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                                                                                                            Department of the Treasury
                                                                                                            Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 8978 

(Including Schedule A)

(Rev. December 2021)
Partner’s Additional Reporting Year Tax
(For use with Form 8978 (Dec. 2019) and Schedule A (Form 8978) (Dec. 2019))

Contents                                    Page    administrative adjustment request (AAR)      partnership furnished the Forms 8986 to 
What’s New .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1   under section 6227.                          its partners. The date the audited 
Purpose of This Form .    . . . . . . . . . . . 1   Additional reporting year tax is the         partnership furnished Forms 8986 to its 
                                                    partner’s change in chapter 1 tax for the    partners is found on Form 8986, Part II, 
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 reporting year after taking into account the item G. For example, if the Form 8986, 
General Instructions .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1   adjustments.                                 Part II, item G, date is 06/15/2021 and the 
Who Must File         . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1   Affected partner is a partner that held an   partner receiving the Form 8986 is a 
Where and When To File              . . . . . . 1   interest in a pass-through partner at any    calendar-year-end partner, that partner’s 
Completing Form 8978 and                            time during the tax year of the              reporting year is tax year ending 
Schedule A .            . . . . . . . . . . . . 1   pass-through partner to which the            12/31/2021.
Specific Instructions for Form                      adjustments in the statement relate.         Reviewed year is the audited 
8978     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4    Applicable tax year is any tax year that is  partnership’s tax year to which the 
Specific Instructions for                           impacted by the audit adjustments shown      partnership adjustment(s) relates.
Schedule A (Form 8978) .            . . . . . . 4   on Form 8986. For example, if the            Reviewed year partner is any person 
Inconsistent Positions    . . . . . . . . . . . 5   adjustments are from tax year 2020 (first    that held an interest in the audited 
Illustrations for Examples .    . . . . . . . . 6   affected year), that year would be           partnership at any time during the 
Section references are to the Internal Revenue      impacted as well as any year between the     partnership’s reviewed year.
Code unless otherwise noted.
                                                    first affected year and the reporting year 
                                                    that had related changes to partner-level    General Instructions
Future Developments                                 tax attributes.
For the latest information about                    Audited partnership, for purposes of         Who Must File
developments related to Form 8978 and               Form 8978, is a BBA partnership that         Every partner (except pass-through 
its instructions, such as legislation               made the election under section 6226 to      partners) that receives a Form 8986 from 
enacted after they were published, go to            have its partners take into account their    a pass-through entity must file Form 8978 
IRS.gov/Form8978.                                   share of adjustments for                     to report any additional reporting year tax 
                                                    partnership-related items.                   as a result of taking into account the 
What’s New                                          BBA AAR is an administrative adjustment      partner’s share of the reviewed year(s) 
Updates are provided on how positive and            request filed by a BBA partnership.          adjustments.
negative adjustments received by partners           BBA partnership is a partnership that is 
on Forms 8986 should be reported on                 subject to the centralized partnership audit Where and When To File
Form 8978 and its Schedule A. Updates               regime that was enacted into law by          A reviewed year partner or affected 
are also provided on reporting a section            section 1101 of the Bipartisan Budget Act    partner must file Form 8978 with a federal 
199A qualified business income deduction            of 2015 (BBA).                               income tax return for the partner’s 
on Form 8978 and its Schedule A.                    First affected year is the partner’s tax     reporting year.
                                                    year that includes the end of the audited    Example 1. Where and when to file. 
Purpose of This Form                                partnership’s reviewed year(s). Each         On March 1, 2020, an audited partnership 
                                                    reviewed year of an audited partnership 
Partners (other than pass-through                                                                furnishes Forms 8986 to its two partners. 
                                                    should have a corresponding first affected 
partners such as partnerships or S                                                               One of these reviewed year partners is a 
                                                    year for each partner.
corporations) use Form 8978 and                                                                  calendar year individual and the other is a 
                                                    Intervening years include the partner’s 
Schedule A (Form 8978) to report                                                                 pass-through partner. On January 15, 
                                                    tax years that end after the first affected 
adjustments shown on Forms 8986                                                                  2021, the pass-through partner, in turn, 
                                                    year and before the reporting year.
received from partnerships that have                                                             furnishes Forms 8986 to its two partners 
                                                    Non-pass-through partner is a partner 
elected to push out adjustments to                                                               who are calendar year individuals. The 
                                                    that is other than a pass-through partner.
partnership-related items to their partners.                                                     reporting year for all three individuals is 
                                                    Pass-through partner is a pass-through       the tax year that includes March 1, 2020. 
The Schedule A (Form 8978) lists all                entity that holds an interest in a           Because the partners all have a calendar 
the adjustments a partner receives on               partnership. Pass-through entities include   year end, the reporting year is the 2020 
Form 8986. Schedule A is also used to               partnerships required to file a return under tax year. The partners must each attach a 
report any related amounts and                      section 6031(a), S corporations, trusts      completed Form 8978 to their individual 
adjustments not reported on Form 8986               (other than wholly owned trusts              income tax returns which are due April 15, 
which may result from changes to                    disregarded as separate from their owners    2021 (without regard to extensions).
partner-level tax attributes as a result of         for federal tax purposes), and decedents’ 
adjustments from Form 8986.                         estates. For this purpose, a pass-through    Completing Form 8978 and 
                                                    entity is not a wholly owned entity          Schedule A
Definitions                                         disregarded as separate from its owner for 
AAR partnership is a BBA partnership                federal tax purposes.                        What to report on Form 8978 and 
(see below) which has filed an                      Reporting year is the partner’s tax          Schedule A (Form 8978). The specific 
                                                    year(s) that includes the date the audited   adjustments listed on Form 8986 received 

Dec 23, 2021                                                       Cat. No. 69657Z

