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Instructions for Form 13441-A, Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)  
                                Monthly Registration and Update
Legislation was approved that extended the Health Coverage Tax Credit through 2021. The last eligible coverage month for HCTC is 
December 2021. The HCTC is not available for months starting with January 2022.

General Instructions
Please read carefully and follow the instructions below to complete Form 13441-A. Write your Social Security Number at the top of 
each document you are sending to the HCTC Program. Print or type your responses. To register for the Monthly HCTC, you must 
complete the following steps:
1. Collect the documents you will need to submit with your HCTC Monthly Registration and Update form. See the “Required 
Supporting Documents” section for a detailed list of the required documents.
2. Fill out the HCTC Monthly Registration and Update form.
3. Make a copy of the completed HCTC Monthly Registration and Update form and all required documents for your records.
4. Mail the completed HCTC Monthly Registration and Update form and all required documents to:
a. Fax to:  855-250-1731.
i.  Don't send another copy by mail. Doing so could delay the processing of your form. Be sure to put your HCTC PIN or Last 
4 of your SSN on each page you fax.
ii. Include a cover sheet with the following: Date, Name, Your HCTC PIN or Name and Last 4 of your SSN.
b. Password protect all attachments and Email; to wi.hctc.stakehldr.en@irs.gov.
Caution: email is not always secure, it’s highly suggested to password protect personal information, and send the password 
in a separate email.
c. Mail to:  Internal Revenue Service 
             Stop 6098 AUSC 
             Austin, Texas 78741
Due to high volumes, we can't send you an acknowledgment. Don't submit duplicate requests. Doing so could delay the 
processing of your form.
5. Check here if this is a new enrollment.
•  Fill out the form completely.
•  Provide the effective date of your health insurance policy as the effective date of coverage in Part 4: Health Plan Information.
6. Check here if this is a new enrollment and you are registering as a Qualifying Family Member.
•  Fill out the form completely.
•  Include the eligible recipient in HCTC Eligible Recipient name, in Part 1: Your General Information.
•  Include your information as the first Family member in Part 3, Family Member Information.
•  Provide the effective date of your health insurance policy as the effective date of coverage in Part 4: Health Plan Information.
•  Enter the Qualifying Family Member's Name, in Part 4: Policy holder's name.
Note: Qualifying Family members of HCTC eligible individuals may receive the HCTC for up to 24 months following the eligible 
individual’s Medicare enrollment, death or divorce. For more information on Qualifying Family Member eligibility, see Form 8885 
instructions under Qualifying Family Member.
7. Check here if you are updating your current monthly registration. When you are enrolled in the monthly HCTC Program, you 
must inform us of all changes that affect your eligibility, your family members and your health insurance cost.
•  Complete Parts 1, 2, and 6 with current information to ensure timely processing of your form.
•  Complete any fields which are changing in Parts 3, 4, or 5.
•  If there are any changes to the information in Part 3 or Part 4, provide the effective date of the change as the effective date of 
coverage in Part 4: Health Plan Information.

Required Supporting Documents and Information
The following document is required to be submitted with your HCTC Monthly Registration and Update form. Review the required 
document checklist carefully. Caution: An incomplete form or missing documents will delay the processing of your registration.
A copy of your health insurance bill dated within the last 60 days that includes all of the following:
• Your name                               • Health Plan name and phone number
• Monthly premium amount                  • Health plan identification numbers
• Dates of coverage                       • Address for mailing your payments

If applicable, your bill must show the following:
• Dollar amount for family members who are not qualified for the HCTC
• Separate dollar amount for benefits that the HCTC does not cover (such as separate dental or vision plans)

Catalog Number 57559E                            www.irs.gov                                    Form 13441-A (Rev. 4-2021)

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Usually, your health insurance bill will have all this information on it. If it does not, you will need a letter or another document from your 
Health Plan that includes this information.
You should confirm with your Health Plan Provider or Third Party Administrator if applicable that they meet the IRS payment 
requirements through the Direct Deposit Program, including filing Form 3881, ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment - HCTC. 
The IRS requires this in order to make payments on your behalf.
Additional documents are required if you are enrolling as a Qualifying Family Member after any of the following:
•  Eligible participant becomes Medicare eligible - A Medicare enrollment letter, Medicare card, or other evidence of Medicare 
•  Death of the eligible participant: A death certificate which includes the date of death.
•  Divorce from the eligible participant: A divorce decree or other similar legal document which includes the date of the divorce.
Note: Qualifying Family Members of HCTC eligible individuals may receive the HCTC for up to 24 months following the eligible 
individual’s Medicare enrollment, death or divorce. For more information on Qualifying Family Member eligibility, see Form 8885 
instructions under Qualifying Family Member.

