructions for their business 
may file Form 8050.                                Line 2. Enter the corporation’s account           income tax return.
  The corporation is not eligible to request  a    number. Enter the number from left to right  
direct deposit if:                                 and leave any unused boxes blank. See the                  If you have comments concerning the  
• The receiving financial institution is a foreign sample check below for an example of where        accuracy of these time estimates or  
bank or a foreign branch of a U.S. bank, or        the account number may be shown.                  suggestions for making this form simpler, we 
                                                                                                     would be happy to hear from you. You can 
• The corporation has applied for an               Paperwork Reduction                               write to the IRS at the address listed in the 
employer identification number but is filing its                                                     instructions of the tax return with which this 
tax return before receiving one.                   Act Notice                                        form is filed. 
Note: For other corporate tax returns,             We ask for the information on this form to  
including Form 1120X, Amended U.S.                 carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the  
Corporation Income Tax Return, and Form            United States. You are required to give us 
1139, Corporation Application for Tentative  
Refund, a corporation may request a direct  
deposit of refunds of $1 million or more by  
filing Form 8302, Electronic Deposit of Tax        Sample Check 
Refund of $1 Million or More. 

Conditions Resulting in a                                  ABC Corporation  
Refund by Check                                            123 Main Street  
If the IRS is unable to process this request for           Anyplace, NJ 07000 
a direct deposit, a refund by check will  be 
generated instead. Reasons for not  
processing a request include:                                              Routing                   Account  
• The name of the corporation on the tax                                   number                    number  
return does not match the name on the                                      (line 1)                  (line 2) 
• The financial institution rejects the direct  
deposit because of an incorrect routing or  
account number. 
• The corporation fails to indicate the type of 
account the deposit is to be made to (that is,     Note: The routing and account numbers may be in different places on the corporation’s check. 
checking or savings). 
                                                                                                 Cat. No. 30211X            Form  8050  (11-2016) 

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