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by a reviewed year or affected partner,        Note. If all of the adjustments from Forms  and a $10,000 decrease to other 
and other adjustments from partner-level       8986 cannot fit on one Schedule A (Form     deductions, both shown as negative 
tax attributes that have changed as a          8986), multiple Schedules A can be          amounts in Part V of Form 8986. The 
result of taking into account the              attached. If more than one Schedule A is    Form 8986 indicates that the substantial 
adjustments, should be listed on the           needed, enter the totals from all           understatement penalty of section 6662 
partner’s Schedule A under lines 1, 3, and     Schedule A lines 2, 4, and 6 on the         applies to all the adjustments that increase 
5 for income, deductions, and credits,         corresponding Form 8978 lines 1b, 3b,       tax.
respectively, for the applicable tax year.     and 9b, respectively.                       Bill determines that the adjustments 
The totals on lines 2, 4, and 6 of                                                         shown on Form 8986 are from a 
                                               Reporting adjustments related to an 
Schedule A are reported on lines 1b, 3b,                                                   partnership that he treats as a section 469 
                                               AAR.  Adjustments from an AAR are 
and 9b, respectively, of Form 8978.                                                        passive activity for tax purposes.
                                               reported separately from adjustments from 
Note. Tax attribute schedules should be        a BBA audit on Forms 8978 and               Bill previously reported no capital gains 
adjusted to the extent adjustments to          Schedules A. A checkmark in box 1 or 2 of   or losses on his Forms 1040 in 2018 and 
non-income items were received. For            Part I, item A of Form 8986 indicates the   2019, and now has a $6,000 decrease to 
example, if the partner’s Form 8986            adjustments are related to an audit of a    capital gains (increased capital loss). Due 
reflected a decrease to the partner’s share    BBA partnership. A checkmark in box 3 or    to the $3,000 annual capital loss limitation, 
of recourse liabilities, this could change     4 of Part I, item A of Form 8986 indicates  the $6,000 capital loss adjustment is taken 
the partner’s amount at risk, which in turn    the adjustments are related to an AAR. If a in $3,000 annual increments. So, Bill 
could result in an adjustment on               partner has no adjustments from a Form      claims a $3,000 capital loss in 2018 and 
Schedule A to reduce the allowable loss        8986 that are related to an audit, but only the remaining $3,000 capital loss in 2019.
from the partnership. In this example the      adjustments related to an AAR, only the     Bill enters the ordinary income, the 
partner's at risk schedule should be           AAR-related Form 8978 and Schedule A        capital gain/loss adjustments, and the 
adjusted and an increase to income             need to be included.                        appropriate tracking numbers on 
should be reported on Schedule A to            If one or more adjustments are from a       Schedule A (Form 8978), lines 1a and 1b, 
reflect the decrease to the previously         Form 8986 that is related to an AAR, a      respectively. After taking into account the 
reported loss from the partnership.            separate Form 8978 and Schedule A           BBA income adjustment for 2018, 2019, 
                                               (Form 8978) must be completed to report     and 2020, Bill determines that there are 
Tax calculations.  Taxes should be             the tax impact of these adjustments and     $5,000 in previously suspended passive 
figured and shown on a separate                calculate the correct interest. The Form    activity losses that can be used. He enters 
statement. In general, non-pass-through        8978 and its Schedule A should be filled    the $5,000 that he has determined is 
partners that receive adjustments from a       out in the same way as for an audit-related available for offset as a negative amount 
Form 8986 should figure the additional         Form 8978 and its Schedule A, except an     on line 1c.
reporting year tax as if all the adjustments   indication of “AAR” should be made on the   The Form 8986 that Bill received 
on Form 8986 had been included on the          top of the Form 8978. Also, in the tracking indicated that it was determined in the 
partner’s first affected year return using a   number field on the Form 8978 and           BBA exam that the adjustments also 
statement attached to Form 8978 to             Schedule A, indicate “AAR” and enter the    impact QBI for the purposes of IRC 199A. 
support the amounts reported on lines 6        employer identification number of the       This results in a section 199A deduction of 
and 7 of the Form 8978. The additional         entity that issued the Form 8986. See the   $2,800 which he reports on line 3b of the 
reporting year tax from line 14 is then        AAR-related items in Example 3, later.      Schedule A (entered as a positive amount 
reported on the partner’s reporting year 
                                                                                           because it increases deductions). See 
income tax return.                             Note.  If all adjustments are AAR-related, 
                                                                                           Bill’s Schedule A (Form 8978) for Audit 
Columns (a) through (d).    Columns (a)        only one Form 8978 and one Schedule A 
through (d) on Form 8978 and Schedule A        need to be completed.                       Adjustments, later.
                                                                                           Bill carries the totals from lines 2 and 4 
can be used for adjustments for the first      Reporting adjustments related to a          of Schedule A to Form 8978, lines 1b and 
affected year or intervening years. See        BBA audit. The following example shows      3b, respectively. Bill also completes lines 
Receipt of multiple Forms 8986, later.         how adjustments reported on Form 8986       1a, 2, 3a, and 4 on the Form 8978, 
Years to include and exclude on Form           related to a BBA audit are reported on      according to the instructions. See Bill’s 
8978 and Schedule A. Only applicable           Form 8986 and its Schedule A.               Form 8978 for Audit Adjustments, later.
tax years (see Definitions, earlier) need to   Example 2. Completing Form 8978             Bill attaches to Form 8978 a statement 
be shown on Form 8978 and Schedule A.          and Schedule A for an audit-related         that shows how his tax year 2018 
A year that is not impacted does not have      Form 8986. On June 10, 2020, Bill           corrected taxable income, income tax, and 
to be shown on the form or schedule. For       Jones, who files as a single individual,    AMT, if applicable, were figured. He 
example, if the first affected year is 2020    calendar-year taxpayer, receives a Form     includes the income adjustment as an 
and the reporting year is 2025, years          8986 from an audited partnership of which   increase to income and the deduction 
2021–2024 are considered intervening           Bill is a partner. The Form 8986 is for     adjustment as a decrease to deductions.
years. If the only intervening year            reviewed year 2018. Part II, box G, of the 
impacted is 2022 (that is, 2022 is the only    Form 8986 indicates that the audited        Bill carries the amounts figured in the 
intervening year that had related changes      partnership issued Forms 8986 to its        statement to lines 5, 6, and 8 of Form 
to partner-level tax attributes as a result of partners on June 8, 2020. Because June      8978. He enters his corrected tax liability 
the 2020 adjustments), the form and            8, 2020, is within Bill’s tax year ending   for tax year 2018 on line 11 of Form 8978. 
schedule only need to show 2020 and            December 31, 2020, Bill must report these   He enters his income tax as previously 
2022.                                          adjustments on his 2020 Form 1040           reported for tax year 2018 on line 12 of 
Receipt of multiple Forms 8986.      If a      income tax return and attach Form 8978.     Form 8978 and subtracts this amount from 
                                                                                           the amount on line 11 to obtain the 
partner receives multiple Forms 8986 for       The Form 8986 indicates that Bill’s         increase or decrease to tax, which he 
different years, a column on the form and      share of adjustments includes a $15,000     enters on line 13.
schedule could be both an affected year        increase to ordinary income, shown as a 
and an intervening year.                       positive amount in Part V of Form 8986,     If any applicable penalties are shown 
                                               and a $6,000 decrease to capital gains,     on Form 8986, Part V, Bill must attach a 

