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Form   4461-A               Application for Approval of Standardized or                               OMB No. 1545-0169 
(Rev. November 2019)          Nonstandardized Pre-Approved Defined  
                                            Benefit Plan                                              This Form Is Open to Public Inspection 
Department of the Treasury  
Internal Revenue Service      ▶ Go to www.irs.gov/Form4461A for the latest information.
File This Form With the Internal Revenue Service                                                      For IRS Use Only  
                                                                                                      File folder number
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. 

Complete every applicable item on this form and Attachment 1-A. (See Rev. Proc. 2017-41, 2017-29 I.R.B. 92.)

See instructions before completing this form. 
1      Enter amount of user fee submitted 
2 a    Approval requested:                                2b  File folder number          2c  Date of last letter issued 
          Initial application 
          Amendment—Enter file folder number in line 2b 
          and date of last letter issued in line 2c  . . ▶
3 a    Name of applicant                                                                  3b  Employer identification number 
                                                                                                      (EIN) of applicant 
       Address (number, street, room or suite no.) (If a P.O. box, see instructions.) 

       City                                               State             ZIP code      3c  Applicant’s telephone number 

3 d    Type of applicant (see Definitions in the instructions): 
          Provider            Mass submitter
4a     Name of person to be contacted                                                 4b  Telephone number 4c  Fax number 

4 d    Email address 
                                                                        4e  If a power of attorney is attached, check box . .  ▶
5a     Basic plan document or single document plan number               5b  Adoption agreement number, if applicable

6      Form of plan: 
          Adoption agreement plan           Single document plan 
7      Type of plan (select all that apply):
          Without permitted disparity       With permitted disparity                      Governmental
          Nonelecting church                Without cash balance features                 With cash balance features
8      Filing status of plan: 
          Standardized plan                Nonstandardized plan 
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this application, including accompanying statements, and, to the best of my knowledge and 
belief, it is true, correct, and complete. 

Signature ▶                                                     Title ▶                               Date ▶
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions.             Cat. No. 11416U      Form 4461-A (Rev. 11-2019) 

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Form 4461-A (Rev. 11-2019)                                                                                              Page  2 
9     Procedural requirements:                                                                                      Yes No 
a     Have the following been submitted as required by instructions:
      (1) Adoption agreement, if applicable?  .     .   .   .   . . . . .      .   .   .  .  . . . . . . . .     . .
      (2) Copy of plan?        . . . . . .  . .     .   .   .   . . . . .      .   .   .  .  . . . . . . . .     . .
      (3) Copy of Certification of Interim Amendments?  .       . . . . .      .   .   .  .  . . . . . . . .     . .
b     Do you have a procedure in place for the adoption and distribution of interim amendments made on behalf of
      adopting employers? .      . . . . .  . .     .   .   .   . . . . .      .   .   .  .  . . . . . . . .     . .
c     Is the plan patterned after, and substantially the same as, another plan submitted? (If “Yes,” see   Specific 
      Instructions.) .     . . . . . . . .  . .     .   .   .   . . . . .      .   .   .  .  . . . . . . . .     . .
d     Provider (non-mass submitter) request.
      (1) Do you have at least 15 employer-clients which are reasonably expected to adopt this plan’s basic plan 
          document and adoption agreement or single document plan? .           .   .   .  .  . . . . . . . .     . .
      (2) If you have more than one pre-approved plan, do you have at least 30 employer-clients in the aggregate 
          which are reasonably expected to adopt at least one of the plans? (If you don’t have more than one
          pre-approved plan, skip this question.)  .    .   .   . . . . .      .   .   .  .  . . . . . . . .     . .
e     Mass submitter request. 
      (1) Are applications on behalf of the requisite number of providers who are adopting the same basic plan 
          document on a word-for-word identical basis included? If “No,” complete (2)          . . . . . . .     . .
      (2) If “No” to (1), enter the file folder number of the basic plan document for which the requisite number 
          of adopting providers requirement is met: 
      (3) Is this a flexible plan? If “Yes,” answer (a) and (b). If “No,” skip (a) and (b) . . . . . . . . .     . .
          (a) Have you bracketed and identified the optional provisions of the plan?         . . . . . . . .     . .
          (b) Have you included a copy of the written representation describing the choices available to providers 
              and the coordination of optional provisions?  .     . . . .      .   .   .  .  . . . . . . . .     . .
Note: This application is designed to be used in conjunction with Rev. Proc. 2017-41. A List of Required Modifications (LRMs) is also 
recommended for use and may be obtained from the IRS website at www.irs.gov/lrms.
                                                                                                           Form 4461-A (Rev. 11-2019) 