Next Steps
Please note that once you mail the HCTC Monthly Registration and Update form, it can take up to 6 weeks (if all requirements are met) 
before you receive registration confirmation.
During this time, you must continue to pay 100% of your health insurance bills directly to your health plan and keep records of your 
payments. You can claim the yearly tax credit for these and any months that you met all eligibility requirements and made payments 
directly to a qualified health plan on your federal income tax return.
Once you receive your registration confirmation, notify the HCTC AMP program of any changes by submitting an updated 
Form 13441-A, HCTC Monthly Registration and Update form.
File Form 8885, Health Coverage Tax Credit, with your annual federal tax return by the due date (including any extensions) to confirm 
the months you elected to take the monthly HCTC. Failing to make a timely election will require you to repay as an additional tax all 
Advance Monthly Payment amounts and all reimbursements of the HCTC you received because you filed Form 14095, The Health 
Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Reimbursement Request.
For the latest information about developments related to the Health Coverage Tax Credit and its instructions, such as legislation 
enacted after these forms were published, go to IRS.gov/individuals/hctc/.

Catalog Number 57559E                                   www.irs.gov                         Form 13441-A (Rev. 4-2021)

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                                                                                 Your SSN
                                   Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Form 13441-A                                                                                                            OMB Number 
                             Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)  
     (April 2021)                                                                                                        1545-1842
                             Monthly Registration and Update
Part 1: Your General Information
HCTC Eligible Recipient name (First, Middle Initial, Last, Suffix)

Social Security Number (SSN) Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)             Primary telephone number         Alternate telephone number

Mailing Address (Street Number, City, State, ZIP)                                                    Email address

Part 2: Confirm Your Eligibility
Check the box that applies to you to certify that the statement is true:
 The HCTC Eligible Recipient is a PBGC payee and 55 years old or older
 The HCTC Eligible Recipient is an eligible Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), Alternative TAA (ATAA), or Reemployment TAA 
 (RTAA) recipient
You will check the box below if you are registering as the HCTC Eligible Recipient or Qualifying Family Member. 
Note: Qualified Family members of HCTC eligible individuals may receive the HCTC for up to 24 months following the eligible 
     individual’s Medicare enrollment, death or divorce. For more information on Qualified Family Member eligibility, see Form 8885 
     instructions under Qualified Family Member.
 I certify that all of the following statements are true for me and my qualified family members

 • I/we are not enrolled in an Affordable Care Act Marketplace insurance.
 • I/we are covered by a qualified health plan for which I pay more than 50% of the premiums.
 • I/we are not enrolled in Medicare Part A, B, C, or D.
 • I/we are not enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
 • I/we are not enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP).
 • I/we are not enrolled in the U.S. military health system (TRICARE).
 • I/we are not imprisoned under federal, state, or local authority.
 • I/we are not claimed as a dependent on someone else’s federal income tax return.

Part 3: Family Member Information
If you have more than five (5) qualified family members, make a copy of this page and then complete this section for any additional 
family members.

     Please list the total number of family members (other than yourself) you are registering for the Monthly HCTC.
 Check the box to certify that the following applies to each family member listed below:
 • My family member is my spouse or claimed as a dependent on my federal income tax return and
 • My family member meets all general requirements for the HCTC listed in Part 2 (with the exception of the last bullet).

 Family member’s name (First, Middle Initial, Last, Suffix)             Social security number (SSN) Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

 Relationship to you               Is this person on your health plan
     Spouse       Child      Other                Yes   No. This person has a separate qualified plan. Make a copy of the next page 
                                                        and use Part 4 to provide their health insurance information.
 Family member’s name (First, Middle Initial, Last, Suffix)             Social security number (SSN) Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

 Relationship to you               Is this person on your health plan
     Spouse       Child      Other                Yes   No. This person has a separate qualified plan. Make a copy of the next page 
                                                        and use Part 4 to provide their health insurance information.
Catalog Number 57559E                                             www.irs.gov                        Form 13441-A (Rev. 4-2021)

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                                                                                 Your SSN                              Page 4
 Family member’s name (First, Middle Initial, Last, Suffix)          Social security number (SSN)       Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

 Relationship to you                Is this person on your health plan
      Spouse        Child Other               Yes   No. This person has a separate qualified plan. Make a copy of the next page 
                                                    and use Part 4 to provide their health insurance information.
 Family member’s name (First, Middle Initial, Last, Suffix)          Social security number (SSN)       Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

 Relationship to you                Is this person on your health plan
      Spouse        Child Other               Yes   No. This person has a separate qualified plan. Make a copy of the next page 
                                                    and use Part 4 to provide their health insurance information.
 Family member’s name (First, Middle Initial, Last, Suffix)          Social security number (SSN)       Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

 Relationship to you                Is this person on your health plan
      Spouse        Child Other               Yes   No. This person has a separate qualified plan. Make a copy of the next page 
                                                    and use Part 4 to provide their health insurance information.
Part 4: Health Plan Information
Fill out the information below. If your family members are on a separate health plan, make a copy of Part 4 before filling it out to provide 
their qualified health insurance information. 
Note: If you have coverage through your spouse’s employer that is not a COBRA plan, stop here. You cannot receive the Monthly 
 HCTC for this type of coverage. You can, however, claim the Yearly HCTC by filing Form 8885 with your federal income tax 
Complete this       Health Plan Provider name                                  Effective date of coverage       Health plan ID number
section for all 
coverage types:
                    HCTC vendor name (name of company to be payed on your behalf)

