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                                                                                                                                               OMB No. 1545-1941
                                     Consumer Cooperative Exemption Application
Form    3491 
(Rev. October 2014)                            (For Exemption From Filing Forms 1099-PATR)                                                     File in duplicate.
Department of the Treasury           ▶ Information about Form 3491 is available at www.irs.gov/form3491.
Internal Revenue Service 
This application is for certain consumer cooperatives that are engaged primarily in retail sales of goods or services 
that are generally for personal, living, or family use. 
1a    Name of organization                                                                                              b    Employer identification number 

2      Number, street, and room or suite no. (If a P.O. box, see instructions.) 

         City, state, and ZIP code 

3      Principal activity of the organization                                                                           4    Month and day on which the annual       
                                                                                                                              accounting period ends 

5       Has the organization filed a federal income tax return(s)?  .             .              . . .     . .    . . . .  . .      . .      .      Yes         No
        If “Yes,” enter the form number(s) of the return(s) filed and the Internal Revenue Service location where filed. 
        Form Number                                                                                  IRS Location

6       Gross Receipts 
                                                     (1)                                             (2)                        (3)                      (4) *
           Period                    Part of total receipts from retail sales of                                                                     Percentage   
                                     goods or services that is generally for                       Other receipts          Total receipts           (Divide (1) by (3)   
                                           personal, living, or family use                                                 (add (1) and (2))        and multiply by   

a  First preceding year            $                                              $                                   $                                               % 

b  Second preceding year  $                                                       $                                   $ 

c  Third preceding year            $                                              $                                   $ 

d  Total                           $                                              $                                   $                                               % 
*Note:  If line a, column (4), is at least 85%, do not complete lines ,   ,band c                . d
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this application, including any accompanying statements, and, to the best of my knowledge 
and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. 

Signature of officer   ▶

Title ▶                                                                                                               Date ▶
Notice to Applicant—To be completed by the Internal Revenue Service 
We have approved your application. 
We have not approved your application because 

Director ▶                                                                                                            Date ▶
                                                                                 Cat. No. 19756J                                               Form 3491 (Rev.10-2014) 

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Form 3491 (Rev. 10-2014)                                                                                                         Page 2 

Instructions                                                         Cedar’s exemption period begins October 2012 and ends  
                                                                     November 2015. Cedar does not have to file Forms 1099-PATR 
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless           for 2012, 2013, and 2014, but must file for 2015. 
otherwise noted.                                                     Example 2.  The facts are the same as in Example 1 except  
                                                                     Cedar made the first payment for 2012 in February, before the 
Purpose of Form                                                      exemption is approved. The result is the same. Cedar does not 
A cooperative may use Form 3491 to apply for exemption from          have to file Forms 1099-PATR for 2012, 2013, and 2014, but 
filing Form 1099-PATR, Taxable Distributions Received From           must file for 2015. 
Cooperatives. Form 1099-PATR is used to report patronage             Example 3.  In September 2012, Elm Cooperative’s application 
distributions of $10 or more to a recipient during the calendar      for exemption from filing Forms 1099-PATR is approved. In 
year.                                                                October 2012, Elm made the first patronage payments for the 
                                                                     year. For the tax year ending June 30, 2013, less than 70% of 
Who Must File                                                        Elm’s gross receipts are from qualifying retail sales. In August 
                                                                     2013, Elm made the first patronage payments for the new fiscal 
Any cooperative that is requesting exemption, under section          year. 
6044(c), from filing Form 1099-PATR must file Form 3491 and 
receive a determination from the IRS. To qualify for the             Elm’s exemption period begins October 2012 and ends  
exemption, 85% of the cooperative’s gross receipts for the           August 2013. Elm does not have to file Forms 1099-PATR for  
preceding tax year, or 85% of its total gross receipts for the       2012 only. 
preceding 3 tax years, must have been from retail sales of 
goods or services that are generally for personal, living, or family How To Prepare the Form 
use (qualifying retail sales). See Regulations section 1.6044-4.     Complete all items on the form. An officer authorized to sign for 
                                                                     the cooperative must sign and date the form. 
Period of Exemption                                                  P.O. Box. If the Post Office does not deliver mail to the street 
The period of exemption begins with the date the first payment       address and the cooperative has a P.O. box, show the box 
is made during the calendar year in which exemption is               number instead of the street address. 
approved. It ends on the date the first payment is made after the 
end of the cooperative’s first tax year in which less than 70% of    Where To File 
the gross receipts is from qualifying retail sales.
                                                                     Send two copies of the form to: 
Examples for Calendar Year Cooperatives                                             Philadelphia Submission Processing Center   
Example 1.  In September 2012, Oak Cooperative’s application                        IRP 
for exemption from filing Forms 1099-PATR is approved. In                           Philadelphia, PA 19255-0633
October 2012, Oak made the first patronage payments for the 
year. For the tax year ending December 31, 2014, less than           The IRS will return this application to you showing whether 
70% of Oak’s gross receipts are from qualifying retail sales. In     the application has or has not been approved.
November 2015, Oak made the first patronage payments for the 
                                                                     Paperwork Reduction Act Notice 
Oak’s exemption period begins October 2012 and ends  
November 2015. Oak does not have to file Forms 1099-PATR             We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal 
for 2012, 2013, and 2014, but must file for 2015.                    Revenue laws of the United States. If you want your 
Example 2.  The facts are the same as in Example 1 except            organization to be considered exempt from filing  
Oak made the first payment for 2012 in February, before the          Form 1099-PATR, you are required to give us this information. 
exemption is approved. The result is the same. Oak does not          We need it to determine whether the organization meets the 
have to file Forms 1099-PATR for 2012, 2013, and 2014, but           requirements of section 6044(c) for exemption status. 
must file for 2015.                                                  You are not required to provide the information requested on 
Example 3.  In September 2012, Maple Cooperative’s                   a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless 
application for exemption from filing Forms 1099-PATR is             the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or 
approved. In October 2012, Maple made the first patronage            records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as 
payments for the year. For the year ending December 31, 2012,        long as their contents may become material in the 
less than 70% of Maple’s gross receipts are from qualifying          administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax  
retail sales. In March 2013, Maple made the first patronage          returns and return information are confidential, as required by  
payments for the year.                                               section 6103. 
Maple’s exemption period begins October 2012 and ends                The time needed to complete and file this form will vary  
March 2013. Maple does not have to file Forms 1099-PATR for          depending on individual circumstances. The estimated average 
2012 only.                                                           time for preparing the form is 44 minutes. 
                                                                     If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time 
Examples for Fiscal Year Cooperatives                                estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, we would 
(July 1–June 30)                                                     be happy to hear from you. You can send us comments from 
                                                                     www.irs.gov/formspubs. Or you can send your comments to 
Example 1.  In September 2012, Cedar Cooperative’s                   Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and Publications Division, 
application for exemption from filing Forms 1099-PATR is             1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. 
approved. In October 2012, Cedar made the first patronage            Do not send the tax form to this address. Instead, see Where To 
payments for the year. For the tax year ending June 30, 2015,        File, earlier. 
less than 70% of Cedar’s gross receipts are from qualifying 
retail sales. In November 2015, Cedar made the first patronage 
payments for the new fiscal year. 

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