                                                          -2-                              Instructions for Form 8978 (Dec. 2021)

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statement to his Form 8978 that shows        procedures for completing Form 8978 and      Frank attaches the forms shown for 
how the additional penalties that result     Schedule A, and include those with its tax   Example 3 to his 2019 Form 1040 and 
from the additional tax were figured. If     year 2020 income tax return. The             includes payment of the additional $1,200 
penalties are applicable, Bill needs to      additional tax, penalties, and interest      in tax, following the Instructions for Form 
include this amount on line 15 of Form       would be reported and paid following the     1040 with regard to amounts from Form 
8978. Because Part V of the Form 8986        instructions for the corporation’s income    8978. The amount of interest is figured on 
Bill received indicates that the section     tax return.                                  the audit-related increase to tax on line 13 
6662 substantial understatement penalty                                                   of the audit-related Form 8978 using the 
                                             Reporting adjustments from both an 
applies, Bill prepares a separate                                                         short-term quarterly rate plus 5%; interest 
                                             audit and from an AAR. If a partner 
calculation which shows that the additional                                               runs from the due date of Frank’s 2018 
                                             receives one or more audit-related Forms 
$3,408 in tax reported on line 13, column                                                 Form 1040 to the date of payment. This 
                                             8986 and also one or more AAR-related 
(a), of the Form 8978 does not exceed the                                                 amount is reported on lines 17 and 18 of 
                                             Forms 8986, the partner’s Form 8978 
$5,000 threshold required for the penalty                                                 the audit-related Form 8978.
                                             related to the AAR adjustments should be 
to apply. He attaches this separate penalty                                               Because the AAR-related Form 8978 
                                             completed first. The numbers shown on 
calculation statement to his return and                                                   showed a decrease to tax, no interest is 
                                             this first Form 8978 should be included in 
enters zero on line 15 of his Form 8978.                                                  shown on that Form 8978. If the 
                                             the “as previously reported” numbers on 
Bill figures his additional interest on the  the Form 8978 related to the audit           AAR-related Form 8978 had an increase 
increase in tax shown on line 14 of his      adjustments. Each Form 8978 should           to tax, the interest would be figured using 
Form 8978 from April 15, 2019, (the due      have applicable lines completed, and the     the same dates as for the audit-related 
date of his 2018 return) up to the date the  partner should add all the amounts on        Form 8978, but the rate would be the 
additional reporting year tax is paid. If    line 14 (total increase/decrease to tax)     short-term quarterly rate plus 3%, and the 
penalties had been shown on his Form         from all the Forms 8978 and report the       amount would have been reported on 
8978, Bill would have figured interest on    sum on the appropriate line of the tax       line 17 of the AAR-related Form 8978. 
penalties from the due date of his 2018      return.                                      Assuming that no tax attributes were 
return, or the extended due date of his                                                   impacted by the adjustments, Frank 
2018 return, if a valid extension request    Example 3. Completing Forms 8978             should complete the forms as shown in 
had been filed.                              and Schedules A for an audit-related         the Example 3 illustrations.
                                             Form 8986 and an AAR-related Form 
Note. The reduction in tax for 2019          8986.   Frank Smith files as a single        More than 4 applicable tax years.     If 
reflected in column (b) of the Form 8978 is  individual. On May 15, 2019, Frank           there are more than 4 applicable tax years 
included in the total increase to tax        received a Form 8986 related to an AAR       (see Definitions, earlier), additional Forms 
reported on line 14, but is not included in  that was filed by a partnership in which he  8978 should be prepared for the additional 
the interest calculation.                    is a partner. This Form 8986 reflects an     years. Each Form 8978 should have all 
                                             increase of $5,000 to Frank’s share of       lines completed and the total of all the 
If there were any positive intervening       other deductions. On June 12, 2019, he       line 14 amounts should be reported on the 
year partner-level adjustments, Bill would   received a Form 8986 related to an audit,    appropriate line of the partner’s return. 
have done similar calculations for those     showing an additional $10,000 in income.     Include a Schedule A for each Form 8978.
years. For example, if any of the            No penalties were noted on either Form       Foreign corporate partners that re-
adjustments made for 2018 or 2019 would      8986. According to the date shown on         ceive Forms 8986. Foreign corporate 
also apply to Bill’s 2020 tax year, Bill     Parts II, item D of the Forms 8986, both     partners that receive Forms 8986 must 
would complete column (c) for 2020 on        relate to adjustments made to the 2018       complete separate Forms 8978 and 
Schedule A (Form 8978) and column (c)        tax year.                                    Schedules A (Form 8978) to report 
for 2020 on Form 8978, showing the 
positive partner-level adjustments.          Frank’s first step is to complete a Form     adjustments pertaining to effectively 
                                             8978 and Schedule A (Form 8978) for the      connected income (ECI) under section 
Bill must report the additional reporting    AAR-related adjustments. He calculates a     882, and fixed, determinable, annual, 
year tax from line 14 of Form 8978 on the    decrease in tax of $1,200 from the AAR-      periodical (FDAP) income under section 
appropriate line on his 2020 Form 1040,      related adjustments and reports that         881. ECI is income effectively connected 
following the Instructions for Form 1040.    amount on line 14 of the AAR-related         with the conduct of a trade or business in 
Bill’s payment accompanying his 2020         8978. See Frank’s Schedule A (Form           the United States; FDAP income is income 
Form 1040 should include the tax and         8978) for AAR Adjustments and Frank’s        from U.S. sources not effectively 
interest. If a penalty had been applicable,  Form 8978 for AAR Adjustments, later.        connected with the conduct of a trade or 
he would include that in his payment as      Frank’s second step is to complete           business in the United States. The Forms 
well.                                        another Form 8978 and Schedule A (Form       8978 and related Schedules A should 
Bill must attach Form 8978, Schedule A       8978) for the audit-related adjustments.     clearly indicate whether they reflect ECI or 
(Form 8978), and the calculation             On this second Form 8978 (the                FDAP income. Each “ECI Form 8978” and 
statements to the Form 1040 he files for     audit-related Form 8978), he includes the    its Schedule A should only include ECI 
2020. In this example, Bill should include   amounts from the AAR-related Form 8978       figures, and each “FDAP Form 8978” and 
statements for tax and penalty               in the “previously reported” amounts on      its Schedule A should only include FDAP 
calculations related to Form 8978. He        lines 1a, 3a, 9a, and 12. He figures a total figures.
should also attach his section 469           increase to tax of $2,400 from the 
suspended loss and section 199A              audit-related adjustments and reports this   Note.   Attach a statement to each “ECI 
schedules; these should include the          on line 14 of the audit-related Form 8978.   Form 8978” and each “FDAP Form 8978” 
adjustments shown on his Schedule A          He reports the total net amount of $1,200    explaining how all line 13 income tax 
(Form 8978). Bill’s Form 8978 and            on the appropriate line of his Form 1040,    numbers were calculated. Enter the total 
Schedule A are shown in the Example 2        referring to the Instructions for Form 1040. of all the line 13 amounts on line 14. Enter 
illustrations.                               See Frank’s Schedule A (Form 8978) for       the amounts from line 14 on the applicable 
If a corporation received a Form 8986        Audit Adjustments and Frank’s Form 8978      lines on the partner’s reporting year 
identical to the one that Bill received, the for Audit Adjustments, later.                income tax return. See the instructions for 
                                                                                          the applicable income tax return.
corporation would follow the same 

