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This update supplements Form 2678, Employer/Payer Appointment of Agent (Rev. 
August 2014), and provides additional information for filers of the form. Filers should 
rely on this update for the changes described, which will be incorporated into the next 
revision of the form.

Beginning January 1, 2019, Where To File on page 4 of Form 2678 must be replaced 
as shown below.

IF you are in...                                     SEND your form to... 

Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia,         Department of the Treasury 
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine,         Internal Revenue Service 
Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New               Kansas City, MO 64999
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, 
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, 
Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California,      Department of the Treasury 
Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas,      Internal Revenue Service 
Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri,         Ogden, UT 84201
Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North 
Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, 
Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

No legal residence or place of business in any state Department of the Treasury 
                                                     Internal Revenue Service 
                                                     Ogden, UT 84201

Exempt organization or government entity             Department of the Treasury 
                                                     Internal Revenue Service 
                                                     Ogden, UT 84201-0046

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Form   2678 Employer/Payer Appointment of Agent
                                                                                                                        OMB No. 1545-0748
(Rev. August 2014) Department of the Treasury — Internal Revenue Service
Use this form if you want to request approval to have an agent file returns and make 
deposits or payments of employment or other withholding taxes or if you want to                  For IRS use: 
revoke an existing appointment. 
• If you are an employer or payer who wants to request approval, complete Parts 1 
   and 2 and sign Part 2. Then give it to the agent. Have the agent complete Part 3 and 
   sign it. 
Note. This appointment is not effective until we approve your request. See the instructions 
for filing Form 2678 on page 3. 
• If you are an employer, payer, or agent who wants to revoke an existing appointment, 
   complete all three parts. In this case, only one signature is required. 
Part 1:     Why you are filing this form... 
(Check one) 
You want to appoint an agent for tax reporting, depositing, and paying. 
You want to revoke an existing appointment. 
Part 2:     Employer or Payer Information: Complete this part if you want to appoint an agent or revoke an appointment. 
1  Employer identification number (EIN)                                                    — 

2  Employer’s or payer’s name   
(not your trade name) 
3  Trade name  (if any) 

4  Address 
                                                 Number                      Street                                                                            Suite or room number 

                                                 City                                            State             ZIP code 

                                                 Foreign country name                      Foreign province/county Foreign postal code
5  Forms for which you want to appoint an agent or revoke the agent’s                            For ALL                For SOME  
appointment to file. (Check all that apply.)                                                     employees/        employees/  
                                                                                             payees/payments       payees/payments 
Form 940, 940-PR (Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return)*
Form 941, 941-PR, 941-SS (Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return) 
Form 943, 943-PR (Employer’s Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees) 
Form 944, 944(SP) (Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return) 
Form 945 (Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax) 
Form CT-1 (Employer’s Annual Railroad Retirement Tax Return) 
Form CT-2 (Employee Representative's Quarterly Railroad Tax Return)
*Generally you cannot appoint an agent to report, deposit, and pay tax reported on Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal 
       Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return, unless you are a home care service recipient.
            Check here if you are a home care service recipient, and you want to appoint the agent to report, deposit, and pay FUTA 
            tax for you. See the instructions.
I am authorizing the IRS to disclose otherwise confidential tax information to the agent relating to the authority granted under this 
appointment, including disclosures required to process Form 2678. The agent may contract with a third party, such as a 
reporting agent or certified public accountant, to prepare or file the returns covered by this appointment, or to make any required 
deposits and payments. Such contract may authorize the IRS to disclose confidential tax information of the employer/payer and 
agent to such third party. If a third party fails to file the returns or make the deposits and  payments, the agent and employer/
payer remain liable. 

                                                                           Print your name here 
       Sign your  
       name here                                                           Print your title here 
            Date          /        /                                       Best daytime phone 
                                                                                           Now give this form to the agent to complete.   m▶
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions. IRS.gov/form2678       Cat. No. 18770D   Form 2678 (Rev. 8-2014)

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                                                                                                          Page 2 
Part 3: Agent Information: If you will be an agent for an employer or payer, or want to revoke an appointment, complete this part. 
6  Agent’s employer identification number (EIN)                      —

7  Agent’s name (not trade name) 

8  Trade name (if any) 

9  Address 
                                                Number                           Street                                                                        Suite or room number 

                                                City                                       State ZIP code 

                                                Foreign country name Foreign province/county     Foreign postal code
Check here if the employer is a home care service recipient receiving home care services through a program administered by a 
federal, state, or local government agency. 
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form and any attachments, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it  
is true, correct, and complete. 
                                                                     Print your name here 
  Sign your  
✗ name here                                                          Print your title here 

        Date           /        /                                    Best daytime phone 
                                                                                                 Form 2678 (Rev. 8-2014) 