                    HCTC vendor number (contact your Health Plan Provider or Third Party Administrator) 

                    Provide at least one of the following ID Numbers.
                    Member ID                               Group ID                        Policy or plan ID

                    Policy holder’s name (First, Middle Initial, Last, Suffix) Policy holder’s SSN

                    1. Total Monthly Medical Premium
                    2. Total number of people (you and any family members) on this policy
                    3. Number of family members on this policy who are not qualified for the HCTC
                    4. Monthly premium amount for family members who are not qualified for the HCTC 
                      (this amount will be removed from your total monthly medical premium and you will need to 
                      pay directly to your HPA/TPA).
                    5. Total HCTC Total Monthly Medical Premium Line (1) minus line (4) and 
                      multiplied by 27.5% (.275)
                    6. Other health benefits amount (vision, dental, non-medical benefits). This amount 
                      will be added to your monthly HCTC payment.
                    7. Monthly HCTC payment Line 5 plus Line 6
                      Check here if you are changing from a COBRA Health Plan to a non-COBRA health plan
Complete this         Check here if the Health Plan Information in Part 4 is for COBRA Coverage
section only if you Former employer                                            Former employer’s HR telephone number
have COBRA 
                    Start Date for COBRA Coverage (mm/dd/yyyy)                 End Date for COBRA Coverage (mm/dd/yyyy)

                      Check here if this is a Lifetime Benefit
Catalog Number 57559E                                       www.irs.gov                                   Form 13441-A (Rev. 4-2021)

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                                                                                    Your SSN                                      Page 5
Part 5: Account Accessibility
If you would like to allow someone else – for example, your spouse, family member, or other trusted advisor – to have access to your 
account information, please complete this page. This person, called a Third-Party-Designee, will be able to ask questions about, or 
make changes to, your HCTC account or personal information, as appropriate.
Do you want to allow another person to talk with the HCTC Program about your account
Yes. Complete the rest of this page and choose a PIN
No. Go to Part 6 to sign and date the HCTC Monthly Registration and Update form
Name of Third-Party-Designee (First, Middle Initial, Last, Suffix)

Primary telephone number                                          Alternate telephone number

Personal Identification Number (PIN) 
IMPORTANT! You must choose a PIN when you make someone a Third-Party-Designee. This PIN protects the security of your 
account information similar to the PIN you use for a bank card. When your Third-Party-Designee calls the HCTC Program, they will be 
asked to give the PIN to get information about your account. Your Third-Party-Designee can help you choose the PIN so that it is easy 
to remember.  
Note: The PIN must be a five-digit number. If your PIN includes letters and/or non-numeric characters, this could cause a delay in 
      processing your Third-Party-Designee request. Choose a PIN and write it in the space provided.
Personal Identification Number (PIN) 

Part 6: Form Completion
Review this form to make sure you have completed everything needed for your registration. You must sign and date this form to have 
your registration for the monthly HCTC program processed. Sign and date in the space provided below. 
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that the information furnished on this form with regard to myself and to any family members, and 
any attachments to it, is true, correct, and complete. I understand that a knowingly and willfully false statement on this form can result in 
my disqualification from the monthly HCTC program. By signing, I authorize the IRS to independently discuss with my health insurer, 
third party administrator or former employer, my eligibility status and HCTC payments made on my behalf to these organizations.
Signature                                                         Full name (print)                              Date

                             Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice 
The Privacy Act of 1974 and Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 require that when we ask you for information we must first tell you our 
legal right to ask for the information, why we are asking for it, and how it will be used. We must also tell you what could happen if we do 
not receive it and whether your response is voluntary, required to obtain a benefit, or mandatory under the law. 
We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. If you are eligible, section 35 of the 
Internal Revenue Code allows a credit for payments you made to buy certain types of health coverage during the tax year. Section 
7527 lets you authorize your health coverage provider to receive this credit in advance in the form of monthly payments from the 
Internal Revenue Service. 
We use the information you submit to determine if you qualify for the monthly credit of the Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC). If you 
fail to provide the information, or provide inaccurate information, your application may be denied. However, you may still qualify for the 
Yearly HCTC when you file your federal income tax return. 
The estimated average time to complete this form is 30 minutes. You are required to provide the information requested on a form that is 
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act if the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its 
instructions must be retained as long as their contents may be material in the administration of any Internal Revenue laws. 
Generally, tax returns and return information (tax information) are confidential, as stated in Code section 6103. However, Code section 
6103 allows or requires the Internal Revenue Service to disclose or give the information to others as described in the Code. For 
example, we may give the information provided to us to your health plan administrator for the purposes of the HCTC Program. We may 
disclose the information you provide to contractors for tax administration purposes. We may also disclose this information to the 
Department of Justice, to enforce the tax laws, both civil and criminal; to other federal agencies; to states, the District of Columbia, and 
U.S. commonwealths or possessions in order to carry out their tax laws; and to certain foreign governments under tax treaties they 
have with the United States.

Catalog Number 57559E                                             www.irs.gov                        Form 13441-A (Rev. 4-2021)

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