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 Mail To: 
 Cashier - Texas Workforce Commission 
 P.O. Box 149037 
 Austin, TX 78714-9037 
                                                                          WAGE DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION
                                                               FOR PARTIAL TRANSFER OF COMPENSATION EXPERIENCE 
                                           (Please submit wage distribution forms for at least four years, if applicable, prior to the year of acquisition.) 
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Audited by ( AE Number) 
Date Quarter Ended                                                                                                    Page No.           of              Pages                                    
Successor’s Name                                                                                                       Predecessor’s Name             
Address                                                                                                                Address            
City                               State             Zip Code                                                          City                               State             Zip Code             
Account Number                                                                                                         Account Number              

                                                (INSTRUCTION: Distribute amounts in Col. 3 between Col. 4 and Col. 5) 
                   1                            2                                                                     3                               4                                                5 
          Employee’s                  Employee’s Name                           Total                                                                 Total                                      Total  
  Social Security Number       1             st 2           nd            Last  Wages as Reported                                          Wages Applicable                                      Wages Retained 
  (in numerical order)         Initial       Initial       Name                 By Predecessor                                                     To Successor                                  By Predecessor 
FOOTINGS FOR THIS PAGE                                                                                                                                                                           
COLUMN 3 TOTALS SHOULD EQUAL LINES                                                                                                                                                               
13 & 14  ON EMPLOYER’S QUARTERLY REPORT                                                                                                                                                                 
TOTAL WAGES                                                  Allocate to                                                                                                                         
FOR THIS QUARTER                                        Columns 4 & 5                                                                                                                                       
TOTAL TAXABLE WAGES                               Allocate to                                                                                                                                    
FOR THIS QUARTER                                         Columns 4 & 5                                                                                                                                      
 Prepared By                                                       Phone No. (        )               Ext.            
                                      Individuals may receive, review and correct information that TWC collects  
                                      about the individual by emailing to open.records@twc.state.tx.us or writing  
                                      to TWC Open Records, 101 E. 15  St., Rm. 266, Austin, TX  78778-0001. 
 C-83 (051515) 

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