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Form 2678 (Rev. 8-2014)                                                                                                      Page  3 

Instructions for Form 2678                                        Example 1. You are an employer. You appoint an agent to file 
                                                                  returns and deposit FICA taxes and ITW related to biweekly 
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code.              wage payments that you paid your employees. However, you 
                                                                  make bonus wage payments directly to your employees, not 
Future Developments                                               through the agent. You should report the bonus payments on a 
For the latest information about developments related to Form     return filed using your EIN.
2678 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they Example 2. You are an employer. You appoint an agent to file 
were published, go to www.irs.gov/form2678.                       returns and deposit FICA taxes and ITW for biweekly wage 
                                                                  payments that you paid to your employees. However, you make 
Purpose of Form                                                   biweekly wage payments directly to your company's executives. 
Use Form 2678 if you want to:                                     You should report the wage payments to the executives on a 
                                                                  return filed using your EIN.
• Request approval to have an agent file returns and make 
deposits or payments of Federal Insurance Contributions Act       If you are an employer or payer and you are requesting 
(FICA) taxes, Railroad Retirement Tax Act (RRTA) taxes, income    authorization to appoint an agent, sign and date Form 2678 in 
                                                                  Part 2. Then give the form to the agent to complete and sign  
tax withholding (ITW), or backup withholding; or                  Part 3.
• Revoke an existing appointment.                                 If you are an employer or payer and you want to revoke an 
Do not use prior versions of this form. All prior versions are    existing appointment, sign and date Form 2678 in Part 2. 
obsolete. IRS will not accept them.                               Complete Part 3. Then send the form to the address for your 
                                                                  location under Where To File, later.
Can Employers Appoint Agents to Report, 
Deposit, and Pay Federal Unemployment Tax                         Part 3: Agent Information
Act (FUTA) Tax?                                                   • If you are an employer or payer and you are requesting 
                                                                  authorization to appoint an agent, have the agent complete and 
Generally, employers cannot appoint an agent to report,           sign Part 3.
deposit, and pay FUTA tax. However, if you are an employer        • If you are an employer or payer and you want to revoke an 
who receives home care service, you may ask IRS to approve        existing appointment, complete Part 3. The agent's signature is 
an agent to act on your behalf for FUTA tax purposes. Check       not required. Then send the form to the address for your  
the box in the footnote in Part 2, line 5.                        location under Where To File, later.
To appoint an agent to act for FUTA tax purposes, you must        • If you want to accept an appointment as an agent or you are 
also appoint the agent to act for FICA taxes and ITW purposes.    an agent who wants to revoke an existing appointment, 
                                                                  complete Part 3 with your information. Then sign and date the 
How to Complete the Form                                          form where indicated. Send the form to the address for the 
                                                                  employer's or payer's location under Where To File, later. 
Part 1: Why You Are Filing This Form                              Note. If an agent is a corporate officer, partner, or tax matters 
In Part 1, you will check a box to indicate why you are filing    partner, the agent must have the authority to execute this 
Form 2678.                                                        appointment of agent.
• If you are an employer or payer and you want to appoint an 
agent, check the box that says, “You want to appoint an agent     Filing Form 2678
for tax reporting, depositing, and paying.”                       Send Form 2678 to the address for the employer's or payer's 
•If you are an employer, payer, or agent and you want to          location under Where To File, later. We will send a letter to the 
revoke an existing appointment, check the box that says,          employer or payer and to the agent after we have approved the 
“You want to revoke an existing appointment.”                     request. For agents of home care service recipients, we will 
                                                                  send the approval letter only to the agent.
Part 2: Employer or Payer Information                             The authorization to act as an agent is effective on the date 
• If you are an employer or payer, enter your employer            shown in the letter. Until we approve the request, the agent is 
identification number (EIN), name, trade name, and address.       not liable for filing any tax returns or making any deposits or 
• If you are an agent revoking an existing appointment, enter the 
EIN, name, trade name, and address of the employer or payer       Only one signature is required to revoke an agent's 
for whom you have been authorized to act. The employer's or       appointment. If an existing appointment is revoked, the IRS 
payer's signature is not required.                                cannot disclose confidential tax information to anyone other 
                                                                  than the employer or payer for periods after the appointment is 
On line 5, check the boxes for all forms for which you want to:   revoked.
• Request approval to appoint an agent to file on your behalf, or If an agent's appointment is revoked, we will send both the 
• Revoke an agent's existing appointment.                         employer or payer and the agent a letter confirming the 
If you are only appointing an agent for some employees,           revocation. For agents of home care service recipients, we will 
                                                                  send the letter confirming the revocation only to the agent. The 
payees, or payments, check the box under For SOME                 revocation is effective on the date shown in the letter.