Instructions for Form 8978 (Dec. 2021)                         -3-

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Specific Instructions for                    amount of credits shown on your original      Note.  Interest should not be calculated 
                                             or amended return, or as adjusted by the      on any decreases in tax on line 13 for a 
Form 8978                                    IRS.                                          tax year.
Part I—Computation of                        Line 9b—Adjustments to credits.               Note. Interest on penalties is figured in 
Additional Reporting Year Tax                Enter the amount from Schedule A, line 6,     the same manner as interest on tax, 
Each column, (a) through (d), is figured     Total adjustments to credits.                 except it is figured from the due date of the 
separately for lines 1 through 13.           Line 10—Total corrected credits.              partner’s return including any valid 
Line 1a—Total income per original            Combine the amounts on lines 9a and 9b        extensions that were filed by the partner.
return or as previously adjusted.            and enter the result on line 10.              Where to report additional reporting 
Enter the total income amount as shown       Line 11—Total corrected income tax            year tax. The total additional reporting 
on your original or amended return, or as    liability. Subtract line 10 from line 8 to    year tax from Form 8978, Part I, line 14, is 
adjusted by the IRS. Enter negative          obtain the corrected income tax liability.    reported on the appropriate lines of the 
amounts in parentheses.                      This amount should not include any            partner’s reporting year return (see the 
Line1b—Adjustments to income.                non-income taxes. If, as a result of          instructions for the applicable reporting 
Enter the amount from Schedule A, line 2,    changes not reflected on a line item on the   year tax return). The additional penalties 
Total adjustments to income.                 form or schedule, corrected income tax        and interest should be included in the net 
                                             liability after credits is different from the payment calculation for the partner’s 
Line 2—Corrected income.           Enter     result obtained by subtracting line 10 from   reporting tax year but these are not 
the total of lines 1a and 1b.                line 8, include a separate statement          reported on the partner’s reporting year 
                                             showing how the corrected liability was       return and are not included in the 
Line 3a—Total deductions per                 figured and enter that correct amount on      additional reporting year tax.
return or as previously adjusted.    Enter   line 11.
the total amount of deductions shown on                                                    Specific Instructions for 
your original or amended return, or as       Line 12—Total tax shown on return 
adjusted by the IRS.                         or as previously adjusted.    Enter the       Schedule A (Form 8978)
                                             amount shown on your original or              Adjustments.   Enter the description of the 
Line 3b—Adjustments to                       amended return, or as adjusted by the         item that corresponds to the Schedule K-1 
deductions. Enter the amount from            IRS.                                          or Schedule K-3 line number and title as 
Schedule A, line 4, Total adjustments to 
deductions.                                  Line 13—Increase/decrease to tax.             reflected in columns (a) and (b) of Form 
                                             Subtract the amount shown on line 12          8986, Part V. For example, if Form 8986, 
Line 4—Corrected deductions.                 from the amount on line 11 and enter the      Part V, column (a), shows “1” and column 
Combine the amount on line 3b with the       result.                                       (b) shows “Ordinary business income,” 
amount on line 3a and enter the result.                                                    enter on Schedule A, Adjustments 
                                             Line 14—Total additional reporting            column, “Schedule K-1, line 1, Ordinary 
Line 5—Corrected taxable income.             year tax.  Enter the sum of line 13,          business income.” For adjustments due to 
Subtract line 4 from line 2 and enter the    columns (a) through (d). Report this          changes in partner tax attributes, use the 
result. This should be the corrected         amount on the appropriate line of your        description used on the partner’s return.
taxable income. If, as a result of changes   income tax return for the reporting year.     Note. Schedule K-3 (Form 1065) 
in tax attributes, corrected taxable income 
is different from the result obtained by     Line 15.     Form 8986, Part V,               adjustments that do not directly increase 
subtracting line 4 from line 2, include a    Applicable Penalties, lists which penalties,  or decrease a partner's taxable income 
separate statement showing how the           if any, apply and which line items are        should be reported with a zero amount on 
corrected taxable income amount was          affected. If penalties apply, include a       Schedule A (Form 8978), with any 
figured and enter that corrected amount      statement showing how the penalties were      corresponding change to the partner's tax 
on line 5.                                   figured and enter the amount of penalties     attributes such as the foreign tax credit 
                                             in the applicable column(s) of Form 8978.     shown as a positive (increase) or negative 
Line 6—Income tax.       Include a           Penalties for each applicable tax year        (decrease) amount.
separate statement showing how the           should be reported on line 15, columns (a)    Tracking number.  If an adjustment is 
corrected income tax was figured and         through (d).                                  from a Form 8986 that is related to an 
enter that corrected income tax on line 6. 
See the Instructions for Form 1040 or the    Line 17.     Interest on any increase in      audited partnership, the tracking number 
instructions for your income tax return for  income tax is figured from the original due   column should be completed for that 
the appropriate year(s).                     date of your income tax return for each tax   adjustment line. If applicable, the tracking 
                                             year to which an increase in tax is           number can be found at the top of the 
Line 7—Alternative minimum tax               attributable, as determined under section     Form 8986. If the tracking number is not 