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Form 4461-A (Rev. 11-2019)                                                                                                   Page  3 
General Instructions                        For approval, file this application and     Disclosure requested by taxpayer.  A 
                                            each applicable document listed on line     taxpayer may request the IRS to  
Section references are to the Internal      9a. A mass submitter should also file       disclose and discuss the return or return  
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.        Form(s) 4461-B, Application for Approval    information with any person(s) the  
                                            of Standardized or Nonstandardized Pre-     taxpayer designates in a written request. 
Future Developments                         Approved Plans, as needed.                  If you want to designate a person(s) to  
For the latest information about            Multiple adoption agreement plans. A        assist in an application for approval, you  
developments related to Form 4461-A,        provider may use one basic plan             must provide the IRS office of  
such as legislation enacted after the       document for several plans. A provider      jurisdiction with a written request that  
form was published, go to                   may, for example, use one basic plan        contains the following. 
www.irs.gov/Form4461A.                      document with a standardized plan with      • The taxpayer’s name, address, EIN, 
                                            or without permitted disparity as well as   and plan number(s). 
Purpose of Form                             a nonstandardized plan with or without      • The name, address, social security  
Form 4461-A is used to apply for            permitted disparity. Submit a separate      number, and telephone number(s) of the  
approval of standardized or                 adoption agreement and completed            person or persons whom you are  
nonstandardized pre-approved defined        application for each such defined benefit   authorizing to receive return information. 
benefit plans.                              plan. See section 9.06 of Rev. Proc. 
                                            2017-41 for more details, including the     • A paragraph that clearly describes the  
Be sure to submit a complete and            special rules for governmental and          return or return information that you  
accurate application, including Form        nonelecting church plans. In the case of    authorize the IRS to disclose. 
4461-A and Attachment 1-A (see              simultaneous submissions of plans using     • An authorized signature (see above).  
www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/               the same basic plan document, submit 
preapproved-plan-submission-                only one copy of the basic plan             As an alternative to providing the 
procedures or Rev. Proc. 2017-41,           document. If the requests aren’t            above statement, you may submit    
2017-29 I.R.B. 92). Complete every          simultaneous, submit separate basic         Form 2848, Power of Attorney and 
applicable line on the application. If an   plan documents and include a cover          Declaration of Representative. 
item on the Attachment 1-A doesn’t          letter identifying the original submission. 
apply, check the “N/A” box or enter         The number assigned to the basic plan       Definitions 
“N/A” on the line where indicated as an     document of a standardized or               Adoption agreement. An adoption 
option. If your application isn’t complete, nonstandardized pre-approved plan           agreement is the portion of the plan 
we will return it without processing it.    must remain the same as in the prior        containing all the options that the  
The first page must be typed. Unless        submission. One basic plan document         adopting employer may select. The  
otherwise noted, the questions on Form      may not be used for both defined benefit    adoption agreement may include blanks  
4461-A and Attachment 1-A apply to          and defined contribution plans.             or fill-in provisions for the employer to  
both standardized and nonstandardized                                                   complete if it also includes parameters  
pre-approved defined benefit plans.         Two or more single document plans. A 
                                            provider may not combine different          on these provisions that preclude an  
Requests for additional information. If     categories in a single document plan or     employer from completing them in a  
a letter requesting additional information  application. See section 9.07 of Rev.       manner that could violate the  
or changes to plan documents is sent to     Proc. 2017-41 for more details, including   qualification requirements. Each  
the pre-approved plan provider, or an       the special rules for governmental and      separate adoption agreement is treated  
authorized representative, such             nonelecting church plans.                   as a separate plan and will receive its  
information and/or changes must be                                                      own opinion letter. 
received no later than 30 days from the     Where To File                               Basic plan document. A basic plan 
date of the letter. Failure to respond                                                  document is the portion of the plan 
timely may result in the application being  Send Form 4461-A to: 
                                                                                        containing all the nonelective provisions 
considered withdrawn. An extension of       Internal Revenue Service                    applicable to all adopting employers. No 
the 30-day time limit will be granted only  Attn: Pre-Approved Plans                    options (including blanks to be 
for good cause.                             Coordinator                                 completed) may be provided in the  
Inadequate submissions. We will             Room 6-403, Group 7521                      basic plan document except for options  
return, without further action, plansthat   P.O. Box 2508                               in flexible plans. 
aren’t in substantial compliancewith   the  Cincinnati, OH 45201-2508
                                                                                        Single document plan. A single 
qualification requirements or plans that    If using Express Mail or a private          document plan may contain alternate 
are so deficient that theycan’t be          delivery service, use this address:         paragraphs and options that may be 
reviewed in a reasonableamount   of time.                                               selected by an adopting employer. A 
                                            Internal Revenue Service  
Who May File                                Attn: Pre-Approved Plans                    single document plan may include 
                                            Coordinator                                 blanks or fill-in provisions for the 
A provider or mass submitter of a pre-      Room 6-403, Group 7521                      employer to complete only if the plan 
approved defined benefit plan may file a    550 Main Street                             also includes parameters on these 
Form 4461-A. See Definitions, later.        Cincinnati, OH 45202                        provisions that preclude an employer 
                                                                                        from completing them in a manner that 
What To File                                Signature. The application must be          could violate the qualification 
                                            signed by a partner or officer of the       requirements.
Submit one copy of Form 4461-A and          applicant who is authorized to sign, or 
Attachment 1-A for each separate            other person authorized by a power of  
adoption agreement or for each single       attorney. The power of attorney should  
document plan where no adoption             be filed with the application. 
agreement is used.

