Enlarge image | Mail To: Cashier - Texas Workforce Commission P.O. Box 149037 Austin, TX 78714-9037 512.463.2731 www.texasworkforce.org WAGE DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION FOR PARTIAL TRANSFER OF COMPENSATION EXPERIENCE (Please submit wage distribution forms for at least four years, if applicable, prior to the year of acquisition.) Audited by ( AE Number) Date Quarter Ended Page No. of Pages Successor’s Name Predecessor’s Name Address Address City State Zip Code City State Zip Code Account Number Account Number (INSTRUCTION: Distribute amounts in Col. 3 between Col. 4 and Col. 5) 1 2 3 4 5 Employee’s Employee’s Name Total Total Total Social Security Number 1 st 2 nd Last Wages as Reported Wages Applicable Wages Retained (in numerical order) Initial Initial Name By Predecessor To Successor By Predecessor FOOTINGS FOR THIS PAGE COLUMN 3 TOTALS SHOULD EQUAL LINES 13 & 14 ON EMPLOYER’S QUARTERLY REPORT TOTAL WAGES Allocate to FOR THIS QUARTER Columns 4 & 5 TOTAL TAXABLE WAGES Allocate to FOR THIS QUARTER Columns 4 & 5 Prepared By Phone No. ( ) Ext. Individuals may receive, review and correct information that TWC collects about the individual by emailing to open.records@twc.state.tx.us or writing th to TWC Open Records, 101 E. 15 St., Rm. 266, Austin, TX 78778-0001. C-83 (051515) |