(AMT). If AMT applies, include a separate    6226(b)(3). Interest is computed at the       on the Form 8986, use the audit control 
statement showing how the corrected          underpayment rate under section 6621(a)       number at the top of the Form 8986. If an 
AMT, including the applicable                (2), but substituting “five percentage        adjustment is from a Form 8986 that is 
adjustment(s) shown on Schedule A, was       points” for “three percentage points” for     related to an AAR partnership, indicate 
figured and enter the corrected AMT on       purposes of section 6621(a)(2)(B) (that is,   “AAR” and enter the tax identification 
line 7. See the Instructions for Form 1040   the sum of the federal short-term rate plus   number of the entity that issued the Form 
or the instructions for your income tax      five percentage points instead of three       8986. Leave the tracking number field 
return for the appropriate year(s) to figure percentage points). For additional            blank for all adjustments to partner-level 
the corrected AMT.                           reporting year tax reported as a result of a  tax attributes.
Line 8—Total corrected income tax.           Form 8986 from an AAR, this substitution      Reporting amounts from Form 8986. 
Enter the sum of lines 6 and 7.              is not made. Interest for each applicable     All adjustments (positive and negative) 
                                             tax year should be reported on line 17,       from a Form 8986 should be shown as 
Line 9a—Total credits per return or          columns (a) through (d).                      reported on that form. When entering 
as previously adjusted.  Enter the total                                                   adjustments from a Form 8986, enter 

                                                          -4-                              Instructions for Form 8978 (Dec. 2021)

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amounts from Form 8986, Part V, column       179 deduction. Also include related           1040 or 1040-SR, he would be taking a 
(h), which reflect the adjustments net of    amounts and adjustments not on Form           $30 inconsistent position on his Form 
any approved modifications (column (g) of    8986 that result from changes to              1040 or 1040-SR. If he subsequently 
Form 8986). These amounts should be          partner-level tax attributes as a result of   receives a Form 8986 for affected tax year 
entered in the applicable columns (a)        adjustments from Form 8986.                   2020, with an audit adjustment reflecting a 
through (d) that correspond to the                                                         $50 increase to the Schedule K-1, line 1, 
partner’s affected year. However, if Form    Line 4—Total adjustments to                   Ordinary business income amount, he 
8986 is a result of an AAR partnership       deductions. Enter the total of all            would have two amounts to enter on 
(and not an audited partnership), no         adjustments from line 3. Carry the total of   Schedule A (Form 8978). First, X would 
modifications should be shown on Part V,     each column to the corresponding column       enter on line 1a “Schedule K-1, line 1, 
column (g), of that Form 8986 and no         on Form 8978, line 3b.                        Ordinary business income” in the 
modifications should be reported on          Line 5—Credits. Enter all the                 adjustments column and $50 in column 
Schedule A.                                  adjustments individually from Form 8986,      (a), which would be labelled “12/31/2020.” 
Schedule A line instructions.                Part V, that affect tax credits. Also include Second, X would enter on line 1b 
                                             related amounts and adjustments not on        “Inconsistent position previously taken on 
Line 1—Income. Enter all the                 Form 8986 that result from changes to         line 1a item” in the adjustments column 
adjustments individually from Form 8986,     partner-level tax attributes as a result of   and $30 in column (a). If he had no other 
Part V, that affect taxable income.          adjustments from Form 8986.                   adjustments, the amount of his total 
Generally, this includes adjustments to                                                    adjustments to income on line 2 of 
ordinary income, rental income, interest     Line 6—Total adjustments to                   Schedule A, column (a), would be $80. He 
income, dividends, royalties, gains and      credits. Enter the total of all adjustments   would carry this amount to Form 8978, 
losses, and other income. Also include       from line 5. Carry the total of each column   line 1b, column (a).
related amounts and adjustments not on       to the corresponding column on Form 
Form 8986 that result from changes to        8978, line 9b.                                Note. A partner’s requirement to treat 
                                                                                           partnership-related items consistently 
partner-level tax attributes and other items Inconsistent Positions                        applies to adjustments that result from an 
as a result of adjustments from Form 
                                             If you originally reported an amount for an 
8986.                                                                                      audited partnership or an AAR partnership 
                                             item inconsistent with the amount reported    regardless of whether the partner 
Line 2—Total adjustments to                  to you by the partnership on Schedule K-1     previously treated the item inconsistently. 
income. Enter the total of all adjustments   or Schedule K-3, and this same item is        However, partners that properly and timely 
from line 1. Carry the total of each column  included as an adjustment on the Form         file a subsequent Form 8082, Notice of 
to the corresponding column on Form          8986 received, you should also include        Inconsistent Treatment or Administrative 
8978, line 1b.                               the amount of inconsistency for that item     Adjustment Request (AAR), for items that 
                                             on Schedule A (Form 8978). For example,       are adjusted as part of an AAR filing are 
Line 3—Deductions. Enter all the             if partner X, a calendar year taxpayer,       not required to treat the items on 
adjustments individually from Form 8986,     received a tax year 2020 Schedule K-1         Schedule A (Form 8978) consistent with 
Part V, that affect deductions from income.  with $100 of ordinary business income,        the partnership’s treatment.
Generally, this includes adjustments to      and he only reported $70 on his Form 
separately stated items such as a section 