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Form 4461-A (Rev. 11-2019)                                                                                                  Page  4 
Flexible plan. A flexible plan is a plan       A provider also includes any person     If multiple adoption agreements are 
submitted by a mass submitter which         that has an established place of           linked to the same basic plan document, 
contains certainoptional   provisions as    business in the United States where it is  the same two-digit basic plan document 
allowed by section 10.03(1) of Rev. Proc.   accessible during every business day       number should be used for all 
2017-41. Providers that adopta  flexible    and offers a plan as a word-for-word       applications.
plan may include or delete any optional     identical adopter or minor modifier        Line 5b. Enter the three-digit number  
provision designated as such in the         adopter of a plan of a mass submitter,     you have assigned to the adoption  
mass submitter’s plan. A flexible plan      regardless of the number of employers      agreement for which this application is  
adopted by a provider which differsfrom     that are expected to adopt the plan.       submitted. Each different adoption  
the mass submitter plan onlybecause     of  Standardized plan. A standardized plan     agreement designed to accompany a  
the deletion of certainoptional             is a pre-approved plan (other than a       single basic plan document should be 
provisions will be treated as a plan that   statutory hybrid plan) that meets the      given a different three-digit number 
isword-for-word identical to the mass       requirements set forth in section 5.16 of  beginning with “001.” For example, if the 
submitter plan.                             Rev. Proc. 2017-41.                        first basic plan document of a sponsor 
Mass submitter. As set forth in Rev.        Nonstandardized plan. A                    has four different adoption agreements, 
Proc. 2017-41, any entity that submits      nonstandardized plan is a pre-approved     they should be numbered “001” through 
applications on behalf of at least 30       plan that isn’t a standardized plan and    “004,” and the provider should submit 
unaffiliated providers each of which is     that satisfies section 5.15 of Rev. Proc.  four separate Forms 4461-A. Adoption 
sponsoring, on a word-for-word identical    2017-41.                                   agreements submitted with the second 
basis, the same plan is a mass                                                         or any subsequent basic plan  
submitter. A mass submitter is treated as   Statutory hybrid plan. A statutory         documents (that aren’t word-for-word 
a mass submitter with respect to all of its hybrid plan is a defined benefit plan that identical to a previously submitted basic 
plans, provided the 30-unaffiliated-        contains a statutory hybrid benefit        plan document) should be similarly  
provider requirement is met with respect    formula, as defined in Regulations         numbered beginning with “001.”  
to at least one plan.                       section 1.411(a)(13)-1(d)(4). Section 6.03 
                                            of Rev. Proc. 2017-41 (as revised by       Line 9. Procedural requirements. 
 Affiliation is determined under sections   Rev. Proc. 2018-21, 2018-14 I.R.B. 467)    Submit a separate application for each 
414(b) and (c). Additionally, the following provides a list of areas not covered by    different plan/adoption agreement 
will be considered to be affiliated: any    opinion letters. This list includes        combination or single document plan. 
law firm, accounting firm, consulting       statutory hybrid plans with certain        Line 9c. If you checked “Yes,” submit a  
firm, etc., with its partners, members,     features, such as a statutory hybrid       copy of such plan with language  
associates, etc. For purposes of            benefit formula that isn’t a cash balance  differences highlighted. Attach a cover 
determining whether 30 unaffiliated         formula. See section 6.03 of Rev. Proc.    letter that includes the following.
providers sponsor on a word-for-word        2017-41 for the complete list.             • The name and file folder number of the 
identical basis the same plan document, 
the mass submitter is treated as an                                                    plan, including the name and EIN of the 
unaffiliated provider.                      Specific Instructions                      provider.
Pre-approved plan. A pre-approved           Line 1. All applications submitted must    • A list of all plans written by the plan 
plan is a plan (including a plan covering   be accompanied by the appropriate user     drafter that are substantially identical to 
self-employed individuals) that is made     fee and Form 8717-A, User Fee for          the lead plan, including the information 
available by a provider for adoption by     Employee Plan Opinion Letter Request,      described above.
employers. The term pre-approved plan       as determined from the schedule in Rev.    • A description of each place where the 
includes both standardized and              Proc. 2019-4, 2019-1 I.R.B. 146 (or the    plan for which the application is being 
nonstandardized plans. A pre-approved       latest annual update). Applications        submitted isn’t word-for-word identical 
plan may be an adoption agreement plan      submitted without the proper user fee      to the language of the lead plan, 
or a single document plan. An adoption      won’t be processed and will be returned    including an explanation of the purpose 
agreement plan consists of a basic plan     to the applicant.                          and effect of each difference.
document and an adoption agreement. A       Line 3a. Enter the name and address of     • A certification made under penalty of 
single document plan consists of a          the applicant. If the Post Office doesn’t  perjury by the plan drafter that the 
single plan document offered by a           deliver mail to the street address and     information describing where the plan 
provider without an adoption agreement.     the applicant has a P.O. box number,       language isn’t word-for-word identical is 
Provider. A provider is any person          show the P.O. box number instead of the    true and complete.
(including a mass submitter, if             street address.                            Line 9e. In addition to filing Form 
applicable) that (1) has an established     Line 4a. If the person to be contacted is  4461-A, the mass submitter should use 
place of business in the United States      other than an employee of the applicant,   Form 4461-B, when submitting 
where it is accessible during every         please enclose an authorized power of      applications on behalf of its adopting 
business day; and (2) represents to the     attorney. See Disclosure requested by      providers, and submit Form 8717-A. 
IRS that it has at least 15 employer-       taxpayer, earlier. 
clients, each of which is reasonably 
expected to adopt the same pre-             Line 4c. Enter a fax number to receive 
approved plan of the provider.              notice of preliminary approval of the 
                                            applicable plan, subject to final approval 
 A provider may request an opinion          by opinion letter.
letter for more than one plan provided it 
represents to the IRS that it has at least  Line 5a. Enter the two-digit number you 
30 employer-clients in the aggregate,       have assigned to your single document 
each of which is reasonably expected to     plan or basic plan document that 
adopt at least one of the provider’s        accompanies theadoption   agreement 
plans.                                      for which you arerequesting approval.