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Form 2678 (Rev. 8-2014)                                                                                                     Page  4 
Where To File
If you are in...                                                                                       Send your form to...
Connecticut      Florida      Kentucky               Michigan       North Carolina South Carolina      Department of the Treasury  
Delaware         Georgia      Maine                  New Hampshire  Ohio           Vermont             Internal Revenue Service  
District of      Illinois     Maryland               New Jersey     Pennsylvania   Virginia            Cincinnati, OH 45999 
Columbia         Indiana      Massachusetts          New York       Rhode Island   West Virginia 
Alabama          Colorado     Louisiana              Nebraska       Oklahoma       Texas               Department of the Treasury  
Alaska           Hawaii       Minnesota              Nevada         Oregon         Utah                Internal Revenue Service  
Arizona          Idaho        Mississippi            New Mexico     South Dakota   Washington          Ogden, UT 84201 
Arkansas         Iowa         Missouri               North Dakota   Tennessee      Wyoming              
California       Kansas       Montana
No legal residence or place of business in any state                                                   Department of the Treasury  
                                                                                                       Internal Revenue Service  
                                                                                                       Ogden, UT 84201
Exempt organization or government entity                                                               Department of the Treasury  
                                                                                                       Internal Revenue Service  
                                                                                                       Ogden, UT 84201-0046

Agent Responsibilities After                                         You are not required to provide the information requested on 
                                                                    a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless 
Appointment                                                         the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or 
                                                                    records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as 
Reporting, Depositing, and Payment                                  long as their contents may become material in the 
Requirements                                                        administration of any Internal Revenue law.
Agents must follow the procedures for employment taxes in            Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential, 
Rev. Proc. 2013-39, 2013-52 I.R.B. 830, available at                as required by section 6103. However, section 6103 allows or 
www.irs.gov/irb/2013-52_IRB/ar15.html and for backup                requires the IRS to disclose or give the information shown on 
withholding in Rev. Proc. 84-33. Agents for employers who are       this form to others as described in the Code. For example, we 
home care service recipients receiving home care services           may disclose your tax information to the Department of Justice 
through a program administered by a federal, state, or local        for civil and criminal litigation, and to cities, states, the District of 
government agency may also use this form. These agents may          Columbia, and U.S. commonwealths and possessions for use in 
be referred to as fiscal/employer agents, household employer        administering their tax laws. We may also disclose this 
agents, and home care service recipient agents.                     information to other countries under a tax treaty, to federal and 
                                                                    state agencies to enforce federal nontax criminal laws, or to 
All agents, employers, and payers remain liable for filing all      federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to combat 
returns and making all tax deposits and payments while this         terrorism. 
appointment is in effect. If an agent contracts with a third party, 
such as a reporting agent or certified public accountant, to         The time needed to complete and file Form 2678 will vary  
prepare or file the returns covered by this appointment or to       depending on individual circumstances. The estimated average 
make any required tax deposits or payments and the third party      time is: 
fails to do so, the agent, employer, and payer remain liable.       Recordkeeping  .      . . .   . .   . .    . .  .  1 hr., 5 min.
Filing Schedule R (Form 940) and Schedule R                         Learning about the law or the form .  .    . .  . .     . 54 min.
(Form 941)                                                          Preparing, copying, assembling, and                                
                                                                    sending the form to the IRS  .  .   . .    . .  . .     . 13 min. 
An agent for a home care service recipient that files an 
aggregate Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment           If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of these 
(FUTA) Tax Return, must complete Schedule R (Form 940),             time estimates or suggestions for making Form 2678 simpler, 
Allocation Schedule for Aggregate Form 940 Filers, and file it      we would be happy to hear from you. You can send us 
with the aggregate Form 940.                                        comments from www.irs.gov/formspubs. Click on More 
                                                                    Information and then click on Give us feedback. Or you can 
An agent who files an aggregate Form 941, Employer's                send your comments to Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms 
QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return, must complete Schedule R              and Publications Division, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, 
(Form 941), Allocation Schedule for Aggregate Form 941 Filers,      Washington, DC 20224. Do not send Form 2678 to this 
and file it with the aggregate Form 941.                            address. Instead, see Where To File above.
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.  We ask 
for the information on Form 2678 to carry out the Internal 
Revenue laws of the United States. The principal purpose of this 
information is to permit you to appoint an agent to act on your 
behalf. You do not have to appoint an agent; however, if you 
choose toappoint an agent, you must provide the information 
requested on Form 2678. Our authority to collect this 
information is section  3504. Section 6109 requires you and the 
agent to provide your identification numbers. Failure to provide 
this information could delay or prevent processing your 
appointment of agent. Intentionally providing false information 
could subject you and the agent to penalties. 

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