Instructions for Form 8978 (Dec. 2021)                      -5-

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Illustrations for Examples
Example 2. Schedule A (Form 8978), 
Audit Adjustments
SCHEDULE A                   Partner’s Additional Reporting Year Tax 
(Form 8978)                                 (Schedule of Adjustments)                                            OMB No. 1545-0123
(December 2019)                                     Attach to Form 8978. 
Internal Revenue Service 
Department of the Treasury    Go to www.irs.gov/Form8978 for the latest information.
Name of partner(s)                                                                                Partner tax ID number
Bill Jones                                                                                        XXX-XX-1111
  Adjustments                Tracking Number                            (a)            (b)          (c)                  (d) 
  (see instructions)                                    Tax Year Ended            Tax Year Ended  Tax Year Ended       Tax Year Ended 
                                                        12/31              /20 18 12 / 31/20 19   /    /20             /    /20 
1 Income:                                                                                                                     
a K-1, Line 1, Ordinary Inc.            9999999999                      15000

b K-1, Line 9a, Net LTCG/L              9999999999                      -3000          -3000

c Prev. Suspended PAL                                                   -5000




2 Total adjustments to income (add lines 1a through 1g 
  in each column (a) through (d))  . .  . .    . . . .                     7000        -3000
3 Deductions:                                                                                                                 
a K-1, Line 13, Other Ded.              9999999999                      -10000

b Additional 199A Ded.                                                     2800





4 Total adjustments to deductions (add lines 3a through 
  3g in each column (a) through (d))  . . .    . . . .                  -7200
5 Credits:                                                                                                                     






6 Total adjustments to credits (add lines 5a through 5g 
  in each column (a) through (d))  . .  . .    . . . .
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1065.           Cat. No. 70970F   Schedule A (Form 8978) (12-2019) 

                                                        -6-                                       Instructions for Form 8978 (Dec. 2021)

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Example 2. Form 8978, 
Audit Adjustments

Form  8978                          Partner’s Additional Reporting Year Tax                                            OMB No. 1545-0123
(December 2019)
Department of the Treasury         Go to www.irs.gov/Form8978 for instructions and the latest information.            Attachment   
Internal Revenue Service                                                                                               Sequence No. 57
Name of partner(s)                                                                                 Partner tax ID number
Bill Jones                                                                                           XXX-XX-1111
Part I     Computation of Additional Reporting Year Tax (see instructions)
                                                                      (a)              (b)                    (c)              (d) 
                                                                  Tax Year Ended   Tax Year Ended    Tax Year Ended     Tax Year Ended 
                                                                12  /31 /20  18 12   /31  /20 19            /    /20         /      /20 
1a    Total income per original return or as previously 
      adjusted  .        .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       1a       150000           150000
b     Adjustments to income from Schedule A (Form 
      8978), line 2, columns (a) through (d)  . . .  .       1b           7000         -3000
2     Combine lines 1a and 1b and enter the corrected 
      income. See instructions  .   . .   . .   . .  .       2        157000           147000
3a    Total  deductions  per  original  return  or  as 
      previously adjusted       . . . .   . .   . .  .       3a       50000            50000
b     Adjustments  to  deductions  from  Schedule  A 
      (Form 8978), line 4, columns (a) through (d) . .       3b       -7200                      0
4     Combine lines 3a and 3b and enter the corrected 
      deductions. See instructions    .   . .   . .  .       4        42800            50000
5     Corrected taxable income. Subtract line 4 from 
      line 2  .    .     .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       5        114200           97000