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Form 4461-A (Rev. 11-2019)                                                                                                 Page  5 
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction         any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax    If you have comments concerning the  
Act Notice. Weask   for the information     returns and return information are          accuracy of these time estimates or  
on this form tocarry out the Internal       confidential, as required by Code section   suggestions for making this form  
Revenue laws ofthe   United States. You     6103.                                       simpler, we would be happy to hear from 
are required togive us this information.    The time needed to complete and file        you. You can send us comments from 
We need it todetermine     whether you      this form will vary depending on            www.irs.gov/FormComments. Or you 
meet the legalrequirements   for plan       individual circumstances. The estimated     can write to the Internal Revenue 
approval.                                   average time is:                            Service, Tax Forms and Publications 
                                                                                        Division, 1111 Constitution  Ave. NW, 
You aren’t required to provide the          Recordkeeping       . .   . 42 hr., 5 min.  IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Don’t 
information requested on a form that is  
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act      Learning about the law                      send Form 4461-A to this address. 
unless the form displays a valid OMB        or the form   .  .  . .   . 5  hr., 55 min. Instead, seeWhere To File, earlier.
control number. Books or records            Preparing the form    .   . 7  hr., 48 min. 
relating to a form or its instructions must 
be retained as long as their content may    Copying, assembling, and 
become material in the administration of    sending the form to the IRS    .  16 min. 

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