6     Income tax on line 5 (see instructions)   . .  .       6        21888            17760

7     Alternative minimum tax on line 5 (see instructions)   7               0                   0

8     Total corrected income tax. Add lines 6 and 7  .       8        21888            17760
9a    Total credits per original return or as previously 
      adjusted  .        .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       9a              0                   0
b     Adjustments  to  credits  from  Schedule  A  (Form 
      8978), line 6, columns (a) through (d)  . . .  .       9b              0                   0
10    Combine lines 9a and 9b and enter the corrected 
      credits. See instructions  .  . .   . .   . .  .       10              0                   0
11    Total corrected income tax liability. Subtract line 
      10 from line 8        . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       11       21888            17760
12    Total income tax shown on original return or as 
      previously adjusted       . . . .   . .   . .  .       12       18480            18480
13    Increase/Decrease to tax. Subtract line 12 from 
      line 11, columns (a) through (d) .  . .   . .  .       13           3408             -720
14    Total increase/decrease to reporting year tax. Add line 13, columns (a) through (d). Enter here and on
      the appropriate line on your tax return  .  .  .     . .  . . . .    . .   . . . .    .    . . .      . .      14             2688
Part II    Penalties (see instructions)                                                                                             

15    Penalties  .       .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       15              0                   0

16    Total penalties. Add line 15, columns (a) through (d)  .  . . . .    . .   . . . .    .    . . .      . .      16
Part III   Interest (see instructions)                                                                                              

17    Interest     .     .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       17            475                   0

18    Total interest. Add line 17, columns (a) through (d)  .   . . . .    . .   . . . .    .    . . .      . .      18             475
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions.                   Cat. No. 37802K                        Form 8978 (12-2019) 

Instructions for Form 8978 (Dec. 2021)                            -7-

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Example 3. Schedule A (Form 8978), 
AAR Adjustments                                          AAR
SCHEDULE A                  Partner’s Additional Reporting Year Tax 
(Form 8978)                                 (Schedule of Adjustments)                                            OMB No. 1545-0123
(December 2019)                                     Attach to Form 8978. 
Internal Revenue Service 
Department of the Treasury   Go to www.irs.gov/Form8978 for the latest information.
Name of partner(s)                                                                                Partner tax ID number
Frank Smith                                                                                       XXX-XX-2222
  Adjustments               Tracking Number                             (a)         (b)             (c)                  (d) 
  (see instructions)                                    Tax Year Ended            Tax Year Ended  Tax Year Ended       Tax Year Ended 
                                                        12 31/             /20 18 /    /20        /    /20             /    /20 
1 Income:                                                                                                                     






2 Total adjustments to income (add lines 1a through 1g 
  in each column (a) through (d))  . .  . .    . . . .
3 Deductions:                                                                                                                 
a K-1, Line 13, Other Ded.           (AAR) 99-9999999                   5000






4 Total adjustments to deductions (add lines 3a through 
  3g in each column (a) through (d))  . . .    . . . .                  5000
5 Credits:                                                                                                                     






6 Total adjustments to credits (add lines 5a through 5g 
  in each column (a) through (d))  . .  . .    . . . .
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1065.           Cat. No. 70970F   Schedule A (Form 8978) (12-2019) 

                                                        -8-                                       Instructions for Form 8978 (Dec. 2021)

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Example 3. Form 8978, 
AAR Adjustments
Form  8978                          Partner’s Additional Reporting Year Tax                                            OMB No. 1545-0123
(December 2019)
Department of the Treasury         Go to www.irs.gov/Form8978 for instructions and the latest information.            Attachment   
Internal Revenue Service                                                                                               Sequence No. 57
Name of partner(s)                                                                                 Partner tax ID number
Frank Smith                                                                                          XXX-XX-2222
Part I   Computation of Additional Reporting Year Tax (see instructions)
                                                                      (a)              (b)                    (c)              (d) 
                                                                  Tax Year Ended   Tax Year Ended    Tax Year Ended     Tax Year Ended 
                                                                12 /31/20    18      /    /20               /    /20         /      /20 
1a    Total income per original return or as previously 
      adjusted  .        .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       1a       150000
b     Adjustments to income from Schedule A (Form 
      8978), line 2, columns (a) through (d)  . . .  .       1b              0
2     Combine lines 1a and 1b and enter the corrected 
      income. See instructions  .   . .   . .   . .  .       2        150000
3a    Total  deductions  per  original  return  or  as 
      previously adjusted       . . . .   . .   . .  .       3a       50000
b     Adjustments  to  deductions  from  Schedule  A 
      (Form 8978), line 4, columns (a) through (d) . .       3b           5000
4     Combine lines 3a and 3b and enter the corrected 
      deductions. See instructions    .   . .   . .  .       4        55000
5     Corrected taxable income. Subtract line 4 from 
      line 2  .    .     .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       5        95000

6     Income tax on line 5 (see instructions)   . .  .       6        17280

7     Alternative minimum tax on line 5 (see instructions)   7               0

8     Total corrected income tax. Add lines 6 and 7  .       8        17280
9a    Total credits per original return or as previously 
      adjusted  .        .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       9a              0
b     Adjustments  to  credits  from  Schedule  A  (Form 
      8978), line 6, columns (a) through (d)  . . .  .       9b              0
10    Combine lines 9a and 9b and enter the corrected 
      credits. See instructions  .  . .   . .   . .  .       10              0
11    Total corrected income tax liability. Subtract line 
      10 from line 8        . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       11       17280
12    Total income tax shown on original return or as 
      previously adjusted       . . . .   . .   . .  .       12       18480
13    Increase/Decrease to tax. Subtract line 12 from 
      line 11, columns (a) through (d) .  . .   . .  .       13       -1200
14    Total increase/decrease to reporting year tax. Add line 13, columns (a) through (d). Enter here and on
      the appropriate line on your tax return  .  .  .     . .  . . . .    . .   . . . .    .    . . .      . .      14        -1200
Part II  Penalties (see instructions)                                                                                               

15    Penalties  .       .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       15

16    Total penalties. Add line 15, columns (a) through (d)  .  . . . .    . .   . . . .    .    . . .      . .      16
Part III Interest (see instructions)                                                                                                

17    Interest     .     .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       17

18    Total interest. Add line 17, columns (a) through (d)  .   . . . .    . .   . . . .    .    . . .      . .      18
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions.                   Cat. No. 37802K                        Form 8978 (12-2019) 

Instructions for Form 8978 (Dec. 2021)                            -9-

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Example 3. Schedule A (Form 8978), 
Audit Adjustments

SCHEDULE A                  Partner’s Additional Reporting Year Tax 
(Form 8978)                                 (Schedule of Adjustments)                                          OMB No. 1545-0123
(December 2019)                                     Attach to Form 8978. 
Internal Revenue Service 
Department of the Treasury   Go to www.irs.gov/Form8978 for the latest information.
Name of partner(s)                                                                              Partner tax ID number
Frank Smith                                                                                     XXX-XX-2222
  Adjustments               Tracking Number                             (a)       (b)             (c)                  (d) 
  (see instructions)                                    Tax Year Ended          Tax Year Ended  Tax Year Ended       Tax Year Ended 
                                                        12 /31/20            18 /    /20        /    /20             /    /20 
1 Income:                                                                                                                   
a K-1, Line 1, Income       99-888888888                                10000






2 Total adjustments to income (add lines 1a through 1g 
  in each column (a) through (d))  . .  . .    . . . .                  10000
3 Deductions:                                                                                                               






4 Total adjustments to deductions (add lines 3a through 
  3g in each column (a) through (d))  . . .    . . . .
5 Credits:                                                                                                                   






6 Total adjustments to credits (add lines 5a through 5g 
  in each column (a) through (d))  . .  . .    . . . .
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1065.         Cat. No. 70970F   Schedule A (Form 8978) (12-2019) 

                                                        -10-                                    Instructions for Form 8978 (Dec. 2021)

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Example 3. Form 8978, 
Audit Adjustments
Form  8978                          Partner’s Additional Reporting Year Tax                                            OMB No. 1545-0123
(December 2019)
Department of the Treasury         Go to www.irs.gov/Form8978 for instructions and the latest information.            Attachment   
Internal Revenue Service                                                                                               Sequence No. 57
Name of partner(s)                                                                                 Partner tax ID number
Frank  Smith                                                                                         XXX-XX-2222
Part I   Computation of Additional Reporting Year Tax (see instructions)
                                                                      (a)              (b)                    (c)              (d) 
                                                                  Tax Year Ended   Tax Year Ended    Tax Year Ended     Tax Year Ended 
                                                                12 /31/20    18      /    /20               /    /20         /      /20 
1a    Total income per original return or as previously 
      adjusted  .        .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       1a       150000
b     Adjustments to income from Schedule A (Form 
      8978), line 2, columns (a) through (d)  . . .  .       1b       10000
2     Combine lines 1a and 1b and enter the corrected 
      income. See instructions  .   . .   . .   . .  .       2        160000
3a    Total  deductions  per  original  return  or  as 
      previously adjusted       . . . .   . .   . .  .       3a       55000
b     Adjustments  to  deductions  from  Schedule  A 
      (Form 8978), line 4, columns (a) through (d) . .       3b              0
4     Combine lines 3a and 3b and enter the corrected 
      deductions. See instructions    .   . .   . .  .       4        55000
5     Corrected taxable income. Subtract line 4 from 
      line 2  .    .     .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       5        105000

6     Income tax on line 5 (see instructions)   . .  .       6        19680

7     Alternative minimum tax on line 5 (see instructions)   7               0

8     Total corrected income tax. Add lines 6 and 7  .       8        19680
9a    Total credits per original return or as previously 
      adjusted  .        .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       9a              0
b     Adjustments  to  credits  from  Schedule  A  (Form 
      8978), line 6, columns (a) through (d)  . . .  .       9b              0
10    Combine lines 9a and 9b and enter the corrected 
      credits. See instructions  .  . .   . .   . .  .       10              0
11    Total corrected income tax liability. Subtract line 
      10 from line 8        . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       11       19680
12    Total income tax shown on original return or as 
      previously adjusted       . . . .   . .   . .  .       12       17280
13    Increase/Decrease to tax. Subtract line 12 from 
      line 11, columns (a) through (d) .  . .   . .  .       13           2400
14    Total increase/decrease to reporting year tax. Add line 13, columns (a) through (d). Enter here and on
      the appropriate line on your tax return  .  .  .     . .  . . . .    . .   . . . .    .    . . .      . .      14             2400
Part II  Penalties (see instructions)                                                                                               

15    Penalties  .       .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       15              0                                                          0

16    Total penalties. Add line 15, columns (a) through (d)  .  . . . .    . .   . . . .    .    . . .      . .      16
Part III Interest (see instructions)                                                                                                

17    Interest     .     .  . . . . . .   . .   . .  .       17            170                                                      170

18    Total interest. Add line 17, columns (a) through (d)  .   . . . .    . .   . . . .    .    . . .      . .      18             170
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions.                   Cat. No. 37802K                        Form 8978 (12-2019) 

Instructions for Form 8978 (Dec. 2021)                            -11-

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                                              unless the form displays a valid OMB        approved under OMB control number 
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.      We       control number. Books or records relating   1545-0123 and is included in the 
ask for the information on this form to carry to a form or its instructions must be       estimates shown in the instructions for 
out the Internal Revenue laws of the          retained as long as their contents may      their business income tax return.
United States. You are required to give us    become material in the administration of 
the information. We need it to ensure that    any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax    If you have comments concerning the 
you are complying with these laws and to      returns and return information are          accuracy of these time estimates or 
allow us to figure and collect the right      confidential, as required by section 6103.  suggestions for making this form simpler, 
amount of tax.                                                                            we would be happy to hear from you. See 
You are not required to provide the           The time needed to complete and file        the instructions for the tax return with 
information requested on a form that is       this form will vary depending on individual which this form is filed.
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act        circumstances. The estimated burden for 
                                              business taxpayers filing this form is 

                                              -12-                                        Instructions for Form 8978 (Dec. 2021)

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